Chapter 14
Hey Pandas!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't written in so long!!! My life is way more busy then I expected, and recently I've been having some issues. However I hope that you can forgive this late arrival. I love you all and hope you enjoy this chapter!!! Also, just to let you all know round about where this story is at....I'm hoping to wrap everything up in chapter that should be the end of TAWB. I know so sad!!!! Don't worry there will be more projects coming. Actually I've started like eight different's kind of overwhelming however I am unclear as to which I'm going to release yet. So please stay tuned ;)
Loves!!! xoxoxox -Manda
P.S. In the light of some new plagiarism going around this is definitely cool and don't steel other peoples hard work!!! And we can all live happily ever after. LOVES!!!!!!!
Entering the kitchen I reclaim my seat at the dinner table, opening my napkin up on my lap. The table goes silent around me as everyone slowly stares expectantly. They want me to give a lengthy description of the salesman who was most likely trying to shove a refrigerator or other useless object into my hands. However they are definitely going to be let down, I say nothing. Finally mom is the first to speak.
“Marcus…who was at the door?” She asks staring at me with an inquiring gaze. Refusing to look up at her I clench my jaw and shake my head, “Nobody, would you pass the salad please?” The doorbell rings again and I sigh in irritation, leaning my elbows on the dinner table as I clasp my hands together and hide my face. Why? Why on such a perfect and nice day did he have to return like this?
I can’t even begin to express the annoyance building up within me at being disturbed on such an important day. Does he have no respect for anyone but himself?
Ding Dong.
Collin looks around the table at all of us, chewing his food with a watchful precision, obviously unsure of how to react. Timothy stares at his plate, scouring his fork against the porcelain in an attempt to evade the heavy tension now filling the room.
Ding Dong.
Mom breathes a heavy sigh before setting her fork and napkin down as she comes to a stand, “Ok I guess I’ll be getting that.” Then just like that she is walking out of the kitchen. I want to do something…anything to block her from going into that room, and opening that godforsaken door, but I can’t. I’m frozen in place like a distressed nine year old boy. Her footsteps echo in my ears and I cringe at each of her delicate footfalls.
A foot hits my leg catching my attention, and I shoot my gaze to Collin who is across from me. He is giving me a worried look, his eyes holding an incredible amount of concern. It is possible that this is the first time he has ever shown this emotion towards me, the roles have been reversed. Suddenly I feel like I want to hide in his arms, and never ever face the world again. At the same time a burst of heated rage bombards my heart and mind and I’m pushing away from the table heatedly. Timothy winces and squares his shoulders, struggling to make himself as small as possible.
With a new sense of purpose I stride into the room, the tendrils of my fiery temper reaching out and most likely killing any living thing within a mile. My mom opens the door just as I step up behind her, and upon sight of the man behind the door she takes a significant step backwards. My hand catches her elbow offering her support. I feel my anger and confidence flow from my heart through my arm and into her.
Her hips cocks out sassily and I hear the resentment in her next words, “Oh joy, what brings you back to my doorstep Jude?”
My father either chooses to ignore the obvious petulance or is genuinely that much of an idiot that he just gives her the smile of an absolute dunce. “It’s good to see you too Carressa, I was passing through town and remembered it was your birthday, so I thought I would stop by.” He chuckles and runs a hand through his curly hair before holding up a bouquet of half dead roses, “You know I never forget a birthday!”
Mom stares at the horrendous offering; a sickened purse on her lips before she reaches out grabs the bouquet and chucks it behind her and into my arms. I’m genuinely surprised at her action at first, but soon find it extremely satisfying and in turn chuck it somewhere behind me, not caring to see where it lands. Jude stares after the flowers sourly, before regaining his composure and pasting that grossly fake grin back on his face. “Well aren’t you going to let us in?” He gestures to the pretentiously dressed young woman behind him, who gives a wide red lipped smile as she cracks a bubble between her teeth.
“And why would we do that?” I object my voice oozing insolence as I grab the door with my fist, hovering protectively over my mother. There is no way this guy is getting in without a fight.
Jude stares at me that smile stuck on his face as if eternally pressed there, despite the look of utter disdain in his eyes. “Come now Marcus, it’s been how many years since we sat down to chat?”
“Eight, and your point?” I counter with a raised brow. Before I can get too heated mom cuts between us, “We would love to chat Jude, but we have company as of right now so-
“Perfect!” Jude grins throwing up his hands, “The more the merrier right?” The blonde girl pops another bubble, and I get the sudden urge to shove that gum down her throat. Mom sighs and looks up at me, I muster every ounce of anger and hatred I have for that man into one expression of utter desperation, begging her not to let him in.
“Fine.” She mutters opening the door wider allowing Jude and the dumb blonde to step inside the house. “We’re just having dinner, you can join us if you’d like.”
“Thanks we’d love to.” Jude croons. I can’t stand in that room any longer. Exasperated I stride into the kitchen taking my seat next to Collin instead of at my original seat. I can hear the adults making small talk in the living room, and knowing it’s only a matter of time before they join us I nod at timothy.
“Move over here and get two extra plates.” Timothy nods and hastily moves his plate to the end of the table near me, and then he runs to the cupboard and recovers two plates as well as extra utensils. With earnest agility he sets the dishware at the place mats and then returns to his seat.
Unable to do anything else I glare at the archway into the living room, biting at my thumb. What the hell? Why did she let them in…..why didn’t she just say no? What could he do? It’s not his house, and we are not his fucking family, he can’t just waltz in here after what he did, after eight years of absolutely no contact and expect to be treated like a guest. My agitation must show because a hand squeezes my leg reassuringly. This slight comfort has me relaxing minimally in my seat as I clasp at Collins hand desperately. My boyfriend leans into my shoulder to whisper in my ear. “What’s going on?”
With a sarcastic snort I look up at him, “Father dearest decided to drop by after these long years.” Collin thinks this over for a brief second, and then his eyes widen in realization. He clasps my hand tighter rubbing his thumb over my skin.
“Are you okay?” He asks me softly, and I revel in the musical note of honest concern in his voice. God if only I could just run upstairs and hide away with Collin in my bedroom…but I can’t. I can’t leave my mother with a tool like him. The presence of a slight headache makes itself known and I just nod rubbing my temple with my freehand. Collin scowls cutely, his nose scrunching up and his eyebrows drawing together. “What a prick, I could just-
Collin is cut off short as Mom, Jude and the annoying blonde girl enter the kitchen. Timothy eyes them with minimal interest, he never met my father but he had heard enough about him. Mom wasn’t the type to hide things away, or sugar coat them. Timothy eyes the man up and down before scrunching his nose as if he smells something bad, then he picks up his fork and digs into his pasta. I pat Collins hand to assure him that I’ll be fine, and then release him so he can start eating.
“Well look at this feast!” Jude remarks with an insufferable smirk. “My god, I should have stayed around huh?” He jokes sitting down across from Collin, while the blonde takes the seat next to him. The woman has bleached blond hair with a under layer of dark brown. Her skin has the stereotypical playboy bunny tan, and her breasts seem ridiculously accented by her pink, short skin tight dress. Her feet are adorned with three inch bubble gum pink heels that are embossed in white diamonds, and I can’t help but have the immediate thought that she is a slut.
I am eating my mother’s birthday dinner…with a slut.
“So.” My mother begins as we all settle down to dinner, “Who is your friend?” I can only assume she is talking about the slut. Jude grins as he scoops a pile of pasta onto his plate.
“This beautiful lady is Natasha; she’s an aspiring actress aren’t you dear?” He coos sickeningly. Natasha pops her gum with a smile before taking a napkin and spitting the pink glob inside. “Yeah, it’s a difficult road to take, but it’s always been my dream. That or to live in the playboy mansion.”
Collin snorts, and chokes on his food grasping at his water to relieve the dangerous pulling in his throat. I slap my fist against his back and he coughs briefly before holding his hand up to signal that he’s fine. Jude stares at Collin with that plastered fake smile before passing the pasta to Natasha. As he does this he seems to notice Timothy for the first time. “And who is this?”
“His name is Timothy, he’s my brother.” I react stiffly shoveling a forkful of now bitter Linguini into my mouth. I feel my body tense, just daring Jude to say something to Timothy. I’ve lived four years of my life protecting him, and that’s not about to change. I don’t give a fuck who this man thinks he is.
Jude pauses dramatically and squints, “I didn’t know you had an oriental back round Carressa.” Mother just stares at her plate, eating silently; I almost admire her dignified restraint. “I don’t Jude he’s adopted.”
“Oh,” Jude leans back to analyze Timothy further, as if he’s never heard of adoption before. Beside me the young Asian boy ignores the prying eyes and continues to eat. After a moment or two of staring Jude leans forward and picks up his fork with a grin, “Well he wouldn’t have been my first choice that’s for sure.” My hand stops moving, my jaw stops moving and I feel my heart freeze over in my chest. What the hell did he just say? I want to doubt myself, however I’m fairly certain my hearing is pretty good at this distance, and it’s not like the asshole is speaking Italian or something.
“They didn’t have any Caucasian children?” Jude asks my mother, as he digs into his Linguini. Oh my fucking god….he didn’t just say that. My muscles clench and I feel the tension rising within my chest, and it’s getting to the point where I’m pretty sure I’m going to burst into flames, but then from beside me Collin speaks. I hadn’t noticed that he had completely set down his fork. He wipes his mouth and sets down his napkin then leans forward in obvious irritation.
“Excuse me?” He asks over the dinner table at Jude. Jude looks up briefly in innocent surprise as he salts his pasta.
“Oh no, I wasn’t talking to you I’m sorry.” He replies briefly to Collin. My mother is now agitatedly downing her glass of water as if she’s an alcoholic deprived of said substance, while besides me timothy has gone completely unresponsive. I swear to god I think I see tears in his eyes. Collin clasps his hands together in front of him and leans forward a bit more, and I just know that whatever he is about to say it can’t be good.
“Oh no, I know you weren’t. I was just wondering if you’re really that big of conceited asshole.” Collin reciprocates, before shrugging and once again picking up his fork. Mom stiffens, but I can tell she is holding back a laugh. Natasha is just staring at me from her chair eating her pasta completely oblivious to what’s going on. Jude stares at Collin, his eyes full of contempt. Despite his scorn his mouth opens up into a smile and he lets out a low, tense chuckle.
“And who are you again?” He asks setting down his fork in order to lean back in his chair once more, his eyes scrutinizing my boyfriend rudely. I want to stab him in the forehead with my fork, but that would mean having to walk over to the counter to get a new fork and somehow I don’t think it’s worth it.
“Oh,” Collin nods swallowing a mouthful of food while acting completely normal, as if he didn’t just insult Jude to his face. “I guess you don’t remember me, I’m Collin Sanders.”
Jude seems to think for a moment- if that’s possible- then leans forward, “Ah yes the sanders boy, are you two still bathing together?” he snorts grabbing his fork again, finally actually taking a bite of his food.
Collin grins, and then lets out a chuckle, “Yes actually, how did you know?” I choke, and besides me Timothy grins relaxing. Jude looks up from his plate chewing slowly as he glares at Collin.
“What?” he demands.
Collin gives him a mock questioning look, and then lets out an aw of realization before nodding, “That’s right, you’ve been gone for eight years, haven’t really been keeping up with the times.”
Jude looks at Mom, who just takes a happy bite of her salad. “What do you mean by that?” he insists, I see a vein pulsing in his temple and god does it make me feel good, like I just ran a marathon or something.
“That’s right.” I nod going along with Collin as he slides his hand over mine on the table, “Collin and I are in a relationship.”
“Loud and proud baby!” Collin coos rubbing his nose against my cheek. I smirk and look at my mother who is literally about to explode with laughter.
For the third time this evening Jude sits back in his chair placing his hands on his thighs. “Wait I’m sorry, let me see if I’m hearing this correctly……are you telling me that you’re gay?” He asks looking directly at me.
“Yup that is exactly what I’m saying.” I nod before grabbing my glass and tacking a happy pull. Jude stares at Collin and my hands resting together, and then he bursts into laughter.
“Aw man, funny joke son, you take after your father in that aspect.” He smiles at me and sends a wink before leaning forward to eat again.
“Oh, I’m not joking.” I laugh, stopping him before he can even take a bite.
Jude rolls his eyes, “Oh please enough of this cra-
Cheerfully I reach over and grab Collins jaw, smashing my mouth over his. He jumps in surprise but quickly sinks into the kiss, parting his mouth just enough to allow me entrance. I oblige dipping my tongue into his mouth to greet his before pulling back slightly to nip at his bottom lip, giving it a slight pull. Jude slams his hands down on the table angrily.
“Alright that’s enough, I want you to stop this shit right now do you hear me Marcus?” He demands. I ignore him, and again slide my tongue provocatively over Collins lips, delving back into his mouth for more. Collin lets out a breathy moan, and I smirk suddenly wishing that I was upstairs in my bedroom for a whole different reason. “ENOUGH!” Jude screams. Slowly I pull away from Collin and lean forward, leaving him breathlessly rubbing at his lips with his fingers.
“What is there something wrong with this?” I ask Jude innocently. He gives me an incredulous look before again slamming his hands down on the table. Wow, what did the table ever do to him?
“Fuck yes there is, no son of mine is a faggot!” he screams. My mother rolls her eyes drolly before giving me a look.
I smile sweetly at Jude, “Well that works then, since you’re not my father, and I’m gay not a faggot.”
I’m pretty sure that Jude’s eyes are popping out of his skull at this point, he stands furiously “Where do you think you came from you disrespectful little shit, you didn’t just pop out of thin fucking air!” With that he turns to my mother. “What the hell have you been teaching this kid Carressa, are you teaching your kids that it’s okay to be a freak?”
My mother, after being silent for the majority of the conversation looks up, her eyes glinting with pure homicidal intent. “Sit the fuck down Jude, this is not a fucking zoo we are civilized people, and I’ve been teaching my kids that they can be whoever they want to be, who cares what society thinks.”
Jude ignores her order to sit instead he turns red as he screams and jabs his pointer finger in the air at me, “I care, society cares Carressa, this boy is not gay and obviously you haven’t been raising him properly. I want him to come with me. Marcus go pack your stuff right now, we’re leaving.” I’m about to say no when my mother stands slamming her delicate hands onto the table.
“Oh I don’t think so Jude, how dare you walk out on me then think you can come back eight years later and act like you’re still a part of this family. He is my son, and he is not going anywhere with you. I don’t care if you are his father. I’ve raised him just fine without you getting in the way, so if you’re finished I would like to politely ask you to get the fuck out of my house, before I call the cops.” Damn. My mother is glaring with such authority that Jude scowls.
“Get up Natasha we’re leaving.” He growls. Natasha stands still seemingly oblivious to what’s happening. As Jude walks towards the front door he points at me and Collin, “This isn’t over yet, and going to beat some sense into you boy!” and with that he is marching out the door. A relieved silence settles over the four of us. We don’t say anything for a few seconds; timothy is the first to comment.
“Wow mom, you’re awesome.” My mom bursts out in giggles, Then Collin starts to laugh then Timothy and then me. Soon we are all laughing, and clutching our stomachs attempting to keep our linguini down.
Today was actually a pretty good birthday.
“So why are we going to the grocery store?” I ask Collin as I pull into an empty parking space. He rolls his eyes at some past event. I can see the agitation built up in his shoulders, his knee bouncing up and down as if he wants to break out of my car and just sprint down the road. Satisfied that he is intent on ignoring the question I reach to pull the key out of the ignition, but before I can even touch the metal Collin is venting…rather loudly if I might add.
“Seriously…I understand that my parents are regretting-you know what happened to me…but fucking therapy?” He shouts the last words slamming his fists down against my dashboard. At the sudden display of violence, my body unintentionally jumps into the air and I knock the top of my skull against the roof of my car. Swearing beneath my breathe I rub my head and grab my key turning of the engine, bringing the soft purring of the vehicle to an abrupt stop.
“So,” The word slips out with a subtle undertone of pain, “Your parents are putting you in therapy?”
Collin rolls his eyes, and clenches his jaw and I’m reminded of his past temperament. The old him full of anger and hate, and fear. “Yeah, it’s like they think I’m fucking unstable or something!” He shouts throwing his hands up into the air. With great efficiency I narrowly elude his flailing limbs as they rush at my throat, ducking before again settling comfortably into my car seat. “They sprouted some total psychological bullshit about me being in a denial phase, and that I need to get some professional help in order to regain a healthy mindset.”
It’s apparent by the irritability in Collins words that he is not overjoyed by this new arrangement. Deep down I know that he wants me to sympathize with him. He wants me to agree and tell him that he needs no therapy and that this whole spiel about a denial phase is indeed complete and utter bullshit. However I actually somewhat agree with Collins parents. The boy was raped by his older brother multiple times throughout his life. I find it impossible that there are no psychological repercussions from such an experience.
“I don’t want to fucking talk about my feelings!” He laments ramming his head against the window. “Especially not with some beady eyed weirdo in a tweed jacket who says “and how does that make you feel?” every five fucking seconds!” This obvious stereotype has me smirking but I shove down the small bout of humor and reach over the emergency break to place my hand over Collins.
“Did you ever think,” I begin rubbing my thumb over the back of his hand soothingly, “That your parents are just trying to help?” Collins face relaxes significantly, and he turns to look at me with his perfect eyes.
“I know they are, I just don’t like it…..It makes me uncomfortable, I only want to talk about my feelings with you.” He admits softly. My finger stops on his skin and I smile softly.
“Alright well how about this, why don’t we ask the therapist if I can come with you to your sessions for the first little bit, then once you’re comfortable you can start going on your own?” I suggest softly reaching up to stroke his face. Collin sighs against my hand nuzzling me, before nodding.
“Yeah I guess that’s okay.” He agrees, Grinning I lean over and give him a kiss that was supposed to be purely innocent. However before I can pull away Collin grabs the hair at the back of my neck and tugs me forward, slipping his tongue between my lips. It’s pretty hard for me to admit this, but when he pulls my hair like that….god it makes me so fucking horny. With a loud and heady groan I bask in the feeling of his fingers tugging at my scalp, and his tongue pressing hotly against mine. Before things get too heated I grab his fingers from my neck and pull away from him.
“And I thought we came here to shop.” I smirk, giving Collin a wink before hopping out of my seat, slamming the door behind me. The sound of a frustrated groan pierces the summer air and I laugh as I gesture for him to get out of the car. Collin scowls, giving me a look promising death and then steps out of the car. “So,” I start as he ambles up beside me. “What did you want to get while we’re here?”
“ICE CREAM!!!!” Collin shouts grabbing my arm with his hands and jumping up and down. Laughing I nod and open the door for him, at times Collin can be just like a little kid. Maybe it’s because for such a long time he missed out on a good majority of his childhood but I can’t say for sure. When we enter the store Collin takes off in the direction of the freezers, and I head over to the video section. From the way Collin was acting in the car I figure that he is dying for a moment away from his parents after spending every second of every day with them for the first time in years. Spending time together and watching a few movies might do him some good. Smiling I scan the isles looking for a movie.
“It’s Marcus right?” A feminine voice inquires from behind me. Spiraling around on my heels I meet face to face with none other than the slut Natasha. When she sees my face her pink lips spread in a wide, blindingly white smile. “Oh my god!” She shrieks loudly with a disturbing giggle. “I knew it was you the whole time.” Before I can even think up a proper response she is strutting towards me in scandalously small black short-shorts, and her bubble gum pink tank top that somehow makes her breasts pop out even more than they were the night of the birthday dinner. Across the bust line of the shirt it reads Take me drunk I’m home in bold black letters that match her three inch high boots.
“Oh my god it is so good to see you again!” She chomps loudly grabbing and holding onto my arm with a viselike grip. I flinch at her obnoxiously loud voice and discreetly attempt to pull my arm away from her however somehow she is still clinging to me, pushing her boobs up against me.
“What are you doing here?” I ask her giving up my attempt at escape, “Didn’t you and Jude leave town?” Natasha wraps a lock of her bleach blonde hair around her index finger and twirls it obsessively.
“Well we totally were supposed to. We were heading out to Hollywood early for my auditions, but I guess after your little lie he decided he had to stay and change some things, he promised we’d be gone before auditions started, we still have a week before I actually have to be there so we’re taking our time.” She giggles flirtatiously slipping her hand into mine. “Hey what do you say we get out of here…find ourselves a nice little motel?” She bites her lip and gives me what I suspect is supposed to be a seductive look, but to me it just looks really comical, so much so that I have to bite back a laugh. “You look like your packing quiet a gift underneath that sweater of yours.” She giggles suddenly rubbing her hands down my torso, “And what about in here!” she squeals softly her hand pressing against my groin.
I suppose for any normal man this would be an ideal fantasy…however to me it’s equivalent to the most fucking ridiculous thing I have ever been subject to. Chuckling I grin down at her, and her smile fades into a look of curiosity. “Why are you laughing?” she asks.
“Well, it’s just funny because I’m pretty sure I told both you and Jude that I’m gay.” Slowly I reach down and grab her wrist pulling her palm away from my groin. “That means that I fuck boys, not playboy bunnies.” She just gaps at me for a moment as I push away from her, as if she doesn’t understand what I’m saying. This doesn’t surprise me because the night of the birthday party she was absolutely oblivious to what was going on.
Natasha starts to giggle then moves towards me again, “Oh come on, even a “gay” boy can have a little fun with me, I can make you feel really good..I promise…if you want we can even invite your boyfriend.” This has me stiffening, there is no way in hell anybody aside from in this whole godforsaken world is going to see Collin sanders in a vulnerable state. The only one who is allowed to give him pleasure is me, the only one who is allowed to see his expression when he is at his peak is me. The only one who can run their mouth all over his body is me. “I’m sorry but I’m never going to let you lay a fucking finger on him, he’s too expensive to sink as low as you dear.” I smirk rudely. Natasha stops chomping on her gum in offense.
Before she can make a comeback Jude is turning the corner and making his appearance, “Natasha.” He scolds at her before he even realizes who I am, “What did I tell you about wondering off you dumb bitc-
His eyes land on me and he trails off, as he gives me a bitter expression. “Marcus.” He says tersely idling up beside Natasha. He is dressed in a pair of white slacks, and a black button up, a pair of sunglasses hanging at the collar of his shirt. “Fancy seeing you here son.”
Holding back my instinct to punch the man in the face I clench my jaw, “Yes, the same to you.” Suddenly I’m wondering where Collin is, and why he is taking so long to pick his ice cream. Being alone with my father makes me incredibly insecure and I want to melt into the floor. Jude sighs and rubs a hand over his face.
“Actually Marcus, I want to talk to you about you…and your…..momentary experimentation.”
“Collin isn’t an experiment.” I interrupt in irritation. Jude flinches and holds up an angry fist.
“Boy, I don’t care what you think whatever you two have is….you aren’t gay do you understand?” He demands. “If I had stayed and raised you, you wouldn’t have ended up this way.”
“This has nothing to do with the way I was raised, I’ve loved Collin since I was little the only difference is that I’ve grown, and my love has become deeper, and he has become more desirable.” I growl at the man across from me, “I have kissed his lips, I have touched him intimately….and I plan to do so much more with him….for him. So don’t think that anything you say is going to stop me from being with him. I’ve long since abandoned the idea of you as my father.” Jude darts forward grabbing my collar with his fists, attempting to look threatening. The only problem is that I tower above him, so the intimidation factor is not effective.
“Listen to me bo-
“Marcus.” Collins voice interrupts. The look on his face when I turn towards him is full of nervous tension as well as the need to defend. “Is something wrong here?” he asks walking forward to where Jude and I are locked together. Turning to give my father a look of daring I smirk.
“I don’t know is there?” I ask him, reaching up to grab his wrists and squeeze onto him tightly, warning him that my strength is ten times that of what it was when I was ten years old. Jude flinches and immediately unleashes me moving backwards.
“No, not at all….come on Natasha.” He orders the blonde who just rolls her eyes and pops a bubble before following behind him as he makes his way out of the store.
Collin steps up beside me slipping his free hand into mine, the other holding a pint of ice cream. Chocolate mint…my favorite, how did he know? “Are you okay, did he hurt you?” He needles looking me over with an investigative eye. For a moment I say nothing, but soon just chuckle as he examines every part of me making sure there is not even a scratch.
“I’m fine babe, I promise.” I assure him leaning down to kiss him on the forehead. “How did you know my favorite flavor?” I asked curiously clutching his hand and walking forward tugging him with me. Collin blushes red, and I grin. I always love when he blushes; it’s so genuine and beautiful.
“Well, we’ve been friends for a really long time you know?” He shifts in embarrassment, “We used to get ice cream cones from the ice cream truck together, and this is the flavor you always got.” Stunned I stop in the middle of the frozen food section.
“Holy shit, you remember that?” I ask in amazement. Collin shuffles his feet, and looks anywhere but at me.
“You know…truthfully.” He mutters shyly, “I liked you for a really long time.” This is news to me, I mean sure I’ve always known that I’ve had feelings for Collin, but I never knew that he always had feelings for me. “I was scared….to tell you….to even admit it to myself, because of what happened I thought that I was not enough for you.” I see him struggling with a thought and I lean my head down to rest against his. “You know…the first night that it happened,” He starts and I hear tears clogging up his throat. I want to cut him off, to stop him from remembering that horrible night but he pushes on, “The only thing I could think about was you.” He reveals looking into my eyes. “It was my relief and my torture.”
A heavy weight settles in my chest. God, how many times must he have gazed into my photographs eyes for comfort as he was being brutalized. I should have gone to him sooner, I should have known sooner. I should have fucking stopped it sooner. “I’m sorry.” I say as I hug him to me closely burying my face against his head. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, but no matter what I have to do I will always be by your side from now on, no matter how much my father tries to pull us apart. It will never work, your mine and I am yours.” Collin nods and tilts his head up placing a kiss on my throat.
“You know I would really be yours if you would have sex with me.” He says against my neck, completely destroying the moment. Bursting into laughter I grab his hand and pull apart, shaking my head as I drag him behind me to the cashier, he smiles and wipes at his tears looking extremely proud of himself. God would this boy never let me be? I never knew Collin Sanders was such a freaking vixen, just how long would I be able to ward off his advances?
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