"Initializing Ganali device. Detonation in t-minus two minutes." The Lizard, set up the device, imputing the serum into it on top of Oscorp Tower.
I climbed my way to the top and shot out a web, running around the building and swinging up and over toward's him. My feet kicking his chest, and he grabbed my leg as we fell to the lower part of the roof on the tower. I kicked him over and over again the face trying to get him to let me go. We crashed into a large generator, causing it to spark up.
Hopping out of it and crawling around the ground, avoiding the swiping claws, I shot out a web to the pole that the device was on top of and tried desperately to sling myself up. He caught my foot once more. Throwing me back down on the ground, lifting me up and throwing me off the roof. I spun in the air, and sent out a web attaching it to the building. I crawled up the side and began approaching the top. My eyes widened when the Lizard appeared above me at the edge holding a large piece of metal over his head.
He tried throwing it at me and I took a leap out of the way. He tried swiping at me and I avoided him. Lifting my wrist, I shot a web at his face making him roar and try to peel it off away from the edge. I made another attempt to get up onto the roof again and he came back swinging his tail. Jumping backward's off the wall to avoid him, I shot out a web and it attached to his chest. I pulled myself up and kicked him away. More web's shot from my wrist and I pulled myself at and around him, landing on the pole. I needed to get to the top to shut down the device.
The Lizard jumped at me and I moved, then proceeded to jump again out of the way, to a higher walkway. I landed on it and just kept jumping and shooting out web's making my way toward's the Ganali device. He threw a pressurized container at me, knocking me of the pole. I landed on the ground on my back and groaned. The container, stayed lodged in the ladder and began to freeze the bottom of the pole.
He jumped at me and I webbed myself away. To my right was a box that had metal pipes coming our from it. I attached a web and pulled making the liquid nitrogen start to spill out. My body was scooped up by the Lizard. His tail wrapped around my hand crushing my web shooter on one hand, his hand wrapped around my neck and he squeezed. The other hand realizing what happened to the other, began crushing my wrist and breaking the web shooter on the other side.
He grabbed the mask and pulled it off my struggling figure. My face bloody and bruising.
"Poor Cate Barrett." He said each word slowly. "No mother, no father, no uncle." He growled. "All alone."
A shot gun barrel clicked as it was cocked back.
"She's not alone." George Stacy said, holding the gun.
The Lizard roared at him and George shot the liquid nitrogen container. The pipe popped off and started spraying everywhere. I grabbed it as it came flying near us and pointed it directly to his face. Making him roar and scream. I sprayed the tail that had been wrapped around my neck and as he froze he dropped my body from his grip. I bent on the ground and continued pointing the nitrogen at him while George shot at him. Making his tail break off. A shot hit his hand, and blew apart his fingers.
"Detonation in T-minus 45 second's." The computer voice said.
He tried to continue walking toward's George. I tossed away he pipe and jumped up, kicking his chest, knocking him away. Into a smaller divot in the roof, that the pipe had landed in.
We both walked toward's him and George continued to shoot. Subduing him. He grabbed the vile from his pocket and held it out to me.
"Hey. Gift from Peter and Gwen." He said. Keeping the gun pointed at Dr. Connor's Lizard form. I took it from him and didn't move. "I got this, Cate. Go!"
I ran from him and started climbing quickly up the pole.
"T-minus 30 seconds."
The nitrogen ran out and George consisted to shoot as the ice broke off of the Lizard's body, allowing his limb's to regrow. Mr. Stacy backed up and shot the gun at him as he climbed out of the lower part of the roof. The Lizard knocked the gun from his hand's and shoved his claw's into his abdomen. Piercing through to the other side. He looked up seeing me at the top of the pole and dropped him to the ground, running up after me.
Unaware of what had just happened below I made it to the top of the pole.
"T-minus 10 seconds." The computer voice said.
The lizard, below shook the pole as he climbed up on it, breaking through anything in his path.
The lizard took a leap from the pole forcing his large body upwards.
I got the containment system open and quickly began switching the viles.
The lizard's arm grabbed my foot just as I closed the device. I hung from the edge with a scream.
"1." The vile launched into the air above us.
The lizard smiled thinking he'd won. I watched it explode and a large storm cloud was dispersed across the city. It was big and blue and beautiful. The mist began to rain down. When the Lizard realized the cloud was blue, his face turned to shock and he began to change.
"No." He mumbled the last of his claw running down his face as he changed back into Dr.Connors.
The hand he was using, holding onto my injured leg, began to peel away. He fell from the pole back down to the lower roof. I pulled myself onto the grated walkway, as his body crashed through the bottom of the pole.
The ice build up from the liquid nitrogen container, snapped the bottom of the pole. Lurching forward with a creak. I held on tightly as jumped as it started to fall. I landed on the side of the building and began rolling down closer to the edge. The pole went over the edge plummeting to the ground below.
I couldn't do anything to stop it. My body rolled over the edge and a hand caught me. I looked back up to see the disappearing hand of Dr. Connors as he groaned trying to pull me up. He quickly reached out as his grip let go with his other hand and caught me. He yelled and pulled with all the strength he had left. I was able to grab the edge of the building and pull my own way up. We sat together and watched as his arm completely peeled away. His eyes went wide in realization.
"The Captain."
"Mr. Stacy!" I yelled running towards him. I stopped next to his body and he was shaking, holding a pistol in one hand, pointed in the last direction he'd seen the Lizard go.
"The Lizard?" He asked shakily.
"It's okay. We stopped him." I nodded and spoke softly.
"Okay." He breathed.
"Let's get you out of here." I whispered with a small sympathetic smile. I tried to lift him and he hissed in pain. "Okay, okay, okay. That's not working. Look at me, I need you to stay with me. Help is coming, okay?"
"You need too..." He breathed out roughly. "You need to be gone when they... when they get here. Okay?" He groaned in pain as he tried to adjust himself.
"I'm not going anywhere." I shook my head.
"I was really wrong about you, Cate. This city needs you. Here." He lifted his hand and gave me my mask. "You're gonna need this. You're gonna make enemies." He breathed in sharply. "People will get hurt. Sometimes that's the people closest to you. So I need you to promise me something, okay?" He asked and I nodded.
"Leave Gwen and Peter out of it. So, please. Promise me that." He looked at me as tear's filled my eyes. I looked to the ground as they fell. "Huh? Promise me." He said again.
I looked back up at him and I nodded once. George Stacy, New York City's Police Captain took his last breath and his eye's closed... I let out a choked sob. The hand that was holding mine let go. I stood on my feet and looked down at him one last time. I walked to the edge of the building and looked out across the city.
"An eerie calm has set in over New York City. Apparently, some sort of aerosolized antidote was launched from Oscorp tower, which seems to have counteracted the bio toxins. Resident's of lower manhattan can rest peacefully, knowing that the alleged mastermind of this terror plot, Dr. Connors, is behind bars. We've got John Niles for a report in Lower Manhattan."
Aunt Mary had made her way home and was watching the news as I entered the house.
I was limping and covered in cut's, blood, and bruises. She walked over to me slowly and looked at my face. I gave her a weak grin and shook my backpack off my shoulder. I reached inside it and pulled out a carton of eggs. My eyes filled with tears. She smiled at me, and when she noticed them she engulfed me into a gentle hug.
"Oh, sweetheart, it's all right. It's all right." She said softly.
"I, uh, had a rough night..." I said through my tears.
"It's gonna be all right." She whispered.
After a two day's, to make preparation's. It was time for Mr.Stacy's funeral. It was dark and raining. I wasn't going to go. But, Aunt Mary convinced me otherwise. I went and kept my head down.
Of course, that night of his death, I had apologized to Gwen. But I hadn't talked to her or Peter since. His last word's floated through my head.
Peter came to the house afterward's and knocked on my bedroom door. I flicked the lock of the door open and sighed seeing him standing there. I sat on my bed again and he entered the room, shutting the door behind him.
"Hi." He said quietly.
"Hi." I whispered.
"Cate, I..."
"Peter, I can't do this." I whispered again. Keeping my head down.
"You can't do what?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
Peter walked over and bent down in front of me and put his hand's on my knees as the tear's fell.
"I can't see you anymore." I said a bit louder and looked up into his brown eyes. I watched his eye's go from glowing their usual shine to a dullness slowly spreading across them.
"Okay. You want to inform me why?" He asked softly.
"Peter, I'm not good for you."
"If there's one thing that I know. It's that you, Cate Barrett, are good. You're it for me. I don't want anyone else. If anyone has a problem with that then they can take it up with me." He explained while stroking my cheek. Wiping away the tears.
"I promised, Peter... I promised him that I would keep you and Gwen out of this. If the only way I can protect you is by keeping you at a distance, then so be it. I told you once, that you are all I have left. I refuse to be the reason... if something ever happened to you... I cannot lose you, Peter Parker." I let out a breathy sigh.
"Don't you think that I should have a say about how you protect me? Being with you is my choice. Now, if you want to break up because that's truly what you want. Then, I will let you go and I'll never stop being your friend. But, if you're trying to do this out of some sort of obligation, to keep me safe, due to a promise to a man that has no say over my life. Then, I don't accept it. I refuse to let you go. I told you, I wasn't going anywhere. I plan on keeping that promise. So, you think on that for the night." He kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.
I groaned and laid back on my bed. After a few hours I pulled out my phone and wrestled with my thoughts. If there was ever one person I could talk to that knew what to say now, it was my Uncle Bob. But, he wasn't here anymore. I remembered that final message that I never listened to fully and clicked on it.
"Cate, I know thing's have been difficult for you lately, and I'm sorry about that. I think I know what you're feeling. Ever since you were a little girl, you've been living with so many unresolved things. Well, take it from an old man: those things send us down a road. They make us who we are. And if anyone's destined for greatness, it's you, dear. You owe the world your gift's. You just have to figure out how to use them. And know that where ever they take you, we'll always be here. So, come on home, Cate. You're my hero. And I love you."
I looked at the pictures on my cork board, seeing the picture of me and my parents and a young picture of Uncle Bob. I decided to go for a walk through the neighborhood. When I did, I noticed an amazing graffiti painting along one of the wall's. It was a large spider, representing the one I wear on my chest. I smiled at it and thought about Uncle Bob's word's. I knew where I was headed and what road I wanted to take.
After about a week of the school being shut down to manage the damage done during the fight with Dr. Connors. It had finally opened back up. It had been a few day's since I had talked to Peter. I sat at my locker and saw him down the hall. I knew what I wanted and what I needed to say.
"Hey, Cate." Flash called out from behind me. I turned and smiled at him.
"Hi, Flash."
"You coming along, okay? You look happier. I'm glad to see it." He smiled brightly and I nodded.
"Yep, I'm doing good. Ever need any help and I'll be here. Oh, nice shirt by the way." I called out after him.
He turned around and was wearing a red shirt with the spider logo on it.
"Yeah, she's pretty crazy. Really, cool." He nodded. "I think us guy's are digging on her."
I chuckled and he walked away as the bell rang. Peter walked by me and I caught his arm.
"I need to say one thing." I whispered as we stood at the locker's.
"There are certain promise's in this world that are meant to be kept and some that are meant to be broken. I promise you to do everything in my power to keep you out of harm's way. I told you before that I can't, no I won't, lose you. If for one second something become's to dangerous, Peter. I will not hesitate to protect you by leaving you and you can't give me the option not to. Regardless of why. I know who I am now, and part of that requires a lot of responsibility. So, I need to know you are willing to accept those term's. I can't agree to try this, if you don't understand the risks or consequences."
"As long as we are together, friend's or in a relationship, I can accept it all. Just like you refuse to lose me, I will not lose you either. Everybody need's somebody and I promised to be that for you and I won't break that promise." Peter said softly.
"Great, then I think that's a fair deal. We protect each other in different way's." I smirked.
"Me too, I agree." Peter smiled and leaned in. We kissed shortly and then walked to class.
"So does that mean I can be your man in the chair?" He asked curiously.
"My what?" I asked.
"The man in the chair, you know behind the scenes. Helping you out and telling you where to go. That kind of stuff. All heroes have a person in the chair. You'd be lucky to have me." He grinned and I shook my head.
"I suppose you can be my man in the chair." I laughed.
I patrolled the city that night in my suit. Swinging along, and thinking about my promise. I intended to keep my promise to my Uncle and to The Captain. Only it was so much bigger than anyone else had realized. I vowed to protect this city with everything I have. It was my responsibility to use my gift's for a greater power then just for my own vendetta's. I would do my best to protect everyone, not just a select few. And to put a stop to anyone that threatened that promise.
Because with great power, comes great responsibility.
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