Chapter 22: Elders
The first thing i felt the moment i opened my eyes is that my head is pounding as if someone is shaking it furiously!!
With the sounds of water rushing up ahead, I blinked again before looking towards the direction of a huge falls.
I then realized that i'm currently lying on a huge boulder and that it is already night time.
I turned to look up and was met by the sky that wasn't black as ink,
it was indigo in color with lots and lots of little shining dots.
The stars glittered like diamonds but not harsh to my eyes and some even caught my attention. I continued to gaze at them, stretched out my hands as if trying to catch them while trying to remember just what the heck happened a few hours ago for me to feel like i was hit hard by a train or something.
I tried to remember as hard as i could but it only resulted to more headaches making me frown.
It also doesn't help that Lucien and Clyde shut me off completely making me frown even more so i just turned my face to look up at the starry sky again.
The stars were still sparkling over me. They're like the sparks of fireworks but not as noisy as exploding fireworks. They were silent.
A few seconds passed when i suddenly jumped up as memories came rushing in my mind like a tsunami with blinding speed.
I remembered that i was on my final form, flying aimlessly over the horizon for who knows how long.
I kept on flying and flying to the point of exhaustion and decided to land on a nearby river.
I remembered changing back to my human form and walked again aimlessly until i chance upon a small village. I would have left them alone had i not saw that all the villagers have those wretched red eyes which i can only conclude that they are all leeches and me being controlled by Lucien and Clyde begun to massacre each and every one of them to ease my anger, deppression, sadness and lust to see blood.
It only took me an hour or so to massacre all of them as they had not put up much resistence except for the three leaders of that coven who managed to give me a proper fight but that's it.
I also remembered 'Him' clearly.
Hannibal was his name, a mere human who crippled me to the ground almost effortlessly whilst wearing that smug look on his face while blabbing about how i was the second strongest opponent he had ever encoutered blah blah...
I also remembered how he arrogantly said that i should train more before confronting him again.
That arrogant human bastard!!
I should have killed him while i had the chance!
But No matter how much i deny it,
he was a far more experienced and stronger fighter than i am.
The way he handled me like an adult to a child when he's serious makes me infuriated as i have never pictured myself losing to anybody, much less, to a mere human!
Yes, i admit that, that was the second time since my baby girl was the first to do that but come on!
My baby having red eyes is a proof that she's been manipulated by those damn leeches to get me.
Right! My baby!! I have to find my baby ASAP or i'll really go crazy!!
I cringed as pain errupted from my broken ribs that are still mending as i stood up but ignored it then began walking again.
'Where are you my baby girl?
I need you! I missed you!
I love you so much!' I chanted in my mind as i continued to walk while observing my surrounding for any hint that she passed that place
Pain errupted all over my body as soon as i regain consciousness.
I then blinked a couple times before slowly taking in the unfamiliar surrounding to where i was.
I am on a room with a plain blue and white color. There was a bathroom on my right and the door on my left. There's not much accessories in the room except for the soft and comfy bed in which I am currently sleeping at, a table and chair on the side of the bed, a wallclock and a small and old tv located on the wall.
All in all, it was just a plain room.
I also noticed bandages all over my stomach and shoulder going down my left arm.
I then proceeded to get up slowly ignoring the pain that's starting to get stronger as i pushed myself up.
Huffing a little, i managed to get out of bed ignoring yet again my opened wounds now with blood as i make my way to the door and opened it.
I struggled my way to the edge of the stairs and was welcomed by the sight of children happily chasing each other playing tag as the grownups are sitted around a large table which i assumed is having a meeting.
All of the sudden, they all turned to look at me at the same time surprising me making me step backwards a bit but then my sudden movements caused my wounds to open up more.
"Are you okay sir?" I turned to look at the woman in her mid forties approaching me followed by a man who is on his late forties
I got up and crounched into a fighting position instinctly.
These people seem nice but looks can be deceiving plus I do not even know where i am to begin with, who knows if these two are enemies and if they were, then i may have been trapped in a lion's den with a severe wound in the gut and shoulder with no way out!
I absolutely am NOT going to die here! I may not be able to get out of here in one piece due to these damn wounds but i will fight tooth and nail to get the hell out of here even if it's the last thing i'll do!!
"Please Calm down sir! We are not going to hurt you!" Said the man as he approached me slowly
"Don't you dare come near me!"
I hissed at him stopping him from approaching
"Where am i?!" I continued
"You're safe here sir!
We won't hurt.."
"WHERE AM I?!" I hissed again dangerously stopping his speech
Safe my ass! As if i'll believe you!
*sigh* " you're in my house, one of my scouts found you half dead on the forest yesterday and took you here though it's amazing that you've already regained consciousness give or take that kind of severe wound" he said freezing me as my memories came rushing back
That's right! I fought that guy!
The one responsible in reducing me to this pathetic state!!
"Sir? Can you possibly tell us what happened for you to gain those kinds of wounds? Did you know who did that to you?" I just ignored him and lowered my head
i laughed as hard as i could ignoring yet again my opened wounds now flowing with more blood startling them but i could care less
They tried to approach me but i glared daggers at them stopping them from approaching as i continued to laugh.
I laughed heartily for about a minute or so with only that man in my mind.
He may be strong but he's nothing compared to her! He would die the moment they crossed paths!
May the gods and goddesses out there forbade it as i've already taken a liking on that young one.
He may have done a proper training or two but He's still lacking battle experience and strenght,
had i not been taken by surprise when he 'transformed',
i should have been able to take him down if i really got serious and go all out against him.
But Now that i think about it,
Just what the heck is that thing?
Was it a beast? An oversized dog?
Or was it only a part of his trick or something?
I would make sure to hit the books to see if i can find anything about it.
My thoughts stopped when i suddenly felt nusea mixed with an extreme pain as though my blood was on fire.
"Urrggghhhh!!!" My knees finally gave up and i slummped to the hard floor with cold sweat running through my forehead.
What the heck is happening to me?!
I tried to fight the pain but the more i did, the more the pain trippled.
"The poison! It's finally taking effect!"
"Call the pack doctor here quickly!!"
"Make it quick! Were losing him!!"
I heard the man shouted as i felt my body lifted to from the floor and to the soft bed
Pack doctor?
What the heck are they talking about?
I couldn't hear and understand what they're talking about anymore when i felt i'm being pulled to the darkness again for the second time.
'This is just so embarrassing!!'
Was my thoughts before succumbing to darkness.
I reached the throne room as fast as i can as i've wanted to finished just whatever it is that this meeting is about.
I walked on the red carpet like a king that i am then sat on my throne before facing the elders of my court that are already lined up.
I glanced to The ones on my left consisting of my Lycan Elders before glancing on my right which is composed of my Vampire elders.
"salam, mənim fənlər "
(Greetings, my subjects)
i said boredly with a laguage lost to mankind and supernatural alike
A lost language that only those with the age of 8 thousand and above knew.
Like my subjects and i with the exception of my three elder Lycans but they can also understand our language.
""Bizim padşahın önündə
özünüzü təqdim !"
(Present yourself before our lord!)
Said elder 1
Elder 14 then stepped in front first.
"Mən Ahmed, lord salam"
(I, Ahmed, salute the lord) said elder 14 from the Lycan group as he bowed respectfully
I slightly nod at him signalling him to proceed and be sitted in which he did as elder 13 stepped in front next.
"Mən Cortez, lord salam"
(I, Cortez, salute the lord) said elder 13 as i also gave him a nod followed by elder 12
"Mən Eric, lord salam"
(I, Eric, salute the lord) elder 12
"Mən Gabriel, lord salam"
(I, Gabriel, salute the lord) elder 11
"Mən Adriel, lord salam"
(I, Adriel, salute the lord) elder 10
After the Lycans, the vampire elders stepped up next.
"Mən Tamula, lord salam"
(I, Tamula, salute the lord) elder 9
"Mən Rusalka, lord salam"
(I, Rusalka, salute the lord) elder 8
After elder 8, elder 6 stepped up seeing as elder 7 is no longer with us.
"Mən Pilirin, lord salam"
(I, Pilirin, salute the lord) elder 6
"Mən Olokun, lord salam"
(I, Olokun, salute the lord) elder 5
"Mən Kao-Guojiu, lord salam"
(I, Kao-Guojiu, salute the lord) elder 4
"Mən Conterra, lord salam"
(I, Conterra, salute the lord) elder 3
"Mən Celest, lord salam"
(I, Celest, salute the lord) elder 2
"Mən Apotampkin, lord salam"
(I, Apotampkin, salute the lord)
elder 1
As soon as they all presented themselves, i immediately begun our meeting.
"Bu toplanması nə məqsədi üçün?"
(To what purpose is this gathering?)
i asked directly and elder 4,
Kao-Guojiu responded
"Baba, biz gənc alpha də təəssüf ki, mənim truppalarının olmaq olur Xortdan bütün kəndi qırğını ilə məşğul olan edilmişdir "
(Sire, we have received reports that our young Alpha is involved in the massacre of an Entire village of vampires which also happens to be from my troupes, unfortunately)
said elder 4 venomously
"Getmək üçün icazə və bir müddət onunla törədici"
(Permission to go and 'play' with him for a while, sire!) he continued as i sighed before rejecting what he wanted and quickly shut him up before he could even protest
I've already known him for countless millenias for me to know that what he really meant when he said 'play' is that, he would either beat the young Alpha into a bloody pulp or torture him until he's half dead, or worse,
kill him and i don't approve neither of the three as i still wanted him to grow stronger for the final game that i've been planning when right time comes.
Plus, his mate's so damn gorgeous and her blood is making me crazy!! Damn!
"Nə biz , törədici nə təklif edirsiniz?"
(What do you suggest we do, sire?) asked elder 1, Apotampkin snapping me out of my trance
"Biz bütün plan qalmaq ki,
finali var! Mənə bir əzab qəbul edilir asi hər kəs!"
(We all stick to the plan And that's final! Anyone who disobeyed me shall be receiving a punishment from me!) i said dangerously and with authority as their ruler and lord as i knew too well that some will not follow orders and act on their own
They all cringed at my voice before saying "if you wish my lord" at the same time then bowing slightly making me sigh deeply as i massaged my temple.
Honestly, i'm so tired of all this shit!
After almost four millenias of sitting on the throne doing almost nothing but looked serious all the time besides giving out orders to my subjects is starting to gain on me.
I mean, i'm getting too old for this shit.
"Əgər hesabat lazımdır başqa
bir şey varmı?"
(Is there anything else you'll want to report?) i asked as i wanted to end this meeting already
"Rəbbimə Ah bəli !
Mən demək olar ki , bu toplanması ən əhəmiyyətli məqsədi hesabat unuttum"
(Ah yes my lord! I almost forgot to report the most important purpose of this gathering) said elder 4 again making me sigh thinking that it may just be some of their stupid ideas
"Proceed" i said
"Ağam , burada mühüm məsələ o eyni zamanda iki kiracı tərəfindən idarə olunur isə , kimsə gənc Alpha döyülmüş ki, deyil! "
(My lord, the important issue here is that, someone had beaten the young Alpha while he is being controlled by his two tenants at the same time) now this got my attention, i mean, not just me but all of the other elders here looked surprised as well
Who would be strong enough to beat him while his two tenants is in control?
Not to mention, at the same time?
"Kim idi? Kim bunu etmək üçün kifayət qədər güclü olacaq ?!"
(Who was it? Who would be strong enough to do it?) elder 2, Celest asked voicing what is in my mind
"Bir vampir idi? Neçə var ?! "
(Was it a vampire?
How many are there?) elder 3, Conterra asked
"Və ya başqa bir werewolf idi ?!"
(Or was it another werewolf?)
elder 14, Ahmed asked
"Bu, bir insan var"
(It's a mere human) a deadly silence filled the room as these 4 words escaped elder four's lips
He may not have said it aloud but it sounded like a roaring thunder to our superior hearing.
The few seconds that passed feels like eternity as no one dared to break the silence seeing as everyone is still trying to proccess in their mind what elder 4 had just said.
"A sadəcə insan ?! Oh! Siz mənə söylüyorum üçün var !! Bu bir zarafat ağsaqqal 4 bir növ hesab edirsiniz ?! Belə komik çünki mən indi səni öldürmək istəyirdi ?! "
(A mere human?! Oh! You've got to be kidding me!! Do you think this is some kind of a joke elder 4?! Because it's so funny i wanted to kill you right now!) shouted elder 5 as he stood up from his feet
"Siz deli var ?! Necə sadəcə insan bir werewolf məğlub edə bilər ?!
Onun calliber bir Alpha ,
qeyd etmək deyil ?! "
(Are you insane?! How can a mere human defeat a werewolf?! Not to mention, an Alpha at his calliber?!) elder 13 shouted
"Bir dəhşətli səhv var lazımdır! Onlar yalan məlumat
verilmişdir olmalıdır!"
(There must have been a terrible mistake! They must have given you a false information!) yelled elder 11
"Siz mənim truppası 11 böyük yalan olduğunu söyləmək üçün çalışırıq?!"
(Are you trying to say that my troupe is LYING elder 11?!) spat elder 4 with so much venom
"Sonra necə əvvəl demək çalışdığınız bu cəfəngiyatdır
izah edə bilər ?! "
(Then how can you fucking explain this nonsense you're trying to say?!) spat elder 8
"Əvvəl Sus ! Siz i yalnız bütün bu uydurma əvvəl alıram düşünürsünüz ?! Yenidən ağız açıq və i əvvəl üz onları rip lazımdır !! "
(Shut the fuck up! Do you think i'm just fucking making all this up?! Open your mouth's again and i'll fucking rip them out your face!!) yelled elder 4 angrily and is ready to make action but is stopped by elder 1, Apotampkin
"Silencio!! Siz bizim Rəbbinin yanında etdiyiniz!!"
(SILENCEEEEE!!!!! YOU'RE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE OUR LORD!!!) yelled Apotampkin with power and authority who is now standing at the center with elder 2 following suit which stopped the others from killing each other
Being my left and right hand man, they have the power and authority over all the other elders.
Meaning, Their commands are only second to mine.
"Ağam ? Bu nə düşünürsünüz ? "
(My lord? What do you think of this?) asked Apotampkin the moment when they all calmed down as he turned to look at me
"Nə mənim Rəbbin
nə təklif edirsiniz ? "
(What do you suggest we do my lord?) esked elder 2, Celest
"Biz onu tapmaq və onu mümkün qədər tezliklə növ
çevirmək olmalıdır! O,
şübhəsiz ki müharibələri zamanı ön cəbhədə göndəriləcək çox güclü pet silah olacaq!"
(Do you really need to ask? It's simple! We must find him and have him transform into our species as soon as possible! He will surely become a very strong pet weapon to be sent on frontlines during wars!) said the war friek elder 6, Pilirin with a huge grin plasttered on his face with the others also agreeing to his ridiculous plans
"Axmaq bir şey yoxdur!
Ki, bir sifariş var! Geri bıçaq mənə cəsarət edənlər ölüm ilə cəzalandırılır olacaq! Biz heç bir şey bilmirik mən özüm bu məsələni olacaq hələ bu insan !
Siz vəzifədən azad edir ! Sizin timleri geri dön ! Elder 1 & 2 ,
siz iki qalmaq!"
(All of you! Shut the fuck up!
Don't you dare do anything stupid!
That's an order! Those who dared stab me in the back will be punished by death! I will take this matter by myself as We do not know anything
about this 'human' yet! That's all! You are dismissed! Go back to your squads! Elder 1 & 2,
the two of you stay!)
i quickly rejected his plans and dismissed them using the voice fitting for a lord making them cower in fear before bowing and agreeing then saying their goodbye's with the exception of Elders 1 & 2
"Keep an eye on them,
especially elder 4, he might act on his own and if he is telling the truth, then find this human! Keep an eye on him and if possible, I want him before my throne! Alive! No harm is to be done to him! I want it done ASAP!" I commanded as i stood up and started to walk
"Of course, You're wish is my command" they said in unison while bowing slightly before dissapearing on the thin air leaving me to my thoughts
'*sigh* this is going to be a pain in the ass! ! *sigh*" i muttered before also dissapearing and reappearing to where i left her and find her playing chess with my 'butler' making me smile as i make my towards them
It's already been 2 days since Simon sped off to find his mate to only Luna knows where, leaving me to resume command in the absence of our Alpha and continue to run the pack until they return.
As much as i also wanted to go and help search for my baby sister, i was stuck with this piles and piles of gaddamn paperworks.
I felt so useless and weak right now and is already on the verge of going crazy so many times already but my parents managed to keep me sane.
I could only wish that he finds her as soon as possible and pray to all the gods and godesses out there to keep her safe and away from harm.
I also am not that worried about the well being of Simon since it's not like he can't take care of himself.
There is also this human we found in the ruins on a village full of vampires which i am so sure was the work of Simon.
Poor human, he must've been caught during Simon's wake.
"Please be safe my princess!" I said to no one as i returned my attention to this abomination called paperwork
Hey guys:)
How's this chapter po?
Senxa po at ngayon lang ulit naka update pero Hope u like it:)
Don't forget to VOMMENTS po
It's already passed new year pero;
Buon Anno po sa lahat:)
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