The pups pulled on their leashes, dragging a sleepy Sans behind them. The night had been rough for the Skeleton parent, nights constantly plagued him. But for the pups, he would stay awake. Sans let go of the leashes when they got to the stairs so the little ones could play in the leaves. He sat at the end of the steps, watching Orion, Artemis, and Sirius throw leaves in the air and catch them in their little mouths. A smile tugged at Sans lips as he watched them. This was good. Sans liked this. Just him and his kids. And Napstablook on occasion, but he never tattled. The pups liked Napstablook. "Daddy roll with us!"
("Play with us!")
"Come on!" The little ones insisted with their big puppy dog eyes and wagging tails. Sans couldn't say no. He rose slowly from his seat on the stairs and sauntered over, flipping Orion into the leaves. He barked in protest and shook off before charging Sans. The Skeleton merely stepsided. He gently pushed Sirius back, making him lose his footing. Artemis didn't need prompting for a wrestling match as it became a four way battle between them.
They took a nice nap on the recliner while Sans continued renovating Artemis room. It really just needed to be furnished now, the walls had been painted a nice magenta, the flooring was the same as the rest of the house, Sans had fixed the light fixtures. Sans pulled his hood up and popped over to the dump to start scavenging for toys, bedding, a mattress and frame, etc. Bedroom stuff. He kept a close eye on the time as he did so, knowing roughly the time that they would wake after a long session of play. He found some clothes he could throw in the was and a frame he could clean up too. He brought them home, checking on the pups before he moved on to cleaning the frame and fixing any scratches and missing pieces. "Daddy!" He paused from his work. "Daddy home? Daddy!" Sirius. Sans put his tools down and popped into the hall, walking into the living area. "daddy's here buddy, don't worry." Sans crouched beside Sirius, petting his little head. "would you like to play chef with daddy?" Sans offered. Sirius nodded his head, jumping onto Sans to get down.
The pups set the table while Sans finished up. This time was a interesting meal he found a while back on the surface some reset or another. Breadbowls. It was a rounded loaf of bread that was hollowed out so soup could be in its center. The little ones definitely had a heyday and made a mess of it on the table, floor, and their fur. They were having fun, though Sans did reprimand them for the mess they made doing so. After dinner he watched as they cleaned up and helped them wash the soup out of their fur. "no more breadbowls for awhile, k?"
("Yes daddy..") Artemis agreed with her brother's chorusing the same words behind her. "good." Sans made sure to wash behind her ears before moving onto one of the boys. "no desert tonight either." Three sets of ears drooped as they 'Aw'ed. "You kiddos know better by now. your nearly four years old." Sans chided. "We're sorry.." Sirius whimpered. "Can we still have story?" Orion requested. Sans hummed. "ya, i suppose your story privileges aren't taken away yet, just be good the rest of the night, k?" This earned rather quick nods from the pups. "good."
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