Love at a Glance
Hey guys before I begin my co-author of this book was my bff Jordan! Ok enough chit chat. (pic above is Jay)
Rose's p.o.v.
Love at first sight isn't impossible. Just improbable. Let me tell you the story that helped me come to that conclusion.
The storm raged outside as I snuggled deeper into the fluffy cushions, my book resting on my lap. I turned the page and heard a faint knock at my door. Who would be knocking on my door at this time of night, I thought. I sat unmoving, thinking I had imagined it. Now the question was whether to answer the door or not.
I sat there,warring with my curiosity. Curiosity won.... I heaved myself off the couch and started toward the door. I stood on my tippytoes and looked through the peephole. On my doorstep was a teenaged boy who looked my age , maybe a year older at the most,drenched and dripping. His hair,the color of dark chocolate, was plastered to how forehead and his his blue eyes looked pleasingly up at the peephole, as if he could see me through it. I lowered myself back fully on my feet. Wary, I pulled back the dor so only my eyes could be seen through it. "What's me password," I asked , toying worth him. The mystery boy raised an eyebrow.
"How would I know,"he said."You wouldn't ," I retorted.
"Exactly, " he said,chuckling softly.
"So, why did you knock on my door anyway," I asked, remembering that this was a complete stranger. " I am..... looking for someone, " he said, suddenly distracted.
"Oh really?How Dos it bring you here, stranger, " I asked.
"Oh sorry.....My name is Jay." He said,a small blush rising on his cheeks, "Can I come in by any chance?"
I remembered the fact that he was still standing in the rain and hurriedly stepped back. He entered the room, shivering slightly. "I'll get you a towel, "I said starting towards the bathroom.
"Almost forgot, do you need some clothes or do you have some with you," I asked,embarrassed for not thinking of that sooner. "Yeah, thanks, " he said, looking uncomfortable.
I rushed upstairs and paused at the door to my brother's room. I hadn't been in his room since last year when he died in a car accident. I steeled myself against the flow of memories and gingerly opened the door. Everything had been the same as he had left it, with clothes strewn across the floor and forgotten homework on the desk. I crossed through,not touching anything, and pulled open a drawer. His 5 Reasons to be a Ninja shirt was the one on the top...his favorite. I dug below it to find one that had been used less often. I finally found a neon orange workout shirt that I never even saw my brother wear. I grabbed a pair of jeans from the pile still on the dresser, some underwear, and socks. I picked my way carefully back to the door. As I headed down the stairs, I leaned into the bathroom and jerked a blue beach towel from the rack. I continued down the stairs and came to the bottom. He stared out the window, blue eyes flashing.
"Jay," I asked,uncertain. "Huh,"he answered, looking startled. "Anything interesting outside, " I asked, trying to make my tone light."Nope. Are those the clothes, " he questioned, changing the subject. "Yes," I replied,throwing him the pile,"Bathroom is the only door on the landing, should be pretty easy to spot seeingas my dad painted the word "Bathroom" on the door in neon green."He cichlid at that. He followed my directions up to the bathroom. I say down and opened my book again. I got to only read the first word before I heard a playful, " How do I look? "
I twisted around to see Jay at the bottom of the stairs, neon workout shirt hugging his torso. A six pack strained against the fabric."Evidently, the shirts a little too small . Sorry," I said,feeling guilty. He sat down next to me,looking over at my book."Whatcha reading. " he asked." After the Grim Wars by: Jordan Savorie," I replied hesitantly. (Check out the book on wattpad its a great book)
" You know," he said after a moment."I told you you my name but I don't know yours." "Rosaline,Rose for short, " I said , feeling a blush spread over my cheeks. "Rose...." he said quietly. "Yes, " I replied curious. "Whyv does your house smell so strongly of dog?" He asked,wrinkling his nose. " I don't smell any-," I said, cut off but no other than my best friend, Ariella, who happened to be staying the night. "What did I miss," side said smiling." Nothing much. Ariella, meet Jay. Jay meet Ariella. The two eye contact and Ariella went from the being the happiest person alive to looking like she was going to murder somebody, Jay specifically.
"What is HE doing here, "she said, whirling on me. "Chill-l-l, he said he was just looking for someone, " I said in an attempt to calm her. Before, Ariella had looked like she was going to murder him.Now she looked ahe going to cut off his nuts and tear him limb from limb. "You are not taking my best friend from me," she said, eyes showing her fury. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. The only thing I could get from the situation was that for some radon,my best friend didn't like this guy.
Authors note: Hey guys I made a neq book that hopefully will continue to get updated daily, I dont know yet im still grounded. My co-author Jordan, is helping me writw it but we have Youtube team and stuff goingbon aa well and im sorry if some daysni dont get a chance to update. Im gonna update as soon as I can and as much as I can. Wel God bless, and have a blessed day!!!! Bye!!!!
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