Off To A Good Start
(This Story starts which Branch driving Rhonda with an annoyed face due to seeing John Dory & Poppy Together ^^)
Poppy: Oh John Dory, I love the way you make Coffee! 😁
John Dory: Well Thank you! Can't say much haha! 😉😜
Poppy: Oh, and I love this photo of Branch in his perm, ITS SOOOOOOO CUTEEEEEEEE!!!!! AHHHHH- 😆😭
John Dory: Y-Yeah..Haha! 😅 (inside his mind: Tragic 😳)
Branch: Why are you looking at that Perm photo, and not to mention again? 😑
Poppy: Because ITS SOOOO CUTEEEE, Duh. 😍
Branch: Yeah, thank you, I get that. 🙄
Poppy: Branch, what's wrong? 😧
Branch: Nothing, super happy, you and my big square bro have been spending time for 10 whole minutes, yay...🙄
John Dory: So, is there any problem in that Baby Brother? 😐
Branch: Um, yeah there is! Why can't I spend time with Poppy now? 😒
John Dory: Oh, ok but I was having a good time with Poppyseed...
Branch: John! 😠
John Dory: Ok, ok, ok geez, ok I guess..😬
Branch: Thank you, much better. 😏
John Dory: Guhhhh...😠
Poppy: Ummm guys who is driving?
John Dory And Branch: Uh Oh! 😳
(John Dory quickly run towards the driving seat of Rhonda)
John Dory: I am! 😅
Branch: Ye-Yeah...He is.... 😅👍
Poppy: Ok...? 😳
John Dory: Anyways, where were we going again?
Poppy: To My Pod, Forget? We just came here for a ride...
John Dory: Oh right- ohhhhh...😳
Poppy: What's the matter JD? 😯
John Dory: Ahah, we actually went too far Optimistic Poppyseed...😅😬
Poppy & Branch: WHAT?! 😳
John Dory: Yeah, so here is a big issue I have been facing and that's why we have gone too far from your pod...
Branch: And that is...? 🤨
John Dory: Uhhh...idk guys I have thinking for this plan for a couple days but I don't think it will seem worth it to y'all..🤔
Poppy: Oh come on, John! I know it will be! ☺️😉
John Dory: 🙄😃 Ok Then! 😋
Branch: Why a sudden mind of change? Let me guess cos of Poppy? 🙄
Poppy: Branch! 😟
John Dory: Heh, yeah...😏
Branch: Darn...😒
Poppy: Ok, Please! For gods sake! no more me in the middle of topics boys! 😠🤦♀️
John Dory: Yeah, Ok I Get that...😳
Branch: Yeah me too...😳
Poppy: K, so now what is it John Dory? 😁
John Dory: What is what? 😳
Poppy: YOUR PLAN! 🤦♀️
John Dory: Oh, yeah..(clears his throat) can be a.....Digi..uhhh... Digi..
Branch: Gosh, just say it already! 😡
John Dory: Ok! So It will be cool it there can be a new digital map on Rhonda! 😄 and Branch can maybe built it since he has good building and mending skills..😉
Poppy: Huh? Wait....HECK YEAH! 😜
John Dory: Yes! You agreed with me! 😆
Poppy: Well duh, how can't I?! That will be so fantas uhhh.....awesome...😁
John Dory: Great! 😉 And what do ya say Branch..?
Branch: Fist of all, that sounds great! Of course I can mend a map like that on Rhonda..
John Dory: (GASP) 😱😃Ye-
Branch: But second of all , that would take a lot of time..since you know digital objects are difficult to build..especially on Rhonda cos she may face struggles while I mend a lengthy digital map on her...
John Dory: Oh...☹️
Poppy: What..? 😟
Branch: Aye, don't make those sad faces guys...I think I will mend it! 😁👍
Poppy: (GASP) 😱😃
John Dory: For Real?! 🥹
Branch: Uhh...yeah...🙂
(John Dory Then, gives a big hug to his little bro after hearing this from him, but he is squeezing him 👀)
Branch: Ok, Ok, Ok enough! 🫨
John Dory: Whoops! Sorry Bitty B just too happy to see ya helping your big bro, you know I am proud of ya! 🥹 (hugs him again)
Poppy: Awwwwww! 🥹😍
Branch: JOHN!!! 🫨
John Dory: Oopsies...😅
Branch: Ok, So today we will start mending a map on Rhonda and-
Poppy: But when we go back to my pod?! 😨
Branch: That's what I was about to answer Poppy, 😒 anyways yes we will go back to your pod after the map is finally mended in order to surprise bros and your sister etc.
Poppy: Oh, Ok! 😄🤷♀️
John Dory: Wow! What a Good Start! 🤩
Branch: Yeah, and in fact I am super happy to mend this map, cos I love mending objects it's my all time favorite hobby! 😄
John Dory: I am happy to hear that...😊
Branch: Ok! better start right now! 😋
(Branch takes out a mending tools bag 🧰 from his hair)
John Dory: Off To A Good Start Eh? 😉😁
Branch: Yup! 😉
Poppy: Yeheh! 😆
(Next Part Coming Soon Teeheehee ^^)
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