Make Your Mark
Izuku POV:
It's been 9 months since I became Spider-Man. It's been a challenge keeping up with being a vigilante and having a normal life. But the entrance exams are soon, so I have to leave my web shooters at home. I'll just have to rely on my senses and strength.
I'm standing in the halls waiting for Ochako so we can study for the exams together. "Yo, Bakugou. You hear about the crime Spider-Man stopped this morning?" One of Kacchan's lackeys asked him. Why would Kacchan care about Spider-Man? "No, and I don't care." He says slamming his locker.
"Hold on. Wait up." He says running to catch up with him. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Ochako smiling brightly. "Hey Ochako." I say excited. "Hey Izuku. Did you hear what happened this morning with Spider-Man?" She asks me. "No. What happened?" I ask without any curiosity.
"He stopped two villains that were in a fight all by himself. They were strong too. Here look." She pulls out her phone to show me a video of myself, even though she didn't know it was me. One of the criminals had a mutation quirk that made his arms 4 times larger than the average body builder. And the other had an emitter quirk that made him strong. I swung in and delivered a great joke. "Guys, why can't you settle your differences with hugs?" I say and web their faces to immobilize them. I web around the one with the big arms and sling shot into his back to get him on the ground. Then for the other guy I make a web wall above him and kick him up there. Everyone cheers and I web off. The video ends there.
"Cool." I say half excitedly seeing myself in action. "I know, right? He's such a cool hero. Even though he's breaking the laws, there's just something about him you have to admire." She says emitting the brightness of the sun. "You sound like a fan." I say trying to tease her some. She blushes a little. "Yeah. He's really cool." She says clearly embarrassed. I did my job. "Anyways, are you ready to study?" I ask having enough fun with messing with her. She gets over the embarrassment and nods. We leave the school and go back to my place to her place to study.
We enter her home and are greeted by her parents. "Hey John. Hello Rei. It's good to see you." I greet them. "Hello Izuku. Are you excited for the Entrance Exams?" John asks me. "Yeah. Though I am nervous. Being quirkless and all." I say bending the truth some. "Well we know you can make it. Ochako would be disappointed if you didn't make it in." Rei says making us both blush brightly. "Mom!" Ochako complains and hides her face. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." Rei says giggling some. "You two go study. We'll have dinner ready before you're finished." John informs us.
We go upstairs to help her study so she can ace the written portion of the exam. We study for an hour until her parents said that dinner was ready. We ate and decided to let our food settle before going back to studying. We ended the studying session after another hour. She's gotten much better at mathematics and English. "Bye Ochako. See you tomorrow for the exams." I say going out the door. "Bye Izuku!" She exclaims.
I pull out my phone and call my mom to tell her that I was going to be running late. I go into an alley near Ochako's house and put my costume on. I swing around the city waiting for a crime to happen.
I wait...........and then wait..............and wait some more. Tonight is just kind of a dead night so I'm just going to go home. Then I felt something fast fly by and go to catch up to it. When I get closer I see it's a......big bird? I was able to catch up to him to get a better look. I make a web to block his path, but he just turns the corner. "Hey! Hero Con isn't for another few months! Your Hawks cosplay could use some work!" I chase him down to some old building, but lose him since it's too dark to track him down.
I land on the ground and use my spider senses to see if I can find him. I look at one building that has some European Gothic designs. I like structures like this. They've always interested me. But one of the statues looks off. Then suddenly, it's eyes glow green.
He flies down at me. I try to evade, but he's able to catch me and he slams me into the ground. He leans down to me. "Don't get in my way." He releases me and flies away. What the heck was that?
Timeskip to the next day:
I stand in front of UA. The place where heroes are made. I'll reveal my identity as Spider-Man one day. But for now, I'll just have to decide on what my hero name will be when it comes to it. I go to walk up, but I trip over myself. 'Goodbye world.' But I feel myself floating in the air. I turn and see Ochako standing there smiling. "It'd be bad luck if you fell on the first day, right?" She says fixing me. "Thanks." I say and we head inside.
Timeskip to the practical exams:
Ochako and I were standing outside the fake city awaiting for further instructions. I see the guy with blue hair that scolded me earlier. I turn to Ochako as she prepares herself for the exam. "You good Ochako?" I ask checking to make sure she's fine. "Yeah. Just prepping myself for the exam." She says going back to what she was doing.
"ALRIGHT LITTLE LISTENERS, IT'S TIME TO BEGIN!!!" Present Mic shouted as the doors to the fake city open up. Ochako and I rush in and go our separate ways. We discussed that we would separate so we could get our own points and meet up in 5 minutes.
I run into a three pointers and try to be careful. It takes a swipe at me but I jump on top of it and punch into its head pulling out a bunch of wires. 'Three points.' My spider sense goes off and I backflip onto another robot and repeat what I previously did.
I see another robot and I run and slide under it I trip it over and switch it off. 'Things would be easier if I could use my webs.' I repeat this pattern until I have 50 points. By then I'm exhausted. I check the time and we have 1 minute left. So I run to where Ochako and I agreed to meet up. Then the ground starts shaking and I see the zero pointer that Mic said to avoid. I start running until I hear someone yelling in pain. I turn to see who it was and it's
"Ochako!" I run to help her. "Izuku.....Stay back!" I ignore her and continue making my way to her. There's a rock on top of her leg. "Don't worry. I got this." I lift up the rock easily and she looks surprised at how easily I could lift the rock I grab her arm and hook it around my neck so she can balance. "Are you okay?" I ask concerned since her leg is clearly broken.
"Yeah. I'll be better with time." She says with a weak smile. My senses start going off and the robot's hand starts dropping down on us. 'What do I do. I can't just leave here and try taking on this robot alone. And I can't just run away, I have to carry Ochako. Unless...' "Ochako. Make us weightless." I tell her. She looks at me with a confused look on her face. "But-" "Don't worry. Just trust me." I say reassuring her. She nods and releases the weight on both of us and I lift her up bridal style. 'Let's hope this works.'
The robot's hand almost reaches us. Since I can't use my webs, the gravity around us being released will emulate the web swinging. I jump up into the air and make it ten feet away from the robot. I look down to Ochako who looks like she's about to throw up. "Release." She says weakly and I let her down. She then throws up.
"TIME'S UP!!!" Present Mic announces.
"Oh my. You seem to be in bad shape." We hear a voice say. I look over to see UA's nurse, Recovery Girl. "Let me help you out, dear." She then kisses Uraraka's cheek. Which freaked us both out. She then started glowing and her leg started healing. "Thanks. That feels much...much bette..." She then passes out.
"Now then. Will you help me take her back to my station?" She asks. I nod and pick Ochako up and follow Recovery Girl. We make it to the nurse's station and I lay her on one of the beds. "Keep an eye on her. I have other kids to check on." She says leaving the room. I sit down next to her and turn on the TV. I wasn't paying attention to the TV because I just needed something to block out the silence.
I turn to Ochako and see her sleeping peacefully and admire her beauty. She start stirring and she wakes up looking at me. "Hey Izuku." She says in a tired voice. "Hey Ochako." She sits herself up to look at me. "So how long have I been out." She asks wearing off the weariness. "You've only been out for an hour." She looks at the tv and her face lights up. "Look. It's Spider-Man." She says excited.
I look at the TV and see that someone recorded me chasing after that bird guy. "Here we see Spider-Man endangering more lives with this new bird associate. I swear one day All Might will catch this menace and bring him to justice." J Jonah Jameson starts spouting his nonsense.
"Oh come on! Why is this guy such a grump?!" Ochako shouts. "Why don't you just get a shirt already?" I say wanting to tease her. "I want to but there aren't any. Why can't there be any Spider-Man shirts?" She complains. "Well because he's a vigilante." I answer knowing full well as to why I won't get any merchandise. "That shouldn't matter. A hero's a hero. Whether he's licensed, a vigilante, or something else. There should be more fans of him." She says making me feel kinda jealous she doesn't think I'm a hero.
"Yeah. He's great." I turn away. She takes notice and makes me look back over to her. "Are you jealous?" She asks me with a cocky look. "Maybe." I mumble. "Well don't be. You just proved that you're a great hero too. You're amazing." She smiles brightly. Now I feel better. The girl I like thinks I'm amazing. "Thanks. I appreciate that."
Then something on the TV grabs my attention. "If anyone can get me pictures of Spider-Man, you'll get paid and a job." Jameson said. "A job just for getting pictures of Spider-Man?" I say out loud. 'So I can a job just for getting pictures of myself? How can I pass this chance up?'
"You want to take that job don't you?" I hear Ochako ask me. "O-Oh, well yeah. I know hoe you feel about Jameson bashing on Spider-Man, but-" She stop me by putting a finger on my lips. "It's okay. You don't have to pass it up just because of how I feel. Just feel free to speak your mind towards him every now and then. Okay?" She says saying that it's alright.
"Thanks Ochako. You're the best friend ever." I hug her tightly. "I-Izuku...can't breathe." She says struggling for air. "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorry." I apologize. What the hell is wrong with me? "It's fine. I know you're just excited." She says getting her breath back.
The door opens behind us and Recovery Girl comes in. "Oh. You're awake. Wonderful. You can leave at anytime now." She says going up to her desk.
We start making our way home discussing what we think UA will be like. We got decent scores so we should be able to get in. We depart and I take a trip down my usual routes. And hopefully look for that bird guy. And get those pictures.
I swing across the city and look for any crimes. And behold, a crime is taking place. Looks like standard thugs. Black ski masks, wearing all black. The usual stuff. I swing down and knock one of them out. One of them takes off their mask and reveals a snake like head. The spit out something at me, but it's like they don't know who I am. So I dodge the attack and it melts a light post.
"I don't think that you can do that. That's damage to city property." I say and they swipe their tail at me. I web the tail to the ground and roundhouse kick them. I take out the rest of them fairly easy since they either had ineffective quirks or they were quirkless. I web over to my phone to see if any pictures were taken. And there are some great ones.
The next day:
I go up to the Daily Bugle building and take in what I'm about to do. I'm going to sell pictures of myself and get bashed on by Mr. Mustache. I go into the building to meet with Mr. Jameson. I get to the top floor and I see a lot of people. "Um, hello. I'm here to speak with Mr. Jameson." I ask one person and they point at the back.
I go inside and see him talking to someone else. "Genius! Pay them nothing and run it on the cover." He orders the person in the room and they leave. He picks up his phone to talk to someone. "Stop the presses. Get my wife some flowers and bring me an Advil. What do you mean you don't work for me? Okay, you're hired. Now that you're hired, you're fired. Now that you don't work here we can be friends. Now that we're friends, how come you never call?! Some friend you are!" He hangs up the phone. "God I love this business."
.......What just happened?
"Who are you?" He asks me. "I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm here to-" "You're some snot nosed kid looking for a job huh? What? Mommy low on taxes? Need to pay off some drug dealers? Gang needing money to pay off their 'protection.' Get out of my building and never come into my presence again." He says dragging me by the collar of my shirt out to the elevator. "But I have pictures of Spider-Man." I say and he stops in his tracks. "Pictures? What pictures?" He looks at me.
I pull out my phone and show him the pictures from last night. He swipes my phone away and drops me onto the ground. He looks through them and doesn't look the least but impressed. "Not bad. Give me this one and we can call it even." He shows me and I nod. "Now, about that job?" I say wanting the job he promised. "Job? What job? I never said anything about a job." He says.
Another man goes up and corrects him. "Alright fine. You can have a job. But your main priority is to get photos of Spider-Man and nothing else." He says. "Thank you Mr. Jameson." I hold out my hand for a handshake. "We aren't there yet kid." He says walking away.
I get my check and the e-mail address I need to send the pictures at.
When I leave the building I change and swing away and start looking for crimes to stop. It's a relatively boring day, so I just sit on top of a building with a small snack I paid for. "Hey." I hear someone behind me say. It's a creepy guy covered in hands and some kind of mist guy. "Hey there Handy Manny." I pull my mask down over my mouth.
He seems annoyed with that comment. "I've seen you on the news a lot. Quite the name you made for yourself around here, huh?" He asks. "Yeah. What do you want? You don't look like a hero. I don't do autographs." I joke. "I want you to join me and my friends. To join the League of Villains." Wait...What?
"Why would I want to join your villain league?" I ask looking at him like he has a second head. "Because of what the Bugle has been saying about you. From what I've seen, you're quite the threat." He says. "Well sorry to disappoint you, but I have a good life of helping people without the good press." I decline his generous offer.
He starts scratching his neck furiously then just stops. "Very well. We'll see you soon enough. Hopefully you'll reconsider." The mist guy turns into a portal and they leave. 'The heck was that about? Pretty cryptic dude.' I swing away and patrol another street. 'Although. He does seem dangerous. Should probably look out for him.'
It's been a week since the exams and I keep waiting for any texts from my mom saying whether or not I got a letter. It was getting late and I decided to call it a night. I enter through my window and quickly get changed. My mom rams into my room. "Izuku! You got a letter from UA!" I rush over to her to get the paper in her and and it's true. It has UA's seal on it.
She leaves the room and I rip it open and a small disk falls out. Then a hologram ops out with.....ALL MIGHT?!
"Hello Young Midoriya! You did quite well on the exams. 50 villain points. That's not bad. But you also get extra points for rescuing that young girl that almost got crushed by that robot. 20 rescue points. And you might be wondering why I am here. And that's because I'm going to be going to UA as a teacher. Welcome Izuku Midoriya to UA." Then the transmission ended.
"I did it! Woohoo! I got into UA!" I get my phone to call Ochako. She picks up not even a second after I dialed. "I got into UA!" We yell over each other. "Congratulations!" We yell over each other again. "I'm so proud of you Izuku!" She congratulates me. "Thanks. I knew you would get in. You're too awesome to not get in." I compliment her. "T-Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She says. "Alright. Bye." I hang up.
I did it. The start of my journey. Gonna need to find a balance between Spider-Man and UA.
End of chapter. Thanks for reading. Remember to comment, vote, and to go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!!!
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