Chapter 14
When big brother left, i quickly ran down to the kitchen to make some snacks for our trip...
After about an hour or something,
My table is already full...
I made some muffins, cupcakes, and some other sweets...
I also prepared 2 big bottles of cold water in case we get thirsty...
After another 30 minutes of preparing and stuffing them in my bag, i went outside to wait for him...
I sat under a huge tree with a huge smile plastered on my face as i glanced on my bag full of sweets
but that smile faded away when another 2 hours have passed...
I was now starving so looked at my clock and it says, 11:29 AM before leaning on the tree fighting the urge to grab some cupcakes so i shut my eyes close and tried to think of anything that can divert my attention off my growling stomach...
I tried to recall anything but to no avail since i can still hear my grumbling stomach until the events from a while ago came running to my mind like a rushing stunami...
That event actually makes me temporarilly forget my hungry stomach as my simple and innocent mind was searching the answers to my questions but to no avail...
After a few minutes of rocking my head, my brain was now ready to explode beyond the very confines of confusion and dumbness as all my questions hadn't been answered so i tried to answer my questions with my own opinions...
No matter how much i think about it...
I just can't understand what big brother said...
-Just, what does he mean when He said that i will understand all of it when i become more mature?
Hmm maybe i should just wait since he said that i would know it all when i reached the right age and then maybe the answers will come flooding in my mind then?
-My question as to why his mouth tastes like mint?
Maybe i should also drink mint tea so that we will have the same flavor?
I should do that so that we would be fair!!
But i like fragola more!! *pout*
-I also want to know why he groped my breasts since he already had them...
Hmmm, maybe he's jealous because mine was a lot softer and bigger than him?
Aha! That might be it!!
Now i know!! Hahahaha!!!
-why did he took off his shirt and pants and is kissing my body all over is a also a mistery...
But then, maybe he wants me to also see his breasts?
What did he call them again?
I get it!!
Big brother called it 'abs'!!
Hahaha!! That might be it! he wants me to see them, that's why...
And the the reason why he was kissing me all over is that because he can't kiss his own body...
I knew it!! Am a Genius! Hohohoho!!
Maybe i should also tell big brother Allen about this so he will also know how intelligent i am? Hehehehe!!!
With that thought, i quickly got up and ran to the direction of my home, to where mommy, daddy, big brother and i used to live...
After a few minutes of running, i saw the mansion so i picked up my pace even more and went directly inside...
"Mommy!! Daddy!! Big brother!!
I'm home!!!" I yelled as soon as i entered but no one responded
"Mommy!! Mommy! I missed you! Daddy! Where are you! Big brother! I'm home!!!" I yelled again as i ran around the house only to be met by a maid so i quickly and excitedly asked her to where they are but she said that they're not home for the moment which left me heartbroken and dissapointed...
Only God knows how much I missed them!!
After a few seconds, I then decided to go back but was surprised when i felt a strong arms hugging my waist from behind and someone also burried his face on my neck...
I turned around and saw big brother Simon...
I didn't know why...
but it seemed that all my dissapointments from not being able to see my parents and my big brother convert into happiness the moment i saw big brother Simon so i smiled but it soon faded when i saw him unmoving and is just staring at me...
I called his name a couple of time but he just keeps on staring at me that made me nervous even more of what might have happened to him so without second thought, i jumped on his arms stradling him hugging his neck tightly and it seemed to be effective because he hugged me more tightly then burried his face on my neck again kissing and inhaling it?
Just what is so interesting on my neck that he keeps on doing that?
After a few seconds, his kiss is now tickling me so i giggled then pulled away from him but note that i was still on his arms stradling him...
I just pulled my head away from him so i can see him...
He looked at me in the eyes and we stayed like that for a few more seconds...
I used that moment to study his facial features since i didn't have the leisure time doing so in the past...
To put it simply...
I didn't care....
I studied his face for a few more minutes while trying to find answers for my question...
Why is it that all the girls are sqeeling then putting something on their faces whenever they saw big brother Simon or big brother Allen?
Just What is so 'special' on their faces anyways?
I cupped his face then turned it right and left then up trying to find that 'special' something that all the girls saw and uncover the mistery about his face but it seems that bad luck is really my bestfriend because after a minute or so of studying his face...
I just can't find anything 'special' about him...
"Sigh.. I give up!!!" I said befor letting go of his face leaving him with a confused look
"What are looking for baby girl?"
He asked confused and i was about to say something when my stomach grumbled all of the sudden making us both surprise until he broke out laughing so hard leaving me blushing tomato when i realized that i haven't had lunch yet...
But hey...
You can't blame me since i was really hungry...
"Hhmmmpp!!! Big brother stop laughing!!!" I said pouting as i was slapping his chest repeatedly
"Hahaha!! Ok.. Ok... Haha, let's go get you something to eat...." He said
I then tried to get off of him but he just won't let go...
"Big brother, let me go so i can walk!!" I shouted as i struggled to get off but to no avail
"Who said that you're gonna walk? No! You just stay here, in my arms and let me do the walking, ok baby girl?" He commanded?
"I'm not a baby!! I can walk by myself!! And besides, i can't see the sorrounding well like this..."
I whispered the last part but it seems that he still heard it
"First of all, yes.. You are MY BABY...
Second... If you don't like this..
Then how bout this?"
"Eh? What do you...
Whoahhhh!!! Big brother!!"
"Well? Do you like it?"
"Yess!! Yeheyy!!! I'm so tall now!!!
I could see everything!!! Yayyy!! Thank u big brother!!! Love u!!"
I shouted in happiness then kissing his cheeks before taking in the beauty of the sorrounding
I didn't know that the feeling of being taller is so much fun and exciting...
Oh how i wish i'm a little taller...
Well, what did he do?
He just put me up to sit on his shoulders....
"Baby girl? Hang on tight...
We're going for a ride... no...
I mean, for a run!!"
"Uh huh!! I will, don't worry!!"
I exclaimed happily before hugging his head then we ran back home
I mean, he ran but i noticed that it was not that fast because i might fall but it's okay...
After a few minutes, we reached the mansion and speaking of which...
I spotted the tree to where i left my bag full of cupcakes so i instructed him to go that way....
I glanced at the clock behind me again for the hundreth time now...
We are now on the torturing chambers 20 feet beneath the ground...
I growled again for the hundred and one time since It's already been 3 hours but no matter how we torture these Rouges...
Those bastards just won't talk!!
My patience has already been lost a long time ago but Allen and my third in command has been holding me back from killing them...
It's already fvcking 11 o' clock in the morning and i promised my baby that i'll be with her as soon as i can and if this continued, then my plans will be ruined...
'Fvck!! I don't care anymore!!
Just kill those fvcking bastards already so we can be with our baby!!!' Commanded my two tenants and i gladly obliged
I growled loudly as i walked towards them but Allen stopped me again trying to Reason me out but i just had enough already!!
3 hours had been long enough!!
I growled on my Alpha voice as my eyes is now Black and Red
His eyes widened in realization when he saw this before submitting then apologizing but i just ignored it as i continued to walk towards the two fvcktards!!!
In a blink of an eye and without any words, i snapped their heads off their body before throwing it anywhere then turned around to Allen and my third in command ordering them to clean up this mess as i shifted and ran towards the exit as fast as i could...
After about 20 minutes, i reached the mansion only to find that she was not there so i went outside following her scent which leads me to the house of my Beta and i growled again...
Didn't i already told her that she is absolutely NOT allowed to even meet or made contacts with them?
I mean...
At least Not until she accepted me fully...
I was now a few meters away when i smelled that her parents are not in the house so i smirked then quickly made my way on the front door but my smirk faded away as quickly as it appeared when i was hit by the scent of heartbreak and dissapointment that's coming from my baby...
I saw her standing there with her back on me so with pure speed,
I was already behind her then hug her waist before burrying my face on her neck nuzzling it...
She then turned around to me when the most impossible thing happened that i thought to only happen in my dreams...
She smiled at me...
She smiled at me...
She smiled at me...
She smiled at me wholeheartedly and with warmth...
I can't believe it!!
Please Luna!
Please tell me that i'm not just dreaming i beg of you!!
I just stared at her gorgeous smile and face unblingkinly and unmovingly...
Seeing her smile like this makes her even more drop dead gorgeous!!
That's when i made up my mind...
No matter what...
I wanna see that kind of stunning and warm smile from her in every hour, every minute and every second of my life forever...
I was then snapped out of my daydream when she suddenly jumped on my arms stradling me then hugging my neck tightly so i
hugged her more tightly too afraid that she will fall before nuzzling her neck again kissing it while inhaling her intoxicating scent...
Oh how i wished that we would be frozen in ice for us to stay like this forever....
I continued to kiss and nuzzle her neck for a few more seconds when i heard her giggled before pulling her face away from me...
I looked at her in the eyes and we stayed like that for a few more seconds...
She then cupped my face with her tiny hands then turned it right and left then up as if she's trying to see or find something?
She does it for a few minutes before letting my face go...
"Sigh.. I give up!!!" I heard her said befor leaving me with a confused look
"What are looking for baby girl?"
I asked still confused and she was about to say something when her stomach grumbled all of the sudden making us both surprise until i broke out laughing so hard but her tomato blushing face didn't escape my notice...
"Hhmmmpp!!! Big brother stop laughing!!!" She said pouting trying to hide her blush as she slap my chest repeatedly
"Hahaha!! Ok... Ok... Hahaha!!
let's go get you something to eat...." I said trying to tone down my amusement
She then tried to get off of my arms but of course, i won't let her go that easily...
"Big brother, let me go so i can walk!!" She shouted as she struggled to get off but to no avail since i hold her even tighter
"Who said that you're gonna walk? No! You just stay here, in my arms and let me do the walking,
ok baby girl?" I tried so hard
to sound like i'm commanding as i hide my smirk
"I'm not a baby!! I can walk by myself!! And beside, i can't see the sorrounding well like this..."
She whispered the last part but of course, me being a werewolf and vampire heard it no problem with my superior hearing...
I can even hear the sound of almost everything even from miles away!!!
"First of all, yes.. You are MY BABY...
Second... If you don't like this..
Then how bout this?" I said before pulling her up then sitting her on top of my shoulders
"Eh? What do you...
Whoahhhh!!! Big brother!!"
"Well? Do you like it?"
"Yeesss!!! Yeheyy!!! I'm so tall now!!!
I could see everything!!! Yayyy!! Thank u big brother!!! Love u!!" She said before kissing my cheeks
"Love u!!"
"Love u!!"
"Love u!!"
"Love u!!"
Those 2 words echoed in my mind again and again leaving me hanging and blushing madly...
Did she really just...
Kissed me?
And also said that she loved me?
Oh goodness gracious!!
i didn't know how to explain how i'm feeling right now...
I just know that it felt like i was in heaven and that those two words is like a melody of an angel...
Before i was lost in my daydream again....
I quickly snapped out of my trans then looked up to her...
"Baby girl? Hang on tight...
We're going for a ride... no...
I mean, for a run!!"
"Uh huh!! I will, don't worry!!"
She exclaimed happily before hugging my head then i ran back home but not in full speed cause might fall...
After a few minutes, we reached the mansion then she instructed me to go into a huge tree...
I slowed my pace until i was walking then into that tree when i spotted a huge bag...
I put her down then sat her on my lap as i reached for the bag and handed it to her...
She opened it pulled out some...
Is that...
"Big brother! Here! Have some!
I made them all myself!!" She said excitedly making my eyes wide
"Y-you baked all of them?" I asked
"Yap! There's a lot of it! I made it for our trip!!" I smirked at what she said
I ate what she gave me making me once again lost beyond the confines of deliciousness...
These cupcakes are so good!!
Did she really baked them all by herself?
We then continued to eat until we finished it all then resting for a bit...
It was now one in the afternoon when when we decided to go make our trip to the city and since the trip alone will take us 3 hours, i decided to just stay the night later in one of our hotels in the city and be back tomorrow so i mind linked with Allen telling him to take charge while i'm gone...
'I just hope nothing bad happens...' Clyde said
'Oh shut up fur ball! What can happen? Can we just enjoy the time with our baby?' Lucien scolded
"Blah.. blah.. Blah.. Blah..."
I just sighed at their antics while secretly cursing myself for having two crazy tenants like them so i just blocked them off my mind as we made our way to the car...
Hey guys...
So , how's this chapter?
I hope you like it...
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