Our Mission
~Shimā's POV~
I met up with my group which consisted of me, Tsuki, Yami, Faye, Chō, Rui, and Tafuna. We were currently talking about going out to eat when we heard the messenger Hawks call above us. I sigh and turn to the others.
"What do you suppose Lady Hokage wants?" I ask kind of annoyed.
"I don't know Shi, let's go find out." Rui says cheerfully.
How in all of holly Jashin is she so cheerful!? I think to myself.
"Shi, you're giving off a scary aura. Calm down." Tafuna whispers in my ear causing me to blush.
"Uhh---I-I'm s-s-sorry Tafuna-kun." I stutter out I mentally curse myself for stuttering like an idiot.
"Tafuna! Shimā! Come on already slow pokes!" Tsuki yells at us. We catch up to them and walk into Lady Hokage's office after knocking and hearing 'come in'.
"Good day Lady Hokage. How may we be of service to you today?" We all ask while bowing. You may say we rehearsed this but we really didn't, it came naturally.
I see her sweat drop along with Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzimaki, Sai, Sakura Haruno, Faye's older sister by a year and my dad, Kakashi Hatake. "Rise children." She says.
"Hai, Lady Hokage." Again we all say it in unison and stand at the same time. You're probably wondering where our sensei is, simple, she ran away from the village a while ago.
"You seven will be going on a search and retrieve mission with Team Seven." She says in a demanding way.
"Do we have to Lady Hokage?" Yami ask irritated.
"Yami! You know the rules, we do not question Lady Hokage! No matter how annoying the other team we get paired with is." I say turning to my teammate glaring at him as he glares back.
"Shut it twerp." Yami says smirking.
"Shimā-chan, please calm down." Rui says in her calming voice as Tafuna grabs ahold of me throwing me over his shoulder.
"I am sorry Lady Hokage, what or who are we searching for?" Faye asks.
"Hana Shilla." She answers. "Your sensei."
I growl a menacing growl. "Are we to kill her and bring her back or kill her and destroy the body? Or just bring her back?" I ask.
"You can kill her if necessary but I'd prefer you not to." She says calmly.
"Hai Lady Hokage." We say in unison as we bow.
"Meet at the gates in an hour?" Dad(Kakashi) asks.
"Yes, don't be late." I say staring daggers at him and his team.
~Tsuki's POV~
"Shimā why do you and Yami always fight?" I ask in my monotonous yet kind voice.
"Because he always calls me twerp. I hate being called twerp." She says scowling at the ground. We walk in silence until we have to split up to go our separate ways.
"See you in a while Tsuki-chan." Shimā says.
"Okay see you in a bit Shi-chan." I say as we both take off to our houses.
~time skip~
~Chō's POV~
Everyone is at the gates waiting for guess who...... Kakashi Hatake. I don't understand how that man can have a child who is always early and expects everyone else to be just as early if not earlier then her. Not that I actually care any.
"Chō-chan!" Sakura yells I inwardly groan, I don't care for this pinkete in fact I don't really care for anyone other then my teammates.
"Hn?" I don't know why I do that I just do and I don't mind really.
"Can I braid your hair?" She asks giggling.
"No." I say emotionlessly.
"Don't mind her Sakura-chan, Chō-chan doesn't like a lot of people." Rui says smiling that warm smile of hers.
"That's for sure." Yami says laughing.
"What's so funny Yami?" I ask tilting my head.
"Well, Chō, it just how tiny you look next to us, well except for Shimā, she's still the shortest."
"That's it!" Shimā yells as she punches Yami in the gut as hard as she can. Which is pretty hard. "Don't call me tiny! Twerp! Or anything in that nature you giant freak!" I snicker as she beats him up.
~Yami's POV~
~time skip to an hour later~
"You're late!" I hear two banshees scream...oh, never mind that was just Sakura and Naruto.
"It's about time you've shown up dad." Shimā says in a calm voice. Weird she's usually impatient. I think to myself.
"Sorry, I got lost on the path of life." He says back rubbing his neck.
"Are you serious? Shi, how are we supposed to work with this group if the only adult is lazy?" I ask her.
"We'll manage Yami, just remember the rules and we should be fine." She says in a demanding tone.
"Yeah whatever, last time I checked Tafuna and I were in charge of the group." I say back.
"Typically you are, but I am for this mission." She says.
"Whatever, just don't get us killed." I say as we walk out of the gates. She flips me off and walks in the front with her dad. Tafuna and I are walking in the back. Sakura was left behind by her group as Sai, Sasuke and Naruto are walking in front of her and her in front of us. Tsuki, Chō, and Rui in front of them and of course Faye, oh beautiful Faye jumping through the trees.
"Yami?" Tafuna asks.
"Can I tell you something?"
"I was going through files the other day in Lady Hokage's office sorting them for her. I came across our files, mine, yours, Rui's, Tsuki's, Shimā's, Faye's, and Chō's and they were all sealed shut to were I couldn't open them. Well at least that anyone knows of. I got them open only to the first page though. They all said we were adopted. It said we were found on a search and rescue mission and brought back, it also said our memories have been whipped of who we really are." Tafuna says.
"Is that so?" I ask.
"It is so Yami, I questioned Lady Hokage about it once. Her chakra flickered meaning she was lying." Faye says now behind us.
I jump slightly, "geez Faye-chan, don't sneak up on people. Anyways who do you think our parents really are then?"
"I don't know. But I have a feeling we'll be meeting them soon." Faye says fading back to the trees.
~time skip on the way back from the mission~
~Kakashi's POV~
"Kakashi-sensei, didn't Lady Hokage tell us not to kill Hana Shilla?" Sakura asks.
"No she said she prefer us not to. But we did anyways." Shimā says. I don't know why The Third assigned her to me. Geez. I think to myself.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a familiar chakra following us. The Akatsuki...they must have sensed the kids. Just my luck.
"Kakashi-sensei, do you feel that?" Sasuke asks while grinding his teeth.
"Yeah and were surrounded." I say as I get ready to uncover my Sharigan.
~Faye's POV~
I was fading in and out of trees when all of a sudden I see someone's chakra near me. "Who are you?" I ask in a dangerous tone.
"I'm your father." A voice says.
"And I am your mother." An other voice says. "I know you can tell we're not lying. Please go get Tafuna, Rui, Tsuki, Chō, Shimā and Yami. They're parents are here as well. They're less trusting then you are." My Mother says.
"Very well. Mother, father." I say bowing to them before sinking away into the trees and in front of my friends.
I found my way into the middle of a battle between Kakashi, Sai, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto. They're fighting our real parents. As soon as they all see me they stop though. "Tafuna, Rui, Tsuki, Shimā, Chō, Yami." They all look at me as I say they're names.
"Yes Faye-chan?" Yami asks.
"Hey! You can't like my daughter!" My dad yells. "Kakuzu! You better watch your son." He growls.
"Oh yeah? What am I supposed to do about it? It's not like he's money." Yami's dad replies.
"These are our real parents. The Leaf village has lied to use for to long. I am no longer doing they're work for them. Kakashi, I advise you not to move another step. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't see. I will destroy you, if you haven't realized, we are 10times stronger then you. I myself can take you down with a swipe of my blades. Back down now and you live." I say calmly.
"I can't let you kids leave with them." He say.
"Tsuki!" I yell.
"Hai. Sleeping bombs, activate!" She yells as us and our parents get away.
"Good job Tsuki." I say as we follow our parents.
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