Chapter 3:
Here's the next chapter, sorry for the long wait.
For all those who stuck around, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy it.
"That has to be Mondstadt." You thought as you noticed a rather large city in the distance surrounded by a wall.
You came to a halt in the air and landed gently within the forest nearby.
You figured if you just flew there it would freak people out and you didn't want to make a scene.
Once you landed you retracted your wings and began to think of your next move.
Was night really the best time to show up?
You were a mysterious man in armor they've never seen before...and said armor was pretty banged up.
Sure, showing up during the day would have freaked people out too, but it was still better than just skulking into a populated place at night like some kind of nocturnal predator.
Maybe, it would be best to wait until morning to go to Mondstadt, when more people are likely to be up and help you out.
Oh well, at least this gave you some time to yourself and to really think about what you'd do next.
What would you do after you found a place to stay?
"Perhaps I could find out why I was freed from my seal." You thought before sighing. "But where would I even start?"
You sat down and placed your back against a tree and removed your mask.
You placed it down next to you and stared up at the night sky.
As you looked at the infinite sea of stars above you couldn't help but wonder how the others were doing.
"Flamberge, Francisca, Zan..." You thought solemnly. "I hope all three of you are okay."
You continued to stargaze for a good while, your mind wandering down memory lane, recalling your most treasured moments with your 3 friends.
Eventually, you drifted off to sleep under the moonlight, the sounds of the forest helping lull you to sleep.
Upon the icy hills of Dragonspine mountain a figure could be seen hovering around the snowy peaks.
This figure was one of the many inhabitants of this harsh environment, a Cryo Abyss Mage.
Cryo Abyss Mage:
The creature was out here in this specific part of the Tundra for a reason.
A while ago he noticed something falling from the sky which crashed in this area.
It would seem he was the only one who noticed as he was the only living being in this area as far as he could tell.
And indeed, something had crashed here as evidenced by sizeable crater in the area.
The Cryo Abyss Mage approached the crater cautiously seeing if he could find whatever caused it inside.
He was in luck as in the center of the crater there was a purple glowing object.
Immediately, the Abyss Mage felt an odd desire come over him.
A desire to get closer to whatever was in the crater and take it.
He hovered down to the center to get a closer look and oddly enough it turned out to be a small heart-shaped jewel.
It was dark purple in color with a pinkish glow and Aura and even more disturbing it appeared to be...pulsating.
It was ominous and any sane person would have left it alone.
However, the Abyss Mage kept floating towards it, his hand outstretched reaching for the heart-shaped jewel.
The moment his fingers came in contact with the gem the dark Aura around it began to intensify and the pulsing increased.
"What?" The Abyss Mage asked only to suddenly jerk back and clutch his head as a splitting headache suddenly assaulted his brain.
He stumbled around more, grunting and screaming in agony, so much so his mask fell off his face.
Now the Abyss Mage's face was on full display and his eyes were glowing the same purple as the Heart-shaped gem.
The Abyss Mage fell onto his knees still clutching his head, still grunting and screaming.
Finally, he let out a one final skyward scream as his mind became filled with a vision.
In his mind he saw a sea of stars in a night sky, it was quite beautiful really.
Suddenly, each star vanished, one by one, each star was snuffed out until only a pure darkness remained.
For a while, that's all there was, just darkness.
However, something soon pierced through darkness and made it's presence known.
It was a pair of glowing white eyes accompanied by a sinister grin.
The creature shrouded in shadow spent another good while staring, never losing it's dark and evil grin.
After what felt like an eternity, it finally muttered out a single word.
It's voice which sounded like a multiple people speaking in unison:
The Abyss Mage then went completely limp and fell to the ground unconscious the crystal heart now gone.
The next day:
Your bright pink eyes burst open and you immediately jolted awake and materialized your lance which you quickly pointed at whoever or whatever woke you up.
Your ears were met with a scared yelp as whoever you were pointing your lance was understandably terrified.
You looked around you and saw you were still in the forest you fell asleep in last night.
You immediately let out a sigh of relief before turning your attention back to whoever woke you.
The girl before you had her hands raised in surrender as your lance was inches from her face.
"H-hey..." She greeted waving one of her raised hands with a nervous smile. "C-can lower your weapon?"
You narrowed your eyes at her as you slowly got up making her even more nervous.
You stared at her for a bit longer.
She didn't seem to mean any harm, if she wanted to kill you, she would have done it while you were sleeping instead of waking you up.
So you decided to trust her for now, besides it's not like she could actually hurt you if she tried.
You lowered your lance and dematerialized it putting the girl at ease as you grabbed your mask and put it back on.
"Name?" You asked suddenly making the girl jump in fright.
"Huh?" She asked surprised.
"Can I get your name please?" You asked more politely this time.
" name's Amber." She stated. "I'm an Outrider for the Knights of Favonius."
"Okay...I don't know what they are." You said with a shrug.
"I figured that just by looking at you." Amber chuckled. "So what's your name stranger?"
"Oh, you may call me (Y/N)." You introduced with a polite bow.
"Well nice to meet ya." Amber replied with a salute. "What brings someone like you here?"
" is rather complicated, but I really need a place to stay." You said rubbing the back of your head. "Could you help me find one?"
Amber tilted her head as she gave you a good ocular patdown.
"And I'm really sorry for the lance to your face." You apologized with a bow. "But understand, I was asleep in a forest so you can't blame for it."
"Hey, it's cool, I get it." Amber replied raising her hands before crossing her arms. "But why were you out here in the first place?"
"'d...I'd rather not say." You replied sadly looking down. "It is a long and complicated tale."
Amber tilted her head.
She was extremely curious about you and what you were capable of, especially considering you were clearly an experienced warrior given how fast you reacted upon being awoken.
But she decided it would be best not to pry, if someone wanted to keep their secrets who was she to force them to speak.
"Look, if you're afraid I may have ill intent to the citizens of that city I have no way of proving I don't." You said with a sigh. "All I can offer is my word that I won't do anything bad to anyone."
Amber tilted her head and began to think.
"Hm, I don't know if I can trust you." Amber said crossing her arms as she pondered letting you stay in the city.
Your sounded genuine, but maybe you could have been just a really good actor.
"How about this?" You asked snapping Amber out of her thoughts. "You keep me under close watch while I stay in the city."
Amber was a bit surprised by your suggestion, that you were so willing to be monitored and watched.
"Really?" She asked with a raised brow. "Just like that?"
You nodded.
"I think it's rather perfect, I get a home, someone keeps an eye on me and whoever watches me can help me adjust to life here." You explained picking up your mask from the ground. "Would that be acceptable?"
Amber thought about it for a moment and she couldn't really find any flaws in your suggestion.
The only thing she'd have to worry about is getting Jean's approval.
It was better than just leaving you to fend for yourself if you really didn't mean any harm.
"Well as a member of the Knights of Favonius I can't just turn away from someone in need." Amber stated before giving you a smile. "Very well (Y/N), we just need to get approval from the Grand Master and we'll see where it goes."
You let out a sigh of relief and gave Amber a grateful smile.
"Thank you Amber, words cannot express how much I appreciate this." You said with a grateful bow.
You never really thought about it until now, but the thought of simply living among people and being part of a community was rather enticing.
Being able to live in relative peace and be somewhat normal, it was a nice thought.
A kind of life you could only dream of.
Maybe before you do anything about trying to figure out your situation, it wouldn't hurt to enjoy your potential new life at least for a bit.
So with that you walked off with Amber towards the city of Mondstadt where you would hopefully you would be accepted.
Back up on Dragonspine Mountain the Abyss Mage that came in contact with that odd gem was still unocncious.
He was still clearly alive due to his breathing, his body though was radiating a dark Aura, smokey, dark purple energy flowed from his body as he lay there in the snow next to the crater he found the heart-shaped jewel in.
As he lay there, a large Frostarm Lawachurl approached the seemingly unconscious Abyss Mage.
Frostarm Lawachurl:
The powerful imposing king of the cold known as the Frostarm Lawachurl loomed over the unconscious Abyss Mage and tilted his head in curiosity.
The dark purple energy from the body of the Abyss Mage piqued the curiosity of the Frostarm and so he reached out to make contact with the smaller being.
However, just as the Lawachurl's fingers were inches away from the Abyss Mage's body the holes of the mask of the Abyss Mage emitted an eerie purple glow.
Suddenly a loud scream of agony echoed throughout the mountain, the scream belonging to the Frostarm Lawachurl.
The large creature stumbled back and clutched the bleeding stump where his hand once was.
Where is is hand?
On the ground and the Abyss Mage let out a dark chuckle as he had finally woken up and was now glaring at the injured Frostarm Lawachurl.
The thing that severed his hand was a large dark crystal that had erupted from the ground.
It was obviously conjured by the Abyss Mage.
The now enraged Frostarm Lawachurl glared at the Abyss Mage who simply hovered in place, tilting his head as he kept on chuckling.
The Frostarm Lawachurl fought through the seering pain and raised his remaining arm to deliver a hard punch to the Abyss Mage.
Then with shocking speed, the Abyss Mage flew at the Frostarm, easily avoiding the punch and grabbing his face.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" The Abyss Mage laughed as a dark energy flowed from his hand and into the Frostarm causing him intense pain.
He screamed and the Abyss Mage kept laughing before said Abyss Mage with one arm tossed the much larger creature a bit of a distance away.
The Abyss Mage wasn't done however and placed his hand on the ground which caused a glowing purple crack to travel from his hand along the ground and towards the Frostarm.
As the Frostarm Lawachurl attempted to get up the crack reached him and the Frostarm found himself impaled by various black and purple crystals that lifted him into the air.
The Abyss Mage let out another laugh as he turned his back to the Frostarm and the mighty Lawachurl let out his final scream as he exploded in a burst of purple energy.
The Abyss Mage snapped his fingers and the various crystals all vanished, evaporated into dust and the burnt corpse of the Lawachurl dropped to the ground.
The Abyss Mage stared at the corpse and tilted his head.
The Abyss Mage noticed his staff and hovered over to pick it up.
The moment he picked it up a dark smoke enveloped his staff, twisting and changing it.
Once the smoke cleared from it, the Abyss Mage's staff was now completely black and on the tip the cryo symbol was replaced.
By a red and yellow eye.
The Abyss Mage stared into the eye for a good while before staring back at the dead Frostarm Lawachurl.
The Abyss Mage smirked under his mask and raised his new staff which began emitting the same eerie purple glow his eyes were emitting.
"Time for a bit of a test." He said with a dark chuckle.
And there we go.
I hope you like and enjoy it and I wish you all the best.
Sorry for taking this long, but once again thanks so much for sticking around.
Enjoy the rest of your day and enjoy your life in general.
And I will see you all later.
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