chapter three=an old friend returned
Charlie's pov
The next day was actually the amazing, we all headed to school together and had a laugh along the way. I got the chance to get to know the others a little bit more and they awesome people who I'm glad I get yo call my friends. As we walked into school together people would look and stear at us but I couldn't care less, I smiled as I felt wyatt softly kiss my cheek and I could see a few girls get jealous. I can understand why I mean wyatt is the cutest and kindest guy I've ever met and from what they all told me they the popular group in school and typically the boys in popular groups are loved by every girl. Of course the this group is different but we all embrace that of course without letting the full truth show "Charlie?" I heard a voice I never wanted to hear again "what do you want Alex?" I said to my ex best friend. Alex went to my old school and it was her that got people hating me after she started to spread rumours about me to everyone "oh can't I talk to an old friend" she says smirking as she saw me get visible upset. Wyatt senses this and he wraps his arms around me "can you leave her alone" he said to alex as the rest of the group head over "oh you actually have friends now?" Alex says "well I'm actually her boyfriend" wyatt says proudly. I smiled and of course as I kissed his cheek Alex got very jealous "are you fucking stupid or something?" She says and before she could finish Alexis walks over "miss Harper please return to your group" she says and alex walked over to her group. Alexis turns to us "sorry about that the school is here for a dance competition, how do you know her anyway?" She asked and I toke a shaky breath. I then went on to tell them about what happened "oh you poor thing, well don't worry I'll keep an especially close eye on her so she can't try anything" alexis says "thanks" I say. Thank god i had wyatt in all of my classes or I'd go insane with paranoia as not only do I have my farther to worry about I now have alex as well, I don't think about it to much and just had fun with my friends. Wyatt was a total sweetheart the hole day and I couldn't thank him enough for it but as we're walking to the canteen alex 'accidentally' bumps into me "omg watch where your going" she snarls at me. That got wyatt angry and he growls at her "leave my girl alone" he says and I get infront of him "wyatt don't try it, she isn't worth it" I say and nuzzle his neck claming him down as he wraps his arms around me. Alex snarls again and just walked off leaving me and wyatt to head over to our table and sit with everyone else, I sat right on wyatt's lap and he wraps his arms around me. I giggled a little as I felt him nuzzle my neck "okay you two are you just too cute together" Jeremy says and I blush "thanks Jeremy" I said and we all just had our lunch together. I have never felt such joy and happiness in this moment and I felt like the luckiest creature alive but of course something had to ruin my happiness "this is an emergency find your nearest class room and hid inside it, Atlas Orbis Lunamoon tuo, nisi de turba seorsum, hoc est et nos postulo vestri auxilium impetum vampire" the intercom says. Turns out that's actually the name of wyatt's pack so we did as was told once all other students had been hidden and changed into our wolf forms and started to fight the vampire clan. One alexis sees one particular vampire she freezes up as he starts going for her "leave my sister alone" I yelled and ripped that vampire the peaces. It didn't actually take us long to get rid of them all but that's when a witch walked over to us making Alexis growl and get infront of me, the others all joined her "oh now isn't this cute" the witch says. She smirked and then transformed into my father "no no no this can't be ture" I said whining "its true dear, I've been pretending to be the man you called dad for all this time" she says. Omg that's way worse I just thought she'd killed him "you keep you hands away from her, I will not let you take her away again" Alexis snarls "haha still as feisty as ever I see" the witch says. The witch kept on smirking "if you all remember that since I have prental control over the girl she has to stay with me till she's mates and last time I check she hasn't tho I'm aware she's found him" she says. Of course wyatt growled "touch her and your dead" he snarled "oh you must be him, wyatt isn't it how cute but you can't go against the law kid" he said and I whined again "fine I'll come with you but I have to promise not to hurt any of them and leave the pack alone" I said. Of course wyatt and Alexis were against this "guy I have to do this, I just want her to leave you alone" I said and I softly kiss wyatt's cheek "I love you" I say quietly as I walked off with that witch. I had a plan in my head but I didn't want any of them getting hurt so I just kept quiet about it.
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