Great Responsibility
Izuku POV:
I wake up feeling completely refreshed. Feeling better than I have in my whole life. Though something is off. I'm not wearing my glasses, but I can see perfectly. I grab my glasses and try putting them on, but everything is blurry. I smile since it's been years since I could go without these things. I thought everything that happened yesterday was just a dream. Gotta test if it was.
I jump, literally, out of bed and onto the ceiling. It's real! Yes! I hope I don't get used to this because this is amazing. I jump down from the ceiling and notice something when I look in the mirror. I have muscles! A six pack, well toned pecs, shredded. I look like a young male model. "I can't wait to show Ocha-" I cut off my thoughts immediately thinking how weird that would be.
I grab my school uniform and my web shooters. I hid them under my sleeves so that I can use them whenever I need to. I then go to the kitchen for breakfast. I find my mom in the kitchen making breakfast and my dad drinking coffee on the couch watching the news. I look over at the television to see what was on.
"The hero killer has struck once again and no one is doing anything about it! I'll tell you what, when All Might stops this menace, then all heroes need to step up their game! Heroes these days are too soft to get things done!"
The guy on the tv with a bad mustache started yelling. Daily Bugle's J. Jonah Jameson: a reporter from America that brought his business to Japan to spread the word of the Bugle. How I see it is a man that is constantly angry and gets paid for yelling, kind of like Alex Jones.
"Good morning, Izuku." My mom greets me and my dad turns around smiling. "Hey, Izuku. You seem to be in a good mood this morning." My dad states. I nod and smile. He then notices that I don't have my glasses on. "Hey, why aren't you wearing your glasses?" He asks which gets my mom's attention. "Oh. Uh...I was hit by a quirk that made my vision better this morning." I came up with it on the fly. That seemed to work, hopefully, and turned back to what they were paying attention to before.
I sit down at the dining table and my mom sets my breakfast in front of me. I say my thanks and start eating. I then remembered the wrestling match. "Hey, dad." I get his attention. "Yes, Izuku?" He turned over from the couch to see what I needed. "I need to go to the library tomorrow to study for a project in class. Could you take me?" He asks. Hisashi nods. "Sure." He agrees. 110,966 yen is as good as mine.
(AN: ¥110,966 yen is $1,000 US dollars, the amount of money Peter fought for)
I finished my breakfast and left to meet Ochako at the bridge. Once I reach the bridge, I see the familiar brown bob haircut. "Hey, Ochako!" I yell running up to her. She turns around and gives me the smile I love more than anything. "Hey, Izuku." She greets me. She runs up to me and hugs me. She looks at me and realizes I don't have my glasses on. "Hey. Where are your glasses?" She asks.
"Oh. I got hit by a quirk that fixed my eyesight." I answer with the same excuse I gave my parents. I want to tell her about my powers, but I want it to be a surprise for the entrance exams. The look on her and Kacchan's faces will be something to remember. "Okay. I don't doubt there's one that could do that." She seems to believe me. That or she's still suspicious, and she's really convincing. We continue on our way to school.
Timeskip to the scene in just about every MHA fic:
We're sitting in class waiting for the teacher to come in and give us our high school application forms. The door slides open, and he has a handful of papers. He goes to the front of the room. "Alright, everyone. It's time to fill out your high school application forms. But what's the point? I know you're all going to try out for the hero course at UA." He throws the papers in the air, and everyone starts going crazy. "Hey, calm down! I know you all like showing off your quirks, but be mindful of the laws." Everyone calms down somewhat.
"Don't lump me in with the rest of these extras, teach. If anyone's gonna get into UA it's gonna be me." Kacchan says sitting on his high throne. Everyone starts yelling at Kacchan, but he just dismisses it and jumps onto his desk. "I'm gonna be the first student to get into UA. I'm gonna become the number one hero and be more powerful than All Might himself. I'll be the richest and strongest hero of all time!" He yells getting high on his own fumes.
"Uraraka, Midoriya. You two are gonna try out for the hero course too, right?" The teacher asks, looking at our forms. Everyone laughs and looks at me.
"Midoriya? A hero?"
"Yeah right!"
"Not in a million years!"
Kacchan throws an explosion at me, but my enhanced reflexes let me avoid it easily. Everyone's surprised, but Kacchan snaps back sooner than the others. "You really think UA would let someone like you in when they could have me?! Round Face actually has a chance, but you're just a quirkless loser." He says with venom in his voice. "I was going to go for general studies, but something happened and I changed my mind. Besides, if they can let an angry dandelion in, why not me?" I retort and I hear some snickering and stifling laughter from Ochako.
"Don't even try going to UA. You could never hang with the best of the best!" He says making small explosions, but the teacher interjected and stopped things from going too far. "Enough you two. You still have to learn if you want to get into UA." He says. Kacchan goes back to his seat, though begrudgingly. I sit back down and Ochako leans over to me. "I think it was cool how you stood up to him." She whispers to me. I blushed. "Thanks." I looked back up to the front.
Time skip:
Class ends and I leave class with Ochako. Then suddenly, I feel my new "sixth sense thing" go off (gotta give it a name later), and I dodge to the right and avoid Kacchan's explosion. He stumbled from the surprise that his attack didn't land and looked at me angrily. "Dammit Deku! How do you keep doing that?!" He yells at me. I shrug. "Guess I'm having a lucky day." I answered him.
He smiles sadistically and raises his palms. "Then it's time to turn that luck around." He throws another explosion and I dodge again easily. He throws another and I flip forward to avoid his attack. He keeps getting angrier. He throws blow after blow and I dodge all of them, catching one of them and flipping him over onto the ground. He's out cold. Even I'm surprised.
I look at Ochako, and she has a weird expression as if she's looking at someone she didn't know. I didn't like seeing that look on her face, and I ran out. I got a text from her, and it's definitely what I expected it to be.
Ochako: Izuku. What was that about?
Izuku: I got into a fight with Kacchan. I just decided to retaliate this time.
Ochako: But you were acting totally different. Like someone I didn't know.
Those words hit me hard.
Izuku: Sorry. I'll stay out of fights. I promise.
(After that wrestling match, of course).
Ochako: Okay, fine. I'll see you later.
Izuku: Later.
I wanted to test my web shooters, so I crawled up a tall building and went to the edge. I pressed my middle and ring finger down onto the pressure pad and the web shoots out and sticks onto another building. I inhale deeply, holding it for a few seconds, then slowly exhale. This was it. I jumped down and started swinging around. I let go of that web, shot out another one, and grabbed a hold of it. I was able to swing like that. I kept swinging until I saw a building blocking me. I smiled and wanted to try something. I swung onto the side and started running up the side. I reach the roof and run across to take a swan dive off of it. I shoot another web and swing around, mixing in some flips. I land on top of a building looking at the sunset.
Now I should go shop for materials for my costume for my wrestling match.
Timeskip because no one wants the details of someone shopping:
I make it home late with the materials for my costume. I went to the kitchen to see if there was anything for me to eat. There's a container on the counter. "Guessing they left that waiting for me." I eat what they left for me and go to bed.
The next day:
My dad pulls up into the library and I'm about to get out until my dad suddenly locks the door. "Um, dad. I don't think you know what locking the door does. It keeps me from going into the library." I joke. "Izuku, I need to talk to you." He says even though I need to get to the match. "We can talk later." I say as I'm in a rush. "We need to talk now. Listen, you've been acting strange lately. More strange than you've ever acted. You keep yourself locked in your room with your experiments. You're out late, worrying us. You start fights at school-" "I didn't start that fight." I interrupt him. "Well, you sure as hell finished it." He retorts back. "What was I supposed to do, let him beat me up again?" I ask. "No. You should've just avoided him. I'm glad you stood up to him, but you went too far. Look, Izuku. I know you're changing. I went through exactly the same thing at your age." He says. "Not quite." I mumble.
"Izuku. These are the years a man changes into the man he's going to become the rest of his life. Just be careful who you change into. Katsuki did deserve what happened. But just because you can beat him up, doesn't give you the right too. He doesn't understand this. Remember. With great power, comes great responsibility."
"Right. Now, I gotta go." I say rushing to leave. He unlocks the door and I exit the car. I go into the library, but exit out another door to go to where the wrestling match is being held. I go into the building and enter a locker room to change. I take off my jacket, revealing a hoodie with a spider logo over a long sleeved blue shirt. I then take out some red fingerless gloves and a red mask with special goggles I made. I put the web shooters on the outside of my costume, and now I've got everything assembled.
I go to the lady that's checking people. "Hello. I'm here to participate for the cash prize." I tell her. She snickers and points to where I need to go. As I walk, I see the guy I have to fight. He is a big dude.
I stand outside the ring and wait to be announced. "Now for the last contestant of the night. We have-" He leans over to me "What's your name?" He asks me. "Spider-Man." I tell him. "Alright. Challenging our reigning champ. We have the amazing Spider-Man! I flip onto the stage and hear a hoard of laughter.
"This little man is challenging me? Ha! I'll be sure not to hurt him too bad." He says, mocking me as he continues to laugh. "That's fine with me. Neither will I." I quip back. A cage comes down and keeps us in. Perfect. "Let the match begin!" The announcer shouts.
The big guy comes rushing at me, but I jump over him, kicking him into the cage. "Fast little bug, aren't ya?" He runs back at me, but I jump to the top of the cage and web his arm. I jump down and web his other arm. I land a solid kick and knock him back to the cage and he falls down unconscious.
The cage lifts up and the announcer rushes on. "The winner is Spider-Man!" He lifts my arm up and the crowd cheers.
After the match, I go with the announcer to ask about the money. "So are you gonna pay me the money or is that someone else?" I ask him. "If you sign with me, you can get paid all you want." He says, continuing to walk. "No thanks. I just need the money for winning the match." I say and he laughs. "Sorry. No deal, no money."
Wait what?! "But the paper said-" "Sorry. Not our policy" He says walking into his office. I walk away. Suddenly, I hear yelling. "Hey! Stop that guy!" I turn to see a guy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes running by stealing money from that jackass. I step aside and let him go to the elevator. "Thanks, kid." I nod and the elevator door closes. The announcer grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "Why didn't you stop him? You could've stopped him easily." He asked. "Sorry. Not my policy." I say pressing the button to go back down to the locker room.
I leave the building and go back to where my dad was parked. But there was a crowd of people outside. I wanted to see what the commotion was. Then I remembered: this is where my dad parked. I pushed past everyone to see my dad on the ground, bleeding from a gunshot wound. "Dad!" I get through but are stopped by the police. "Son, please stand back." "Let me go! That's my dad!" He lets go, and I kneel down to him. I watch in horror as the color drains from him. I was in disbelief. "Izu....ku." He says weakly. "Dad.." I say, crying my eyes out. I then felt his grip on my hand loosen until there was no grip.
I then hear something from one of the cop's radios. "The suspect has gone down 5th avenue in the victim's car." As soon as I hear that, the grief is replaced with anger, and I push past everyone once more. I run down the closest alley to 5th avenue. I quickly remove my jacket, put my gloves on. I then put my mask on and then the hood. I run up a wall and start swinging to chase after the guy.
I find dad's car being followed by police. I jump onto the top of the car and tear out the steering wheel, causing us to crash into an abandoned building. He crawls out of the car. It was too dark to see who he was, but I could still make out where he was. He runs upstairs and looks out the window. I jump down in front of him and he holds the gun out in front of me. "Freeze! Stay there! Don't come any closer!" He yells at me.
"You killed an innocent man for a stupid car.." I walk up to him and dodge his bullet fire. I web the gun and pull him towards me. I send a right hook and throw another punch and throw him into a wall. I grab him and smash his face repeatedly into the same wall. I kick him back to the window where the police are. "Please. Don't hurt me. Just give me a chance.. Just give me a chance!" He yells. "What about my dad? Did you give him a chance?" I grab the collar of his shirt and lift him up. "Did you?!" I smash him against the window, and the police shine a light. I was able to see his face.
Dirty blonde hair with brown eyes.
I look in shock as I'm looking at the man I let get away. I'm responsible for my dad's death. I toss him out, but before he hits the ground, I web his foot so he's hanging off the side of the building. I rush out of the building, get my jacket, and swing back home to tell mom.
I enter the apartment and see my mom watching tv. I tell her what happened, and she breaks down in tears upon hearing what happened.
I sit in my room. Guilt eating me up, and I have to come to accept what happened. It was my fault.
Timeskip to Monday:
The rest of the weekend felt longer than any day of my life. When I told Ochako what happened, she came to my house as fast as possible and cried with me. We cried for nearly an hour and just stayed in each other's arms. Her comfort was the only thing that was able to make me feel better at this time.
As I enter the building, everyone goes quiet as they see me. I go to my locker to get my things. "Deku." I hear Kacchan near me. "Not now, Kacchan. I'm not in the mood." I don't even look at him and he comes closer and grabs my shoulder. "I said leave me alone!" I raise my voice and face him. His expression is more calm. "Sorry about your dad. Hisashi was a good guy." He says and walks away. I was stunned from Kacchan actually showing remorse for once in his life.
The day went by quickly. Or maybe it was slow. It was so hard to tell since I barely paid attention. All I could think about is that I should've stopped that guy instead of just standing there. The bell rings and I grab my things and leave. Ochako told me she has more after school classes. I nodded and went home. I just went straight to my room and sat in silence. I pulled out my journal and saw a sketch for a costume idea I came up with. My dad's words came to head and I realized what they really mean.
"With great power, comes great responsibility."
2 weeks later:
Narrator POV:
Five men are robbing a bank using their quirks to hold hostages. Police are outside in a standoff. "If any of you try something, we'll kill everyone here!" One says as the others are getting the money. Suddenly, one is pulled up to the ceiling and the others are on high alert. Another is webbed to the wall. The one holding the hostage is taken out next and the mysterious figure reveals himself.
"Sorry for crashing the party. But I heard the police were joining and knew I had to come." He says and is shot at, but he quickly dodges and webs the guy with the gun. He went shots over to him and knocked him out. The last one, with a mutation quirk that makes him bigger, rushes at him, but he flips on top of him and webs his face. Midoriya then jumps over to the wall he was facing away from. He webs his feet and pulls the strings so he crashes onto the ground. He webs him to the ground and immobilizes him.
He grabs the bag of money and takes it to the bank teller. "Here's your cash back. Let the police take care of these bozos. Not as fun as I thought it'd be." He drops a card and webs to the ceiling and crawls out.
The woman picks up the card and it reads
"From your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man"
Chapter end. I liked working on this chapter and I hope you liked it.
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