Chapter 12
Hey everybody!!! It's Manda! So I'm pretty happy, because I updated sooner then I originally planned! So I hope you guys read it and enjoy it!!!! Thanks for all the amazing comments I've been getting. They give me more motivation to write so I'm thankful to all the fans who are supporting me!!! Keep reading my pandas!!! <3 (any names used in my story, are purely coincidental....just for clarification, I don't know if some of the things I put in here are real things or not O.o if they are...that's really weird.)
Why did I do it? I've asked myself this since that night; I ignored him and hurt him. If his tears didn't say it I don't know what did. Why did I try to hurt Collin like that? I know the answer. It's not like it takes some sort of quantum science to figure out, it's not physics. I was just jealous. All day he had been gone with Caleb Mowery, all damn day he was out and about hanging around with the boy he dated and attempted to rape, what was I supposed to think??? Despite people thinking I'm this all perfect being, I'm only human.
I don't like to think about other people touching him, it makes me uncomfortable, it makes me boil over with anger, and then when he made that comeback about having sex with Caleb, that was the final straw!!! I had already been pacing back and forth in my room all day, wondering, waiting; it didn't feel good to hear him say that in such a casual way. Collin has been glued to my side for so long that the minute he leaves it, it's like some huge part of my soul is missing.
And now....because of my idiotic temper, he was gone.
He didn't come home last night, so I assume that he went home with Caleb, I mean that's the impression I got from the younger boy storming towards me and punching me in the face. I never knew Caleb could howl on someone like that before, but I can't deny that I deserved it. What I did to Collin was wrong. But I don't want to wait any longer, I need to talk to him today, get him to come back home with me. I'll apologize and everything will be fine, I'll beg and plead and get on my knees if I have to as long as he comes back.
As I run down the stairs that is my mission, to get to school as fast as possible in order to catch Collin before he can attempt to avoid me. As I pass through the kitchen I grab a piece of toast off of Timothy's plate, he makes a disgruntled comment but I ignore it breaking fast for the door. However my mother is not one to just let her children fly out the door without sitting and eating their food properly.
She grabs the back of my shirt like some sort of freakish she-hulk, pulling me back towards the kitchen table and forcing me down into my chair, "There you go Marcus, I think that was where you meant to go, was it not?" She asks me, as she pushes a glass of orange juice in front of my face, and I huff in annoyance.
Groaning I look up at her, "Mom I really don't have time for this right now I have to get to school."
My mother hums as she flutters around me piling pancakes onto my plate drowning them in syrup "That's interesting; I don't think I've ever seen you so intent on getting to school, have you Timothy?"
Timothy shakes his head, unable to answer over the mouthful of food he is struggling to get down. Seriously the kid needs to learn how to chew. Mumbling a curse I grab my napkin settling it around my clothes so I don't spill.
"Oh honey don't bother with that, you're wearing your shirt inside out anyways." My mom informs me sitting down in her chair; I glance down at my shirt to see that she is in fact telling the truth, shit. That's what I get for rushing. Standing I pull my shirt over my head turning it right side out and putting it on again, then I sit back down and dig into my pile of pancakes. The faster I eat them, the faster I can get the hell out of here.
"So," My mother starts, after a second of metal forks clinking on glass plates. "What happened with Collin the other night?"
This automatically puts me on edge, you know when someone says that one thing that just causes you to pull your invisible barriers up, well she just said it. "I don't want to talk about it." I mumble shoving a fork full of pancake into my mouth.
"Is everything all right between you two?" she questions wearily, looking at me over her orange juice as she takes a swig.
I don't say anything for a moment and just attempt to speedily eat the sweet soggy pancakes, when I'm done I reach for my orange juice cup, "It will be." I assure her confidently then down my juice before jumping out of my seat and to the kitchen sink, where I rinse the dishes quickly before setting them into the dish rack. Before her or timothy can say another word I dart out the door, I've already wasted enough time eating.
When I get to school I can't find Collin or Caleb, so I'm forced to go to class when the bell rings and wait until the end of the day. It's almost as if the day is moving in slow motion that is how awful it is, where is Collin? Why isn't he here? I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be in this class. This has me set on edge, where is he? Did Caleb not come either? Did they stay home together?
When the bell for school to get out rings, I dart out of my seat and towards Caleb's locker like my ass is on fire. There is no time for me to waste; I have to talk to Caleb immediately. I push kids out of my way as I run through the hallway, and I can't count on both hands how many dirty looks I receive, but once they see it's me it's suddenly okay.
"Hey Marcus where are you going so fast?"
"Hey Marcus, is your house on fire?"
I don't respond it's not worth my effort; all of it is focused on getting to Caleb before he can leave the campus. When I see the top of his brown head I nearly burst with joy, yes!!!!! Finally after eight hours of trying to find him I've done it. "Caleb!!!""I shout over the crowd.
His head flicks up as Jason leans towards him, seeming to tell him that I'm searching for him. The students move out of my way, trying to avoid being thrown to the ground in my speedy movement. When I finally reach Caleb he gives me a confused look. "What is going on with you?"
"Wh!" I pant, "Where i-is C-Collin?" I quickly lean against the row of lockers to my left taking in a deep breathe in order to stabilize myself. However when I hear Caleb's next words all my stability flies out the window.
"What, I thought he went home with you yesterday?" He says casually tossing books into his locker.
"What?" I ask in shock, Jason frowns upon seeing my reaction turning to look at Caleb, it seems like he is silently asking for answers as well.
"Yeah he sent me a text, and told me that he was going to go home with you." Caleb shuts his door and leans against the metal to look up at me, "Why, what's going on?"
"What's going on, Collin didn't come home last night, and now you're telling me that he told you he was going home with me?" I ask panic slicing through my veins, "Why would he say that, where would he go, he doesn't have anywhere to go besides with me or you!" I inform him heatedly.
"Hey, Don't get mad at me, It's not like I was the one who lied let's just think about this calmly for a second." He scowls at me before staring at the floor taking a moment to think, I can see him mull over the last 48 hours, filing through his memory bank to check if Collin had said anything useful to him. I'm five seconds away from losing my temper when his eyes glaze over and he seems to go far off into the distance, Jason watches him and I watch him. The silence is like a suffocating smoke pushing us down into the floor to get as much fresh air as we can breathe. Suddenly Caleb's eyes light up; despite the amazing fact that he has an idea of where Collin might be his facial expression darkens and he starts to look around the hallway, his eyes shifting nervously. "What do you know?" I ask him angrily detecting the withheld thoughts in his head.
He moves about anxiously biting his lip and looking anywhere but at me, "He told me not to say anything to you, he made me promise" He murmurs, "I don't know if I should tell you."
Really? Really ? He isn't going to tell me at this all important moment? Jason is thinking the same thing because he glares at Caleb, I'm surprised to see him taking my side so quickly "Caleb Mowery you tell us where Collin is right this instant." He demands glaring at his small boyfriend.
Caleb continues to chew at his lip, as if it's the latest flavor of bubblegum. Finally after an intense moment full of silence and glares he gives in, "Fine, but....promise you won't hurt me I only found out two days ago." Both Jason and I nod fervently giving him the okay to continue with whatever story Collin has told him.
In ways I wish I hadn't.
He tells me everything. He tells me what happened to Collin two summers ago. He tells me why Collin tried to rape him, and why Collin has the scar on his stomach. He tells me why Collin seems to have such a low sense of self-worth and he tells me why Collin is so terrified of being dominated. In one short story, he answers all these questions that I have been asking myself for the past two years.
I want to punch something, kill someone, rip something apart. I want to cry and I want to hold Collin and tell him that everything is going to be okay, and that I will love him forever no matter what horrible things he's been through. "He's at home?" I ask my voice coming out in a light tremor. "He's at home with his brother who raped him?" Panic sets into me and I'm pretty sure I see red. "I have to go there, I have to help him!" I shout at the top of my lungs. Right at that moment Chad walks over dragging a perky Sadie behind him.
"Help who?" He asks upon arrival looking around the circle of faces.
"We're going, we're all going." Jason tells me supportively, completely ignoring Chad "We want to help." Chad looks around at all of us curiously.
"Whoa wait a second folks, what are we doing I don't like the sound of this."
Caleb shoots his brother a death glare, "We're going to save Collin Sanders, would you like to join us?"
Chad squints, "We're going to save the guy that tried to beat you up?" He asks in bewilderment. "Yeah, um I'm going to say no, because you're absolutely fucking crazy, Collin Sanders is a lunatic."
Like lightning I'm grabbing Chad by the front of his shirt, hoisting him up and slamming him against the locker, "I'm sorry what the fuck did you just say?" I shout in his face, while Sadie starts to shriek. Caleb runs over to her and slaps her on the face.
"Snap out of it!" He chides, then turning to where I am man handling his older brother, "Chad even though Collin hurt me, that doesn't mean I want to stand by and let him get raped." He briefed. Chad's eyes widened.
"Collin was ra-"His voice falters, and I just stare at him before dropping him to the floor as he slips into thought.
"What am I still doing here; you aren't even worth my time, whoever wants to help me let's meet up at Collins house." And with that I whirl around and tramp towards the front doors.
Not ten minutes later we are all pulling up to Collins house, none of us quiet knowing what to do. Should we knock? Should we just storm in? "Honestly." Caleb starts as we all exit the car and stand on the sidewalk, "I think being civil is just about thrown out the metaphorical window right now."
"Yeah, but shouldn't we be quiet when we go in there?" Sadie suggests, "I mean if we just barge in there, then he'll have time to hurt Caleb."
She is right about that, hearing what Collin had told Caleb about Gregory, it seem that the man has no qualms about what kind of abuse he inflicts. I don't want Collin to be subjected to anymore pain then he already has. "There's a key under the garden ornament." I inform them, "Someone should have their cell phone out to call the cops."
Chad pulls his phone out as we walk up the stairs, poised to dial the emergency number when we see the evidence of what is being done. I crouch down to the soil where there is a Green frog lying on the dirt. I lift the small amphibian to uncover the softer, darker soil beneath where I then dig my fingers through the soil to uncover the buried key. When I finally touch the small piece of metal I'm darting up the stairs as quietly as I can, gesturing for the others to do the same. Slowly I push the key into the lock and twist, the only sound that I make is a slight metal chink, and then the door is sliding soundlessly open. We all breathe out a sigh of relief when it is completely ajar, and then enter the house.
We gaze around the front room, everything seems to be in order almost like the room hasn't been touched in years, a light setting of dust covers every surface and I grimace, no wonder Collin doesn't want to be here. The green couches with their patterned cushions go untouched, and Caleb reaches over to the oak coffee table sliding his finger amongst the layer of grime. He pulls a face before whipping his hand over his pants. I gesture towards the stairs holding a finger to my mouth before walking up steps, the tan plush carpet softening my footfalls to which I am thankful for.
As soon as we reach the landing that leads to the doors of each bedroom I hear it. Quickly I gesture for Chad to make the call, he nods going back down the steps to the kitchen where I hear him lightly whisper into the phone, "Yeah, my friend has been raped." After that I can't seem to hear him over Collins scream.
"Stop!!!" He shouts and I hear shuffling and then something being thrown and shattering against a wall, and I can't hold on any longer. I kick the door open, the wood of the door splinters as it smashes against the wall, and the scuffle inside the room stops. Before Gregory can even properly register what just occurred I'm throwing him off of Collin to the ground, slamming my fist into his face. The punch seems to revive his instincts because he's punching me in the face and soon we are all out brawling.
Chad and Jason both rush to my side grabbing ahold of Gregory's arms, lifting the struggling man onto his feet. When the older man is up I give him a few more punches to the stomach just for good measure, "Who the fuck do you think you are!!!" I scream in his face. "You sick fucking bastard!!!" Another punch another punch, behind me I can hear Collin crying and Sadie and Caleb fussing over him. This only serves to spur my rage. "What the fuck do you have to say for yourself, how dare you lay your filthy hands on my boyfriend, and your little brother!!!" Punch punch.
"Marcus man I think he's had enough." Chad puts forth hesitantly.
"This disgusting piece of filth will never have enough of what's coming to him!" I shout punching him again Gregory spits out a glob of crimson blood onto the floor along with a small, white piece of bone. Good he won't fucking need his teeth ever again. He can eat through a fucking tube for the rest of his adult life.
"That's enough." A voice says from behind me as a small hand grabs my bicep, I whirl around to look at Caleb ready to throw exactly what I think back into his face but the look there stops me, "I know your mad," He acknowledges, "But Collin needs you right now."
This snaps me out of my rage; like a switch is flipped I'm suddenly completely calm. Collin collin, oh god my baby. "Where is he?" I swallow taking a deep breath, as I look around the room to see it devoid of the weeping boy. The sheets of the bed are all rustled from whatever occurred in them, and I see blood stains along with several other types of bodily fluids on the white material. There is a broken picture frame on the floor along with shattered glass, and beneath it is a picture of me and Collin, I lean down and pick it up gazing at it fondly before folding it and shoving it into my pocket.
"Sadie took him across the hall, you should go." He orders softly, licking my lips I nod turning to toss Gregory a glare before hurrying across the hall and into the guestroom. When I enter Sadie is holding the still sobbing Collin, rubbing her hands over his arms in order to create a comfortable heat as he holds a sheet around his body. When she sees me she whispers something into Collins ear and he looks up in shock. This strikes me as odd, why would he be shocked that I'm here, he saw me come in. Sadie stands up and despite Collins clinging hand on her wrist she finds a way to pry him away and leave the room giving me an encouraging smile.
Then we are alone. Collin sniffles attempting to hold back his tears as he rubs violently at his eyes, pulling his sheet tighter around him. Wearily I step forward and sit on the bed next to him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder, pulling him against my side. When he's up snug against me I sigh, it's the most comfortable feeling in the world. Collin shakes in my arms and I know he is crying so I pull him further into me. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask tears stinging my eyes.
"I-th-thought th-that you wo-wouldn't love me a-anymore." He hiccups through his tears. "I-I'm D-d-disgusting."
Shocked I shake my head, "No, I don't think you're disgusting, Collin I love you more than anything in this world..i- I wish I would have been there for you, and I'm sorry for hurting you." I apologize running my hand over his shoulder, I see a bite mark there riddled with dry blood. I wince. "How badly are you hurt?" I ask
He doesn't respond he just sniffles, "I want to take a shower." He cries into my shoulder, "I feel awful."
"Did he-
"Yes." He answers with a loud burst of tears, "Oh god I hate myself, is it my fault, did I do something?" He breaks down, "What did I do to deserve this?"
"No baby, it's not your fault, your brother just...did something really bad, and he's going to pay for it I promise." I can hear the cops pull up with their siren blaring, as well as an ambulance. Collin looks up at me.
"I don't want to go with them, I don't want you to leave me, please don't leave me alone!" He begs weeping as he clutches onto my arm. I hush him and promise him that I won't, hoping that they won't make me because if they try they might have some problems. It's only a moment later when I see the cops head through the hall and into Collins room, and then the EMT's are coming in and kneeling in front of Collin, asking him questions and asking if they can take him into the ambulance, telling him that he needs to go to the hospital to do some tests. A cop comes in and starts to ask him question, but Collin....can't answer because of his sobs. "Listen can't you ask him a little later, when he isn't so traumatized?" I suggest to the officer.
The woman gives me an apologetic look, "I'm sorry and I know this is hard, but it's best that we get down everything we can while his memories are still mostly intact, the longer we wait the more distorted they become." I sigh turning back to the crying boy in my arms
"Collin can you answer their questions?" I ask him softly, he hiccups but nods.
It is so painful for me to sit there, and listen to him giving an exact account of what happened, I want to run out of the room, I want to scream I want to cry, but most of all I want to be here for him. "Do you remember how he got ahold of you?" The cop asks, "Where he picked you up?"
Collin nods, "I was laying on the ground in the park, and I fell asleep and then out of nowhere he grabbed me and I smelled something funny and then the next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed and....and." he starts to cry again, "And he was there and he came at me, but I fought I tried to run but he wouldn't let me, he hit me and he hurt me!"
The policewoman nods, "Alright how long would you say you've been here?"
"Since yesterday afternoon."
"And what is your relation to your assailant?" she asks continuing to write on her notepad.
"He's my brother." Collin whimpers, the policewoman pauses looking up at me, I nod before looking away. Yes, it is a despicable thing, but obviously we can't deny that this happens, how many people in this world get used every single day?
"And has your brother abused you like this in the past?"
Collin nods before spitting out a wet sounding yes. When, where, did you tell anyone has your brother had a previous criminal record? All these questions the cop asks before she sets down her notepad and sincerely looks at Collin. "Where are you parents?" she asks, "Do they know about what your brother has been doing to you?"
Collin shakes his tear stained face, "He said that if I told anyone...they would hate me...and disown me." He tells the woman, and my heartaches, I want to take him away from all of this torture. Why bring up these horrible memories, why can't he just leave it all behind and start over, I want to resent these people but I know I can't because they are only trying to help. The other cops walk by leading a bruised and battered Gregory down the hall in handcuffs, he turns to look into the room shooting us both death glares before the cops tug him away.
"I think it's time that we get you into the ambulance," The policewoman informs us, "You can ride with him if you'd like." I nod and gently help a wincing Collin to his feet, he walks out of the house slowly and carefully as if his whole body is in pain, like if he steps to hard he might shatter on impact. When we get outside we see the cops walking Gregory out to the car, and the neighbors are coming out of there houses, piling onto their lawns to see what's happening. I want to yell at them, and tell them that Collin Sanders is not a freak show for their entertainment.
Chad is holding Sadie close to him as another cop asks them questions, and off to the side I see Jason and Caleb holding hands as another cop does the same. As I'm helping Collin into the ambulance a car comes down the road and stops halfway. Out of it steps Collin's mother, her face distorted into one of panic. She slams her door shut and runs up the road, her husband following close behind her. "What's going on!!!?" She asks a policeman who attempts to stop her from walking onto "The scene"
"I'm sorry ma'am no one is allowed on the premise." The cop informs her.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Mr. Sanders rages, his slim handsome face turning red as he stares the official down, "This is our house officer, we have every right to know what's happening!"
The officer looks at the parents, then turns to look over at me for clarification. The action makes me feel good, and I have half the mind to tell him not to let them through. Why weren't they here for Collin? Is their ridiculous work more important than the well- being of their son? How could they not notice the change in him? Still.....they are his parents, and I have a feeling when they find will be punishment enough. I nod at the cop giving the okay, he moves aside and Collins parents rush towards the ambulance.
"Collin!" His mom shouts, "Baby what happened are you alright, why is your brother in that police car?" Collin doesn't look at her; he just turns away his eyes watering. He no doubt feels unworthy, and deep down a little bit betrayed. I stare at them from my seat in the ambulance. Mrs. Sanders eyes water and she turns her face towards me, "Marcus, What is going on?"
"Why won't he speak to us?" Mr. Sanders adds setting his hands onto his wife's shoulders. How gut wrenching......I had always known that Collin's parents weren't really the family oriented type, they popped out two kids then went back to what was truly important in their eyes. Work. I hope that this will change their values for the better, I can only hope.
"Ma'am, Sir," The paramedics say before I can respond, "We have to get this boy to the hospital immediately we're going to have to ask you to please back away from the doors."
The Sanders look at each other in panic, unsure of what to do, their baby is getting loaded into an ambulance while their oldest is handcuffed in the back of a police cruiser. "Meet us at the hospital.....the cops and I will tell you then." I reassure them the watch as they both step back from the ambulance and the EMT's shut the doors.
The hospital is two towns over so the ride isn't a short one however the medics go as fast as they can, and when we arrive they take Collin away on a stretcher. He cries and asks for them to let me come with him, they politely tell him that I can't but that I will be in the hospital the whole time, and that after the test are over he can see me immediately. That seems to calm him....a bit....and he allows them to roll him away towards the labs.
That is when the policewoman and I meet Collin's parents in the hospital waiting room. It's been less than two hours and yet they still look disheveled and tired, it's amazing what worry and stress can do to a pair of individuals. Mrs. Sanders Hair is pulled askew from her tight bun, hairs running rampant; her mascara is smudged underneath her eyes creating dark paths that make her look as if she hasn't slept in centuries. Mr. Sanders doesn't look any better, his salt and pepper hair is standing on end as if he ran his hands through it over and over, and his glasses are skewed on his nose, his tie undone around his unbuttoned suit shirt. "Are you going to tell us what's going on now?" He demands, "One of my sons is carted away in an Ambulance and the other is driven away like a convict to the county jail, I want an explanation now!"
The policewoman doesn't seem fazed by their hostility she just sighs unfolding her arms and clearing her throat, "Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, I know that you are quiet urgent to hear what's happened, and I won't keep you waiting any longer, but I think you might want to take a seat because you aren't going to like what you're about to hear." The pair of adults glance nervously at one another before sitting down on the plush waiting room couch. The policewoman –Officer Morgan-gestures for me to sit down in the chair across from the parents and then takes a seat herself.
"Before we get started, let me just ask you both what line of work you're in?" She questions, surprising me by not taking out her official notepad. Kudos.
"I'm the sales representative for Davidsons' Corp., and my wife is the Regional Manager, it's a stressful job that requires a lot of travel, but it makes good money." Mr. Sanders informs looking confused, "What does this have to do with our sons?"
"Nothing," Officer Morgan nods, "I was just curious as to what could be so incredibly important that you wouldn't notice something that has been a ghost in your house for the past three years." Holy shit, point for angry cop.
"I'm sorry?" Mr. Sanders scoffs, "Who are you to-
"Please." Officer Morgan interrupts holding up her hand, "Now I hope you've prepared yourself to hear the worst." She informs before pulling out her notepad, "We got a call today at about 3:00, it was made from a cellphone that we tracked to your house, it was a young man informing us that his friend had been raped." She pauses, " Your son Gregory, kidnapped your youngest son Collin, and forced him to have unwelcomed sexual relations." She says setting down her notepad, "Basically, what I'm saying is that Gregory raped your son."
Collins mother looks confused, his father speechless, "What?" Mrs. Sanders asks. "Why, why would he do that?"
Officer Morgan shakes her head, "As of right now we don't know, but after talking to Collin, he informed us that it wasn't the first time that your son sexually assaulted him."
Mrs. Sanders eyes water and she looks away towards the floor, Mr. Sanders looks horrified, "So it happened before?" He pursues despite the obvious sickened look on his face.
"Yes, according to Collin Gregory raped him his 9th grade summer, while you were away on a trip he forced him into multiple unwelcome sexual activities, beat him physically and threatened him with his life, as well as subjected him to severe mental and emotional abuse." As she says this both parents faces visibly falter. Collins mother bursts into tears and his father pulls her close rubbing her shoulder.
I feel awful. These poor parents had no idea what their Gregory was doing to Collin. Caught up in their busy lives they rarely had time to ask Collin how is day was, and now they are finding out that right under their roof, and under their noses their youngest son was getting brutally assaulted in every way possible. How responsible must they feel? For all of it?
"I know this is hard for you both, but as this is still an ongoing investigation I would like to ask you if you know of Gregory having any previous criminal records, or mental illness." Officer Morgan asks picking up her notepad and pen again.
Collins mother brings her hand up to her mouth to hold back a sob, and his father just shakes his head, "No, he was always a great kid, he got straight A's in school, got into Harvard he never had a dent on his record.......I just don't understand."
Officer Morgan nods, "Well I would assume that this is probably already spoken for without me asking, but I would just like to make sure that you are okay with pressing charges against your Son Gregory Sanders?"
Collins mom lets out a loud wail, his father just stares at the table before nodding, "Yes of course, without a doubt."
Officer Morgan nods again, before placing her notepad neatly back into her pocket, "Well we have your numbers, so we'll keep in touch, I'll allow you three to speak alone." Then she stands and exits leaving me alone in the room with Collis parents. I'm not quite sure what to say, do they want me to say anything? I mean obviously this is severely traumatic for the whole family, am I really allowed to be here? I feel like I should leave them to their thoughts, but at the same time...I promised Collin that I would stay.
After staring at the table top for a good five minutes, Mr. Sanders looks up at me, "Thank you for being such a good friend to Collin Marcus."
This peeves me, I know it really shouldn't but I'm more than a friend to him, and I want to tell them that. Hesitantly I open my mouth, "Actually sir, Collin and I....are more than just friends." This has the sobbing Mrs. Sanders looking up from her palms, but instead of the horrified look that I expect to receive, the one on her face is one of thankfulness. She stands up from her seat on the couch and comes over to me kneeling down in front of me and taking my hands in hers.
"Marcus Alexander, you're such a wonderful boy, I always knew how you felt about Collin......." She sniffles and seems to think, "You were here for him when no one else was......not even us....and I thank you for that, I don't care if your dating my son....I'm proud that he has someone here to protect him like you." Then she grabs my face and leans over pressing a motherly kiss to my cheek. Tears sting my eyes, and I struggle not to cry as Collins dad nod's at me proudly, standing to come over to my side to pat me on the shoulder.
"You did well son." He says with a squeeze. And I feel the weight of everything crash down on me. I acted strong, I acted tough for Collin, but emotionally I'm just wrung everybody else. I don't like this situation any more than they do, and to know that my best friend was hurt all those years ago, and I could have stopped devastates me. I feel my share of responsibility for all of what's happened. I break down and cry Mrs. Sanders wraps her arms around me to hold me in a teary hug.
We all feel it.
Four hours later Collin Is placed into a hospital room, and we are informed that we are allowed to see him. I let his parents go in first, watching from the doorway as his mother rushes forward, sobbing, "My baby!!!" she cries, and when Collin sees her he starts to break down as well. How long has he hidden it from them...thinking that they would put him out on the street.
"Mommy!" He cries into her shoulder as she rocks back and forth and they both cry. Collins dad stands above the two his eyes watering as he wraps his arms around them both pressing his lips gently to his sons forehead.
"We're so sorry son." He says, tears silently falling from his eyes, "We didn't realize that you were hurting, we didn't know, we are so sorry." I leave them to cry together, and reacquaint themselves with one another. I walk down the hall and to the waiting room grabbing a Styrofoam cup from the shelf and filling it with water. Then I take a seat on the couch and call my mom.
She answers on the first ring, "Hey baby where are you I made cookie-
"Mom," I start, and pause feeling the tears once again rise up in my throat. "Momma." I feel so guilty, and so hopeless, I feel like I wronged Collin severely.
"Marcus, what's wrong, where are you?" She asks concern in her voice.
I take a quick breath attempting to compose myself, forcing down my tears "I'm at the hospital mom."
I hear a loud crash, which I assume is a dish breaking but my mother doesn't even seem fazed by it, "Why what happened, are you okay, did someone hurt you?" Silent tears streak down my face and I quickly wipe them away.
"No mom, it's not me." I inform her.
"Well then who is it?" She questions, and there is a second of silence where I can literally hear her thinking, "Oh my god it's not Collin is it?"
"Something bad happened to him mom." I mutter, and then I proceed to reveal the happenings of today's events. She hangs up afterwards telling me she is on her way. When she hangs up I suddenly realize how parched and dry my throat is, I desperately grab my cup and drink the water within it, relishing the cold liquid as it slides down my throat.
"Marcus?" I choke on the water jerking forward in my seat to pound on my own chest; I let out a few dozen sputtering coughs before turning around in the uncomfortable hospital chair to look at Collins mom.
"Mrs. Sanders?"
She smiles, "Please call me Jen, and I came to tell you that Collin is asking for you."
"Oh, um alright." I nod before standing and setting down my cup, awkwardly I walk past her giving her a nod, before making my way into his room. When he sees me his face lights up, despite the red cuts and purple bruises all over his face and arms he gives me his brightest smile. It sends pleasurable shivers up my spine, and I mentally scold myself, now is definitely not the time. "Hi." I greet shyly rubbing the back of my head.
"Hi," He smiles, staring across the room at me. I awkwardly shift from foot to foot, shoving my hands deep into my jean pockets while looking around the room nervously. "Well are you just going to stand there?" He asks, and I look up at him in puzzlement before seeing him pat the empty part of the hospital bed he's lying on with his palm. Gesturing for me to come and sit next to him. Flushing I cough in my hand before stumbling ungracefully to his bedside, where I sit down leaning back against the upturned hospital bed. As soon as I'm in position Collin moves to lean against me, laying his head on my shoulder. Once his body is comfortably places against mine, I relax. Confidently wrapping my arm around his shoulder laying my cheek against the top of his head where I rub my fingers through his hair. The blonde hairs are a little damp signaling that they finally let him wash himself after all the tests. He smells slightly of soap and I inhale him in like a drug, that purely Collin scent sending me into a quiet calm.
"I'm sorry I didn't know sooner." I amend quietly staring down at his head. "And I'm sorry about the other night, I didn't mean to hurt you...I was stupid and jealous, when I had no reason to be."
Collin chuckles lightly, "Yeah you were, but I'm also sorry for not telling you about what happened to me in the first place, and also for egging you on with that comment I made about sleeping with Caleb, that probably didn't help the situation, but you know me....I'm a cocky bastard."
"You're MY cocky bastard." I notify, placing a kiss on his head.
"You're MY Jealous bastard." He laughs turning his face to look up at me, "Thank you for saving me."
Looking at Collin this very moment, I'm scared. Scared because the feeling in my chest is so strong, that it intimidates me, I love him so much that I'm physically hurting inside. I'm scared because I want to protect him from everything in the world. I want him to be with me forever, not just today or tomorrow or three months from now....but FOREVER. "You're welcome." I say, before pausing to debate if I should say what I want to say next. Well what the hell why not? "Collin?"
"Yeah?" He asks
"I love you." My heart shoots up into my throat as I wait for his response. Collin slowly turns up to look at me. Our eyes meet and he stares into my soul for a moment before smiling angelically.
"I love you too."
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