Allies or Rivals?
April 10, 2018
A small headache was being to form just above Baekhyun's left eyebrow. His meeting with the head of P.C.Y. Industry was late. A half hour late.
He sat in his conference room with his associates, waiting like patient dogs for that damn man to show. And finally, after their half hour wait, his secretary appeared in the doorway and spoke.
"Mr. Byun, the CEO of P.C.Y. Industry is here," she said quietly, tenuously.
Baekhyun sighed in a mixture of relief and frustration as he curtly retorted, "Thank you, now please, send him in." She nodded quickly before retreating from the doorway to fetch that extremely late bastard.
Baekhyun tried to compose himself and settle his facial features into a pleasant expression, because he knew he probably looked stern as hell, with creases of frustration and anger marring his upper brow. But could you honestly blame him? He had waited for a half hour.
When the CEO of P.C.Y. Industry entered the room, everyone politely stood and greeted him with smiles and warm words of welcome - all expect for one.
Baekhyun sat immobile in his seat as he stared daggers at their new arrival; his mouth opening and closing with incoherent sounds of rage and frustration.
He was dressed nicely in a clean crisp black suit with a black turtle neck underneath, that all appeared to have been just freshly ironed. His silver hair, unlike the last time, was combed back and tamed. Baekhyun didn't see a single hole or out of place hair, the fact making him angry once again for reasons he couldn't understand.
(A/N: Chanyeol's appearance. Had too. 😍)
And the CEO just watched him, having the audacity to smirk before saying, "Why, hello again, Mr. Byun."
Silence. And then . . .
"Mr. Byun, do you know him?" one of his associates, Kyungsoo asked.
Baekhyun pursed his lips and curtly said, "Would you all excuse us for a moment? I would like to talk to this, Mr. Park, alone."
Everyone nodded respectfully before leaving the room, taking all the oxygen with them. The room was suddenly filled with tension as Baekhyun angrily rose from his chair and crossed his arms, walking around behind his chair and reaching down to tightly grip the back as he said through gritted teeth. "Please, enlighten me. Why were you so late to our meeting? Did you have a prior commitment because maybe you could have mentioned that to my secretary so I didn't have to waste a half hour waiting around for you," Baekhyun finished saying with barely contained rage.
Chanyeol smirked and took a slow step forward as he replied, "Well, you see, Mr. Byun, I was in the middle of a . . . commitment, when I should have been here."
Baekhyun couldn't contain his anger anymore and he exploded. "You were having sex when you should have been here!? How- I can't even-" Baekhyun trailed off, his words failing him in his fuming state.
Chanyeol pursed his lips and tapped Baekhyun's nose as he retorted, "And you sir, should blame yourself for it."
Baekhyun's jaw dropped and he smacked Chanyeol's hand away as he snapped, "How the hell am I to blame!?"
"You're to blame because I couldn't stop thinking about you. So to get you out of my head, I fucked a random stranger from a bar," Chanyeol said like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"You're disgusting," Baekhyun said. "How can you do that to someone knowing it doesn't mean anything?!"
Chanyeol shrugged. "We were both consenting adults, and she knew it was only a one night stand going in. So it didn't really matter," Chanyeol replied nonchalantly.
It didn't matter? Baekhyun thought. How can he be so flippant about this?
"So I would have been a one night stand too?" Baekhyun asked softly.
Chanyeol pursed his lips, thinking for a moment before he said, "I don't know. It was the aftereffects of meeting you."
Baekhyun scrunched his nose and muttered, "What ever that means. And you're disgusting."
"You already said that," Chanyeol retorted boredly.
"Well, it's true. Now, back to the matter at hand," Baekhyun said before walking towards the door, before he could open it, Chanyeol asked, "That's it? You have nothing else to say?"
"What else do you want me to say, Chanyeol?" Baekhyun replied blandly.
Chanyeol gasped.
So beautiful. He made my name sound so beautiful, Chanyeol thought.
"Ah, n-nothing, I guess," Chanyeol respond nervously.
"Good then, now, can you take a seat at the other head of the table so we can begin our meeting? Thank you," Baekhyun said as he opened the conference room door to call everyone back in.
They filed into the room with darting glances thrown Chanyeol's way, making it apparent that they had overheard their conversation regardless of Baekhyun asking then to excuse themselves.
He was sure to be the talk of the company for the coming week.
"Alright, so I'm hoping we all know why we're here today," Baekhyun began. "So, let's just get into it, then. Mr. Park, you were called here today - as you know - for us to work together. I noticed you're company, and please, I don't mean any offense when I say this, but you're company is small in terms of artists who hold a contract with you. So I'm proposing that we find ourselves a new idol and co-sponor them. It would get your company noticed to be working with an already well-known company such as Byun Records and I thought it would be an excellent way to bring you more artists. So, what do you think?"
Baekhyun waited for his response, watching him calmly with his hands neatly folded on the table before him. Chanyeol pursed his lips and brought his clasped hands to his mouth as he mulled over the proposal. Then he used his clasped hands to point two joined fingers at Baekhyun as he asked, "And what would you're company be getting out of this co-sponsorship?"
"Money, of course," Baekhyun said matter-of-factly. And then a small grin formed across his lips as he said, "Sorry, I just couldn't pass that up." Chanyeol rolled his eyes, clearly not amused. "Okay, in all seriousness, my company would receive more recognition and would, if all goes well, be receiving both a new artist and a new partnership with P.C.Y. Industry that in the future can be grown upon. And that, Mr. Park, would be our benefits to this co-sponsorship."
And then the most unexpected thing happened, Chanyeol laughed. Everyone looked at him in bewilderment, and then he asked, still laughing, "Mr. Byun, please, tell me wether or not you did your research on my company?"
Baekhyun's brow furrowed at the question and he replied, "Um, yes, I did."
"Then that would mean you are aware that my company use to be under a different CEO and name, correct?" Chanyeol asked.
Baekhyun's jaw dropped, no words coming out as his cheeks began to flush and he sputtered, "Wh-what?"
Chanyeol smirked and leaned forward onto the table as he quietly said, "Yes, it use to be my father's before he passed it on to me. And when the company was his, it's name was . . . Park Entertainment."
Baekhyun's jaw dropped even further, and when he had managed to compose himself he cried, "What the hell!? How did I not realize that earlier!? Shit! I'll be riding your fucking coat tails!"
Chanyeol smiled happily and leaned back into his seat, amusement evident all over his face. "But you know, Mr. Byun, since I am running the company now with my own name and not my father's, I'm basically starting all over," Chanyeol said, as if saying that would make Baekhyun feel any less foolish.
The meeting ended after another half hour, and everyone filed out except Chanyeol, Luhan, and Kyungsoo, who was the one Baekhyun always turned to for a second opinion or advice in general - since they had been best friends since high school.
"Okay, so I'll have my design department think up posters and adds for new recruitment," Baekhyun muttered distractedly as he took notes on a piece of paper. "Mr. Park?" Baekhyun asked as he looked up, his lips slightly pursed. "What will you be doing to gather possible new recruits? You haven't suggested anything."
Chanyeol didn't meet Baekhyun's gaze, but instead to was typing away on his phone, an intense look of concentration on his face. Baekhyun huffed in frustration and snapped, "Mr. Park, the meeting may be over but we still have busy to attend to, so could you please, put away your phone?"
Chanyeol just held up a finger in response and distractedly muttered, "Be quiet for a moment, please, Mr. Byun. I'm conducting my own business."
Baekhyun bristled and he saw red as he had the sudden desire to lunge over the table and strangle this bastard.
"What business could you possibly be conducting?" Baekhyun asked curtly, just as suddenly as Chanyeol yelped out in joy and did a spin his chair before refacing Baekhyun and smacking his hands down onto the table as he cried, "Mr. Byun, you're going to kiss me!"
"What!?" Baekhyun cried as Chanyeol cried back, "I found us a trainee!"
"WHAT!?" Baekhyun yelled. "How the hell did you do that so fast!?"
Chanyeol laughed and replied, "I have my ways, Mr. Byun. Could you please set up the overhead so I can show you our new trainee."
Baekhyun gestured to Kyungsoo, who stood up to turn on the overhead. Once it was on, Chanyeol went to it and hooked up his phone, displaying his screen on the overhead. He produced a laser pointer from his pocket and pointed at the screen with it as he began. "Meet our new trainee, Oh Sehun. As you can see from his application, he can dance and sing. He's been practicing from a young age and has already managed to win awards for his free style dancing, although little, but still promising. And also, I just so happen to have his number . . . Should I . . . call him?" Chanyeol asked almost teasingly.
Baekhyun's jaw dropped and he cried, "If you don't call him right now, I'm going to jump over this damn table to call him for you!"
Chanyeol just chuckled and murmured, "Alright, seems you want me to call him . . ." Chanyeol chuckled again and muttered a quiet, "Excuse me," before he left the room to make his phone call.
Ten or so minutes later, Chanyeol was walking back into the room while he said, "Alright, we have a meeting with Mr. Oh tomorrow." Baekhyun smiled brightly, but it started to slip away when Chanyeol continued on by saying, "But the meeting will be conducted on my turf since it was me, after all, who found him."
Baekhyun internally cringed but nodded his assent, and asked, "Alright, what time is the meeting?"
Word count: 1,822
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