Singing Stars-[5]
They were back in the garage, sitting around their instruments, and it was clear that RJ and Diosa were doing their best to stall. They had work in the next hour, and they were both silently hoping to make it there without having to film or record anything.
RJ sat nonchalantly at his piano with his phone in hand, supposedly searching for a song for them to play.
Diosa was sat on the floor in the corner, plainly eating barbeque chips and staring off into space, counting the seconds as they ticked away. Her violin was in its case beside her, and she was hoping she wouldn't have to play it for the fourth time that day.
Elena stood with her guitar in hand, tapping impatiently on the floor of the garage, becoming frustrated by her friends’ lack of motivation.
“That’s it.” she says. “RJ is taking too long to find something to play. Both of you pick a song off the top of your head, and that's what we’re gonna record.”
“Uhmmm…” Diosa says, thinking. Before she can say anything however, RJ spoke up.
“We could do Just Fine by SpookyGhostBoy.” He suggested, still looking at his phone.
“Hey, that's a good one. Let’s do that. Here we go.” Diosa says, sitting up and dusting off her hands to get ready to play.
Elena, however, squinted at RJ, somewhat suspicious. “Isn’t that the song Ken said was his favorite?” A slow grin spreads across her face as RJ shook his head defiantly.
“I don't know what you’re talking abou-”
“Hey, yeah!” Diosa says, also looking at RJ with raised eyebrows. “What’s that about?”
RJ shrugs, trying to play it off. “It's nothing. I just listened to it a couple times since he recommended it to me. It's been in my head all day, so it was the first thing to come to mind.” He hides his pink cheeks by taking a sudden interest in his astronaut helmet and slipping it on.
Elena and Diosa exchange glances but shrugged, not pressing any further as they ready their instruments.
Elena ran over to the camera which was setup on RJ’s Tripod as Diosa put on her motorcycle helmet. “Ready?”
The two turn to Elena, who, despite being the most excited for their band, had yet to discover a unique way to hide her face.
Diosa and RJ’s eyes turn hopeful behind their helmets, both wondering if, by some stroke of luck Elena won’t have a mask or helmet and they would be able to put off recording a cover for a little while longer.
But then, from the piles of boxes that still outlined the garage from their cleaning session weeks ago, tucked neatly away, Elena reached for a small, symmetrical box that she had decorated with a cute calico cat face. It had small, dark holes in the front so she could see, and a heart and flower glued to the top corners in place of cat ears.
Proud of her creation, Elena put it over her head, a grin heard in her voice as she gives her friends a thumbs up and says, “All set!”
Diosa and RJ look at each other, neither one being able to see the eyes of the other, though it was clear that both of them felt the same deep sense of nervous dread. But it was too late for any more protests, and neither could bring themselves to ruin Elena’s happiness.
Diosa straightens her posture, her bow resting just above the strings of her violin, ready to play. RJ repositioned the microphone in his helmet, his piano resting in front of him invitingly.
Finally, Elena hit record on the camera before joining the band.
RJ breathed in as Elena started tapping the beat out on the side of her guitar before beginning to strum the strings. With one final exhale, he began to sing.
“Well, I forgot the way back home
I called your number on my phone
And asked you for directions in my car”
His hands found the piano in front of him, nearly forgetting his cue to begin playing, repeating chords to accentuate the soft guitar
“And I can't sleep, I'm up at night
You're in my ear and i'm alright
I'm trying not to put it on the line”
Finally, Diosa enters the song with slow, powerful pulls of her bow over the violin strings, lifting the entire song and bringing it to life.
“And I am so tired of losing sleep
I just want to keep you around
You make me feel alright
You make me feel alright
You make me feel like everything is gonna be just fine”
All of their faces were covered, and yet behind the visors and cardboard each of them was smiling. It was a calm, slow song, but it was all the fun Elena had promised them it would be to perform it together.
“Well, I remember vividly
I can't believe it's happening
The perfect picture burning to the ground
Then suddenly, it all makes sense
I push the sigh of my own regrets
And focus on the constant ringing sound”
Diosa’s violin came to a seamless end and she lowered her bow. Elena soon followed, her palm resting over her strings to calm it into silence. It was left to RJ to finish, his voice carrying over the final verse as his hands conducted the final notes of the song.
“And I am so tired of losing sleep
I just want to keep you around
You make me feel alright
You make me feel alright
You make me feel like everything is gonna be just fine”
Everything went quiet as the song came to a stop. The three just stood there, amazed they'd finally actually done it. Elena was the first to move, heading to stop the recording.
“Now..” Elena is the first to speak. “Are there any volunteers for editing and uploading?”
Immediately, RJ and Diosa start rambling off countless excuses.
Their mornings were now very seldom filled with music, but rather by an intense silence that came with editing the five minute video.
Diosa and RJ had volunteered Elena’s laptop up to actually post the video. RJ was leaned over the laptop with terrible posture, doing something on it. He looked over something before clicking the keypad dramatically.
“Aaaaaand, posted!” He turned to the girls and smiled. “It's official, The Airheadz have posted their first ever cover!”
“Coolio.” Diosa smiled, leaning in to excitedly look at their newly posted video.
Elena was quiet, simply staring at the laptop blankly as if not really seeing it. Despite being the one most excited, she was evidently now reconsidering, maybe even regretting, their decision.
“We should take it down.” She started pacing back and forth “This was a bad idea.” She was scratching at her nails.
“Elena,” Diosa looked over at their friend. “It’s fine, everything will be okay.”
“Yeah,” RJ reassured. “We’re anonymous, so even if people don't like it we'll be fine.”
“Exactly!” She looked at them frantically. “What if people don't like it! Our efforts will be for nothing! And then they dislike it and give us mean comments! And what if they somehow track us down using something we left in the background?!?”
Diosa walked over and grabbed her friends hand, looking in her eyes. “It'll be fine, whatever happens, we'll deal with it together.” This seemed to work as Elena slowed her breathing.
“Yeah, see! If someone sends us hate mail attached to a rock through our windows, we'll be fine cause we'll deal with it together!” RJ said without thinking.
“RJ!” Diosa turned and screamed at him as Elena started hyperventilating again.
This one has been long in the works. Hey, though, they finally have made music!
I don't have much to say about this chapter soooo... We hope you enjoy and remember to stay safe!(1323 Words)
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