Chapter Nine
"Are you alright?" Peter asked MJ once they had gotten far away enough from the park. She looked down at herself, patting her body in hopes she wouldn't see whatever that thing was fall from her clothes.
She nodded slowly, gulping down all the air she could. "Mhm." She hummed, looking up at Peter. "I'm sorry. I probably should have listened but it was my first story Y'know and I just really—"
"Hey!" Peter grabbed her arms gently, forcing her to look up at him. "It's okay. I know you got a bit excited to see it. I was just— Uh.. I just wanted to make sure you'd be okay." He smiled softly as MJ huffed, nodding slowly.
"Thanks, I guess. Are you— um.. are you okay?" She raised a brow as Peter then looked down to check himself before nodding.
"Yeah... yeah I think I'm alright. Did you write anything down? For the— for the story?" He asked as MJ hummed again, pulling out her note pad and looking down at it.
"Uh yeah, actually. Wrote down that it's probably not safe to be around whatever the bell that thing was until police or.. hazard guys took a better look at it. I mean, it was already blocked off and we kinda just ignored it which wasn't the best option." MJ chuckled nervously, scratching her thumb as if it's help soothe her nerves.
"I think we should head back to the Daily Bugle. Tell Jonah what we saw." Peter suggested as she nodded, the two slowly starting to walk back to the city.
"So! What did you find?" Jonah said a little eagerly, hoping MJ or Peter had gotten something interesting enough to be on the cover.
"Oh you know... just a meteor with a strange black goo that chased us out the park." MJ laughed awkwardly as Jonah kept a straight face, and then frowned.
"There was this black goo... kind of looked like a walking spider web." Peter cleared his throat, scratching the back of his neck as he spoke.
"Black goo? What is this, the beginning of an evil menace—?" Jonah looked away for a second as an idea popped into his head before he grinned. "I want this on the cover of every page of our newspaper! Mary, you get Moriah to write the best god damn story about this meteor! I want people to fear it! Maybe it will snag Spider-Man and turn him into the bad guy!"
"Spider-Man? But he's a hero." MJ frowned as Jonah slammed on his desk and pointed at her.
"And a hero always has a downfall! All heroes have had their fair share of an evil week. Maybe Spider-Man will have a villain arc that I need to prove he's a bad man!"
MJ frowned at Jonah in disappointment. Did he really think that lowly of a guy that's saved hundreds of people in just a few years?
"... Will do, sir." MJ mumbled before slowly walking out of his office to find Moriah.
"MJ! You're back." The girl turned her head to see Eddie walking over to her.
"Hey, Eddie.. yeah I was just on my way to find Moriah." MJ ran a hand through her hair as Eddie frowned, shoving his hands into his jacket.
"You look like you saw a ghost." He chuckled, then frowned again when MJ didn't laugh back. "Holy shit did you guys see a ghost?"
"No! No I'm.. uh— trust me if I saw a ghost, I'd be screaming it right now." She scratched her thumb again, looking around in hopes to find Moriah.
"Well... what did you see?"
"I guess you'll have to find out when it's on the front page tomorrow." She smiled and waved Moriah over, who quickly scurried to where the two were.
"Hey MJ. You're back earlier than expected." She smiled as MJ nodded, sucking in a breath as she patted her pockets, digging around for her journal.
"Yeah I Uh.. actually Jonah wanted me to tell you to write the story on my piece... about the meteor that fell down in the park a few nights ago." Moriah's eyes widened with excitement.
"Really?! He wants me to write it!?" She smiled as MJ nodded, Eddie smirking as he patted Moriahs shoulder.
"You're first story that'll make the front page. Congrats, Moriah. You've definitely earned it." Eddie walked away as MJ nodded in agreement.
"He's not wrong. I've seen your articles on Wilson Fisk and Norman Osborne before. They're really good." She smiled as Moriah grinned.
"Thank you, MJ. That really does mean a lot. We can go work on the article at my desk, if you'd like." MJ nodded slowly as Moriah led them to her desk, which was cluttered with old news articles and a photo of her an a little boy.
"You have a kid?" MJ asked as Moriah looked over at the photo with a saddened look.
"Had. He passed last year." MJ gave Moriah a look of remorse.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't imagine how that must've been." Moriah nodded as she sat down, smiling softly.
"I think he would have liked you. He'd be 12 today." Moriah said while logging into her computer, MJ dragging a seat over. "Did you say the police were there or no?"
MJ shook her head. "Nope. There was the police tape, but no one was there. Like.. no one. There was an abandoned motorbike, so I think the person that owned it ran when the meteor struck. Came in handy for Peter and I."
"What do you mean?" Moriah asked, turning to look at her.
"There was this... thing in the meteor. Like a creature of some kind. I think it was a symbiote."
"A symbiote? What's that?"
"It's like a parasite, I think. If it connects with a body that doesn't attempt to reject it, it can make a pair that could practically be unstoppable. I think Ive seen one before when I was an intern at a this company that closed down a few years ago.. the symbiote formed a bond with my partner and.. well half of the crew was killed. The symbiote and my partner were one of them."
"Wow... that would be cool to put in the paper— well.. if that's okay with you?"
"Oh yeah! I don't have a problem with it being in there. As long as people know that they shouldn't come into contact with it in case.. that happens again." Moriah started to type at her keyboard, MJ watching as word after word appeared on the screen at such a fast pace she couldn't comprehend anything.
"This symbiote you're talking about... did you or Peter come into contact with it?" Moriah asked as MJ shook her head.
"No... no I don't think it did."
Okay. So I think I've come up with a face claim for Moriah and Eddie.
I can't stop thinking about how perfect Evan Peters would be to play Eddie. We've all seen him play Quicksilver, and he was AMAZING for that. And for all of his characters in AHS. I do, however still love Tom Hardy and think he played Eddie Brock phenomenally, but this Eddie is still in his early 20s, like, maybe around 22-24. Just a little older than Peter and MJ.
Moriah is around 25-28. Obviously that means she had her kid really young, but she cared about him deeply. I might get more into her background/raising her son and all of that but that's also up to you guys! I'm thinking of giving her the face claim of Shailene Woodley. I'm aware she was Mary Jane in the amazing Spider-Man, but since we didn't any scenes of her character I decided to change her to be my OC Moriah.
Don't forget to comment and vote :)
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