Hello guys I'm back sorry for taking so long to make it up to you I will be releasing three chapters. Happy Reading
In the other Universe
I yawn as I get up from the bed throughout that uncomfortable night I don't blame myself the bed was made out of brick.
I walk tiredly into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I removed my clothes and seacrhed for my original one but I couldn't seem to find it.
All I could find was a black jumpsuit with a red stain on it." It's probably ketchup, I hope." I looked at it curiously.
Sometime later when I was done doing my 'Nature Calls' I went outside of the room the MV Anais put me in.
I was walking to take a look around the place until I saw MV Darwin, we haven't really gotten along pretty well.
"What are you doing out of your room?" He said holding some sort of laser gun. He was wearing the same black jumpsuit as I.
"The real question is, What are you doing out of your room?" I responded.
MV Darwin gave me a death stare which gave me a sign to shutup.
"Don't speak unless you are spoken too." MV Darwin said.
"But you spoke to me first." I said trying to defend myself.
"Anais didn't ask for you, so please kindly proceed to your room or suffer the consequences." He said as he started his laser gun with a smirk on his face.
"3...2...1." He opened his eyes and saw that I was gone. He went to my room and saw that I wasn't there either he looked very confused.
He went inside the weaponry and saw that I was holding a quadro-x7 3.0 laser edition gun and yes I memorised all the names.
"What are yo......Whoa!!" He shouted as he dodged the massive laser beam almost cutting of his head.
He looked up and gave me a death stare." I'm the inspector, these weapons you got here are really faulty, you buying that?" I said.
"Sure, I'm buying that." He said with a smirk on his face.
-In The Toilet-
I was scrubbing the entire toilet with nothing but a toothbrush and soap with Darwin on guard.
"Darwin...I am...d-one." I said panting.
"Very good." He said "Now for the rest of the punishment."
"There's more?!" I said in shock.
"Go and brush your teeth." He said with a devilish smirk on his face.
"Oh well that's easy, I will ju-" I said until he cut me off saying
" With the tootbrush you are holding."
I looked at it in disgust. "Darwin we can settle this like grown adults." I tried to negotiate with him.
"Don't adult talk me. Don't you remember the song." Darwin said as we did a flashback.
"Ohh...That's right. Wait I never did with you it was the other Darw-" I said trying to make some sense.
"It doesn't matter PUT THE BRUSH IN YOUR MOUTH NOWW!" He said firmly
Well I had no choice It was either that or being paralysed. I did it in slow motion just incase someone barges in to stop me.
-78 minutes later-
"Gumball! Stop." Carrie said barging in the toilet.
"It will be great if you came 78 minutes ago!" I said fustrated and also in releif.
"Cheif Anais has sent for you and also you Commander Darwin." Carrie said.
"You are excused." Darwin replied to Carrie. After she left we looked at each other in confusion.
On the walk to Anais office I decided to start a little conversation. " So....What do you guys do for fun around here?" I asked.
"We KILL for fun." He replied.
"Maybe I should keep quiet on the way there." I thought.
We entered into her office. In front of us was a huge chair and a desk. The chair slowly turned with MV Anais facing us with some pair sun glasses and a smirk.
"I know your guessing why I sent for you guys here. Any Opinions?" She asked.
"Tina was fired." I said
"I was fired?" I asked
"You were never even HIRED." She responded. " I want you knuckle heads to retrieve me a Inter-Dimensional transporter."
"Oh dang it. I was gonna say that next." I said as I slapped my palm on my forehead in disappointment.
"From where exactly?" MV Darwin asked.
"From the JUNKYARD." She said as her two hands hitting the desk with a smirk on her face.
"WHAT?! Your joking right? That is Penny central. This is a life or death mission your talking about." MV Darwin argued.
"I don't joke and Gumball will be following you." She replied.
"Too make things worse HE'S following me. There is a 2% chance that I will make it back there alive." He continued arguing.
"He is the only one who knows what it looks like." She replied.
"All because your the boss and I am your adopted brother doesn't mean tha-" before he could continue Anais caught him off saying.
He looked at her angrily for a moment and left the office. I just followed him.
"Emm...Darwin are you okay?" I asked in concern.
"Let's just go." He replied.
Hello guys the next chapter will be realesed in the next 30 minutes. Feel free to leave a comment below. Have a good day.
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