The Scorpion
In Mavralla Prison:
Alistair is walking down corridors of a hallway to find his next acquaintance. He scoffs at the rows of inmates he passes by on the way to his destination. "I don't understand why the boss wants a degenerate from this place." He stops in front of the cell of a man holding a shiv in one hand, twirling it through his fingers. "Mac Sansasu?" The man showed his face. His face is partially scarred on his left side. And his left eye is glassy, like he's blind in it. "An American? Whaddya want?"
"Let me cut right to the chase. My name is Alistair Smythe. I'm here to pay your bail. If you work for me. Well more specifically my boss."
Mac chuckled. "Why does your boss want a small time thug like me?" Alistair eyes him. "Don't try to make yourself sound like a common criminal. You have committed heinous crimes all without the use of a quirk." Alistair responds. The criminal stood up and walked to the bars of his cell. "I got a quirk. Just ain't useful without a good support item." He turns around and lifts his shirt to show him his back. There was a small hole in the middle of his spine. He sticks the shiv he was holding up to it and the tip of it dissolved. "Unless ya got one 'a those, ?"
"That's child's play for what I can make for you. Not only could it support your quirk, but it can do more. And if you agree, your criminal profile could possibly disappear." That put a sadistic smile on his face. "Now you're talking. Yeah. I agree."
Izuku POV:
"Spider-Man destroys warehouse district in fight against sand monster." The title of the new article on my fight with Sandman. At least he didn't accuse me of helping him. And this picture got me a good pay this time. 2000 yen.
Some of the class is talking about training they did for the Sports Festival. I'll make time today to train with Ochako. I really want to help her out with her quirk. And I could use some training too. I know I'm fighting a lot, but I'm not actively trying to build up my strength and learn new moves. So I'm more or less at the same level I was at the beginning of the year. Mr. Aizawa slumps, looking more tired than usual. "Are you okay, Mr. Aizawa." I ask, concerndly. "I'm fine. I've just been trying to track down Spider-Man, and having to balance out my job here."
Wait. So now Mr. Aizawa is after me? He works at night and is excellent at tracking down criminals. So I'm going to have to be careful. "Get in your gym clothes. We're going out to the training grounds. Choose which area you want to train in, and Midnight and I will keep an eye on the groups. You'll also have access to the gym if you need to work on your body, too." Training. Definitely for the Sports Festival. I'll need a training partner to enhance my reflexes and strength.
In Ground Beta:
We each chose our destinations for training. I chose the mock city to train in.. Sero, Kirishima, Ochako, Tokoyami, and Kacchan also decided to train in the city. "Out of the way, Deku." Kacchan shoved me out of the way and starting to walk fast in the city and blasted away. He's more in a hurry to get away from the group than I am. "Hey, Ochako. Do you want any help with training?" I offer her the help. "Nah. Knowing Bakugou and Kirshima, they'll leave sub rubble behind with their quirks. So I'll just tag with them. Good luck, Izuku!" She runs off in the same direction as Kirishima.
I notice Sero swinging away to the west. I need to get with Tokoyami and train with him. His Dark Shadow should provide good training. Luckily for me, he hasn't gone off too far away. "Hey, Tokoyami!" He turns around noticing me behind him. "Hello, Midoriya." I catch up to him as he stops walking to see what I need. "I was wondering if you wanted to train with me? I need to train my reflexes. And I figured you would need someone to train with, too. He puts his finger on his beak, possibly thinking it over. "Very well. A training partner could be more effective than training alone. Help me look for a dark area. Or at least help board up windows." I nod in agreement and I go with him into one of the buildings. I help him with blocking as many of the windows as I could. He did say to leave one window uncovered.
When we finish setting up our training spot, I stand across from him and get in a battle stance. But Tokoyami walks up to me, and he pulls out a rag from his pocket and hands it to me. "If you want to train your reflexes, you should also try to take out your sight. I took notice of your fight with Bakugou, you were able to detect him before he revealed himself." Oh no, oh no, oh no, don't tell me he found out. "So your reflexes also give you an advanced warning of an attack ahead of time. If your body can do that, you should train that without the use of your sight as well." Okay. He isn't alluding to knowing I'm Spider-Man.
I take the rag and tie it around my eyes. I hear his footsteps getting further away from me, and the footsteps stop. "Dark Shadow!" He yells. The battle is starting.
My spider sense alerts me he'sgoing fie and attack, but I can't tell from what direction. I get hit from the right and land inside of a wall. He's got a good point. I need to know where someone is when my spider sense goes off. I go back into my battle stance and wait for his next attack. I keep my other senses open as well. My spider sense activates and I feel the hairs on the right side of my face twitch. I jump over where I assume Dark Shadow was, and I land on the ground. I get up and feel my surroundings. My hand touches a wall in front of me, which means I jumped to the other side of the room. So Tokoyami is to my left. I turn around to face the direction I had just come from.
My spider sense goes off again and the hairs on my left twitch, but then the right hairs twitch. I put my arms into a defensive mode on my right. He knocks me into another wall, but I'm prepared this time and plant my feet on the wall. I launch myself at him as quickly as I could so he didn't notice I was sticking. When I went for a punch, it was blocked by something strong, Dark Shadow. My spider sense goes off again and my arm is grabbed. He throws me into the ceiling and I'm thrown into the second floor. I look around and see that we didn't board up this floor. I could use it to my advantage.
"Midoriya! Are you there?" He asks. I don't respond and I don't move. I jump onto the ceiling so if he does send up Dark Shadow, I can get the jump on him. Hopefully this works. I spend a few minutes on the ceiling and he finally speaks up. "Dark Shadow. Go check on Midoriya." Yes! Take the bait. "Got it!" I see him coming out of the hole and I get out of his line of sight.
"Midoriya! You here!" He goes around searching for me. I drop down from the ceiling and sneak up on him. When I get close, I run up and kick him from the back. He gets knocked into the wall behind him. "Dammit. Dark Shadow! Come back!" Tokoyami yells. Before Dark Shadow can return, I grab onto him as he returns. When we go through the hole, I let go and surprise Tokoyami with a kick to the face. He falls on the floor and I pin him.
I give him a smirk, he returns one back. I get off him and hold out my hand. "Not bad. I'm impressed." He says, taking my hand. I help him up and he dusts himself off. "How did Dark Shadow not see you when he he got up there?" He asks me. "I-I like to use stealth sometimes when I can't go at someone head on." I tell him. He stares at me with light suspicion. "Using a technique of the dark with the light. You have my respect." He bows. "Um. Thanks."
'That's a little dramatic.' We exit out of the building and I go off to see if anyone else is available for training.
Third person Pov:
Sansasu was standing in a lab wearing a green armor with 3 claw-fingered hands, talons on the feet, and an orange visor over his eyes. The only open space on the armor is for his mouth. "How is this thing supposed to help my quirk?" He asked with annoyance. "It's not just to assist with your quirk, but it also gives you enhanced strength. This will make you an excellent predator."
Alistair waved over to his associates to bring over the final piece to his suit. "A tail? That's the device to assist my quirk?" Sansasu questioned. "It's not just a tail. It has a needle that will attach to your spine, it will the eject up to the tip of the tail and allow you to use it for two purposes. Spraying acid, or poisoning your target." This prompted a sadistic smile on Mac. "What are 'ya waitin' for? Get it on already!" He says with impatience.
"I will warn you, this will be very painful. So vrace yourself." The device is brought behind Sanasu, and the needle is pointed to his spine. Sanasu braces himself for the pain that will be incoming. The tail is pushed up to him and lightly pierces the hole in his spine. He winces from the pain. "Like sticking your finger on an open wound." The needle makes its way into the rest of his spine.
"AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!!" He screams in pain.
The other scientists are typing at their computers. "Linking the SC-1 with the neural interface." The tail starts glowing and Mac is able to feel it with his mind. As if connected to his body. The device is released from its capture and lifts on its own with Mac's help. The pain starts to subside and he looks at his tail. He starts chuckling with giddy and sadistic thoughts.
He looks at the nearest scientist and gives him a wicked look. The tail points at him and rushed at the scientist. He pierces him in the chest and injects the poison into him.
The scientist falls to the ground and states to convulse and foam from the mouth. Alistair walks over to the fallen coworker and checks his pulse. "Dead. Good job." Mac then uses the acid function on the tail and dissolves the wall. "This has been fun, but I gotta go. Got some money to steal and people to kill." But before he could leave, his suit locks up.
"What the hell?! Why can't I move." Alistair walks in front of him with a device in my hand. "Because I froze your suit. You still have to hold up your end of the deal for this suit. Kill or obtain Spider-Man and bring him here. Then the suit will be yours to keep and your criminal record will disappear."
Sansasu growls. "Fine. I'll get you Spider-Man." Alistair unlocks his suit and Sanasu runs out of the building.
Smythe feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. He picks it up to speak to his boss.
"Did he agree to the terms?
"Yes. Although he is unpredictable. What if he's captured?"
"Then we lock the suit so they can't tie the technology to us. If he does fail, I will make connections to a friend in Russia for his assistance."
"Understood, sir."
Alistair hangs up and looks over the city. 'If the his use of these criminals keeps failing, I'll take these matters into my own hands.'
Izuku POV:
Ochako and I are sitting on the train going home. I start writing down notes on new ways to go faster with web swinging. Maybe if I adjust the size of the nozzle, or try a new formula for the webs. I then feel something hut my shoulder. I look to my right and it's...i-it's Ochako! Sleeping on my shoulder. I freeze up and my face gets warm.
I look at her and I get to really appreciate her looks. 'She looks cute when she sleeps.' I smile appreciating her beauty.
But that's interrupted when my spider sense goes off. Something blasts through thr train and it comes to an emergency stop. A man in a greens suit with a tail stands up. "This should get his attention." I get up and reach for my mask, but there are people around. And Ochako. "Izuku, we have to get these people to safety. She starts helping people get out of their seats and lead them to the back.
"You go ahead. I'm going to hold him off!" I run at him. "Izuku, wait!" As I get close to him, he prepares to swing his tail at me. Dodge to the right of it and grab hold. 'Come on, throw me off.' He then starts to swing me around, huttibg me against the sides of the train. And finally throws me out the side of the train he broke in through.
"IZUKU!!!" I hear Ochako yell. I swing under the side of the train out of the sight of everyone else. I put my mask on and change into my suit. I let go of the underside of the train and swing around into the train. "Hey, Stingy. You should wait for the next train instead of crashing into this one." I get his attention.
"Spider-Man. Just the guy I was looking for." He lunges his tail at me, but I jump over it and shoot a web at his chest. I pulled him at me and I kick him out of the train. "Wait!" I hear Ochako yell at me. "My friend. He was thrown out of the train. Did you see him?" She asked with worry. "Don't worry. I saved him and he ran to find the nearest pro hero for help." She breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank you."
"No problem. But you should help these people while a pro is on their way." She gives a determined expression on her face and starts to help the people.
I swing out of the train and see the villain on the ground waiting for me. I jump down and try leading him away from civilians. It works as he starts following me. I lead him over to a forest located in north Musutafu. On my way there I called in the train crash to a nearby hero agency. "Enough!" He yells and shoots something at me. It hits the web I'm swinging with and i fall to the ground.
I get back up and face him. "Who are you? And what do you want with me?" I ask him. "Name's Scorpion. And my employer wants you. I don't know why, but he's giving me a high price for you." He rushes at me and I jump over him. His tail grabs my leg and he slams me onto the ground. He then swirls me around and throws me into a tree.
My spider sense goes off off I dodge his next attack at me. I web his tail to the ground and I go in with a flurry of attacks.
He catches my hand as I go in for another punch. He twists it as I struggle to release myself from his grip. He then grabs me by the throat and lifts me in the air. "Let's see how you handle my sting." He rips his tail from its web prison and injects me with poison.
He drops me to the ground and I struggle there as his poison courses through my body. I struggle to get onto my feet and keep dropping down. My breathing starts to become heavy and rigid. "What's wrong little spider? Is that poison too much?"
I try speaking, but my throat feels dry like the Sahara desert. "Let me put you out of your misery!" He jumps down at me and slams his fist into my back. I'm pretty sure I coughed up a little bit of blood there. He jumps back into the trees. "I'm not gonna kill you right away. I've been in prison for 5 years. This is my first kill in forever. So I'm gonna savor this."
No. I can't give up. I can't let him get away. I put all my energy into getting up and standing on my feet. I don't see him. I keep looking around attempting to find him. He's completely camouflaged himself with the trees.
'Okay, Izuku. Concentrate. Remember your training. Feel your surroundings. Feel the wind shift. Hear every snap and crack from the forest.' I close my eyes and focus.
I hear a small snap coming from the right of my back. But it didn't sound heavy. Most likely a squirrel.
I wait. For the right moment to attack.
A heavy snap with rustling. Coming from behind me. He's coming down from the trees behind me. As he gets close, I backflip over him, and I hear his tail move, going in for an attack. I shift my head back avoiding it. I open my eyes, and I shoot a web at his head. I pull back and he falls to the ground. I fall down to him and send a final kick to the face.
I go over to see if he's unconscious. Slow pulse, but he's alive. I web him up and grab his legs. But then I heat noises coming from the direction of the city.
"They said they came this way!" I hear in the distance. Sounds like heroes and police are coming. I'll leave Scorpion for them and I'll head back to the train. I swing away before the pros try to catch me.
When I get back, I change out of my costume and put my school uniform back on. I struggle to walk because of the poison. I make it to the train. They're still evacuating and paramedics are there to check on the injured. I stumble back as I look for Ochako. I try calling out to her, but my throat still feels dry. I walk up to her and grasp her shoulder. She turns around and her eyes widen. "Izuku! What happened to you?!" I try speaking. "O...." is all I managed to get out. I then fall to the ground.
"Izuku!" Is the last thing I hear before I pass out.
And end of chapter. Sorry this took so long to get out. I'm gonna try writing more in the future because in the second half of writing this, I managed to keep on track. So I hope to keep that flow going.
Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!
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