Me and My Best Friend
Some things you should know
y/n = your name
m/n= middle name
l/n= last name
f/c= favourite color
2/f/c= 2ed favorite color
f/f= favorite food
f/d= favorite drink
n/n= nickname
c/e/t= color of ears and tail
Garroth's POV
"H-Hey Y-Y/n, c-can I w-walk you h-home?" I asked.
"Sure, I don't see why not," Y/n smiled.
"Awesome," I said. We walked out of the school and started heading to her house. We walked in silence for a while until I decided to break it. "So, did you meet anyone at school that you might consider dating once you get to know the better," I asked while blushing.
"Y-yeah, b-but I can't t-tell you who," she said blushing a deep red. Then it went back to silence until we reached her house.
"Here it is," she said.
"Hey I live right next door," I smiled.
"Awesome well I'll see you later," she said and went into her house. I went to my house and went inside. I did my homework, which felt like it took forever. By time I was done it was time to go to bed.
I woke up to my alarm. "Happy Wendsday," I said to myself. I got up, took a shower, got dressed in my uniform, ate breakfast then left for school. When I got to school I saw Laurence hanging out with a werewolf I haven't seen before. "Hey Laurence, who's your friend?" I asked confused.
"Hey Garroth! Garroth, this is Janyka (my oc. It is said like janica. Jan-i-ka). Janyka, this is Garroth," Laurence introduced.
"Hi Garroth, nice to meet you. From what I hear your the Alpha now," Janyka said.
"Hi Janyka, and yes I am the alpha now. So, how long have you too known each other?" I asked.
"Since pup-school. We have been friends a while," Laurence said.
"Cool, well I have to get going," I said.
Laurence's POV
"So Janyka, what do you think of Garroth?" I asked.
"I mean he's cute and all, but honestly I think he has a thing for someone else. Maybe her," Janyka said pointing at the omega Y/n.
"No way thats the Omega! He can't have a thing for her!" I exclaimed.
"Her energy and Garroth's energy say otherwise," Janyka giggled.
"What about me?" I asked.
"I can't answer that," Janyka blushed.
"Why," I smirked. Then Janyka mumbled something.
"Huh? What was that?" I asked.
"Me," she said. I blushed because she was right.
"Uh y-yeah I c-ca-" I was cut off by Janykas lips on mine.
"I feel the same way," Janyka said.
"Janyka, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yes," Janyka smiled. good thing we have every class together. With that we went to class.
Garroth's POV
Laurence introduced me to his friend Janyka, but by the way he looked at her I could tell that he wanted to be more then just friends. I got to the front door and heard Janyka say something about me liking Y/n. I mean yeah it was true, but how did she know?
I got to my locker and was getting the things I needed for class when Y/n came up to her locker. "Hey Garroth, I can't walk with you to our first few classes because the principal wants to talk to me for some reason," she said sadly.
"Okay, so I will see you for lunch?" I asked worried.
"Yep!" She smiled.
"Okay, see you then," I smiled back. With that I went to my first class. The first few classes were boring without Y/n, but I would get to see her at lunch luckily.
The bell for the end of the period rang signaling that it was time for lunch. I went to my locker and grabbed my lunch and went to the lunch room.
When I got to the lunch room a werewolf came up to me. "Alpha, you need to choose an Alpha Female," the werewolf said as Y/n walked into the lunch room.
"I think I already have," I said unable to take my eyes off Y/n.
"Who?" The werewolf asked.
"Y/n," I replied.
"The omega?!?!" The werewolf yelled.
"Yes," I said and with that the werewolf walked away.
A/n: Sorry for the short chapter, but the next chapter should be longer. I've been trying to write 3 different books at once. Which is no were near easy. Anyways if you liked this chapter please leave a comment and vote. This will show me that I should continue with this book.
~Anyway bye my cookies
Word count: 792
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