(Y/N Point of View)
For the remainder of the journey, I kept spending as much time as I could with Lyra and Tony. Lyra was such an interesting girl to talk to. As was Tony. I even started interacting with his mother Maggie a bit. She was a lovely lady. It was heartbreaking to learn that her youngest son Billy was one of the few children taken by the child snatchers which Lyra named the Gobblers.
The word 'Gobblers' made me laugh so much.
"What's so funny?" Tony asked.
"It makes it sound like they're people who gobble up things," I sniggered so hard that I felt I was laughing my head off.
Aster gave out squeaky giggles. I paused when I noticed Lyra giving me a look. Quickly I apologised. She was an easy person to apologise to.
As the day turned to dark and the aurora replaced the clouds in the sky, we set up camp near some mountain cliffs. Our guide, the daemon who happened to belonged to the witch queen Serafina Pekala, swooped down to see council with Lyra.
Sitting nearby, I was tantalised to hear that although imprisoned, Lyra's father Asriel was still allowed to continue his experiments. Kaisa then took off into the dark of the night. I pulled out my journal from my shoulder bag and I began writing in it.
I talked about meeting Lyra again, meeting Iorek for the first time, meeting a band of Gyptians banding together to fight the Magisterium to rescue children. The feeling of being on an actual adventure was thrilling.
For a long time I always dreamed of going on a real adventure. And here I am in the company of Gyptians preparing to fight to rescue their children and aiding a special girl, who was already become a fast friend. Lyra was something special. Sometimes I wished I could be just like here. But I just wasn't that kind of girl.
"Lyra sure is something..." Aster whispered in my ear.
"She sure is" I agreed. "Sometimes I wish I could be just like her,"
"Do you think your mum would have liked her?"
I looked at him. "I think she would,"
Just when we were both beginning to have just a moment to ourselves...it got interrupted by my dad's constant calls. I huffed. Why does he have to keep a constant watch over me?
(Lyra P.O.V)
I laid down on my stomach quietly as I watched Farder Coram walking up onto the cliff. I wondered how he would feel meeting Serafina Pekala again...after forty years. I wished I could go up there and meet her too...but they needed to be alone.
My focus was switched to (Y/N) as I watched her walking away to her dad. I was beginning to find Lee Scoresby's voice annoying as well. Every time she walked away for just even a moment, he always had to call out for her to not leave his sight. Why could he not see that she was capable?
"I'm goanna go and talk with (Y/N)" I said to Ma Costa.
"Okay. I'll start cooking dinner," she said. I stood up. And with Pan trodding beside me in the form a pine-martin we made our way through the camp to follow (Y/N).
"Lyra...how do we convince John Faa to let us go? Even if (Y/N) does convince Iorek to take you, we still have to get him John Faa's position,"
"We're figure it out Pan. Maybe he might have thought about what I said and changed his mind,"
"Dad...why do you always have to make a fuss about what I do?!" (Y/N)'s voice rung in my ears. This did not sound good. I looked past a tent and saw (Y/N) in yet another brutal argument with her father.
"Why do you have to keep calling out for me like I'm in trouble when I'm not?!"
"I have told you countless times not to leave my sight!"
"Ugh...we're in the camp for goodness sake!" she growled. "I'm not some helpless creature!"
"Then how come I have to always come to your aid? How come you get into trouble occasionally?"
(Y/N)'s face turned red. She wanted to shout out. "Oh forget it! All that stuff you said about me being special. I guess it was just talk," She stalked away, leaving a crestfallen Lee.
I could never imagine myself having an sort of argument like that with my father. I doubt we'd have that anyway, what with all the moves he makes when he pushes me away.
I watched with a sad look as she stalked away out of sight, leaving her overprotective dad to slump down and scrunch his hands into his eyes. He looked really regretful. His daemon seemed to give him some sort of disappointed look. He scowled back at her resulting in a bitter argument between the two.
I often wondered how those two got along. I remember (Y/N) telling me that they have disagreements then and now, particularly about Lee's level of overprotectiveness. Nonetheless they had a strong bond, from a childhood which (Y/N) dared not to gossip.
(Iorek P.O.V)
I had just arrived back from hunting in the forest for some deer. I began chewing on the delicate meet when I saw my old friend approaching me. His daughter was not with him.
"You look sad Lee. I believe you are in need of guidance,"
"Yes Iorek. I am," he sat down in front of me and my dinner.
"I don't know what to do anymore Iorek. It's get really hard to handle her now,"
"I can tell. I hear you screaming out her name constantly,"
"I wish she wouldn't leave my sight,"
"She's old enough to take care of herself,"
"No Iorek! She is not! You should have see how close Mr. Syssellman back in Trollesund was to taking out his gun and killing her! She's reckless! She's constantly in trouble! And every time I talk to her she's like a stranger,"
"More like you're like a stranger to her," Hester said next to him.
"Shut up Hester," he hissed.
His daemon glared back at him.
For a long moment he was quiet, lost in thought. I remembered the same look he had all those months ago.
"You have to tell her the truth," I simply said.
He looked at me as if he had just been told something shocking. "I can't Iorek! You know perfectly well I can't!"
"She's grown up to know about her mother and who she really is,"
"She'll be grown up in my book when she's learns to take care of herself,"
"She'll only know how to do that if you stop being so protective of her,"
Once again my old friend remained lost for words.
"You should listen to him Lee," Hester implored.
Lee didn't say shut up to her nor anything else to me. "Thank you for your consul Iorek," he simply said. "I'll leave you to your meal,"
He stood up and waddled away. Before pouncing after him, Hester gave one last look back at me with a hopeful expression. Was he going to heed your words? it said. She waddled away after him.
I went back to munching on my meal...when once again I was disturbed by a wave of steps. This time it was (Y/N).
She said in front of me. "I saw you talking with my dad. Was he seeking consul?"
"He was. The year your father met me, he went through such a state of depression,"
"He still goes through it after three years," I sighed. Before Iorek could say anything else, I interjected. "Iorek...there's something I need to ask you on Lyra's behalf,"
"What is that?"
"She's needs you to take her somewhere that the alethiometer told her about,'
(Lyra P.O.V)
I wanted to go and talk to (Y/N), help her understand her father's actions and words...but it would only make her all the more irrational.
"Lyra, maybe you could talk to Lee," Pan whispered.
"I can't,"
"He could use some company. (Y/N)'s already beginning to give him the cold shoulder,"
I twisted my head and saw that Lee was still by himself near his tent. Hester nuzzled his fingers but he made no response. I decided to walk over and have a word.
(Y/N P.O.V)
First thing I did that morning was jolt out of the tent before dad could wake up. I wanted to spend as much free time as I could without his eyes constantly glued to me. It was bright and early and I could Kaisa had perched on a tent pole on the far side of the camp.
Maggie invited me over to have breakfast with her, Tony and Lyra and I happily accepted. Her cooking was delicious and I felt my belly warming up along with other insides. I complimented her cooking earning a bright smile as she felt satisfied. Although her primary emotion was fear for her beloved Billy, I sensed a somewhat sort of hope in her eyes.
Let's hope it would be enough.
An hour passed and I walked with Lyra to Iorek. Luckily she had been allowed by John Faa to go to this fishing settlement to find what she was looking for. I decided I would see her off. She was packed and ready to go.
"I wasn't going to miss out Iorek's first right,"
"I'm not heavy," she said.
"I'm not a horse," the bear growled.
"You could come along too," Lyra offered turning to me.
"I'd love that but Dad's constantly watching me and before we'd even make it out of the camp, he'd shriek out my name like a crazy man,"
"You're right I would," his voice echoed in my ears, giving my ear drums another tingle. "That was if you were going out without letting me know. But now that I do..." he drifted off.
I twisted my head to face him. "You're letting me go?" That was unexpected. This wasn't like him at all.
"Wasn't goanna let you miss out the chance to have a ride on our friend here?"
I didn't know what to say. "Thanks," I said simply. "I won't be too heavy for you as well as Lyra, will I Iorek?"
"I've carried and pulled heavier things," he answered. "Just as long as your daemon takes a smaller form,"
"I think I'll fly alongside him," Aster said, taking the form of a snowy owl.
"You sure you won't tag behind us?" I asked.
"I'm up for the challenge," he declared.
"Now Lyra, please promise me that this alethimomr thingy isn't lying to you," Lee implored.
"It doesn't lie," she acclaimed. "I don't think it could,"
"You sure it's a sensible thing to look for ghosts?"
"I've never heard Lee Scoresby talk about sensible before," Iorek said.
I sniggered. So did Lyra.
"Ha ha," he faked a laugh back.
"I will bring them back," he vowed. He kneeled down. "Hold tight. I won't be gentle,"
Lyra was the first to get on. Then she pulled me up behind her. "Hold tight,"
I swung my arms around her waist and shuffled closer.
She twisted her head. "Not that tight,"
I loosened my grip.
"Be good to each other," Dad said.
I gave him a thankful look. At least he wasn't letting me out of his sight, for now. I could his fear were filled with fear and a hint of regret. I felt my heart tying itself into a tight knot of guilt. I needed to makes things better with him. The last thing I ever wanted to say to him was I was wish he wasn't my father. I loved him so much. And I know everything he has done has been done out of love.
I was not one to start arguments but yesterday was just one of those rare moments.
Keeping my arms wrapped tight, but not too tight, around Lyra's waist, I began to have the ride of a lifetime. I felt Iorek charging like a horse across the snow plains. It was magnificent. I never thought I'd see the day when Iorek would be carrying a passing, let alone two on his back.
What felt more incredible was that Iorek was so fast. He was racing like the wind. I felt the air blowing in my hair. The cold breezes flying up my nostrils like gusts. I laughed with delight. I could hear Lyra in front laughing in delight as well.
"You see (Y/N). I have dealt with much heavier things before," Iorek said. "And it's actually nice to have you along with us,"
"We wouldn't want you to miss out the fun would we Pan," Lyra said.
"That's right we wouldn't," he muffled from inside his pocket.
"Thanks guys," I thanked.
I focused back to having the time of my life as Iorek carried us far and wide across the snow. He may not be a horse as he claims but he most certainly had the makings of one. Even Lyra could see things through the same perspective I could.
Up above Aster was flying like the wind, flying with the pace of an armoured bear on land. He was incredible. I wondered if a snowy owl was what he would settle as.
Another chapter done. I thought I might add in some more viewpoints. What did you all think? Please let me know what you all think and send over any ideas for future chapters or potential improvements.
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