Chapter 18 - Trouble in Paradise
Wayan's POV
It's the first time that Matthew has fallen asleep without crying. As strong as he comes off during the day, sharing a room with him has meant comforting him every night over his dumbass mate. He always cries himself to sleep. Sometimes he cries while he's sleeping or his wolf whimpers through his lips. Both of them broken.
"I'm never going to find love." He'll murmur in his sleep.
I've spoken with his Beta—Sage. She says he's gotten better. At least, with us, he's been eating and slowly returning to his old self. It was actually her idea to send Matthew to spend time with us. Citing that it would remind him of the fun he used to have before his mate rejected him.
I wasn't originally going to stay in a room with him this trip. After seeing how disheveled and destroyed he was, I felt like I didn't have much of a choice. He stayed with Alexander the first week and next week Aiden's taking place as babysitter.
I have been sneaking out once he's fallen asleep. I would feel guilty but once he's asleep he's completely knocked out and I've been having my own issues getting some shut eye. For the last few weeks, I haven't been able to sleep well.
Every time I close my eyes, I just remember that stupid night in the club with Kole. The way she hit the ground after taking the Warlock's potion. Feeling utterly guilty because I genuinely thought it was funny at first. But then she stopped breathing and I can't shake that feeling from my chest. Giving her CPR. Tasting that god awful potion. Seeing—
Matthew let's out a massive snore. The sound pulling me back to reality. I sigh, at least one of us is finally sleeping well.
He's as drunk as a motherfucking skunk. My wolf laughs in my head. No nightmares or sad dreams for Matthew tonight. No, he's passed out.
I chuckle softly under my breath. My wolf isn't wrong. Aiden only helped me carry Matthew halfway. I had to carry him all the way to our room. His body leaning entirely on me. As soon as we entered in the room, I tossed him hazily on the bed. The moment his head hit the pillow, he knocked out.
Being the absolute wonderful friend that I am, I went as far as to slipping his shoes off, picking up his legs, and making sure the covers laid over him. I took his Playboy mask off, his breath coming out in massive whiffs of alcohol and vomit. I go to our bathroom, grabbing the small trash bin and placing it next to his bed in case he has the urge to throw up again.
Laying in my bed, I keep tossing and turning. My Playboy mask is on the ground next to me. I eye it lazily, running my hand down the bunny ear before standing up to go shower. I opt for a cold shower to help try to clear my mind. Watching below me as the water circles down the drain.
My wolf is angsty. He's always angsty now at night. The only good sleep I get is when I'm laying with Kole. Knowing she's alright and in fact—alive. It's new and it's weird. The first night I went to her room was purely because I couldn't sleep. Well, that and because I thought she'd take the opportunity to give a go with Matthew. After watching Shrek, I told myself I would only stay for five minutes but somehow drifted off peacefully. Since then, it's all I can think about.
What the hell man? I ask my wolf as I dry myself out of the shower. Stop making me feel this way.
I can't help it. He grumbles. Don't you think I think it's weird for me too?
Well cut it out, I groan. Kole's our friend. This needs to go away.
She did look ravenous today, He nearly drools.
He's not wrong. She always dresses provocatively but that's not what powers her raw sexual charisma. Her whole life she's been confident. Back always straight, chin held high. I know that deep down she doesn't feel that way. There are plenty of ghosts she wants to keep tucked away. But if there's one thing she excels in other than her countless mischief, it's the fact that she can get a man to do whatever she so damn pleases.
I got to grow up seeing all her phases. Even when we were kids, and I was scrawny and she was flat-chested—I knew she was going to draw attention someday. Her eyes look like the ocean and when she does smile it's completely pure. We both grew up seeing each other's pimples or me teasing her when she wore a training bra for the first time.
That's what we would always do. Tease each other whenever we have a chance. Being away from her last year meant that when I finally saw her again—she looked a bit different. Physically more mature but equally emotionally unstable. I think me being away a year was harder for her than either of us anticipated.
Her body could bring a man to his knees. My wolf snickers. I narrow my gaze at myself in the mirror, making sure my wolf understands I'm directing this stare at him.
Now that he's mentioned it, his mind is running through tonight like a quick little movie. Seeing her so happy on stage. The outfit she wore, the way her hips moved against mine. All those lustful gazes directed at her. Her eyes. Those damn blue eyes.
Come on, Wayan. My wolf urges. I can't sleep.
I'm the one that can't sleep. Not with him pacing around in my head. But I can't keep doing this. The guys already think something is going on between Kole and me. They point it out every time I go stay with her. They just don't understand.
I understand why they don't understand. I can't explain it to them though. Kole and I's friendship is just...special. And no one understands it other than her. Even Steven doesn't get it and he's been our collective friend the longest.
I hastily put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt—grabbing my laptop before glancing one last time at Matthew. He's snoring into his pillow. His face completely planted into it. For a moment, I think he might asphyxiate himself, so I quickly rearrange him. Tilting his head to the side so his nostrils and mouth have a clear airway.
Walking over to Kole's room, I yawn slightly. Goddess I'm tired. What a fucking great night. I love partying. I love going out and drinking and making out with random strangers. I love the fact that Kole got us to go play our music in public. She always does have a way to get us do what she wants. It's incredible.
I pick up on her scent the moment I turn the corner. Blood orange and plum. It never ceases to amaze me the irony behind her scent. She smells so sweet it's rather pleasing. But she's completely the opposite. Not a single sweet bone in her body and the first time I mentioned her scent she was so livid about it she punched me in the arm and didn't speak to me for two days.
I'm about to open her door when I hear her moaning. I cover my mouth quickly to prevent myself from laughing too loud. Oh Goddess, she has someone in the room with her. Or she's watching porn. I hear a deeper grunt—unfamiliar to me.
Nope, she has someone in the room with her.
I roll my eyes. Asking my wolf, Now what?
Turning on my heels, I decide to head back to my room. There's no need to interrupt her little escapade. I hate it when she interrupts me. Goddess, the countless times she's barged in on me in the club bathrooms with my pants around my ankles. Or walking in on me having a threesome in her Doghouse. She always has that incredulous smirk on her face too. Like she's proud to have caught me because it makes her laugh.
She's alive, I tell my wolf. That's all we needed to know.
My wolf huffs in disappointment. Fuck, I really wanted to watch Over the Hedge and go to sleep.
Tomorrow, I tell him with a yawn. I don't know what's gotten into him.
A smirk forming on my face. I can't wait to tease Kole in the morning. Ask her who mystery man is and how she came about getting him in her bed. It's easy for her to turn men on but I am curious to knowing where she found him. At the club? Or maybe he's staff around the castle? Either way, she's not getting out of this one.
As soon as I'm lying back in my bed, I stare up at the ceiling. Matthew's snores so loud—I just know it's going to be even more difficult for me to fall asleep. I close my eyes, trying not to think about the potion.
One of the reasons I brought Kole to the castle is because of this stupid insomnia. I can't stop thinking about her. I couldn't stop thinking about what she was doing in the Port without me there. More importantly, every time I close my eyes, I can't stop seeing what that stupid potion showed me.
I was giving her CPR—doing chest compressions. She wasn't responding at all. I said her name a few times, panic hitting me the more she didn't breathe. I felt my eyes darken—my wolf pressing forward at the sight of her lifeless body. I pinched her nose, pulled her head lightly back and blew in two breaths.
There was a little taste of the potion on her lips. When I licked my own, I got a drop of it. It was quick. Almost like a flash. A stupid flash of color that made me really dizzy. Kole's blue eyes flashing across my vision.
I stare up at the ceiling. Closing my eyes again, trying to focus on my breathing. But there they are again. Her beautiful blue eyes.
I wake up feeling like utter shit. The hangover isn't even that bad. I've had much worse. Much much worse. Matthew on the other hand seems to have never gotten this wasted in his life. He groans as soon as he wakes up. Light streaming in directly on him.
"Fuck I've turned into a blood sucker," He grumbles as he throws the pillow over his head. Clearly because the light is hurting his eyes. Before I know it, he's running to the toilet holding his mouth. "Shit."
I hear him puking. Slowly getting up and stretching to the beautiful sound of my friend vomiting. "Do you want me to hold your hair?" I tease him with a smirk.
"Fuck you." He says followed by the emptying of his stomach.
I chuckle softly—grabbing my backpack. In the front pocket, I have a few aspirin. In an hour he'll be perfectly fine again. Our metabolisms work too quickly for him to be sick all day. When he walks out, I hand him the aspirin and a glass of water.
"Here you go," I tell him with a tired smile. "Let's go get a greasy breakfast, yeah?"
"Oh Goddess," He groans. His face practically turning green. "Food?"
"Yeah." I clap his back, directing him to take a shower so he'll feel better. "I'll meet you in the dining hall."
"Thanks, Wayan." He holds his forehead. Quickly downing the aspirin and turning to the shower.
I rub my eyes, walking over to the dining hall. No one is there yet so I take my seat at the piano bench. This is how I met the guys to begin with. Every morning I have to play. It's part of my routine. I let my fingers glide across the keys. The sound of the piano echoing through the empty dining room.
When I was staying here for Alpha Boot Camp—as Kole likes to call it—I used to play every morning. One day, Alexander requested a song. Matthew overheard and said he knew how to play it on guitar. A few days later, Matthew and I were playing while Alexander sang along. A few other wolves and Alpha's thought we were weird. But Aiden walked up to us, letting us know he had a music studio where he would jam to his drums. And that's how our little band formed.
It makes me feel at home being able to play the piano. Something classical and light. Nothing too somber. I let my foot hit the pedal, my fingers playing Mozart and Bach. My mother made sure we grew up in a musical household. Countless hours of lessons on the piano which slowly turned into a love for other instruments. Kole hated it at first—it wasn't until I spoke to her that she started to come with me.
She doesn't like to do what anyone says. Her attitude is hard-strung, and her wolf only abides to her. It's always the world against Kole but I know she'll do anything for me. Just as I'd do anything for her.
"Bach?" Alexander asks as he enters the dining room. He takes a seat at the table, his body turned to me as he enjoys the music I'm playing. I nod, giving him a gentle smile.
"Last night was epic," I tell him as I play slower.
Alexander cracks a smile, "I'll admit. It was a hell of a lot of fun."
Alexander is quite a reserved guy. He doesn't talk a lot and it took a long time to crack through to him. The most vulnerable I've seen him is when he sings. In contrast, I'm quite an open person. Aiden is formal and high-strung. Matthew used to be fun but ever since Lila left him, he's been a shell of a man. A bit more somber than he used to be.
I can feel Aiden's aura before he even walks into the dining room. He's not trying to mask it now. My wolf reclining in my head to bow towards our King. Even now, I can tell it's not his full power. Aiden takes a seat by Alexander, both of them watching me play. It seems that Aiden has already asked his servants to bring us food because after one more song on the piano, countless plates suddenly appear from his staff.
Matthew drags his feet into the dining hall. Even though he smells freshly showered, there's a grogginess to him from his insane hang over. He plops down at the dining table, piling bacon, eggs, and pancakes on a plate.
"Good morning to you too, Sleeping Beauty." I smirk at the sight of him. He narrows his eyes in my direction, throwing up his middle finger.
"Goddess," He places his hand to his forehead. "I can't remember half the stuff I did last night."
"That's probably for the better." Aiden chuckles softly. I stop playing, taking a seat by Matthew and sitting across from Aiden and Alexander.
"Why?" Matthew suddenly looks concerned. "What'd I do?"
"You got head in the alley." Alexander tells him with a massive smirk on his face.
"What?" Matthew's eyes widen, "I did? My first time having a blow job and I can't even remember?"
I slap him on the back, "You've got game my friend. I fucking told you. Next time though, fuck her. Not her mouth."
Alexander and I laugh softly while Aiden and Matthew glare. They hate it when I'm crude. I just like to think of myself as sexually charged.
"Should we wait for Kole?" Aiden asks—changing the subject. He's eyeing the array of food in front of him.
I smirk, it's too early. She's still asleep. And knowing she had sex last night, I doubt she'll be up for another few hours. "No," I answer taking a bite of my pancakes. My action an invitation for everyone else to start eating.
Matthew's eyes are flickering back and forth on the table. His face scrunched up like he's trying to recall his memory. "Oh fuck," He turns to face me with wide eyes. "I totally made out with Kole last night, didn't I?"
"You Frenched a little." I laugh as he suddenly looks mortified.
"Fuck, I'm sorry." Matthew's sincerity and slight concern makes me frown.
I shrug, "Why would I care?"
Alexander scoffs from across. He drops his fork against his place—it clangs loudly. Sitting up straight and crossing his arms. "Bullshit."
I frown, "What?"
There's a little knowing smile on Aiden's face. Matthew keeps his eyes down on his food while Alexander glares at me and Aiden grins. The King finishes chewing before eyeing me up and down, "Come on, Wayan."
I shake my head, "I'm not having this conversation again. It's getting old."
"You care about her." Alexander says curtly.
I blink a few times. Is he stupid? Of course, I care about Kole. That's possibly the dumbest thing Alexander has ever said to me. It's so stupid that I'm not even sure what to reply. I end up yawning and shrugging it off, "She gets me."
Aiden pours me some coffee into my mug—clearly noticing my sleep deprivation. "Damn, you look tired."
Before I can defend myself and say that it's because we stayed out, Matthew cuts in. His mouth full of bacon, "It's because he actually slept in our room instead of Kole's."
I roll my eyes, an amused sigh escaping my nostrils in a huff. I can feel all their eyes on me. I choose to ignore them as I dive into another stack of pancakes and coffee. It's futile arguing with them about this.
"You two really suit each other." Aiden says softly.
"She's hot." Alexander adds, "It makes sense you want to tap it."
I can feel my frustration and anger starting to bubble. I've had this conversation with them too many times. It's getting annoying. My eyes shoot up to send Aiden and Alex a glare. "Stop."
"Half your songs are about her, Wayan." Matthew smirks, "You really can't expect us to believe this farce."
"It's not a farce." My fist clenches under the table. I don't want them to see how angry they're making me. My mind having to control my wolf. I don't like getting angry. In fact, it's very unlike me. I'm a carefree spirit that likes to have fun and I hate these stupid heart-to-heart conversations. The only thing that pisses me off more is when we talk about my ascension to becoming Alpha.
"What are you going to do when you have the Glaze?" Aiden asks me with furrowed eyebrows. His curiosity genuine. "Or have you forgotten you're a werewolf? You have a Mate that's out there."
I roll my eyes. Here we go with the "Mate-talk." Celibate Aiden wanting to tell me about his idea of waiting for that perfect someone. At least Alexander hasn't waited for his mate. And Matthew waited for his and look at all the good that's done him.
"I don't really think about it." I tell them honestly.
Why think about something that's out of our control? My wolf says and I agree with him.
"Really?" Aiden frowns.
I shrug, "I can honestly tell you three that the thought of my Mate has never crossed my mind."
Their eyes all widen in surprise. Even Alexander looks taken aback. Their reactions actually concern me for a moment. I didn't think my words were that harsh. I frown, "What?"
"Never?" Alexander asks, "I mean...Wayan, I'm no Saint. But I dream about my Mate all the time. Hell, I fuck girls with the idea of my Mate in my head."
"I used to think about my Mate all the time." Matthew admits. His mood suddenly sullen. He tries to drown his sadness away with a glass of orange juice. Clearly not wanting to talk about it.
"Well good for you guys," I can't help but feel annoyed. "That's just not me."
I wish Kole was here. My wolf sighs, She would back us up.
I can't help but agree. The only other person who completely understands me is her. We never talk about Mates. We never talk about serious stuff. It's so satisfying and relieving. I think it's why I kept her away from my friends for so long. They always want to have serious conversations. Whether it be about pack bonds, politics, or other werewolf issues. I guess the Alpha Boot Camp did rub off on me a little bit. But Kole has always been so purely mischievous. I didn't want that to change.
"Kole said something similar," Aiden says. "She doesn't think about her Mate either."
"Well," I grin devilishly. "It's because we're just too damn horny."
My answer clearly isn't good enough for anyone at the table. I take a deep breath, trying to collect my thoughts. My wolf helping me as best as he can but he also doesn't really know how to explain it. Maybe not all of us are meant to have this incredible compulsion or instinct to find their Mate.
I try to put it into words. "I don't...I don't feel like I need a Mate."
The odd thing is—it's true. I don't feel like I need a Mate because I have...I have Kole. As long as it's just me and her, then what's the point of having a Misses that just drags me down? Someone who's going to force me to be responsible and take charge? Goddess, I don't want that.
"What are you going to do when you find her?" Aiden asks.
"I'm quite sure Kole will find us as soon as she smells the bacon." I tease.
"Goddess," Aiden's annoyance evident. "You're just like her. You two really suit one another."
"What are you going to do if it's not her?" Alexander chips in before I have the opportunity to change the subject.
"It's not her, Alex." I say through clenched teeth. It's not Kole. It couldn't be. I've never felt overly jealous. We've always been harmonious and inseparable.
"Fine," Matthew decides to join the conversation. Clearly not believing me. "Let's play along then. Hypothetically, it's not Kole. How is your Mate going to react when you try to explain your friendship with Kole?"
I've never had these questions thrown at me. They're starting to irritate my wolf. I hate thinking about the future in this way. It's not like me and it certainly isn't what I want to be doing this morning.
My mind shifts to my friendship with Kole. I can't lose that. No matter what stupid invisible bond is thrusted on me. I would never forgive myself if I lost what I have with her just because the Moon Goddess thinks someone is suited for me romantically. You always put your bros before hoes. And in this case, Kole overrules soul.
I frown at the thought. I know Kole too well. As much as she wouldn't want to admit it, she'd be broken by the thought of me choosing someone else over her. Even just coming here to see my friends, she had a fit. She's the overly jealous kind and not good with sharing. She depends on me.
"Wayan," Aiden sighs deeply. His voice dragging me out of my thoughts. There's a softness behind him now. He's not meaning to tease me—just lecture me. He meets my eyes with his golden ones. "Maybe you don't think about your Mate because you've already found her. Has that ever occurred to you?"
"I don't want a Mate." I say honestly—and quite childishly.
Just how I don't want to be the Alpha. I wish my father wasn't rushing me to ascend but I know he's ready to retire. I don't want any of this responsibility bullshit. I've even considered handing off my Alpha title to someone more suited but the Hurley lineage has been the Alpha's of the Port for generations. I'm going to be a shit Alpha and I already know it. The last thing I want to be worrying about is monogamy.
I glance at Matthew. Seeing how broken he's been since his Mate has left him. Who on Earth would want that? There's no fun in that. I'm too young for this. I'm in my twenties. I know I'm an adult and I know I have to have some responsibility, but for fucks sake, I just want to have fun. Why is it so hard for them to believe that I'm a born bachelor?
"This is all redundant anyways," I quickly tell them all. "You can't have a Mate unless you have the Glaze. And I haven't had that."
"Once you become Alpha," Matthew explains. "Your emotions intensify. You know that."
I do know that. I can already feel it happening as the winter solstice gets closer. Just how my Alpha aura is getting stronger by the day, I can feel that it's harder to control my wolf. This is exactly why we came to Alpha Boot Camp in the first place. So Aiden could teach us what it means to control our wolves.
Of course, this also means our emotions are practically on steroids. Some Alpha's become more aggressive or illogical. Some more horny and reckless. It's all about being able to control your wolf and that's why Aiden always has Alpha's come to teach us how to properly pull back.
Even Alexander and Matthew have told me that when they ascended, they had to meditate heavily to make sure they could reign in their wolves. It's also why Matthew probably spiraled into such a deep depression after Lila left him. He almost lost his Alpha title and his pack wasn't doing so well.
Alexander smirks into his cup, "I bet something is already stirring."
My eyes snaps at Alex. He seems to catch my quick shift of gaze. His eyebrow raising in curiosity. Do I feel something stirring? Fuck, do I? Since I saw her eyes with the potion, I've felt...weird.
As if reading my mind, Alex leans forward. His head tilted, "You can't sleep without her."
"You can't stop touching her," Aiden adds like it's a tell.
"You're so happy around her." Matthew concludes with a tinge of sadness. But I've always been happy around her.
Nope. Nuh-huh.
My wolf growls in my head, their comments making him angry. It's like being accused of something wrong and dirty. Actually, it's worse. I like being accused of dirty acts. I like being rebellious and immoral. This feels like...soap. It just feels wrong.
"I'll bet you're jealous soon." Matthew adds. I can't control it any longer, a growl emitting from the back of my throat. That's the last thing that I'll ever be. Jealous. What a foul thought.
"That's not me." I take a deep breath. Trying to find my Zen—thinking of the lighthouse and sunsets.
Kole would never push my buttons this way. She knows me too well. This conversation would have never happened between us but if it had—then I know we wouldn't have made it a sentence in without her cracking a joke. Goddess, how I miss those jokes right now.
"I wouldn't say you were particularly happy when she kissed Aiden and Matthew." Alexander points out.
I frown, "I was perfectly fine."
"Right," Alexander smirks evilly. A plan clearly forming over his head. He leans back in his seat, his eyes mischievous. "So, you'd be completely fine if I fucked your girl?"
My wolf stills. Unappreciative of how he worded his sentence. My lips purse, trying to figure out if he means it or not. Aiden and Matthew's eyes are wide at Alex's boldness.
"What?" Alexander holds his hands up. Clearly he has something to say because he speaks in more than just a few words, "Aiden is basically wearing a chasity belt and Matthew has no experience in the sack. We both know if I dangle a pair of handcuffs in front of Kole's pretty face, she isn't going to resist."
I can't help it and laugh. It's just so ridiculous I can't take it seriously. Everyone's expression clear that they didn't expect this to be my reaction. Even my wolf snickers a bit. "You know what Alex," I shake my head. A smile forming on my lips, "Give it a shot."
Aiden turns to face our cold friend, "I thought you said she wasn't your type."
"She isn't." Alexander tilts his head to the side. His icy eyes unmoving from mine. "She's scandalous in her own way but too innocent for me. Maybe I can show her a few darker things."
He's just saying this to piss us off, my wolf rolls his eyes.
I know, I reply curtly.
I cross my arms over my chest, "I already said you can give it a shot."
"Wayan—" Matthew's tone warning.
"I'm telling you," I cut him off. Waving my hand in the air, "I'm not the jealous type."
"Really?" Alexander challenges.
"If I was," I roll my eyes. "Then I probably would have beat the shit out of the guy Kole brought home last night."
"What?" They all screech.
I nod, picking up a piece of bacon and munching on it gingerly. Shrugging, "I went by Kole's room last night. Heard a few things. I think she was rather enjoying it because I know the sound of her fake moans and that wasn't it."
Me shrugging doesn't seem to be a good enough indication of how much I don't care. The three of them look between one another before they stand up. Matthew and Aiden grabbing my arms and pulling me along out of the dining hall.
"What the fuck?" I say under my breath as I roll my eyes. "What are you guys doing?"
"Seeing if you tick the last box." Aiden smirks knowingly.
"Guys," I know there's no convincing them. I could sit here and tell them the countless stories and they still wouldn't believe me.
Like the time Kole mind linked me that someone she was hooking up with left her cuffed to the shower. I had to be the one to undo the cuffs. I laughed the whole time because she was naked and pissed. Then I sat back and watched her pummel the shit out of that wolf the next time we saw him. He thought it'd be sexy to leave her there like that. She did not appreciate it.
Or the time she needed me to pick her up from a human motel. I even had to give that guy a ride home. He and I sparked a conversation over hiking while Kole slept in the back of the Jeep. Nice guy, but he clearly was shitting himself around me. My wolf aura unsettling him.
It's just not like me to be the jealous kind. The thought is foreign and strange. They just can't comprehend Kole and I's friendship. It's too...taboo to them.
"You know what," Aiden turns to me just as we round the corner into Kole's hallway. "You take a look at another man in Kole's bed and not even react, and I'll drop it."
"Me too." Matthew nods in agreement.
I turn to Alexander, he's hesitant. Finally, he sighs, "Fine."
Oh, then this is going to be easy. I smirk. My wolf snickers in agreement. Nothing will ever be as awkward or displeasing as when I walked in on Kole having that threesome. Goddess, that was scarring. Not because of what those two guys were doing to her but because what she was doing to them. So many daddy issues.
With absolute confidence, I stroll to her door. I open it ever so gently—it creaks just slightly. My three friends look over my shoulder into the room and we all peer inside. Sure enough, Kole is on her stomach. Her back bare and her breathing light with sleep. The room smells just like her—like blood orange and plum. So unbelievably sweet. And of course, sex.
See, no big deal. I roll my eyes and my wolf agrees. We can at least admire that she has a beautiful figure. I turn to face my friends to tell them that I seriously couldn't care less.
Except then it hits me—his scent. My eyes focus in on the second person and before I even need to see his face, I know exactly who he is. He smells like lemon and magic. The same scent he had back in the club. He stirred when the door opened—his purple eyes opening slightly as he blinks away sleep.
I feel my eyes dilate. The memory of Kole not breathing hitting me like a truck. The fear of losing her that grappled me in the club striking me straight in the chest. My stomach flips and my wolf starts to angrily pace in my head. I hold him back, trying to calm him down. But he reminds me of when she wasn't breathing.
Kole—lying on that dirty floor of the club. My desperation trying to get her to breathe. Thinking that the last time I was going to see her eyes was because they flashed across me when I tasted that potion off her lips.
When she started breathing again—I could have cried with relief. I made sure to carry her home. To bathe her and put on a clean set of clothes. To lay her in bed. And I watched over her the entirety of the two days like a fucking hawk. Afraid she was going to slip.
This motherfucking Warlock hurt her. He gave her that stupid potion that knocked her out for two days. I didn't know if she was going to come back at all. I thought I lost her. It was the worst feeling in the world. I'd never felt so helpless.
"Killian?" I hear Aiden say beside me in a low whisper that's barely audible.
My eyes dilate. My wolf surging forward and suddenly I see red. My fists are clenched to my sides as I try to reign in my wolf. Something strange starts to bubble in the pit of my stomach. I've always felt compelled to protect Kole. I've always stood up for her. I've had her back when no one else has. But this is more. So much more. It feels intensified. After all, she's mine to protect.
The Warlock sits up, his eyes focusing in on us. A smirk overtakes his lips and in his morning voice he murmurs, "Hey Wolf-boy."
It snaps something inside me. My eyes shading over in black as I feel my wolf overpower me. A loud growl piercing through the room. I can even feel my growing Alpha aura radiating. Kole seems to have awoken, her hands reaching for the sheets to cover herself. But I'm too preoccupied walking towards this stupid ass grinning Warlock who deserves nothing more than having that smirk punched right off his face.
"Way!" Kole's voice overshadowed by my anger. I've never felt this animalistic rage. It's coursing through me like lava and makes my blood boil.
As soon as I'm in distance, I pull my fist back and collide it with the Warlock's cheek. He falls off the bed and even that isn't satisfying enough for me. My eyesight has turned crimson—my wolf growling and surging. I have to stop myself from wolfing out and ripping him to shreds.
I lift the Warlock against Kole's bed. My canines extend as I reel my arm back again. A bruise already starting to form on his cheek. I can't help the growl, "Stay the fuck away from her."
I go to punch him again—his eyes meeting mine equally. He doesn't look afraid—quite the contrary. He seems amused. It only sends my wolf down a deeper spiral, and I manage to get a punch into his gut causing him to double over. It's still not enough but I suddenly feel Alexander and Matthew each grab one of my arms. Pulling me away from the Warlock.
"Stop Wayan." For the first time ever, Aiden commands me with his King aura. His voice laced with sheer power. His eyes pulsate in gold as he stares into my own. "Calm down."
My wolf obliges. Instantly simmering down as soon as the King's words process through me. No matter how close we are, I could never defy my King. My canines retract and I stare angrily at the Warlock on the ground. Aiden walks over to him, helping him on his feet, "Go Killian."
"Fucking wolves, man." Killian mutters as he walks past us—shirtless and barefooted but at least wearing some sweatpants. I've never had this irrational anger before. I just want to keep hitting him. I narrow my eyes at the Warlock but have no time to hurl a threat. The next thing I know, Kole is standing in front of me. And boy is she pissed.
"What the actual fuck, Way?!" She has the sheets around her torso to cover herself. With one hand, she hits me in the chest. Even with her wolf strength it doesn't do anything to actually hurt me. Her blue eyes shifting to black for a split second as she tries to control her wolf.
"Any guy, Kole!" I'm still angry and I know she can feel it. Despite Aiden diffusing my bomb. My hazel eyes returning to meet her blue ones. I frown at her, "You could quite literally fuck just about any guy, but it had to be that fucking Warlock?"
Her jaw slacks—half in disbelief and half in wrath. "I can fuck whoever I damn well want to fuck, Way."
I yank my arms out of Alexander and Matthew's grip. Taking one step towards her, my head having to incline downwards to look at her. "He could have killed you, Kole."
Her blue eyes are dancing with fire. "I can take care of myself."
Kole's fist clenches around the sheets she's holding close to her. Her knuckles turning almost as white as the sheets are. Our eyes locked in a battle that the others might not understand--neither of us wanting to back down. This is probably the worst argument we've ever had. If not the only real argument. Her chin is held high, and I know she's looking for a fight now. She doesn't want to give me the satisfaction of winning. I stand my ground.
A low growl vibrating from deep in my chest. "I'm not saying that you can't—"
"Stop it." She cuts me off, the look she's giving me might send someone else running but I know her well enough. I can see the way she's building up the wall around her. That stupid wall she hardly ever let's down. I can count on one hand the number of times she's dropped that wall for me.
Her eyes narrow, "Kicking out some guy I slept with? Sleeping in my bed these last few nights? You're not my goddamn Mate, so don't act like one, Way."
My anger dissipates instantly at her words—I can feel my face relax as I recoil. She notices. And whether she wants to admit it or not, I know she notices because she softens at my reaction.
I blink a few times. Her words hitting me harder than I expected them too. My wolf feeling like someone just snapped a rubber band inside me. Like glass has shattered and the sharp ends are poking me.
I take a step back—somewhat dazed. My eyes suddenly scanning Kole. She really is stunning. Even more so when she's angry. I've always gotten a laugh seeing her mad or upset. She makes me laugh a lot. She helps me feel like myself.
I stare at her eyes. Beautifully blue like the ocean and holding in too many emotions. I'll never understand how her family ever left her. How her father could leave her in that orphanage and never look back. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I would choose her over anyone in this world.
Fuck! I shout at my wolf.
My wolf whines, Shit.
I turn around, my head fogged with too many thoughts. I feel Alexander grab my arm, but I snap at him with a growl. He let's me go instantly. My tone clearly asking him to back the fuck off.
"Way," I hear Kole call after me.
As soon as I'm out of her room, I shift. Running through the castle halls until I reach the back exit where I head towards the forest. Needing to get out to have clear thoughts. To think straight. To stop thinking of those blue eyes. Of the feeling of her hand in mine. Or the way our laughs sound like harmonies when we're together.
A/N: If you guys think this story is anywhere close to being over then you're wrong because the drama is just getting started. I hope you like drama ;)
How was Way's POV?! --> Comment <3
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