Rainbow: Anybody up for a body slam competition in the pool? Hey, Mr. Director Dude, can we have a break!
Director: Fine! But we have to get back later.
Twilight: Where did you get that idea from?
Rainbow: From this! *pulls out phone*
Twilight: COME ON!!! Not the Super Mario thing again!
Rainbow: It's the best game series, Twilight! You wouldn't understand because all you care about is books and knowledge.
Twilight: YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!! *tackles Rainbow Dash*
20 minutes later...
Applejack: ...Are y'all done now?
Rainbow: *puts ice pack on cheek* I think so.
Pinkie: Soooooo, how does this body slam thing work, Dashie?
Rainbow: Well, basically, you have to say your name, something about yourself, then jump into the pool.
Pinkie: Ooh! That's fun!
Rainbow: *tosses ice pack* It's pretty fun! Who's gonna start?
*awkward silence*
Pinkie: I WANNA START!!!
Rainbow: Hold on, before you start, one more thing! *turns to audience* You guys have to comment on who has the best body slam. Will tally it and see who wins!
Twilight: Who are you talking to?
Rainbow: No one!
Pinkie: *approaches pool* Okay, my name's Pinkie Pie and-
Rainbow: Don't just do this for the most comments!
Pinkie: ...Whatever! Okie-dokie, my name's Pinkie Pie and I'm an expert party planner! WHEEEEEEEE!!!! *jumps into pool* How'd I do?
Rainbow: I'm not the one in charge here!
Director: Keep it down over there!
Rainbow: ...He is. Okay, who's next?
Twilight: ...I'll go for you, Rainbow. *approaches pool and does calculations* Okay...just at a 90 degree angle and-
Twilight: *death stare*
Rainbow: Whoa!
Twilight: *sigh* *takes glasses off*
Rainbow: NERD!!!
Twilight: RAINBOW DASH, BE QUIET!!!! *sigh* Okay, my name's Twilight and I like studying a lot. *jumps into pool*
Rainbow: No one's gonna comment on that...ME NEXT!!!! *approaches pool* My name's Rainbow Dash and I like Super Mario and Fortnite! CARTWHEEL CANNONBALL!!!!! YEAH!!!! *jumps into pool* Aw, yeah! Everyone's gonna love mine! I'm definitely getting the most comments! Who's going next?
Rarity: Ugh, such childish behavior, I won't be doing this.
Rainbow: Get into the pool! *pushes Rarity into pool* That definitely counts as a body slam! Who's next!
Applejack: ...Only for you, Rainbow. *approaches pool* Phew-wee, I can do this. Name's Applejack and I own an apple farm along with my family! YEE-HAW!!! *jumps into pool*
Rainbow: Good one, AJ! Okay Fluttershy, you're up!
Fluttershy: Um, okay. *approaches pool* Um, my name's...Fluttershy animals *dips feet into pool* Does that count?
Rainbow: That's cheating!
Fluttershy: How?
Rainbow: You have to jump into the deep end, not the shallow end!
Fluttershy: Oh...can you count it at least? I can't swim.
Rainbow: Uh, I suppose. Sunset, you up?
Sunset: No thanks, I'm good.
Rainbow: Uh, okay. That's-That's cool. Alright guys, type in who has the best body slam! AND VOTE FOR MAINLY ME!!!
Rainbow: ...On second thought, comment on who you like best. We'll see who has the most comments and who wins!
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