Ethan was a sweet boy. Hardly cried all night. At the precinct he was in a bouncer that Elliot brought up with him so he and Liv could focus on their paperwork while looking for the father. So far, it looked as though Rachel Harvel was a single mother. Elliot would be surprised if the father was even in New York.
Munch and Fin had started running background, leaving Liv and Elliot to make calls to everyone. Cragen kept a close eye on the three of them while they worked. Every now and then Liv and Elliot would run into each other, too focused on their paperwork or phone calls. Once or twice Elliot's hand brushed against Liv's butt, making her freeze for a second and look at him. He tried to stifle a smile when Ethan started crying. He was tired and needed a nap.
"I'll take him, Liv, go get some food." Elliot bent to pick him up, rocking him on the way to the crib to put him to sleep. He didn't want to let the boy out of his sight, but the stroller they'd brought for his naps was in there. Plus it was more quiet.
Liv nodded and kissed Eithan's head, then without thinking kissed Elliot. They both froze for a moment, looked at Cragen, who was staring at them and separated quickly. Accidents happen.
"Hey buddy, mommy's out, just us men here, how about we both take a nap, huh?" Elliot asked a slightly fussy Ethan.
It took five minutes for Ethan to fall asleep. Elliot was going to put him in the stroller to lay down, but he couldn't bring himself to set him down. He knew that this boy wasn't his or Olivia's, but it didn't seem to matter. They were his parents now.
"El, you okay?" Liv asked coming into the crib twenty minutes later. Elliot was still sitting up in the bed, holding Ethan. He didn't know how to say this.
They just got together, now they were thrown with a five month old baby. He also had five other children at his soon to be ex wife's. The thing is, he wanted a baby with Olivia. "I want a baby."
Liv nearly dropped their Chinese food. "Like, one from my vagina?" she asked bluntly, completely shocked. She didn't think he wanted anymore kids.
He laughed quietly, trying to not disturb the baby. Nodding, he sighed and repeated, "One from your vagina."
She sat on the bed and moved a strand of curly hair out of Ethan's face. "I do too, but I'm scared."
He looked at her watching the sleeping boy. "Why?"
He took in a breath. He and Kathy were done. He didn't want to be with her anymore. "Kathy and I are done. I'm not going back to her this time. I want to be with you. This boy," Elliot motioned to Ethan, slightly stirring, "made me realize how much I want one with you."
Liv didn't know what to say. They were looking after the boy just until they could find his father. She gave a half smile and kissed him once. A knock on the door broke them out of their silent thoughts.
"Liv, Elliot, we got a hit on the father," Munch said quietly. Elliot took Ethan with him as the three went to the squad room.
Cragen and Fin were already there muttering to each other. The monitor screen showed Ethan and his mother and several other photos of her crime scene. As soon as they got close enough Cragen sighed at Liv and Elliot.
"What?" Liv asked, setting the food on the desk.
"Elliot, do you want to explain something?" Cragen asked in his angry disappointed fatherly voice.
Elliot has absolutely no idea what Cragen was talking about. "I don't think so Captain."
Cragen scoffed and went to grab the paperwork from Fin's hand. "DNA was rushed last night on the baby's father. Congratulations Stabler, you're a father."
Elliot stumbled backwards and Liv went to grab Ethan. He couldn't believe it. There couldn't be a way. He didn't know the victim. There was one time about about a year ago when he went out for drinks alone there was a girl, but no one ever knew that. Not even Liv. He thought the woman had red hair, not black.
"Captain, I swear, I didn't know." Elliot stated, in utter shock. He went to sit on Munch's desk to stop himself from falling over.
Huang was studying him and he hated that stare. "He's telling the truth. But there's something else isn't there Elliot?"
Elliot tried to wrap his head around the fact that he had a sixth kid. "About a year ago, I was having a drink after a kiddie diddler case wrapped up. I had sex with a woman I met there, we were both drunk off our ass. Sex in her car, she got a cab, I got a hotel for the night and that was it. I swear I don't recognize her. I thought the girl had red hair."
Fin took that time to pipe in, "She did, black hair dye." He showed a picture on the screen. Flashbacks to that night started forming. Them having several more drinks until they went to her car to have sex. All he could see of her was her red hair as he took her from behind. Her facial features were buried into the backseat of the car as they did it half on the sidewalk. Cragen nodded, knowing that look. He remembered.
"Well, Cabot is dismissing the judge's guardianship paperwork. Since you are the father, you have custody now."
Everyone turned to see Kathy standing there with a large envelope, their two year old son on her hip, and Lizzie beside her. Kathy seemed a combination between shocked and angry. "You have another son?"
Elliot didn't want to do this. Not now. "Yeah," Liv answered for him, watching him closely.
"I didn't ask you, Benson," Kathy spat, venom spewing from her mouth like lava. Lizzie took the opportunity to take her little brother and go to the vending machines, kissing her father's cheek in greeting as she passed. He leaned down and kissed hers involuntarily. "Hi baby," he greeted, rustling Eli's hair as he passed.
Lizzie glanced at Ethan in Liv's arms and smiled, but didn't say anything. Kathy waited until Lizzie was away before nearly shouting, "I can't believe you!"
"Kathy it was a year ago and I was drunk. I didn't even remember it until just now." Elliot said trying to keep his voice calm.
"Couldn't have one with Olivia so you decided to have one with a random whore!" Kathy shouted before shoving the envelope into his chest. "Sign it by the end of the week or I'm going for sole custody."
Elliot took hold of the papers and watched her storm off to find their daughter and son. He took the papers out and glanced over them. Divorce papers. Stating that they would share custody of their remaining children still at home. Kathy would get the house, Elliot the car and most of the finances by 60 -40. He walked to his desk and grabbed a pen.
He signed his name and dropped the pen. "Dad," Lizzie called. He turned as he picked up the papers. Kathy was a little behind, glaring. "I know mom is mad about the kid, but I still love you." She hugged him tightly. Elliot hugged her back, letting a tear escape him.
"I'll come by this weekend to talk to your mom about custody arraignments," he stated, giving the papers to his daughter. She took them with a sad grin. "I love you baby girl."
"Elizabeth lets go, Dickie is waiting at outside," Kathy called as she started walking away.
Elliot watched them go with a heavy heart. He got what he wanted, which was to be free of his wife, but now he had an extra son. He looked at Liv holding his son and knew he was going to be okay eventually. Walking over to her, he hugged her and his son, needing some sort of comfort. She took one hand and hugged him back.
He stared at her for a moment, daring himself to do it. Then he did. Kissed her in front of the whole squad. He swallowed as a voice he hated spoke up.
"What is going on here?"
Tucker was standing there, hands on his hips looking from Cragen to Elliot and Liv holding a waking baby. She grabbed a bottle from her desk and started feeding him, looking at Tucker with a glare.
"A baby in the office, two of your detectives kissing, and not to mention the father of the baby is your detective. Just what sort of place are you running?"
Cragen didnt' seem phased. He stepped in front of Elliot and Liv smoothly. "A damn good one, Tucker."
Tucker scoffed. "Those two need to be out of here, NOW!"
"I'm not sending my two best detectives away for having feeling for each other. They've had these feeling for almost 13 years and not once had it jeopardized a case. I'll pull whatever strings I need to make sure that they never leave this place. They are good people. And as for Stabler being the father, a booty call that was almost instantly forgotten. Accidents happen, but this baby at least has a damn good father and will have an even better mother in Olivia Benson than a foster care placement. Furthermore, you can't tell them who they can or cant see or sleep with as long as it doesn't effect the case or are any suspects." Cragen took in a deep breath, staring down Tucker.
"We will see about that, Cragen."
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