The Next morning
The pic above is Rose.
I woke up the next morning, with Ariella at my bedside."Geez, you sleep like the dead,"she said,stepping back.
"What time is it," I asked, ignoring the comment."8:03 AM, aka-time for you to get up," she retorted. Last nights events rolled through my head as if I were watching a movie. Jay,the argument with Ari on whether or not he could stay the night(which I won), and finally getting some sleep.
I groaned and debated whether to go back to sleep or get up. Seeing as how Ari would yell at me if I went back to sleep, I pulled back the blankets and stood up. I staggered, suddenly woozy. "Now I can officially say good morning because you're up to enjoy it," Ari said smiling happily. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, " I said, faking annoyance, "Be right back,"I said."Otay, "she replied, busy making my bed.
My bright blue hair was in a scattered mess and drool ran down my chin. I wiped the drool in disgust and ran a brush through my hair. I splashed my face with cold water from the faucet, the coldness of it sending a shiver down my spine. I took a towel to my face, with a last glance at the mirror.
I stepped out into my bedroom. I found Ari sitting cross-legged on the floor, reading God knows what book. I strode into the room, attempting to step lightly, and failing miserably. She looked at me with barely contained excitement. "We,my friend,are going to do something fun for your 16th . I'm already planning it, " she says smiling.
I felt my jaw fall open. "That's still 7 months away, "I exclaimed. She merely shrugged, saying,"I cant help it if I like to plan." "Whatever," I replied,starting down the stairs. Ari followed, getting in front of me and walking backwards, in other words being a goof.
As we neared the bottom, she turned and stopped dead in her tracks. Too busy thinking to notice , I bumped into her and sent us both sprawling. She went rolling into the couch, and I didn't get any luckier. I rammed into Jay, knocking his legs out from under under him and down he went. The next thing I knew, I was in someone's lap,by the feel of the surface I was currently lying on, and I had a pretty good idea whose.
I opened my eyes and felt a blush color my cheeks when the action confirmed the thought. My heartbeat loud and fast as he smiled. "So I'm just that comfy, huh?" I returned his grin. "Yep." We both busted out laughing. For that moment, everything seemed perfect. Then his stomach ruined it.
I got up and held out a hand to help him, but he was already up as well. Ari was glaring at him coldly from her spot against the couch,"You enjoy that Jay?" It took him a few seconds to answer her. "Oh,sorry I didn't realize you were there."
She jumped up, looking murderous."Oh, really? Guess you won't realize I've neutered you until afterwards then." Seeing things weren't going too well, I stepped between the two."Out our in," I said, searching for ideas."What?" the two chorused in unison, momentarily forgetting their fued. "Just pick," I said, smiling at my success.
"In," they said simultaneously. "Who's cooking with me?" I asked. "Me," both replied again before glaring at each other. "Rock-Paper-Scissors," I declared. Jay won. Ari stormed back into the upstairs guest bedroom.
Jay looked at me, grinning."So....what are we making?"he asked. I shrugged. "Biscuits and gravy?" I asked fishing for ideas. "Sure,"he responded.
I dug all the ingredients of of the pantry. I opened the flour and had it sitting on the counter, when I turned to get the mixing bowl. Poof! Suddenly the right side of my face was covered in flour. Slowly, I straightened. "Did you just throw flour on me," I asked, my voice quiet. Jay's eyes widened, and he stepped back. "Maybe......" "Revenge!" I screeched before grabbing a handful of flour and chucking it at his face. I started to laugh hysterically as he registered this.
"What? Did you expect me to re-" I was stopped suddenly when Jay crashed his lips into mine. My mind went blank. My first thought when I could think was, Jay is kissing me! My second was What do I do? My third- Uhhh....
So I pushed him away without an explanation. When I came to my bedroom door, I slammed it and locked it behind my. I crossed my bedroom shuffling my feet against the carpet, and turned up the radio until it drowned me out of my hectic thoughts. Then, I layed down on my bed, and let the music continue to pound in my ears, taking me away from all my worries.
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