chapter 13
Groaning I hoist the large cardboard box up the flight of stairs. It’s only about fourteen steps but whatever the hell is in the box weighs about the same as a baby elephant, and although baby is a key component in that sentence…..elephant is an even bigger one that I can’t ignore; especially when my arms are being ripped out of my sockets.
It has been about a week and a half since the Gregory incident, there was a brief court hearing that the family had all prepared for but surprisingly it had gone better than expected. Gregory hadn’t put up a fight; instead he had admitted to everything and taken full responsibility for what he had done agreeing to serve the allotted time in the prison. When the police had asked him why he did what he did, he couldn’t think up a proper answer, and the investigation team put him on a series of tests to see if he had any personality problems or other disorders that the family might not have known about. As of yet there are no tests results so it’s unsure, but it’s not stopping the Sanders from moving on.
Almost immediately Collins parents put their house up for sale, and scored real estate in the town. They had asked Collin if he was sure he wanted to stay in town, and of course….well obviously he had said yes. They bought the house a week later, and now two days previous to that they are moving in. It has been a really busy and fast paced week but I don’t think Collins parents wanted him in the house where he was hurt any longer.
In addition to moving into a house in my neighborhood, Collins parents have also taken a vacation of two months in order to spend quality time with their son. As of now they are still discussing what they are going to do about work, and cutting down the amount of travel that it entails. Collin isn’t quite sure how to deal with this new found attention often times he runs away and comes to hide out at my house. I understand it’s more familiar to him than anything else….even his own parents and as sad as that maybe it’s true which is why it’s a good thing that his parents are taking the time off.
“Ugh!” I groan as I ditch the box onto Collins new barren bed, the blankets probably in one of the many boxes scattering the floor space. “What the hell did you put in that box?” I request walking over to where he is standing at his new closet unpacking a box that is already thrown open with its contents strewn all over the floor.
“Bricks.” He answers stoically pulling an orange cardigan onto a hanger. I can detect a hint of a smirk on his voice, “I knew you would be bringing that box in, so I filled it up accordingly.”
I pull a pout but Collin isn’t looking at me so he doesn’t catch it. I sigh tiredly walking up behind him to wrap my arms around his waist. “Mmm that was the last box, now can we stop for a break?” I ask settling my chin onto his shoulder. He shivers, hopefully in pleasure although there really is no way for me to know unless I ask him, but wouldn’t that be weird? “Come on?” I urge leaning in close to take his ear between my teeth, giving the skin a soft tug.
Yeah…it’s a pleasure shiver.
“Marcus.” Collin tremors holding tightly onto the cardigan in his hands, the hanger drops to the floor forgotten. “Stop my parents are outside.”
“So what, they like me..come on I’ve been moving boxes all day, give me some love.” I grumble rubbing my chin against his neck because I know he likes the feeling of my stubble on his skin. He trembles and I smile knowing I have him in my grasp. Slowly I pull him back towards the bed where I push him down, climbing on top of him. I know a week and a half isn’t a long time, but you have to take into account that I am a hormone filled teenaged boy so a week is equivalent to an eternity, especially when I was able to look at Collin but not touch.
When I throw him down I’m immediately latching my mouth onto his neck, I bite his skin and suck greedily on the spot right above his collar bone. He lets out a little gasp, his legs unintentionally spreading open so that my hips fall perfectly between his thighs. Jesus how badly I want to strip him of his pants and underwear, to push my way inside him and show him what it feels like to be loved instead of used. It’s even worse that we are both wearing our thin lacrosse shorts the material hiking up around Collins legs as he opens up to me, it’s only an extremely thin piece of material standing between him and me, and yet that cloth is like an iron wall. Collin mewls as I continue to bite and suck at his throat holding onto the back of his neck with my freehand while running my fingers through the fine blond hairs that reside there. I lightly grip and tug on the hairs and he groans, running his hands down my arms and over my chest to the hem of my t-shirt. His fingers skim underneath the material and over my abdomen and belly stroking the skin there and sending my cock into delicious jolts.
Moving away from his neck I claim his mouth with mine, dipping my tongue into the warm wet cavern. He moans and sucks on my tongue, wrapping his legs around my waist and locking his ankles at my tailbone. My erection rubs against his as he forces me against him and I groan, my hips thrusting forward despite myself. Before I know what’s going on Collin is flipping over me, reversing our positions. I’m so surprised that I can’t do anything but lay there and blink up at him, as he straddles my waist setting himself over my hard on. “Mmm Marcus.” He hums rubbing his hands over my stomach to push my shirt up, revealing my abs. “Let’s have sex.”
My euphoria is gone in a millisecond. “What?” I ask Leaning up on my elbows to look at him, “What did you say?”
Collin blushes, “I said let’s have sex.”
As amazing and victorious as having this stubborn boy above me asking for sex is, the logical part of my brain fights against the raging wood that is sticking up in my lacrosse shorts. Hell yeah I love Collin, hell yeah I want to make love to him until he faints from exhaustion, but he was kidnapped and raped not even two weeks ago. I can still see the blue bruises on his arms and face, and the bite mark on his shoulder. There is just no possible way that I can bring myself to hurt him right now, even if he is asking me to. “Don’t you think it’s a little bit early for that?” I ask hesitantly up at him. “I mean with everything that has happened, I think it’s a good idea if we wait a little while longer, until you’re completely sure.”
Collin scowls, then bites his lip and rubs his ass against me. “Holy shit!” I hiss dropping onto my back, as he rocks against me.
“I’m ready right now.” He informs me heatedly, his voice deep with lust. “Please?” He humps me, that is the only way I can describe it. He rubs himself on me like a cat in heat, eager to feel me slipping inside him, and god do I want to. But…I have more restraint then that, still this boy is obviously very very horny. More horny then I am if I dare say, and I doubt that he will stop until he gets some kind of release. I grab his thighs to stabilize him before I flip us around again; so that I am above him then I slip down his body and pull down his shorts. Taking him out of his underwear I move down his body to face his erect member then I lean in and without any hesitation take him into my mouth. I relish the sound of Collins shocked intake of air as I wrap my fingers around the base of him taking him into my throat as far as I can while massaging the rest. He mewls and in irritation digs his hand into my scalp attempting to pull me away from him. “St-stop!” he moans with a tug. “You’re just trying to get out of it!” I inwardly smirk but don’t remove my mouth from around him enjoying the taste of him on my tongue. I pull back to his tip and press my tongue against the hot pulsing head with a rub. He lets out a weak cry of distress reaching one hand up to pull at his hair in frustration. I peer up at him, letting myself enjoy the scene.
Collin just looks so beautiful and provocative arching against the bed, a light sweat breaking out on his temple as he pushes his feet against the sheet-less mattress. “Marcus!!!” He mewls his hips jerking forward into my mouth, I moan around him enjoying the act of sucking him of equally as much as he is. Collins starts to let out quick distressed pants signaling that he is getting close, and then with one last cry he comes. I lick my lips as I pull away from the panting boy lying on the bed.
Mission Success
As Collin lies on the bare mattress I hoist myself to my feet and make my way out into the hallway. “I’ll let you get situated.” I smirk and then quickly shut the door on his next slur of curse words. Ah man I’m good. Silently I close my eyes and give myself a pat on the back for my fruitful evasive measures, and then turn to head into the hall bathroom. However the hulking frame of Mr. Sanders pops out of nowhere…needless to say I lose my shit.
“Oh my god sir, you terrified me just there.” I exclaim placing a hand over my heart to calm its rapid beating.
Mr. Sanders nods an apology, “I’m sorry……” He pauses and Stares at the floor for a moment. I want to walk towards the bathroom but I don’t want to come off as being impolite so instead I just attempt to hide my bulge with clasped hands. “Marcus.” Mr. Sanders begins.
“Yes sir?” I offer trying to stand at attention, while hoping to god that somehow I will calm myself.
Mr. Sanders continues to look at the hardwood floor as if there is some great mystery there, “Hmm, son I respect you a great deal, and you already know how thankful I am that you were there for Collin when we weren’t…..but….huh how do I say this?” He places a hand on his clean shaven chin searching for his words, but as quickly as it began he gives up. “Well to put it bluntly, I don’t care if you and Collin are involved in a romantic…as well as physical relationship, I understand that you are both teenage boys and with all that energy you two have you need somewhere to put it.”
Oh my god.
Please tell me this is not happening right now.
Please tell me that I’m not getting the sex talk with Collins DAD.
Suddenly the excitement in my pants is no more.
“However I just want to let you know, that if you in any way hurt my son….I will personally kill you.” Holy shit….”Got it?”
Silently I nod and Mr. Sanders grins reaching up to pat my shoulder, “Well that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
Right at that moment Collins bedroom door is thrust open, “Marcus Alexander if you think that by giving me head you can avoid the situation you are sorely mistak-“
Oh my god! Just when I thought that the situation couldn’t get any more awkward.
Collin stops seeing me and his father standing face to face in the hall. He flushes but attempts to hide his embarrassment by leaning against the door frame casually. “Oh hey dad.”
Inwardly I groan and bite myself on the lip, Mr. Sanders snorts and pats my shoulder once more, “Well I’m going to go help the misses.” He says to me, and then turns to Collin, “Be gentle with him Collin, I like him.” And then he walks off down the hall. I let out the breathe of air that somehow was stuck in my throat somewhere.
“Oh my god, could that have been any more awkward?” I ask turning to look at Collin who has now returned to a combative stance.
“Uh yeah I think so.” He assures me with a vigorous nod turning back into his bedroom. I follow close behind going to one of the boxes and ripping it open to find the blankets that the bed was a moment ago, so desperately missing.
“Oh yeah please enlighten me oh mighty one.” I ask sarcastically, pulling them out and heading towards the bed. The blankets are brand new, I think everything is now. His parents just didn’t want him to be reminded of anything, and I am fine with that.
Collin follows after me to help me make the bed, grabbing one side of the sheet as he heads around to the opposite side. “Well, you know he could have always caught us having actual sex.”
“Oh my god, don’t even say that I don’t even want to think about it.” I flush tucking the material underneath the mattress. Collin frowns from across the bed crossing his arms.
“What, you don’t want to have sex?” His face suddenly takes on a hurt expression, “Am I that revolting that you don’t even want to think about having sex with me?” It is only now that I realize I have struck a sensitive area. After he had been abused by Gregory for so long, Collin felt like he was unworthy to be loved by me, or anyone for that matter, Which was why he never actually got into any serious relationships. Even now, even though he knows how much I love him, he still has moments of insecurity.
Dropping the rest of the blankets I sigh, “Collin you know that’s not what I meant.” He shakes his head moving away from the bed to the box that is laying open with his books. Silently he bends and picks up a stack carrying them to his new bookshelf. Shit. Now he’s doing the silent self-reflection thing he always does. Where he thinks about what a shitty person he must be, and how tainted he is. I know some people would grow tired of stuff like this. You always hear that men like confident women, who don’t think badly of themselves and that doing that is a major turn-off. For’s different. Lately when Collin has been slipping into this state, it only makes me want to love him more. Let him see how much I care about him, and how much I love every part of him no matter what he’s been through.
Silently I walk up behind him, and wrap my arms around his waist, “Hey, stop.” I whisper against his throat placing a soft kiss under his ear. “You know that’s not what I meant; I love you more than anything in this world.” I assure him, Nuzzling against his neck the way I know he likes, “I don’t care about the people before me, or the mistakes you’ve made, or the horrible shit that you’ve been through, everything about you is beautiful.” I whisper kissing along his neck as I slip my hand beneath his shirt dipping into his shorts to feel along the scar that curves its way down his stomach. Collin lets out a small gasp as I trail my fingers over the rough, damaged flesh. “EVERYTHING about you, is beautiful and COMPLETELY worthy of anyone’s love.” I murmur biting and sucking at his flesh gently. From the sounds of his deep and labored breaths, I know he is no longer thinking about how horrible he is. I feel his hand reach down to grab mine as it strokes his scar and he stills it.
He leans back to look up at me his eyes big and glossy, “I don’t want any ones love but yours.” He says softly, and I can’t help but lean down the rest of the way to kiss him as he rotates in my arms.
“Hey I got you something!” I say as I break away from his mouth. He watches me curiously as I make my way back around his bed to where his desk is. Leaning against the wood is a large picture frame that I snuck in when I first came into the room today. I pick it up and sit on the bed beckoning Collin over. He obeys sitting by my side. I turn the frame over to reveal a sequence of three photos slots. The first is filled with a picture of me and him when we were very young, just babies playing in the swimming pool together. The second one is the picture I rescued from his bedroom floor, of me and him after a lacrosse practice, my arm wrapped around his shoulder as we laugh at some joke. The third slot is empty.
“Hey I looked everywhere for that!” Collin gasps pointing at the picture of me and him, I nod, “I rescued it from your floor, the frame was broken to pieces so I picked it up.” He nods knowing exactly what event I’m talking about, but before he can think too much about it his eyes land on the last box. “Why is that one empty?” he asks.
I smile, “That one is for this phase of our relationship, our lovers phase.” He smiles at me, I continue, “see that’s our baby phase, our friendship phase, and now… we need a last picture don’t you think?” Collin nods in appreciation of the idea and I smile reaching into my pocket to pull out my camera. Without another word I pull Collin close to me and I point the camera at us with a smile. “Get ready..” I start visualizing him facing the camera with a goofy smile. However mere seconds before I take the picture I grab the back of Collins head turning him towards me. Shocked he grunts but then my mouth is on his, and our tongues are greeting each other. I take the picture at that exact moment.
The camera goes off and I slowly set it down beside me keeping my lips on Collin for another second. When we pull apart Collin blushes and gives me a sour expression. To which I just laugh and hold up the camera, “I’ll get it developed and bring it over next week, we can put it in together.”
“Ok.” He Grins, setting his hand on my thigh.
Collin and I leave the lunch line and I’m about to make my way over to the lacrosse table when Collin grabs my elbow firmly. “What?” I question stopping in my tracks.
The look on Collins face is telling me that he’s bashful over something, but I can only wait to hear what it is. “I just thought that maybe we could sit with Caleb and his friends today…I mean I haven’t really had the chance to say thank you….you know…for what they did.” Shyly he rubs the back of his head.
It’s not a common thing to see Collin shy, at least for others. It makes me feel extremely self-satisfied that I’m the only one he will share that expression with. The school only knows Collin as the popular, tough, and charm winning jock, but that is not the real Collin. “Okay, let’s go.” I agree grabbing his free hand in mine to pull him along behind me. It’s not as if I think he’s incapable of walking to the table by himself, because I know he’s not. I just like everyone to know that this beautiful boy is mine.
Collin almost slips into a blush but he quickly coughs and battles away some peoples stares as we reach the table. The whole Caleb gang looks up at us as we approach their table. Caleb who is sitting extremely close to Jason, attempting to calm Jasons annoyance at something he just said or did. Chad and Sadie are also sitting together, giving each other lovers eyes. This would actually be disturbing…if I wasn’t sending Collin those exact same looks throughout the day. Usually it just embarrassed him to such an extent that he ignored me.
Everyone stops their activities when we amble over. They all look at us questioningly, with a mix of compassion for Collin, as well as hesitance, because they aren’t sure how he’s going to act. I’m about to say something because the silence is getting too awkward but Collin beats me to it. “Hey, um, can we sit with you guys?”
Sadie and chad look at each other, and Jason grits his teeth for a second. However Caleb jumps from his seat with a grin, “Of course let me just move my books!” He reaches over the table and pulls his stacks of homework over to where he is sitting by Jason, then waves his hand over the now abandoned area. “Please sit gentleman.”
“Thanks.” Collin says setting his tray down across from Caleb, while I take a seat across from Jason.
It is right about now that Jason chooses to speak, “So what do we owe this pleasure.” I sense a hint of sarcasm and choose to ignore it. But when I turn to Collin I’m afraid he is going to explode since that is what he would have done before the incident.
His reaction is different then what I expected. He looks briefly hurt for a moment before he puts up a brick wall of fake happiness to cover his emotions. This is the only time that I have ever, ever felt like punching Jason Lorne In the face.
Legitimately. I want to drive my fist..into his face. What the hell did he have to do that for? Collin came over here with a completely pure motive, and the asshole just shoves it back in his face. Caleb seems to feel similar because he smacks his hand hard against Jasons chest. Lorne winces but keeps a straight face.
“Oh you know,” Collin says with his famous charming grin, “I haven’t had the chance to thank you guys yet.” Collins hands slip from the table into his lap, where I see them grip and rub violently into his jeans. He’s anxious. “You didn’t have to help Marcus when he came to save me, but you did….thanks.” Slowly I move my hand from the table and into his lap, where I grab his kneading hand with mine. I rub my thumb soothingly over the back of his hand, and I briefly see his eyes flicker.
There are things that Collin does that I only notice. This is why everyone has always seen him as a chipper, humorous always smiling jock. He just covers everything so well with that damn smile of his. It dosent work on me though, I’ve been thinking about him, dreaming about him and watching him for so long. I can see every nervous blink, every eyelash flutter. I can see every twitch of his fingers, and spasm of the muscles in his back as he tenses his shoulders. I can see the little vein in his forehead the pops out when he gets super mad and the way he looks to the side and licks his lips when he is unsure of something. I know all of his small little quirks so only I notice the way his muscles relax when I grab his hand in mine. The way his jaw stops working away, and his eyes soften.
He is now relaxed, at least for the moment. “It was really no problem.” Sadie speaks up from next to Jason. The look on her face is trusting, and loving. And I remember her sitting with Collin in the other room as I walked in from beating his brother. The way he was crying huddled up in a blanket wrapped in her arms as she soothed him. “We were glad to do whatever we could, how are you feeling.”
Collin shrugs staring down at his food, “I’m good, new neighborhood, new house, new room, new bed. I feel safer.”
“Not to mention he only lives like two houses down from me, so it’s bliss.” I grin giving Collin a wink as he looks at me, he blushes but rolls his eyes to cover it up.
“Aw that’s so cute, you guys can be together like all the time!” Caleb coos for a brief second before returning to a more serious state. “So how has school been for you?”
Obviously Caleb is referring to the fact that the whole school knows about what happened. Well actually I’m not positive if they know EXACTLY what happened, but the majority of them know that Collins brother was arrested for abusing him, and carted off to jail. In a town like ours it’s hard to keep that big of an event a secret.
“It’s been fine, no one has really asked me anything, or said anything about it…which I hope they don’t you know, It’s not really something I want to share with the world.” Collin admits. The group of kids nod and Sadie smiles.
“Well we are all just happy that you’re okay, if you ever need anything just let us know, we would be happy to help.” Chad gives her a look, which she just ignores however I’m not as generous when I shoot him a look that promises death. He catches it, and seems ashamed quickly looking anywhere but at me. After this we all just slip back into eating and talking about useless things. For the first time in a long time, Collin looks genuinely at peace.
Ding Dong. The bell rings. I dart from my lazy potion on my couch, throwing the remote to the floor. As I speed by the kitchen I hear Timothy make a cheeky comment. I don’t even care, because Collin is ringing my doorbell. I know that I see him like every day, but that doesn’t make me any less excited. It’s as if I can only ever be truly comfortable and at peace if he is next to me.
When I reach the door I don’t hesitate to throw it open and immediately bring the boy into my arms, pressing my mouth to his in a chaste kiss. “Wow, why are you so happy?” Collin asks with a blush as I pull away from him and drag him into the house.
“Because you’re here of course.” I chirp closing the door before turning and pulling Collin into my arms to nuzzle his neck appreciatively.
“Gosh stop acting like it’s your birthday and I’m your present, I’m here for your mom today not you.” He informs me pulling away slightly.
“I know, but can’t I be happy that you’re here too?” I ask with a frown. Collin gives me a cute smile before holding up a gift wrapped present with a letter on top with my mom’s name written on it.
“Where should I place my gift?”
“Well on the birthday table of course!” I croon grabbing the square and carrying it into the kitchen. When we enter timothy is finishing up the icing on the cake. Among math, writing, and photography he is also hopelessly in love with baking. Could the kid be any weirder?
“Hi Collin!” He chirps whipping his hand across his cheek. I hold in a laugh as a blue icing streak forms across the area where he just whipped. The kid is seriously the messiest and most unaware person I know.
“Bro, blue is a wonderful color on you.” I say with a smile leaning over the counter and dipping my finger into his bowl of icing. He moves to smack my hand away but I’m too fast. I dart away and stick my finger into my mouth holding up the present. “I’m here to place the gift on the table!” I announce.
Timothy rolls his eyes and grabs a rag from nearby whipping his face clean of the blue sweet mess. Collin stays by the counter as I place the gift on the round table, that has several presents for my mother on top.
“That’s a beautiful cake.” Collin compliments, admiring the well decorated beauty.
“Thanks, I love baking, I’m not really good at painting or drawing funny enough, so this is a good way to express that artsy side of me.” He leans back to admire his work as I return to my position next to Collin.
“So when is mom coming home?” I ask timothy as I move up behind Collin to wrap my arms around his shoulders.
“She should be here any minute.” He responds moving the cake onto the table, he then returns to the counter and hastily begins cleaning up his mess. “She said she would be at work until 5 it takes her about half an hour to drive here, so I would give her a good five minutes.”
“Hmm,” I grunt leaning my head against Collins shoulder. “Your so warm, I think you should sleep with me tonight.”
Collin laughs, “I think not, because tonight I’m going to see a movie with my parents.”
This has me standing at attention, “Your actually spending time with them, opposed to holing up in your room?” I inquire.
Collin just shrugs turning to face me, “They’re trying really hard, I figured it’s the best I can do to at least try even a fraction of the amount that they are.” I frown and lean my forehead against his with a sigh.
“Well I guess I can let you hang out with your parents for one night.”
Collin rolls his eyes, “Oh you spoil me.”
“I know.”
“Hey love birds, Moms here, the garage door just opened.” Timothy informs us giving the counter a brief wipe down before it’s clean. I move to the kitchen making sure the china is well places before checking on the dinner which is sitting to warm in the oven. I hurriedly bring it out and set all the items on the table, not missing a thing. Taking a step back to examine my handy work I have to admit Timothy and I did a really fantastic job. Not every mother can say she has sons as wonderful as us right? After everything that my mom has had to put up with, she still has always managed to come through in tough times for not only me and Timothy but Collin as well. She is undoubtedly a top of the notch woman.
The garage door shuts. I can hear the mechanical screech of the metal on metal, and then the clomp of my mothers shoes on the steps before she is pulling open the door. She enters with her briefcase, her hair slightly askew. She looks tired but when she sees me and timothy and Collin her eyes brighten.
“Well hello, what are you boys doing here, having a party?” She asks setting her case on the floor as she slips off her heels.
“Well actually.” I start, wrapping my arm around my mothers shoulder to pull her further into the kitchen, “Yes we are….happy birthday.” I wave my arm towards the table before pulling out a chair for her to sit.
My mother stands there eyes wide. Then her lips start to tremble and her eyes water, and her hands are coming up to her mouth. For a moment I’m mildly alarmed. I wanted this to be a happy surprise, and now my mother is standing in the kitchen on the verge of tears?
“Oh you guys.” She cries wiping at her face, “ You are so wonderful, I didn’t even remember it was my birthday.” She grabs me and timothy and hugs us, “You are the most amazing sons in the world, I love you both very much.”
“We love you to mom.” Timothy mumbles, and I think I see the glimmer of tears in his eyes too. Wow, what is going on? Before we all have an incredible melt down I pull away from my mom and guide her to her seat.
“Well Ms. Alexander you get the head chair at the table today, since you’re the guest of the evening. I even made a special dinner, your favorite Linguini with Clam sauce.” I open the pan as I pull out Collins chair for him. He gives me a raised brow at the gesture but sits anyhow. Mom giggles like a young girl at my formal voice.
“Thank you Marcus, sweetheart.” I nod and take my seat leaning over to grab the pasta bowl and hand it to my mother.
“There you go mom ladies first.” I grin politely before looking over at Collin and giving him a wink. He scowls at me and folds his arms over his chest looking around before deciding he is going to start the salad moving. We begin to eat the dinner and start a friendly conversation when the doorbell rings. Before anyone can make a move to get up and answer I dart from my chair
“Don’t worry everyone I’ve got the door, you guys just continue with your meal.” Mom laughs then turns back to say something to Collin who is laughing and nodding before replying. I cant help but to take a step back and observe my little family. Collin included, and I feel like a truly honored man.
The bell rings again and I turn around to walk through the kitchen and into the front room. The room is dark seeing as nobody is occupying the space so I turn the light on as I grab the door handle and twist it open.
When I see who it is….I wish I had looked through the window.
“Hey son, It’s been awhile!” the man on my doorstep chirps cheerfully. A blonde young lady smiling behind him.
What do I do?
I slam the door on his face.
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