Sans didn't like this. He didn't wanna do it, but for his kids safety, he would do anything and if this incident taught him anything it was that the Ruins were too close to the threat. He was back. Officially. He wasn't ready to face Asgore quite yet, no. He'd abandoned his people when they needed him most and was wasn't prepared to get chewed out yet. Instead he had Alphys watch his kids while he (reluctantly) moved himself and his kids back into his Snowdin home. The boys could have his room and Artemis could have- nope he couldn't do it. He couldn't clear out Papyrus stuff. He couldn't touch it. Sans stepped out into the snow. He didn't know what to do, he was a mess. The moment he went in there he would probably go insane with guilt. He just- he couldn't do it. "Sans?" He lifted his head to stare and an seven years older Monster Kid. He supposed Kid wasn't really a kid anymore, he was nineteenish now? "hey kid, been awhile, eh?" Kid smiled wide. "We thought you died in the human attack Sans! Where have you been?" Sans shrugged. "away. hey, could you do something for me, kid?"
Kid gathered a few of his old bar buddies to do it for him. Just box up his things. Sans knew MK would be helping if he could. "Yo you ok?" Sans shook his head to clear it. "i'll be fine. i've had seven years to grieve." He replied. "We got it all boxed, Sans."
"Sorry for you loss."
"Hope to see you in the bar soon, Sans." They left his house and Sans found himself going to finish what he started. They'd even peeled the stickers off his door. The boxes he moved to his basement lab where all his other painful memories were. He kicked his own crap too, setting most out with a 'FREE' sign on it. All he needed was a blanket and some of his clothes. Finally he started to move his kids things in. It seemed all three of them would be getting new rooms after all. Thus both rooms were reorganized with the kids stuff. Once that was done, he was back in the lab, checking on his kids. To his delight, Artemis was happily chattering with the now awake Sirius while Alphys was running a checkup on Orion.
"hey buddy, how are you doing?" Sans asked Orion as he walked over to check on him. Sans could see that his the eye was gone. That human had taken half of his baby boys sight. "Daddy! I did my best not to let the human hurt Sir! Did I do good?!" Sans smiled sadly. "you did great pal... but try not to run into any more humans, hm? you scared the crap outta me, both of you." Sir's ears drooped. "We're sorry daddy..." Sans flashed a smile again. "you guys are alive, that's all that matters." Sans looked to Alphys who watched the three interact with a small smile. "well doc, can you give me a rundown?" She nodded until she realized he was talking to her. "O-oh right! L-lets talk o-over here." They went to the corner were Alphys started to talk in a low voice. "S-Sirius will be f-fine b-but Orion... h-he's going t-to be half blind the r-rest of h-his life a-and he will b-be affected mentally... they b-both will be." Sans sighed. "thanks for giving it to me straight. we'll come back for checkups on both of them. for now... i wanna take 'em go home."
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