Talk Business To Me
April 11, 2018
Baekhyun waited in the lobby of Byun Records with Kyungsoo and Luhan, awaiting their car that would drive them directly to P.C.Y. Industry. Baekhyun was leaning back on one of white sofa's, reviewing the proposals he had written up last night for his possibly new trainee. Kyungsoo was sitting opposite of him, thoughtless chewing on the end of a black pen as he read over his own proposals. Luhan was sitting near the window, gazing out at the thriving city surrounded by a beautifully, cloudless sky.
Kyungsoo would every so often glance up at Baekhyun, his eyes full of questions that Baekhyun could practically feel him telepathically yelling. After the third or so time he felt Kyungsoo's large round eyes on him, he sighed and placed his file back into his lap as he shot his eyes up to meet Kyungsoo's.
"Yes? Did you want to ask me something or....are you just going to continue staring at me?" Baekhyun asked with a hint of sass.
Kyungsoo huffed and rolled his eyes before retorting, "Diva, much? And all I wanted to know was, how did you know Mr. Park?"
Baekhyun sighed. He had been expecting this.
"I met him at that coffee shop I love," Baekhyun responded blandly.
Kyungsoo shrugged and retorted, "And, your point, you've met a lot of people everywhere, but not everyone you've met filled a room with sexual or otherwise tension. Sooo, what happened when you....met?"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and snapped, "Diffidently not that! He had been sitting at my table, and when I politely asked him to move, he had been a bitch about it."
Kyungsoo nodded and hummed, "Uh-huh. Are you sure you weren't the bitch about it?"
Baekhyun's eyes narrowed and said, "Soo, you do realize I'm your boss, don't you?"
Kyungsoo nodded and shrugged as he replied, "Yeah, and what of it?"
"What of it, being that you shouldn't call your boss a bitch. That's a good way to get you fired," Baekhyun teased.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, fire me and I'll kick your ass, Mr. Byun." Then Kyungsoo smiled cheekily while Baekhyun huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at his childhood friend.
Ten minutes or so later, a sleek black car closely resembling a limousine rolled smoothly up to the front entrance of Byun Records.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the dramatics and ordered everyone outside to the pretentious car. But Baekhyun couldn't deny it's beauty as he slide into the back seat with cool, black upholster that smelled exactly like new vinyl - he couldn't decide if it was a pleasant smell or not.
"Damn, Baekhyun, you're boyfriend is expensive," Kyungsoo commented as he took in the sleek black cushions and tinted windows; even a built in mini bar with expensive wines written in a language Baekhyun was hopelessly illiterate too - a frustrating fact.
Baekhyun bristled and with ridge movements he turned to face Kyungsoo as he said in his calmest (deadliest) tone, "What was that, Kyungsoo? Did you just refer to that pompous ass as my boyfriend? Because I sooo hope you didn't, my easily replaced employee."
Kyungsoo merely smiled and replied, "Oh, Baekhyun, you know exactly what I said. And by the way, you'd be completely fucked without my talent at the company."
Baekhyun's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms before retorting, "Yeah, whatever. And since you're my best friend, I'll let this one remark slide, but do it again, and I'm throwing you in the mail room for a week."
At that, Kyungsoo's eyes widened in terror and he cried, "Oh God! Not the mail room, it never stops coming! That place will drive you insane just trying to keep up with it all!"
Baekhyun chuckled and grinned evilly as he retorted, "Good then, it seems we understand each other." Another cheeky grin was thrown Kyungsoo's way, and a sharp, bruise-creating punch was thrown Baekhyun's way.
P.C.Y. Industry was a much bigger company compared to Byun Records, which made perfect sense since it had once been Park Entertainment. The front lobby was white with accents of pearl aqua blue, such as vases or little decorative bowls. There were paintings hung tastefully around the room; some big, some small, and all extremely elegant and beautiful, that added another layer of posh superiority to the room.
(A/N: I image the room looking like that, all except it is flipped with the furniture on the other side with a receptionist desk where the wall is, and another wall for the fountain in the image below.)
Feeling out of place in one of his simple black suits and tie, Baekhyun and his colleagues made their way to one of the many pieces of furniture adorning the spacious lobby. The furniture was all an elegant white with overstuffed pillows that one could immediately fall asleep on after touching. The couches where much like the limousine in elegance, although these distinctly smelled of leather and there wasn't a mini bar, only a waterfall fountain with a chrome base and ferns on either side.
"Damn, he really does have expensive taste," Kyungsoo muttered as he followed after Baekhyun to a white couch.
"Just be quiet," Baekhyun hissed. "I'll be right back. I'm going to talk to the receptionist." Baekhyun passed his file to Luhan and said, "Guard this with your life," before he walked off.
Luhan saluted and replied, "Of course, Mr. Byun!"
"Excuse me," Baekhyun said to the receptionist.
The consistent clatter of her manicured nails momentarily paused against the keyboard as she lazily glanced up at Baekhyun. But upon taking in his appearance which consisted of a black suit with a white collared shirt beneath and a black tie - a seemingly simple outfit - her expression changed and a flirty smile curved her lips as she practically purred, "Hello, Mr. . . .?"
"Byun," Baekhyun offered.
"Mr. Byun," she sighed. "My name's Taeyeon, how can I help you?"
Baekhyun was sure he heard a double meaning to her words, but he shrugged it off as irrelevant and simply replied, "Could you inform your boss, Park Chanyeol, that Byun Baekhyun is here to see him for their meeting?"
Taeyeon's bottom lip pouted out slightly when she realized Baekhyun was being all business, and with a sulking pout she picked up her phone and pressed a button. "Mr. Byun is here to see you," she said professional. There was a pause while the other line answered, and then Taeyeon was hanging up as she reached for a pen and paper. She wrote something quickly down before passing it to Baekhyun as she said, "Mr. Park's office is on the tenth floor. Just take the elevator up and when you get off, it's just a straight shot down to his office. Have a pleasant day now, Mr. Byun," she called as Baekhyun politely smiled before stuffing the paper in his pocket and walking towards the elevator.
As he was stepping inside the elevator with Kyungsoo and Luhan, just before the doors could slide shut, he called out, "You as well, Miss Taeyeon." Then the door closed, blocking them both from view of the other.
After five floors of silence thick of awkwardness on Kyungsoo and Luhan's part, Kyungsoo finally broke the suffocation by asking, "So, what did she give you?"
Baekhyun merely shrugged and blandly responded, "I have no idea."
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and exasperatedly asked, "Well, aren't you going to look?"
"Why should I?" Baekhyun mumbled. "And why does it matter to you?"
"Mr. Byun, if I may say something?" Luhan tenuously asked.
"Of course, Luhan, every opinion has value. I'm not paying you because you're pretty, after all," Baekhyun muttered casually.
Luhan blushed, and after the red tint had faded from his cheeks, he said, "What Mr. Do means to say, sir, is that woman was, and excuse my language, but she was practically eye fucking you."
Baekhyun choked, and Kyungsoo snorted before doubling over with laughter. Luhan's cheeks tinted pink again.
"Oh my God! Luhan! That is so inappropriate," Baekhyun reprimanded after his coughing fit had subsided.
"Well, you said it was fine . . ." Luhan mumbled.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and retorted, "Yeah, because I thought you were going to say something other than what you did."
"Yeah, I see why you would think that . . ." Luhan trailed off.
They sunk into silence once again, and when the light over level ten finally blinked red, Kyungsoo released an audible sigh and softly murmured, "Oh, thank the Lord," before he practically leapt out of the elevator as the doors rolled open.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and smacked the back of his head as he snapped, "Could you be professional, for once!"
Kyungsoo just pouted while Luhan giggled behind his hand, and teasingly pointed at Kyungsoo behind Baekhyun's back.
The hallway that lead to Chanyeol's office, which they could see at the end was a double door - most likely real and very heavy rich brown wood - was encased on both sides by glass. The walls of the hallway were made purely of thick glass, and on either side one could see the sprawling city. It was a truly, very beautiful view.
When they finally reached the double door, set off to the side in a little secluded rectangular shaped hole was a desk that wasn't visible until you were standing right in front of the door, was another woman. She glanced up at them with a smile and politely asked, "Can I have your name?"
"Byun Baekhyun."
She picked up her phone, and much like Taeyeon, she pressed a button before saying, "Sir, a Mr. Byun Baekhyun is here to see you." She nodded, and then she placed the phone back down and pressed another button as she said, "You may go in," just as the doors began to automatically open.
"Wow, that's some fancy and expensive shit right there," Kyungsoo muttered in awe as they walked into the room.
"Please, for my sake, try to control yourself," Baekhyun mumbled out of the side of his mouth.
Walking into the room, the first two things one would notice was the back wall that was also made up of entirly glass, and the overly handsome man sitting at his large mahogany desk centered perfectly in front of it.
Mr. Park looked up from his work with an already teasing smile forming on his plump and perfect lips. He was beginning to greatly annoy Baekhyun because everything about him just seemed so perfect. His height; his flawless face; his hair when neatly styled - although Baekhyun hated to admit that he had still looked sexy even with bedhead - his deep brown eyes that stared deeply into his own; and those lips.
And not to mention the fact that both of them had dressed startling similar.
(A/N: Just imagine Chanyeol without his little baby face expression and that he has silver hair and no curls, and that they're also wearing black ties.)
Baekhyun mentally slapped himself when he realized that this impossible god-like creature was standing right in front, and had just finished speaking, that of which Baekhyun had been too distracted to listen to since he had been mentally striping this man that stood right before him - close enough to touch even. Baekhyun shook away every one of those thoughts, honestly bewildered by himself.
Why am I suddenly thinking of him this way . . .? Baekhyun wondered.
"Mr. Byun, were you listening to me just now?" Chanyeol asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
Baekhyun glared at him and snapped, "Yes, I was fucking listening!"
Chanyeol's eyes widened at his tone and use of language, and Baekhyun mentally face-palmed while internally yelling, What the hell is wrong with me? Am I incapable of being civil towards this man? Ugh!
Baekhyun shook his head and muttered, "Excuse me, that elevator ride was . . . too long. It gave me a headache," Baekhyun lied blandly.
That's right, Byun, blame the mechanics of a machine, Baekhyun thought with an internal eyeroll.
Chanyeol pursed his lips and replied, "Alright, then, and now, if you'll follow me into my conference room . . ." Chanyeol trailed off as he headed in the direction of another set of heavy looking wooden doors, shoving them aside as he called over his shoulder, "Our client is already here, by the way."
They walked into yet around glass walled room that held nothing but a massively long - mahogany, again - wooden table capable of sitting fifty or more people. Baekhyun pursed his lips, and before he could stop himself, his mouth was opening and words were forming on his tongue.
"Excuse me, but Mr. Park, how can you offord all this . . . stuff?" Baekhyun finished blandly.
Chanyeol glanced over his shoulder and gave Baekhyun a small smile that for once didn't come off as a smirk or condescending as he replied, "I'm an entrepreneur, Mr. Byun, I have many businesses in many countries, this is merely my latest. Maybe you should look me up some time, and please, call me Chanyeol."
Then he smiled once more before turning back away, addressing everyone as he said, "My future colleagues and busy partner, Oh Sehun. Oh Sehun, meet your co-sponsor, Mr. Byun, and two people you can always go to for help. Do Kyungsoo and Xi Luhan," Chanyeol said, gesturing to each of them in turn.
Baekhyun was pleasantly surprised when Chanyeol had managed to remember who Luhan and Kyungsoo were, since he had only met them once while also being introduced to many other's. It was a surprise Baekhyun hadn't been expecting, and had him seeing Chanyeol in a new light, that also had him realizing Chanyeol had many dark spaces about himself that Baekhyun had yet to shine a light upon.
Their meeting went well after that, and by the end of it, Chanyeol and Baekhyun had entered into a business contact sharing the rights and earnings of their new client, Oh Sehun, would be bringing to both their companies after his debut.
Chanyeol and Baekhyun were left alone in the conference room after their meeting; Sehun and Luhan had got to talking and disappeared somewhere into the building; and Kyungsoo was waiting for Baekhyun down in the front lobby.
Baekhyun finished writing something down and glanced up at Chanyeol, noticing with stomach twitching realization that he was already watching him. Baekhyun furrowed his brow and slipped the paper wordless across the table to Chanyeol as he asked, "How does that look?"
Chanyeol skimmed over the proposal and wrote in his inputs before slipping it inside a folder as he said, "I'll get back to you on that, I want to read over it more efficiently before telling you my final opinion. So, Mr. Byun, do you think today's meeting went well?"
Baekhyun nodded with a small smile and said, "Baekhyun, call me Baekhyun. I mean, it's only fair, is it not?"
Chanyeol chuckled and with a nod he retorted, "Yes, I suppose it is, . . . Baekhyun."
Baekhyun resisted the shiver that shot up his spine and smiled.
"I also suppose," Chanyeol continued, "that you're more than ready to go home for the night."
Baekhyun chuckled and replied, "Yes, please, today was enough productivity for me."
Chanyeol chuckled as well and asked, "So, when are we planning on seeing each other again?"
His sudden question about knocked the breath out of Baekhyun, and with a slight cough, he gasped, "W-what?"
Chanyeol smiled amusedly and repeated, "I asked, when are we seeing each other again?"
Baekhyun internally rolled his eyes before retorting, "I know what you asked, you idiot, I was just surprised you asked in the first place . . ." Then Baekhyun shrugged and continued by muttering, "And I have no idea, what would we be meeting over?"
Chanyeol pursed his lips, silently musing to himself before he suggested, "How about drinks?"
Baekhyun's perfect brow puckered while he retorted, "You want to have a meeting over drinks?"
Chanyeol smiled and lightly chuckled before replying, "No, silly, I was asking if you want to get a drink . . . with me - while disregarding everything related to our professional relationship."
Baekhyun's eyes widened in realization, and after another moment, so did something else, and skeptically, he asked, "What did you mean exactly when you said, '. . . while disregarding everything related to our professional relationship'?"
Chanyeol chuckled nervously at that, he even scratched the back of his head. Baekhyun's mouth dropped open and he gasped, "Oh my God, Park Chanyeol, are you nervous?"
Chanyeol blushed, a fact that made Baekhyun giddy as he laughed and relentlessly teased him.
Five or so more minutes passed this way, before Baekhyun was responding back, "And to your first offer, Chanyeol, that would be a yes. I'll have drinks with you, but just drinks. I mean it, absolutely nothing else."
Chanyeol nodded, his face animated as he happily agreed.
Word count: 2,747
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