Chapter one: Finn and Holley return
3rd Person Pov
(In the McMissile Mansion, two brothers were sitting in the front porch of they're home as they wait for they're father and stepmother return home from they're honeymoon... Holley and Finn got engaged a few months ago. Finn and Holley decided to have a honeymoon. They went to the Park International Hotel for they're honeymoon, now they decided to come back home to see they're children again.)
(In the mansion front, a young boy was seen sitting on the steps like a shipwreck stranded on the shore, his gaze adrift in the vast ocean of grief.)
(Today was the day my father and my stepmother we're returning home from they're honeymoon. They have been gone for almost four months, My brothers seem to like not get along with each other, Julian is leaving for College. He is heading to the Imperial College of London to study Advanced technology since he decided to use mom and dad's inheritance for that... As for Simon and Aaric, the two don't get along very well... They often argue like a pact of Lions who are fighting over something, and me I'm just the lone wolf in the family... My mother used to be very close to me and all before her passing.)
(Just as i was about cry, a voice echoed from behind me.)
???: Hey little buddy.
(I turned around and saw my older brother Julian standing behind me.)
Julian: You okay? You look like a dear under the headlights.
Y/N: Oh, uh. Big bro, i didn't see you were there... I'm okay yeah.
(Julian was always like the closest one to me after mom died, he is more better than Aaric and Simon, the two don't get alone with each other after she died, before they were like good to each other, but things turned sour.)
(Julian rubbed his head on my head.)
Julian: Is it still mom?
(I hesitated to tell him, but i chose to be honest with him.)
Y/N: Yeah it is Jules.
Julian: Listen, do not dwell in the past again, try to move on from it. Holley is your new mother now, she maybe a stranger to you at first. But she is very calm and supportive Y/N.
Y/N: R-really Jules. Is she gonna be there for me when i need her?
Julian: Yeah... look Y/N, you should use this opportunity to establish a good relationship with her, after all i'm gonna be departing tomorrow morning.
(Y/N felt his heart beat and wanted Julian to stay with him.)
Y/N: But Julian, you know i cannot live without you... You're just like my only friend i can trust!
Julian: I understand how you feel, but Holley will be there for you. I cannot always stay with you for ever, you need to follow your own path.
(Hearing my brothers word made feel uncomfortable because after all, he was my older brother who i admired and all... As we continued chatting, Dad's Aston Martin DB12 came into the parking lot.)
Julian: Oh, they're here now.
(Albert the mansion Butler came out of the mansion as Holley and Finn walked up to them.)
Albert: Ah, Brilliant. It's good to see you Master McMissle.
(Finn opened his car and got out.)
Finn: Ah, Albert how's it going today?
(Finn looked at me and Julian standing in front waiting for them. As the door opened, Holley was wearing a fine Purple dress. My eyes were wide like i just saw something was off, my cheeks began to turn reddish.)
Holley: Albert it's good to see you again.
(Holley hugged Albert. As she pulled away, she looked at me and Julian.)
Holley: *gasp* Julian, my oh my. You look very older now, the last time i saw you, you were so young. But now you turned into a matured person. Finn told me you're leaving for college tomorrow.
Julian: That's correct.
Holley: Your going to the imperial college of London if i might be right?
Julian: True.
Holley: Good luck dear. My niece went there before and she graduated.
Julian: That's nice to hear H.
(After they were done talking, Holley turned to me smiling... my cheeks turned bright red as she saw me, i gently rubbed my head.)
Holley: Y/N... *She kneeled down as she caress cheek my cheek.* You're all grown up, the last time i saw you when you were only seven years old. Finn and Julian told me about your struggles after your mother died.
Y/N: Y-you know?
Finn: Y/N, she is worried about you including Julian... Your brother is going away for college and he won't be back.
(I remained quiet as my facial expression became sad in front of them.)
Holley: It's only sweetie... I got your back no matter what, even if Julian is gone. I will always be your light my dear.
(Holley put an arm around me, i wanted to pull away from her hug but i chose to hug her as i cried in her arms.)
Holley: Let it all out my dear... Shh, i will not leave you all alone my dear.
(To be continued)
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