Hello all. Its time for another round of Bensler. Are you all ready for this one? Hope so.
Elliot and Liv walked into the Station House dodging detectives rushing all over the place. It was a bit more chaotic than they were used to this late at night. Elliot glanced at Liv who shrugged. They were there to watch Fin and Munch talk to Tyler to get information on Kathy and Dickie's rape. They caught Cragen walking back from the one of the interview rooms to drop something on Elliot's desk.
"Cap, what's going on?" Liv asked, rushing forward to Cragen. He sighed and shrugged. "I, honestly, don't know what the hell happened. We were about to interview Tyler when this guy came in and started shooting Tyler. We think he was hired by Waterfront Dragons to prevent Tyler from talking."
There were CSU everywhere and Melinda was there taking notes over Tyler's dead body in the holding cell. A second body was already in the bag that must have been the shooter. Elliot started walking in to take a better look around, silently thanking God for them being at home with their family. He glanced at Liv who was talking to Fin. He had taken the killing shot. Liv looked at Elliot and smiled softly. She was thanking God also.
"Elliot, Olivia, since Tyler is dead and we can't prove who raped Kathy and Dickie yet. We will try to track down more leads from the Waterfront Dragons." Cragen stated sorrowfully.
Elliot sighed heavily. He was slightly hoping that the case would be over by tomorrow and the kids would be safe enough to leave. He missed having an emptier nest with only Liv and Ethan around day in and day out. He loved his kids and wouldn't change anything that has happened, but he really wanted to go back to being able to have sex with Liv more than once every two weeks.
He wanted so bad to be with Liv. Anywhere and everywhere he could. It was like a hormonal teenager had taken control of him. He had no idea how he could get through another day without holding her against his body.
"You okay, Elliot?" Cragen asked, breaking him from his thoughts.
Nodding, Elliot cleared his throat, feeling terrible for wanting an empty nest. "I just thought things might clear up and..." he trailed off, looking past Cragen to Liv.
Cragen's eyes followed Elliot's. He understood then. "You were hoping the case would be cleared and your kids safe to move out again."
Elliot gave a scoff as he moved to Cragen's office. He knew Cragen would want to talk more about this. Liv gave his hand a gentle squeeze as if she knew, but she didn't know the half of it. Elliot could hear Cragen close behind him, barking orders just before he walked in and closed the door. He walked behind his desk and got out his bottle of alcohol he kept for the detectives in case something like this happened.
He poured Elliot a shot and gave it to him. "I might not have kids, but I understand how you feel. You feel a little claustrophobic at home because you have four adult children, one five year old, and one six month old at home with your girlfriend. Not to mention your ex and oldest son getting raped and your whole family threatened. Its a lot. I don't blame you for hoping they can leave the apartment for good."
"I've been a father since I was 17, Don. I love my kids. I've never wished they were out of my house before, but.." Elliot broke off, tears forming in his eyes.
"You're in love, Elliot. You want a normal relationship with Liv. You went from partners at work to partners in life, then parents to a young baby in record time," Cragen stated, sitting down, staring at Elliot still holding the shot.
Elliot sighed. "We have been partners for over twelve years, Don." He moved a chair to sit across the desk and set the shot on the desk, still staring at it. As if that shot was the answer to everything.
"Partners, Elliot. Work partners and real life partners are different. You have loved Olivia from afar for so long, then you finally get to love her for real. All of a sudden, you have a baby, single father, and Liv takes on the mother role like the boss she is. Then your son gets raped, your family gets threatened, your ex wife gets raped and nearly dies, suddenly you have a full house again." Cragen summarized with a small smile.
"But, I feel like a bad father for wishing my kids out of my house." Elliot stood back up and started to pace a little, running his hand down his face angrily at himself.
Cragen watched him for a few moments before asking, "How about a hotel?"
"I can't ask my kids to watch their younger brothers to go to a hotel to have sex with my girlfriend." Elliot stated, still pacing.
"Why not?"
Elliot stopped pacing. "Because I'm an adult. I have responsibilities, kids. I can't run off like a teenager."
Cragen stood up too. He took a hold of the still full shot glass and walked over to Elliot. He held it out for Elliot once more. "Can't or won't?" Elliot looked at Cragen and then the shot glass.
He took it and downed it, not answering the question. A quick knock came before the door opened as Elliot set the glass down. Liv was standing at the door, the report from the M.E. in her hands. "Hey, sorry to interrupt, but Warner gave us this preliminary report, she's going to finish it tomorrow and let us know. There was a call from a David's over in Organized Crime and they will be here in a few hours to go over some details with the Waterfront Dragons. So far the shooter is a Daniel Ricter from Queens. Clean record, only one parking ticket that was unpaid a few years ago that resulted in a little jail time."
She handed over the file for Elliot and Cragen to take a look at. He looked a tad familiar, but Elliot couldn't place him, so he kept quiet. "You two go ahead and head home, I'll talk to you in the morning."
As they left the precinct, Elliot kept thinking about Cragen's suggestion. "Liv, want to get a hotel for the night?" They had just reached the car when Liv stopped.
It seemed a little too good to be true. She wanted a night alone with Elliot more than anything, but they had kids at home. "What about the kids?"
He shrugged, "So Maureen and Kathleen watch over Eli and Ethan for the night. We get home early in the morning before work to get ready and home that night." He was hopeful. He felt they both needed it.
Liv thought about it for a while before she nodded. They called Maureen who was happy to watch the young ones while they had some time alone. She also thanked her father for getting a hotel and not doing it at home. He ignored that.
The hotel wasn't five star, but it was close to home in case something happened. Plus they didnt' have to get up early in the morning to get home. The room wasn't bad, a nice pale yellow, with peach and white bedspread. They sighed as they both collapsed on the bed, then turned to look at each other.
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