Izuku POV:
I'm swinging through the city looking for any crime to stop. The experience in UA so far has shown me some new tricks to use against villains. And that fight against Kacchan has really shown me how to fight against people with speed and widespread attacks. Thanks Kacchan. Never thought I would say those words.
Now I'm following some shady characters down an alley. They're going into a small building. Most likely for some planning. I should listen in on them before taking them out.
I go to the roof and search for a ventilation shaft to go through. Bingo. I crawl through the vents and look for those guys. I saw some sex, drugs, and rock and roll. They have to be at the top. I eventually make my way to the floor and room they're on.
"So. Any news from those league guys about the attack?" One says. An attack? On what? "Yeah. All we need are the documents for the time and location. We'll get more information by then. But they did promise it would be tomorrow. As long as the class All Might teaches is there." One of the thugs says.
Class?! All Might?! What's going on?!
I hear chuckling coming from a dark corner of the room. A man stands up from his seat and activates his quirk. He gets covered in an electric blue coating with sparks coming off him. "If we manage to pull this off, no one can stop us from becoming rich beyond our wildest dreams." The electric guy says. "But boss. What about the other heroes. Like Endeavor, Best Jeanist, or that Spider vigilante?" One of the goons says.
"Don't worry. They'll never find us. I found a small island for us to retire on. Or we could just take it over. Whatever it comes to when we get there." He says chuckling.
So they're attacking UA. But it doesn't seem like a random attack on the school.
Tomorrow. Wait. Aizawa said he had news for us. Oh no.
Damn. I can't just take them out now. I have no way of beating that electric guy without being turned into a Kentucky Fried Spidey. So for now, I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to come up with a plan.
All Might. I hope you can help us. Because I don't know if I can. For now, I have to get back to my house for my study group with Ochako and Iida.
Timeskip to the next day:
Today is the day that Mr. Aizawa said we would be taking a trip. I'm sure it's where those guys said the attack is going to be. Iida and Ochako were discussing it in our study group. I didn't participate because I had to think about where and how they would attack UA. I could overhear the rest of the class discussing it. Ashido, Kirishima and Kaminari were grouped up together. Shoji, Koda and Tokoyami were more sitting in silence. Kacchan, obviously, was sitting by himself in his desk. Everyone else was trying to study or were being ignored, Mineta.
The door then opened and Mr. Aizawa came in with a usual slump. "Alright. I know you've been wondering about where we'll be going today. It's a training facility to test rescue situations for different disasters. You can wear your costumes if you want. It doesn't really make a difference either way." That has to be where they're attacking. I'll need to spend the rest of the time before then to take notes.
"Now for something that'll change your time here forever." Some of the class started getting nervous. Maybe thinking it's a test or something.
"Time to pick a class president." He says with some of the class sighing in relief. "How you decide is up to you. Just don't interrupt my nap." He says sliding into his sleeping bag and the class started going crazy."
"Hey, pick me!"
"You better pick me if you know what's good for ya!"
"Choose me! It'll be awesome!"
"That's enough!" Iida yells standing from his seat getting everyone's attention. "If we want a fair way to choose a class representative, then we'll do it with a voting system." He says getting the class to think about it. "But what's to keep people from voting for themselves?" Kaminari says making a really good point. Kacchan would definitely vote for himself.
"That's just a risk that'll have to be taken. Unless anyone else can think of a way for a representative to be chosen, the this is our only solution." He says getting nods from everyone.
Everyone went up and put their votes in.
Looks like Yaoyorozu is second in charge. And the class representative is...ME?!
"What the hell?! Who chose Deku?!" Kacchan yells from his seat. "Now that that's settled, let's get back to work." Aizawa says getting out of his sleeping bag. 'Can he control his sleep?'
Timeskip to lunch:
"Can you believe it, Izuku? A a disaster training facility. This is the perfect training for me." Ochako says excitedly eating her rice. "Yeah. From what I gathered, your quirk is perfect for rescue missions." Iida compliments her. "I should also congratulate Midoriya for becoming class representative." Iida says eating his ramen. "T-Thanks. But I don't think I'm right for the job." I say with clear nervousness behind my voice. "From what I've seen, you're a great choice to become the representative for our class. It's why I voted for you." Wait. He voted for me?
"But you could've voted for yourself. You really seemed to wanted it." Ochako asks. "Wanting a job and being qualified for it are two different things. I want to be able to earn a title like that to be able to make my family proud." His family?
"Hey. I just realized. Your super rich, aren't you Iida?" Ochako asks pretty bluntly. Iida freezes. "Yes. I'm sorry for deceiving you. I thought if you knew of my status, you would treat me differently. But my family isn't a normal rich family. Have either of you heard of the Turbo Hero: Ingenium?" He asks.
"Of course. He a super fast hero that catches criminals in a flash with tons of sidekicks. Wait, hold on." I say realizing why he brought him up. "He's my elder brother! The Iida family have been heroes for generations. Now it's my turn. I cannot let them down." He says sitting back in his seat.
"I know you'll be a great hero, Iida." I say holding out my fist for a fist bump. He just stares and shakes my fist. "..Okay?" Ochako giggles seeing Iida not knowing a fist bump.
Suddenly the alarms started blaring and everyone was running out of the cafeteria. "What's happening?!" I ask one of the people running. "I don't know. This never happened in my 3 years here!" He says and starts running. We follow and we get stuck in the halls with a hoard of students there.
Is this the attack?! No. No one is that bold to attack the school directly while all the teachers are here. This must be a distraction for something else. But what could it be. I got shoved to the window and I could here a commotion outside. I look to see it's just the media. "Guys! It' the media!" I yell over to Ochako and Iida. It looks like they heard me.
"Everyone, calm down! It's just the medi-" Iida tries yelling over the crowd but he keeps getting pushed. "Uraraka! Float me up!" He yells and Ochako reaches out her hand to make him float. It works and he's in the air.
He boosts himself to the door we're facing. He looks like the guy on the sign. "Everyone calm down!! It's just the media!! There's nothing to be worried about!!" He yells out getting their attention. They calm down and look outside. "Return to classes! We cannot let this be what our school represents! We're UA students!" He yells and everyone starts going back to their classes.
We go back to our classes too and everyone is talking about what happened. We go back to our own seats and I made up my mind. I know what to do about being representative. Mr. Aizawa comes in and calls for the representative and vp to come up. "Um..Hi. I actually want to announce something. I'm stepping down as representative to give it to Iida." Everyone looked shocked at this. I still don't understand it. "He was the only one staying calm and was able to bring order to the chaos. So he's the perfect one to be our representative." I say giving him a smile. He nods and stands up.
He stands in front of me and holds out his hand. "Thank you, Midoriya. It means a lot to me to hear you say that." I take his hand and shake it. "It's no problem."
"I don't care who the class rep is. Just hurry up and take your seat." Aizawa says. I nod nervously and go back to my seat.
After announcements by the reps, it's time for us to go down to the bus. I decide to wear my PE uniform and some accessories from my costume. The support course has to repair it from when Kacchan went insane and tried to blow me up. The most I can use are my gloves, belt, and respirator. But that's good so I can easily change in and out of my costume.
After everyone changes into their costumes and leave, I make sure there aren't any cameras and change into my real hero costume. I put on my PE uniform and meet everyone else at the front of the school.
"Hey, Izuku. What took you so long?" Ochako comes up and asks me. "Sorry. I was having problems with my gloves." It was the only thing that wouldn't sound weird. She gave me an investigative look. "Okay...I'll take your word on it." She says going up to the rest of the class. I follow suit and Iida blows a whistle. "Everyone line up! I have developed a seating order for each of us. So line up and take your seat according to the chart."
None of us sat in the seat chart.
"My seating arrangement was for nothing." Iida says clutching onto his knees in disappointment. "Don't worry, Iida. It'll be fine. There's no need to get too upset about it." Kaminari tries calming him down.
"Hey, Midoriya." The frog girl, Asui I think, gets my attention. "O-Oh. Hello Asui." I greet her. "Call me Tsu." "O-Oh. Tsu. Okay. What did you need?" I ask her. "I wanted to ask you. What's your quirk again? I couldn't quite get a read on it during the battle trial." She asks.
"Oh, that's fine. My quirk is enhanced senses. It increases my senses to where I have a sixth sense for when someone is going to attack me. And my reflexes are enhanced too. So I can dodge attacks that come at me." I answer not completely lying.
"Well your moves kind of remind me of Spider-Man." She says making me nervous. "R-Really? It's the first time I heard someone say that." I say trying to chuckle it off. "Nah, Tsu. Spider-Man has webs and can stick to walls. And plus, why would he go to UA. Even if he is our age, I think it's pretty risky to try going to a hero school since he's a vigilante and all." Kirishima points out. Thank you.
"Good point. I guess it was just coincidence." She says turning back around. "But it is a good quirk. It may not be flashy, but not all of them can be. Mine isn't that impressive, either. All I can do is harden a part of my body." He says demonstrating by hardening his arm. "Definitely not a flashy quirk." He says.
"No way! It's definitely flashy! It's a great quirk to be a hero!" He says. "Thanks., man." He says lightly punching my shoulder. "Honestly, you're one of the people that would be a great hero. Bakugou on the other hand is too angry and would probably never be that popular." Tsu says incurring the wrath of Kacchan.
"What the hell did you say, Frog Face?!" He jumped out of his seat. "Yeah. We've only known you a few days, but we can already tell your personality is a mix of flaming trash and dog crap." Kaminari says teasing him. He just gets angrier and threatens him.
"Alright. Enough. We're here." Aizawa says as the bus stops. We exit the bus and stand in front of the facility. It's a dome shaped building. This is it. The place the villains will attack. We go towards the building until we see the space hero Thirteen. "Wow it's Thirteen! She's totally awesome!" Ochako yells showing some of her fangirl side.
"Hello students. I'm Thirteen. And welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Or the USJ." 'Just like Universal Studios Japan.' I think in my head. And I'm sure some others thought that too.
"This facility is meant to train in natural disasters and rescuing people from said disasters. Fires. Landslides. Earthquakes. Floods. Downpours. And Mountains. This was my life's work as a teacher as the ultimate rescue training environment." She says leading us inside. It's amazing. But I need to keep on guard. And find a chance to change into my costume.
Aizawa goes up to talk to Thirteen. "Where's All Might? He's supposed to be here." So All Might is supposed to be here. Then this is where the villains will attack. "There's a situation on the other side of the city and he rushed down there. I don't know how long he'll be there." She answers.
Suddenly, I feel my spider senses going off.
They're here!
"Now, let's-" Thirteen is cut off as the lights of the facility start flickering and something appears at the center. It looks like some kind of wormhole. And someone covered in hands comes out first along with a giant, I don't know what to call it, something with its brain exposed and more and more villains come out.
"Whoa. I didn't know there were going to be fake villains." Kirishima says trying to get closer. But Aizawa stops him. "This isn't fake. Those are real villains." He says putting on his goggles. "Thirteen. Protect the students." "Hold on, Mr. Aizawa. Your quirk isn't good for drawn out fights." I say with concern. "You can't be a pro if you have one trick." He says dropping down into the villains.
This is it. This is the attack on UA.
The attack on All Might.
End of chapter. I'm gonna do some things differently in the next chapter that most MHA fics don't do with the USJ. You'll have to see when I do it. And sorry for not updating as much lately. But Skyrim is so much fun!
Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!
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