Awkward Again
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***Demetri's POV***
Fuck! I should have locked that door.
A bright blush paints across Alivia's cheeks.
"Out!" I roar in laughter.
The door swiftly closes and I rush to redress myself and Livy.
"Oh God Demetri." Alivia covers her face.
I'm afraid she is upset. Then she bursts into a fit of laughter.
I kiss her beautiful face and lips and wrap my arms around her waist.
"Come in." I growl.
The door slowly opens and the four men pile in with faces that say, awkward.
"Sorry." They all bark in unison.
Alivia busts out laughing again and then we all follow.
Tears are streaming down my face. That could not have been a worse time to face our dads.
"Well." Alpha Carter scratches the back of his neck, looking at anything but us.
"We came here to demand you take some time off to spend with Alivia." My dad admits. His hand is muffled over his mouth. Laughter bubbling between words.
"Nice ass, Alpha." Efran cackles.
"Goddess." Livy groans, turning her head to bury it in my chest.
"Demetri, seriously. I'm not sitting in this room with that desk ever again." Alex fake gags.
"Fuck you two." I point between my Beta and Gamma.
"We aren't living this down, are we?" Alivia asks hopeful.
"Not a chance." All four guys laugh.
"Well, since you guys wanted us to spend time together." I lead with a smirk.
"How about you use that damn lock." Dad chuckles.
"Hell, how about they close the door." Alpha Carter bellows.
"It was, um, spontaneous." I silently pat myself on the back.
"We have a key." Efran wiggles his brows.
Suddenly my fucking office door is opened again. In walks Lindsay and Alisa.
"No privacy." Livy giggles.
"Are we missing a party?" Alisa asks, looking around the room.
We roar into a huge fit of laughter.
I see Efran and Alex' eyes glance to their mates. All four sets of eyes glaze over before both ladies are crying in pure ridiculous laughter.
"Oh goddess, this is priceless." Alisa continued shaking with giggles. Her baby bump is bouncing with every giggle.
"I can almost hear Livy's new pup." Lindsay squeals.
"You guys are assholes." I joke.
"Seriously, I'm sorry. But, this is just too hilarious." Alpha Carter is laughing maniacally still.
"Enjoy our mortification." I roll my eyes.
"There is nothing better than desk sex." Dad shrugs and winks.
Suddenly it hits me, this is my Dad's old office. I literally shudder.
"Oh, fuck me." I cringe.
Dad busts out laughing again.
"Alivia has that covered." Efran throws his head back, clearly amused.
"Dad? Is this by any chance a new desk?" I ask with fear.
"NOPE!" Dad pops the P. He is relishing in his revelation.
"Epic!" Alpha Carter fist bumps Dad.
"Kill me now." I whine.
"It's fine. We all get caught with our pants down from time to time." Dad nudges Alex in the side.
"Literally!" Lindsay holds her side while weeping giggles.
"I'm hungry." I blurt out.
"You should have finished eating your meal." Efran is really carrying on at this point.
"You guys shut up at breakfast. Mom does NOT need to hear this story." I glare at the laughing baboons.
"Too late." Dad yells as he runs down the stairs.
I dash after my father. He is such a fucking child.
By the time I make it to the kitchen, Mom is wiping tears from her eyes, her hands are holding her large belly and she is in hysterics.
"Good morning, Baby." She laughs out.
"Hi, Mama." I kiss her cheek as my face sets aflame.
"Did you have a productive morning, sweetie?" She calls out to Livy.
"Mom!" I whine loudly.
"Oh honey, calm down. You should be christening every piece of furniture in the house. I want grand pups." Mom starts giggling like a teenager.
"Mom, literally, we walked in to see Demetri's bare ass." Alex is roaring with laughter.
"I have seen his tush before." Mom waves it off. She is not fooling me, her eyes are filling with tears as she hides her face behind a dish towel. She's laughing again.
"Is breakfast ready?" I try to change the subject.
"Did you work up an appetite?" Mom winks.
I groan. My whole body is flushed in red.
"Lock the door next time." Renzo laughs.
"Not you too." I argue with my wolf.
"I will fuck mate anywhere." Renzo coos.
"Zip it, fur ball." I warn.
"Bend Livy over the table, I want more." Renzo orders.
"Go to sleep you horn dog." I bark.
I cut his ass off. He needs a cold shower.
"Go sit down, I will serve you guys breakfast." Dad instructs.
All of sit and food is finally placed in front of us.
The breakfast is full of laughter, blushes and jabs. We will never hear the end of this.
After we finish breakfast, all of us head to The Red Moon Pack to check on Collin, Ivana and Lily.
It was a long day.
Dad and Alpha Carter made no effort to hide this morning's events. Livy and I laughed just as hard as everyone else.
Collin and Luna Elise continuously poked fun. Lily giggled again and again. Ivana peed her pants at one point. I just couldn't help but enjoy it.
I didn't actually care. I got to have sex with the hottest piece of ass on the planet. I was beaming.
Livy took it all in stride. She reassured me that it was fine.
I just hope we get to do it again. That shit was sexy as hell.
Thinking about it had me hard as fuck.
I ended up taking Alivia to the bathroom for a quickie. She eagerly complied.
What? It's been a while!
Of course, our absence didn't go unnoticed. We just caused a whole new wave of banter. We were smug about it this time.
By the time we got home it was dinner time. We ate lunch with The Red Moon Pack. It was enjoyable.
We left the ladies to do girl business. The guys headed to look over the progress of the new territory. It was going well. We were almost finished clearing the land.
Next step would be fencing and then building the new homes. Our packs are really congenial. This was the best idea ever.
After dinner I wanted to spend time with my sisters. It feels like I haven't spent much time with them at all. It is really a shame, I love them. Ari and Izzy are spectacular little pups.
I walk into my parent's house and find the little rugrats up to nothing good at all.
"What are you munchkins up to?" I startle the girls.
"Alpha." They squeal while jumping into my arms.
I squeeze their little bodies and shower them with affection.
"I missed you sweet angels." I admit.
"We missed you Demi." Ari and Izzy continue hugging me so tightly.
They are stinking precious.
"So, are we practicing to be America's Top Chef here?" I ask.
The kitchen is a mess. Bowls are scattered over the counters and there is flour dusting every surface.
"We are making cupcakes." Ari giggles.
"Hmmm, cupcakes?" I ask incredulously.
I hardly think this mess signifies any edible food.
"We tried to make cupcakes." Izzy clarifies.
"You want help." I offer to the pretty little ladies.
"Please, please, please." They beg. Their little fingers laced into praying hands. Puppy dog eyes and pink pouts sprout across their features.
"Save that face for Mom and Dad." I laugh.
First we clean the kitchen. Then I pull the correct ingredients out of the cabinets.
"Why are we making cupcakes?" I ask.
"Because they are sweet and yummy." Ari throws me a duh look.
"Are we allowed to be baking without parents present?" I chastise the monsters. They could have gotten hurt.
"No, but you're here now. No harm done." Izzy shrugs.
"Mmhmm, but I wasn't a minute ago. I suggest you don't pull that again. Agreed?" I ruffle their hair playfully.
"Yes, Alpha." They promise.
We get busy making proper cupcakes. While they are in the oven I send the girls to bathe. They looked as if they had been playing in the ingredients instead of cooking with them.
The cupcakes were cooling when Ari and Izzy returned to the kitchen.
"Much better." I rewarded them with more kisses.
"Demi? When is our cousin gonna be here?" Izzy asks.
"Soon, but he or she will be too little to play with. You will need to be extra careful with Alex' pup." I inform them.
"We just wanna look at it. It's gonna be so pretty. I hope it looks like Alisa." Ari explains.
"What's wrong with the pup looking like Alex?" I ask feigning offense.
"We already have two of you." Izzy pokes me in my cheek.
"There are two of Alisa and you two." I point out, flicking both their noses.
"Alisa is just prettier. Sorry Demi. Get over it." Ari pops me in the head and runs off.
"I'm eating all the cupcakes." I threaten the little devils.
"Noooooo." They both dramatically fall to the floor like I wound them.
"Get off the floor you dorks. You just had a bath." I pick them up and plop them on the counter.
I give each of them a bowl of icing. Different colors. I hand them a decorating knife.
"Ice the cupcakes and I will grab us some milk." I instruct.
I pour the milk and keep an eye on the weasels. They are eating more than they are getting on the cupcakes.
"More icing less eating." I give them a glare and point my fingers from my eyeballs to theirs.
Their giggles fill the air.
Once the sloppy cup cakes are finished I set one down in front of each them. I store the other's in a Tupperware container, leaving one out for myself.
"We are the best cook's ever." Izzy beams.
"These are really good. You guys did great." I praise them.
"You helped." Ari clarifies.
"I supervised. You guys are master bakers." I exaggerate.
They smile widely. Icing stuck to their teeth and hands.
I grab two napkins, wetting them. I clean the princesses.
"Where are Mom and Dad?" I ask.
"They should on their way home soon. They ran to the neighbors. Mrs. Montgomery is sick and they were checking on her." Izzy explains our parents absence.
"You two wanna watch a movie with me?" I offer.
"Frozen!" They scream together.
That movie should be banned. I know every word.
"Sure." I give in.
We set up the movie. Ari and Izzy crawl in my lap on the couch. They hold my hands and get engrossed in the movie.
"Let it go, Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore." They sing in unison.
"Let it go, Let it go. Turn away and slam the door." I sing along.
They jump off my lap and pull me up. We dance around the living room.
"I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway" We belt out the words together.
The front door opens and my parents are standing there. Laughing. Amused.
I stop in my tracks.
Not Again.
"Oh, don't stop the show on our accord." My Dad laughs sweeping his hand towards the girls.
"You're going to tell everyone aren't you." I groan.
"Of course not." My Dad smirks.
"Yes we are." Mom busts out laughing.
I shake my head and continue my epic performance. Our parents join in.
"Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door" We sing together, me spinning Ari and Dad spinning Izzy.
The girls peal in laughter.
I don't care. They can tell the world. My sister's giggles are worth the awkward story.
After the movie and the many family karaoke moments, I tuck my siblings into their bed and kiss their foreheads. I bid them good nite.
I kiss Mom and Dad before heading back to the pack house.
Even thru all the embarrassing moments, today has been a great day.
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