The Vulture
Izuku POV:
It's a day since the quirk exams and Ochako and I kept talking non stop about our time on the first day. And my UA time hasn't affected my time as Spider-Man so far. And there's still no sign of the bird guy. Maybe it was just some guy testing out a cool flight suit and not a criminal.
Ochako and I are going on our way to UA with Iida, a friend we made, and kept talking about what we're expecting from today. We talked about expectations from the hero classes the most. The topic eventually went from the class to actual heroes and our favorite ones. We finally get to UA and make our way to the class. We take out seats and wait for Mr. Aizawa. I pull out my notebook and take notes for different types of webs I could make. Maybe an impact web. Or an electric web. I jot down all the ideas I can think of then the door opens showing Mr. Aizawa.
"Good morning class. Due to complications, the hero training you were going to do today has been rescheduled for tomorrow. Complications involving the one teaching it." He says in a tired monotone voice. Kaminari raises his hand and gets called on. "Is the one teaching the class All Might?" He asks. That's a good question. He said he's going to be a teacher at UA in my invitation. So I assume the number one hero would teach the class on heroics. "You'll know in due time. But for now, you'll be having regular classes today." He says pulling up notes on his board.
Classes went on until we got a break for lunch. Ochako, Iida, and I sit down for lunch and someone else approaches us. A boy of medium build with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looks familiar but I can't put a finger on it. "Hey. Can I sit here? I need a place to sit. I won't be a bother will I?" He asks. "It's no problem at all. Go ahead." He sits down and I decide to introduce myself. "Hi. I'm Izuku Midoriya." I greet him. "I'm Ochako Uraraka." She says joyfully. "I'm Tenya Iida." He holds out his hand for a shake. "I'm Harry Osborn. I've seen you guys around the hero course. I'm in the general studies course." He says. Wait now I remember. "Oh, now I remember. You're the son of Norman Osborn." I say getting looks from Ochako and Iida.
"Yeah, I am. But can we not talk about my dad?" He asks. "S-Sorry. I just admire people like him that use science to benefit people. Other than All Might or Doctor Connors, he's one of my greatest heroes." He says. "Yeah. He's a pretty great scientist. But he's not exactly the best dad." He says rubbing his neck. "That's too bad. He seems nice on T.V." Ochako brings up a valid point. "Well he's always busy with work and doesn't have enough time for me." He finishes.
"I'm sure he does care. He just doesn't know how to show it." I say trying to make him feel better. "Thanks. Hey if you guys want to, would you like to meet him?" He asks. "Sure. I was just going to spend my time studying." Ochako says. "It wouldn't be too bad to meet your father on a school night. I'll just need to notify my family why I'll be late." Iida says. Should I? I guess I could. There's still other heroes out there to stop crimes. "Izuku?" Ochako says pulling me out of my trance. "Yeah. Sure. I'd love to." I say. It won't be a bad thing to take a break. And I gave Jameson enough pictures for a while.
Third person POV:
Norman looks at his lab and sees it trashed. His prototypes, finished products, destroyed. And a whole left in the ceiling of the lab. "Mister Osborn. Do you know who did this?" Detective Tsukauchi looking at the crime scene asks. He keeps his composure despite his unknowing amounts of anger. "No. But when I do find out, I'll be sure to let you know." He says to the officer. "Sir! We found something!" One of the officers says getting the attention of the two. It's something under some rubble from the roof. Something scratched into the ground.
'You'll pay'
This caused confusion in Norman. Someone leaving a death threat is nothing new to him. After all, he is a CEO. So this could be anyone. But something is strange about this. It was carved as if someone clawed it into the ground. Whoever, or whatever, this person this, they're going to go through with their threat. A buzz comes from his pocket and notices it's his son calling him. "Hello, Harry. I'm very busy so make it quick......Friends? Yes that's nice but............Today? Fine. If it'll be quick. Call me when you're on your way." He hangs up his phone and looks at the damage. 'Whoever did this will pay.'
Timeskip to the end of school Izuku POV:
We start making our way to Harry's house to meet Norman Osborn. This is an exciting moment. I have four heroes I look up to. Norman Osborn, Curt Conners, David Shield, and All Might. I've already meet doctor Conners, who I've yet to hear back from, tomorrow I'll meet All Might, and now I'm meeting Norman Osborn. I hope one day I can meet David Shield. He was even the one to make All Might's costumes. He's amazing. We exit the campus and I see a limousine out front. "Hello Master Harry. I'm here to pick up you and your friends." A guy, who seems to work for Harry, says opening the door to the car. We step inside and it;s how I expected a limo to be like. A long car. "Hey Ochako, what do you think? Ochako?" I look and see her in a daze. "We're in a limo." She falls backwards. "Ochako!" I sit her up and she still has that dazed look. "Is she okay?" Harry asks. "Yeah. This is just a lot for her." I say explaining her sudden blackout.
We make it to his home and it's pretty big. I did my best to keep Ochako from passing out again. We go inside and go to the top floor where his dad lives. And this is definitely one of the biggest penthouses I've ever seen. Including ones I've seen in movies. There's lots of antiques from what seems to be Africa, Greece, Thailand, and I think Malaysia. "Welcome. It's nice to meet Harry's friends." I hear a voice and it's Norman. I'm ecstatic to finally meet him. He walks in front of us. He stands in front of Ochako. "What is your name miss?" "I'm Ochako Uraraka. It's a pleasure to meet you." She bows. "The pleasure is mine." He goes ti Iida. "I recognize you. Youngest son if the Iida family. I do admire the work your family does." He says. What is Iida's family's job? "Thank you sir. It means a lot coming from you." He bows in respect.
He looks right at me. Oh my gods, I'm so nervous. "What is your name young man?" He asks. "I-I'm Izuku Midoriya, sir. I have to say I'm a big fan. I read your research on dna splicing, and even wrote my own notes on it." I say pulling out my notebook from my backpack. "Do you always keep this on you?" He asks surprised. "Yes sir. I always have my science journals with me on hand just in case I ever need to write down notes." He takes a look at the notes and has an impressed look on his face. "This is actually pretty impressive. Especially for someone of your age. Have you ever considered working for Oscorp?" 'He's giving me a job!' "Yeah! I've alway-"
"Don't accept that offer! He'll use you for your genius!" A voice screams from outside then-Wait. Spider sense. "Look out mister Osborn!" I push him out of the way of something crashing in.
What the heck was that?! Is someone coming after him? Whatever crashed in is getting out of the rubble. And it's....Wait. It's the bird guy!
"Norman!" He rushes again and knocks me out of the way. I had to let him hit me or it'd look suspicious with how I dodge. "You'll pay for what you took from me Norman!" I have to slip out of here and get into my costume. "Guys...I'm going to go get security." I say pretending to limp out of there. They nod in agreement and prepare to fight. I make my way to a supply closet to change.
Third person POV:
"Stop right there!" Iida yells using his quirk and tries kicking him, but he evades and takes to the air. Uraraka throws the rubble from before at him but he easily evades. "You children are my way!" He swoops down and hits them with his wings. "Now for you Norman." He starts making his way to him but Harry steps in the way to try protecting his dad. "I won't let you hurt my dad!" He says putting up a fighting stance. He grabs Harry and throws him out of the way. "Harry!" Norman yells as he's grabbed by the mysterious man and is taken into the sky.
"How does it feel to be powerless Norman?!" The man in the flight suit . "Stop the charade Adrian! I know this tech is yours!" Norman says figuring out the identity of the man. "Yes. Now I want to see the look on your face as you plummet to your death. For stealing my research. For the crime of using others. You will pay." Adrian says and drops Norman. He almost hits the ground until someone comes in to save him.
Izuku POV:
I got changed and went after the bird guy. I should really give him a name. I see him high in the air. Oh no, he dropped him. I race over to save him and just catch him bu the collar of his shirt. "What the-Who are you?" Mister Osborn asks. "You must be new. I'm you friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man." I say as I set him on top of one of the rooftops. "Stay here. Gotta clip this bird's wings." I run off the roof and start chasing after him. "Hey, Vulture! Why are you going after Osborn? Did he fire you for getting the coffee order wrong? Or maybe he gave you the wrong bird seed?" I taunt him and he flies at me. I jump over him and shoot a web and shoot a web at his back. "I am no vulture! Osborn is the vulture! Feeding off the scraps of others to feed his wealth! And he'll pay!" He says going after Osborn.
"Oh no you don't." I chase after him. He almost grabs Osborn, but I cut in with a swift kick and stop him. "Get out of my way!" He manages to grab me and takes us up. "I told you not to get in my way! Now you'll pay for your insolence!" The grip of his claws get tighter and I can feel him crushing my ribs! Crap. Gotta find a way our of his grip. I should make him lose his concentration so he loses his grip on me. I web his face and hope that works. "You think I'm an idiot and would let you go to get this web off?" "I was kinda hoping. Guess I'll just have to do this." I web the turbine of left his wing. "What are you doing?" The turbines start breaking and the left side of the wing is destroyed. "You fool!" He yells and his grip is loose.
I take advantage and release his grip on me. I make a web trap for him to fall in. I land on top of him and take off his helmet. It's Adrian Toomes. CEO and founder of Toomes Tech. "Well Mr. Toomes, you'll be in jail for, I don't know, 20-30 at best. See ya on the parole board." I say and swing off. I pick Osborn back up and take him to his apartment. "Dad!" Harry rushes to his dad. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine Harry. Thanks to Spider-Man here." He thanks me. "Oh it's no problem." I say humbly. Is it being humble if I say I sound like I'm being humble. "Spider-Man!" I hear Ochako say. I turn to her to see her with a look of worry.
"Oh, uh, hi miss-" "Ochako Uraraka. I'm a big fan. You're really cool. I love how you save people when heroes aren't there." She says pumping her fist in the air. "Yeah, well, gotta have someone out there when heroes are too busy." I say. I look at Iida and he has a look of....aggression. "While I am thankful for what you did, and the things you've done are admirable, you are still a vigilante and break the law. Next time we meet, I will do everything in my power to take you down." He says with determination. "Okay. Well I'll look forward to seeing that happen. Later." I say swinging away.
I get back to the penthouse floor with the police. They asked questions and checked up on mister Osborn. Ochako, Iida, and Harry checked on me to make sure I was okay. I said I was fine and just needed to walk it off. I have no idea what happened, but whatever it was, I have a feeling that he's going to have more people coming after him. The three of us went on our way home after that little distraction. We got to the train station and while we were inside, Ochako kept talking about Spider-Man and how cool he was. While Iida agreed that he did good, he was doing it illegally. I decided to stay out of the conversation and let them go at it.
Our train stopped and Ochako and I went out separate ways. Ochako and I depart after a little while. When I get inside I greet my mom and start writing down notes on the Vulture. Speaking of which, I need to send pics to the bugle. His technology was super impressive. Maybe I could add a winged feature for my costume. A cape? No, that'd be too showy. Maybe some kind of gliding webs? Yeah. Actually that sounds really good. Maybe I can do it like a glide suit. I'll only have enough material to attach them to the arms. I'll get to them as soon as I can. But for now, I just need rest. Because tomorrow, is hero training.
End of chapter. Does anyone else get distracted and keep them from finishing a chapter when they intend to? Yeah. That's been happening a lot. But I'm glad I managed to get this out.
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