* 1 *
I've only been sitting here for three minutes, but I check my phone anyway. It didn't ring or anything, but, hey, maybe it's broken?
Nope. No new messages. I don't know why I'm so surprised.
I plop on my lavender colored bed and look around my room. The walls are a pastel blue color and the carpet is supposed to be pastel pink. There are sploches of it that look more red, though, because of all the times France and I spilled Kool-Aid over it.
My computer desk was on the left wall and I turned to look at it. All I've really been using it for is the Connor Project blog. Maybe I could sell it and make room for more books.
No, but a computer is equally important, right?
The two book shelves on both sides of my computer desk are spilling. Books of various genres are piled on top of each other in a very unorganized manner. I really, really want to organize it, don't get me wrong, but then I'd have to get rid of books, and what would I do with them then?
I'm actually not much of a reader nowadays, believe it or not. I just really can't bear to part with these books. As a kid, whenever I'd get overwhelmed or stressed, I'd pick one up and read.
So that's what I'll do right now.
I sat in my computer chair and took out the first book my hand reached for. I smiled as I read the title, "Charlie's Little Nightmare." It wasn't a scary book. Rather, it was a book that taught children the reasoning behind nightmares, and helped them realize that they're completely in their head.
Not always true. But kids didn't need to know that.
I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:30. I shot out of my chair, remembering that I told the boys I'd meet them outside the school at 12. I better get going.
I ran down stairs and grabbed my coat.
"You don't need that." I grumbled as I turned around to see France, my little sister. She's only 12, but she's the absolute worst. "It's September."
I tried not to get annoyed at her comment, "You never know." I said, shrugging, before opening the door.
"Oh wait!" I said, smiling to myself. "Forgot something!"
"What? Your trophies?" France scoffed. "I'm sure you talk about them all the time."
"I don't have any trophies." I fired back, before smirking, "They'll all medals." I
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed an a apron and a flimsy straw hat.
"What is that for?" France said as I stuffed them into a tiny backpack, "You gonna dress as a gardner?"
"Not quite. And not me." I said, trying to refrain from laughing as I grabbed the tupperware of cookies and walked out the door.
"You're kidding." Jared said deadpan, starting at me in disbelief. "I am not putting that on."
"Come on!" I said encouragingly, even though in reality, I knew he was just gonna embarrass himself. I need a laugh sometimes, too, you know.
"No way." He responded, putting his hands in front of him and stepping back, "I'm too small to be a grandma."
"Do it for Connor!" I said excitingly.
Evan arrived, "Do what for Connor?"
Jared looked at me, at Evan, at me, at Evan, and said, "Jesus Christ." before putting on the apron and the hat.
Evan looked away to keep himself from laughing. "Dont, Hansen." Jared hissed, before going to write down prices of the goods on a sheet of paper.
"Can't be a bake sale without a grandma, am I right?" I said to Evan, grabbing the brownies he made from his hands and setting them on the table.
"Y-yeah. Sure." He didn't look at me, though, just at Jared. I turned around and looked at him, too.
I put gloves on and started setting up the goods in a colorful display that was sure to get people's attention. And when I said colorful, keep in mind that they're just brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and pre-made smores, so it can only be so colorful.
Jared stood behind the cash register, slightly angry because of the grandma costume, and Evan whispered to me, "W-what do I do?"
I shrugged, "Promote, why not?" I said, "Get the word around." He looked at me for a second and nodded before Jared shot a paper airplane at him. He unravelled the airplane to see it was a colorful advertisement.
"Thanks?" He said the Jared, "But you- I'm r-right here, y-you know."
Jared shrugged, "It's funny when you get hit by airplanes."
Man, Jared is a real meanie sometimes.
Evan just nodded and took off with his poster to advertise.
I finished setting up the treats and held small paper bags in my hands to give people the treats in. There was a chair right beside me, but I was sure that any minute, a costumer would come and I'd have to stand up.
Jared eyed me, "You gonna sit?"
I shook my head, "I'm watching for people."
"Suit yourself." He replied, putting his feet up on the other side of the cash register. I would've scolded at him, but at least he didn't put them up where the treats were sitting.
A few minutes went by and... no one.
I sat down.
"Took you long enough." I ignored him.
At one point, he reached for a brownie. "Hey!" I yelled.
He stopped short, hand hovering above the brownie, "What?"
I sighed and said, "You need to pay for that."
Jared gave me a face and said, "I'm working here, and wearing this ridiculous costume, and you want me to pay for that?"
I nodded, but he shook his head and grabbed a brownie anyway. I slapped his hand and he dropped it to the ground in surprise.
"Now that's a completely ruined brownie!" He shouted. "You could've at least let me eat it!"
"I bet you still will." I challenged.
He shrugged, "Yeah." before picking up the brownie and eating it.
Someone cleared the throat, and I looked up to see that we had a costumer.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that!" I said kindly, "What would yoh like? All proceeds go to the Connor Memorial Orchard!"
The costumer, who was probably about 22 and had long blonde hair, raised her eyebrow, "The Connor Memorial Orchard?" She asked.
"Yeah it's-"
Jared put his hand on my chest to stop me from continuing and said, "Don't let her bore you with the details. We're raising money to restore a dead kid's favorite orchard."
Man, be really was not in a good mood today, huh?
I let out a breath to keep myself from getting angry and smiled at the girl, "Yep."
She nodded her head slowly and pointed to the smores, "I'll take one of those and a cookie, too, please." She said.
I grabbed the treats and put them in a bag as Jared said, "$7.33."
"Odd number.." I mumbled under my breath. As I handed the bag to the lady, I snuck a peek at the price list Jared wrote.
The lady paid and left.
"2.52 for a brownie?" I asked, "2.88 for a cookie?" I then looked at the last item on the list, "4.45 for a smore??"
Jared threw his hands up in defence. "Those things took three hours to make! And a hella lot of graham crackers! Four boxes!"
I shook my head, but for some reason still laughed, "That's so expensive. And such a random number."
He shrugged, "When I'm at stores, I hate dealing with change, so I usually just tell the cashier to keep it. If the decimals are odd like this, they'll be more likely to pay extra and ket us keep it."
Despite being a scam-like move, it was sorta smart. I guess that's Jared for you. Sorta smart, but a scam.
And what does 'sorta smart' mean to me anyway? The fact that that's the best trait I can find for him is bad on it's own!
I don't dislike Jared, he's just a special snowflake. Has a sorta spoiled tendency to him, but I feel like he means well. Especially since he was pretty ok in middle school. We were actually pretty close acquaintances in middle school, him and I. Doubt he remembers that me, though, because, like him, I changed a lot in high school.
Or maybe not. Maybe, despite the fact that I'm trying to be more friendly, maybe I'm still the same as I was in middle school. Maybe I'm still the girl who distanced herself from society to get good grades and build a resume, despite being 13 years old.
2 jobs, all A's, perfect attendance, and leadership roles in 3 after-school activities, and I still don't feel like I'm where I'm supposed to be.
But, I know I'm doing good. Deep inside, I know I'm fine.
I try to deny this as much as possible, but Jared is one of the reasons I joined the Connor Project. Sure, it would help me build my resume while also letting me help those who need it, but it's also bringing me closer to Jared. And Evan, I guess. But I was never really a close acquaintance to Evan. I am now, though. To both him and Jared. Isn't that cool? I'm making friends!
I think so, at least.
Published 4/26/20
Word Count 1595
So yeah I feel like I'm already going in the wrong direction with this but I'm sure I'll get it sorted out.
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