Chapter 1: Origins Part 1
"Okay, let do this one more time."
Seeing of the young man smiles with the confident looks, before pull down a familiar masked but has the colour of green.
"My name is Izuku Midoriya, I was bitten by the radioactive Spider. I live in the City of Heroes clled Musutafu."
Seeing of the name tagged, before changes showing of Izuku got bitten by a radioactive spider on his hand at science school trip. Showing he rushes on top of the rooftop before shoot out of web string swinging across the city of Musutafu.
"It all started when our worlds used to be ordinary and normal, but there is the news about the baby gave the light was born, in the China of Qingqing City."
Seeing the baby glowing brightly after newborn, while the father trembling in shock seeing of his child glowing brightly.
"Ever since the various superpowers called known as Quirks, were discovered in various different place, our worlds has changes, we unable to find out what the cause identified being identified. Supernatural becomes normal and Dreams become realities become Heroes."
"That right, we live in the Worlds of the Superheroes Society, the 80% population has been increasingly rising that the others has special abilities and traits leaving Professional against the threats and Chaos. And the other 20% known as Quirkless possesses none of the powers or abilities. They're considered of the normal, they're have their own society distraction that separate half of our countries with zones on it."
Showing the society of 80% showing of their abilities using for the entertainment while the other 20 are just the normal human beings. Before changes showing the giant wall it as tall then cities.
"You're wondering where I live? Well.... I live in Quirk Zone aka the SuperHeroes World, you're probably why I didn't live in Quirklesss Zone? Ever since I always dream wanted become a Heroo when I was a kid, but I was bully and ridicule by others with their "cool" quirks. But, this is my chance... I given my dream as heroes, become vigilante as true heroes. Why? This is my gift, my curse. Who am I? I am Spider-Man"
"It all happened in during of Two Years ago, of how my life has changed. That I was the quirkless worthless boy was their punching bag"
Seeing of the white car arriving to the large tower, before parking of the staff. Revealing of the young boy taking the ride with the older woman.
Izuku: You don't have to do this, for me, nee san. *Sheepish smiles and tell her not to worry*
(Stan: Izuku Midoriya! Power Status type: Quirkless, he possessed no power just as a normal human being! A boy with the strong sense of justice and kind hearted! Who know his fate will come to him.)
(Present Mic: Hey! That my jobs! *Shouted in annoyed and jealous)
(Stan: Too bad, boy! In fact I am older then you. I may be dead but my spirit and legacy will live on! Excelsior!!! Marvel Forever!!!)
Kaori: Nonsense! It my job as the older sister to take care of my little brother and in fact... I wouldn't want you to be missed your school. *Smiles in kindly*
(Stan: Kaori Midoriya! Power Status: Jewellery Shapes, she can allowed to summons or forms the diamonds on her body to create the diamonds or any types of jewellery and even makes the weapons. She is the kind, caring and loving older sister of Young Izuku Midoriya, defending him from his mean bullies, she in the University and working as Oscorp Scientist.)
Izuku: Come on, nee san, it would be weird that I went with my older sister in my field trip with my other class. *Said in shy and embarrassed*
Kaori: Don't worry about it. You got lucky, because your school is going to the same building where I worked for. Are you going come in or out? *Smiles in reassures with kindness*
Izuku: Thanks, nee san. But I think I should be wait for Henry. *Smiles in kindly decline*
Kaori: Okay, I see you when I presented for your school trips. *nodded in understanding*
And so Izuku exited of his sister's car, seeing everyone already outside while talking to each others. He turns facing seeing of the large tower is the Oscorp Industries.
Izuku: Wow.... This is so cool. *Smiles in awe with admiring looks*
???: Deku! What the fuck you doing here?! *Shouted in angrily*
Making Izuku to be let out of the flinched and shiver on his spine, recognized of the voice. Is none then other is his former childhood friend turn bully and torment.
(Stan: Katsuki Bakugou, Power Status explosion. Both of the boys used to be close as best friend, but changes everything since Baugou got his quirk and young Izuku was deemed be quirkless. Causing their friendship broke thanks to the society and also.... I don't even like this boy.)
Deku: He-He-Hey, Kac-chan.... How you do... *Stutter and nervously but cut*
Kacchan: Don't you fucking greet me! How the fuck did you get he... *cut*
???: Bakugou, enough! Leave him alone! *Stern tone*
Revealing the young girl wearing of the school uniform with sailor, but wearing the armband on her arm.
(Stan: Liz Toomes! Power Status: Air Blown! She is the class rep of this class! Strong leader, smart, stern and caring leader. She defend Young Izuku Midoriya from his former childhood friend turn bully. She is Izuku's first love but stutter sometime can't talk to him)
Inner Izuku: Class Representative is the kind girl... *blush*
Seeing in the game of the dodgeballs, where everyone was participate playing the games, Izuku meekly timid to dodge from incoming balls attempted to hit him. Knowing his class wanted to hit him, because he just the plain, frail, quirkless boy.
Liz: Izuku!
Making Izuku glances at Liz with her friends and other students got out from the game sitting on the stage.
Liz smiles waving at him supporting, making Izuku smiles passionately and felt warm because she too nice to him. While her friends glaring daggerly and disgusted looks at him, while the boys felt jealously.
Liz: Gambatte! *Smiles and cheering*
Izuku: I will! I.... GAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! *cut*
But.... He didn't aware that he let his guard down, when someone before threw the ball is none then other is Bakugou. He uses all his strength throw the ball powerful flew to hit on.... Deku's nut!
Causing Izuku let out of the high shrieked, as his entire body turns into white as pale. Before he landed his head on the flat floor cover his nut, making the girls let out of ooohhhh and the boys went wince and cover his family part. Except for Bakugou let out his arrogant laugh.
Bakugou: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!! How does it feel fucking, Deku?! Taste of my fucking King Howler Death Blo... *cut*
Liz: *blow whistle* Bakugou! You out! *Stern tone*
Bakugou: What?! You fucking bitch! How the fuck am I right, you fucking air head class rep bitch! I still in this fucking game! You know who going be number 1 surpass All Might?! Me! I will be the fucking Number 1 Japan and even the Whole World! So don't tell me what to do you fu... *ranting at Liz*
As Liz grew tired of this, she decided end this. Liz grab the ball from nearby and throw the ball in quick speed targeting at Bakugou.
He open wide, before he could move out in quick reaction but too late. It already hit him... on the nut!
(R.I.P for Bakugou's Kids.... No Girls will ever wanted go out with him...)
Flashback ended
Bakugou: Tch! Whatever *Scowled*
He stormed off to past through them, he even bumped Izuku for nearly fall down to losing his balance.
Liz: You okay, Izuku? *Asking with concern looks*
Izuku: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! I-I-I'm fine! Thank you class rep! *blush in embarrassed stuttering*
Liz: *giggles* Izuku, we're classmate. There no need to be formal with me. Call me Liz, like everyone else. *Smiles warmly*
Izuku: Okay, Class Re... I mean Liz! *blush in embarrassed correct himself*
Seeing the car arriving in front of the Oscorp Tower, but the young man order his driver to change the parking position.
???: You know Charles, can we drive around the corner, please?
???'s father: Why? The entrance is right there of our tower. *Asking in concern of bit*
Revealing the young man who is Izuku's childhood best friend that defend him from Bakugou.
(Stan: Henry Osborn! Power Status Quirkless! He is Izuku's childhood best friend, Henry save Izuku from Bakugou from bullying they're become best friend and defend him from bully. He even went in normal school knowing get admirers and fanclubs. Knowing the girls greedy want his family's money)
Henry: Dad, those are the public school kids. I'm not showing up for the field trip and the rolls. *Roll his eyes*
Norman: What you want me to trade in my car for a jetta, just you flunked out of every private school I ever sent you. And not even wanting to move out for the Quirkless Zone? *Asking in concern*
Revealing the father is Norman Osborn the founder and CEO of Oscorp Industries.
(Stan: Norman Osborn Power Status: Quirkless! He is the founder and CEO of Oscorp to be studying on chemistry, electrical, bio engineering, genetic research and of technology. He wanted be the good father for his son, Henry.)
Henry: It wasn't for me.
Norman: Of course it was. Don't you ever be ashamed of you who are. *try to encourage him*
Henry: I'm not ashamed of who I am.
Norman: Just with him.
Henry: Forget it. *Exasperated*
Henry exited of the car, before calling his best friend's name and catch up to him.
Henry: Iz.
Izuku: Hey, Henry. *Smiles*
Before they're could enter to the Oscorp Laboratory Tower, but someone has called out to his name.
Norman: Henry! Won't you be needing this? *smiles and reminded him that holding of bag*
Henry: Uhhhh... Izuku, I want you to meet my father. Norman Osborn. *introduce his dad to his best friend*
Norman: I heard so much about you, and even your sister is the brilliant smart like the diamond like you. *Smiles handshake him*
Izuku: Great, to honor meet you, sir. *Smiles in friendly*
Norman: Henry tells me, you're quite a science and fanboy of heroes whiz.
Izuku: Yes, sir. I look up at All Might. *Smiles in admiringly*
Henry: *cough* Everyone does *cough in whisper*
Norman: You know. I'm something of a scientist of myself. *Smiles*
Izuku: I heard all your research on your nanotechnology, really brilliant. *Inform*
Norman: You understand that? *Stunned looks*
Izuku: Yes, I did. And you funded of the Super Wall around the global with the other companies like Star Labs, Stark Industries, Wayne Industres, Life Foundation, Lexcorp, Hidden Intelligence and every companies funded upgraded the wall with high tech. I even wrote paperit. *Smiles warmly*
Norman: Impressive. Your parents and sister must be very proud. *Can't help to be impressed*
Izuku: I live with my mom and older sister and even my uncle too. My dad goes on the business trip.
Teacher: Hey, you two! Let go already! *Shouted at Izuku and Henry*
Izuku: Nice to meet you. *handshake with Norman*
Norman: Hope, to see you again. *Smiles in friendly*
Two friends departed separately. Henry and Izuku go for their field trip, while Norman go to his job as CEO.
Izuku: Your dad, seems to be nice and he doesn't looks so bad.
Henry: Yeah, not if you're a genius and even as the fanboy of All Mights and even the heroes. I think he even wants to adopt you. *joking*
Kaoru let her debut to be shine. She showing of the class wandering around of the lab and researching of Spiders. And Izuku can't help doing his hobbies to writing down on his notebook, that he analyse things.
As Izuku got one thing he need to do. Camera. That right, he do camera, because he love taking picture.
Izuku: Nee san, can I take the picture for our school paper.
Kaoru: Of course, Izuku. *Smiles in kindly*
Izuku take out of his camera, revealing it Sony. (A/N: That right it's Sony. It make sense that Sony Company does make Spider-Man movies and even video games. Marvel and Sony has to share Spidey)
No matter how Izuku try to take the picture on it, but Bakugou's goons kept knocking on Izuku's back to interrupted his photoshot.
Henry: Leave him alone. *Annoyed at someone bully his best friend*
Bakugou's goon: Or what? *mocking tone*
Bakugou: Or his father of fire his father. *mocking tone*
Making the bully let out of the mocking and taunting laugh, before they're high five.
Bakugou: What's your daddy going to do? Sue me for your worthless quirkless ass. *grin mocking holding Henry's shirt*
Kaoru: Bakugou, are you bullying my brother and his friend in their school trip of my lab. *cold tone*
Bakugou: Tch! What you think I doing? *unfriendly tone*
Kaori: Leave them alone, or I call your mother. *cold tone as the chill spreading out*
Bakugou: Don't you dare, call that old hag, you stupid bit.... *cut*
Kaori: DiD yoU hAvE a deAtH wISh, boY?! *Demonic tone*
She giving the death glare that could pierce their soul through their school and eyes.
Making the cold chill spread through the area surrounding them, as Bakugou's goons shiver in fear as they're holding each others. As Bakugou unfazed before he let out of tch and let go of Henry, shove him a bit.
Bakugou stormed off and joins the other, even his goons followed felt the shit on their pants but for Bakugou...
Inner Bakugou: I just almost shit myself! And she still the same, that scared the shit out of me! *grunted with gritted teeth*
Yep! In truth... Bakugou was always scared of Kaoru, giving of her cold death glare if he ever harm Izuku. She considered the top scary person to his life, his mother second scary to him.
And finally she showing the last project of the spider.
Kaori: A combining the new genetic information from all three spiders, into 15 genetically designed super spiders.
Liz: There, 14. One is missing. *notices one of the spider missing*
Kaori:..... Nani?! *high pitch shrieked*
Making the students let out of the startled.
Kaori: Dammit, you guys just check around of the place what you learn and write down on your number, I'm going to ask the idiots who is lazy enough who never do their jobs. *growled in annoyed tone and rushes off*
Unaware the Spider has the webs on top of it on the pillar to the ceiling.
Izuku watching his Class Rep can't help to be in awe looking at the spiders. As he decided to speak for her.
Izuku: Hey, uh... Can I take your pictures for the class papers. I need one of the students in it. *Asking in pleaded with shy tone*
Liz: Yeah!
Izuku: Great!
Liz: Where you want me? Over here? *walk next to Spider's glass*
Izuku: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's great. *Smiles*
Liz: Don't make me looks so ugly. *Smiles*
Izuku: That's... That's impossible.
Izuku taken the shot on his camera on Liz, she doing the style like the fashion model. Unaware the Spider making the web string moving down at Izuku.
As Liz got call from her friend, before she apologize to Izuku and catch up to her. He said no problem. He continue taking picture on his camera. And Spider landed on his hand.
Making him wince in pain, before shook his arm down, making the spider shaken off fell down on the ground.
Izuku shook his hand for the bit, he notices the spider on the ground, before moving around. Realizing it one of the spider missing, before he could tell his sister but call by his friend Henry. Decided go to him.
Knowing that his life will change.
End of Chapter 1
Next Chapter: Origins Part 2 With Great Power comes Great Responsibility.
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