A Hero
Sans couldn't do anything for now. If he tried looking for answers again, Gaster likely would kill him. With that thought in mind, Alphys took to the task of retrieving any data she could while Sans took his pups back home. They walked again, Sans tried to think of what fun things they could do to get everyone's minds off the who Gaster thing. It was then that a Temmie came running at them. Sans was quick to shield his pups from the possible threat, defensive. "Hoi! You heero of Tem Villag, ya ya?" Sans was immediately confused. "i'm no hero. you got the wrong guy." Sans made a gesture for the pups to follow him, but the Temmie quickly cut them off. "Youz slayed deemon, Yaya, sav undergond and tem villag! Com com! Tem to giv gifts!" Well... guess they were visiting Temmie Village after all. "alright... but my kids are coming." Sans agreed reluctantly. "Yaya! Heero reeqest granted! Com com!" The Temmie started to trot away, and Sans sighed. "let's go see temmie village, hm? i promise you, it'll be fun!" Their tails started to wag, and Orion was the first to start moving. "Let's go then!"
The pups quickly ended up ahead of Sans as they followed the Temmie to their little slice of heaven. Their excited gasps upon entering were music to Sans' nonexistent ears and he smiled, looking around. It quickly faded, however. While the picture of a Temmie and the dragon was still there, the statue of the Temmie was gone, replaced with a statue of a hooded monster standing over the body of a human. A permanent smile was etched into their face, making Sans sick to his metaphorical stomach. He just wanted to get past this - he just wanted to raise his pups! ("Woah! Is that you?!") Missy and her brothers ran up to the statue, and Sans very reluctantly trailed behind at the Temmie's cheered. "a long time ago..." Sans replied. Sir looked around at the happy Temmies. "You saved them? The whole Underground?" The adults were always talking about it. Alphys, Grillby, even the king! "You're a hero, dad! Why don't you ever talk about it?" Sans gaze hardened a little. "i'm not a hero, that's why. a hero saves everyone and... i didn't..." Mettaton, Undyne, Toriel, Papyrus, the dogs, their parents... he was no hero.
Sir hugged Sans, starting him from his spiraling thoughts. "You didn't save everyone... but you didn't let everyone die, either! You saved the king and Alphys and the Temmies and Grillby and us- a lot of others too!" He barked up at Sans as firmly as he could. ("You could've done nothing when the human attacked Sirius and Orion and you could've done nothing when the human attacked all those years ago. You could've just left us in the snow. But you didn't. You didn't because you're a good monster and you deserve to give yourself a second chance just like you gave us one!") Artemis continued. "So instead of seeing of seeing yourself as a murderer, look at all the good you did! You're a good boy, dad!" Orion finished. Sans was startled that his pups had chewed him out, but... he was happy they did. "Our heero!"
"Prais da saver!"
Sans listened to the happy Temmies and crouched down to give his kids a big hug. "you guys are so smart... i love you three so much..." Their tails wagged excitedly. ("We love you too!" They all yapped in unison.
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