Chapter 2:
Chapter 2 everyone, I really wanted to continue this, so here ya'll go.
You stood atop a hill, the strange woman in your arms and glared down at the sight before you in utter disgust.
Multiple individuals were in some kind of village, they were wearing masks and you could tell by the way they carried themselves that they were Bandits.
What disgusted you however was the fact that they had multiple creatures that resembled the woman in your arms in cages and treating them like animals.
Some of them were larger than others, some of them were male and some were female.
"These Hillichurls and Mitachurls were a pain to catch, but they'll fetch a pretty penny." One Bandit chuckled.
So her species were called Hillichurls, and you assumed the larger more muscular ones were Mitachurls.
These Bandits were Poachers and were planning to sell these creatures.
"Is this why you brought me back here?" You asked the Hillichurl woman in your arms. "You want your people saved?"
The female Hillichurl nodded and in response you walked over to a nearby tree and gently put her down against it.
"I apologize for hurting you, allow me to make things right." You stated placing a hand gently against her cheek.
This action made the Hilligirl blush bright pink, but thankfully you failed to notice as you rose onto your feet and glared down at the Poachers.
She was in awe as the light from the moon added a glow to your armor, that coupled with your wings and stance made you look truly heroic.
You summoned your shield and lance and flew off to save her fellow churls.
All the Poachers had decided to have a rest before delivering these Churls to their client.
They had started a fire and gathered around it while a few others guarded the cages the other Churls were in.
"I seriously hope the price for these things are worth it." One Poacher said stretching.
"Don't worry, like I said, they'll fetch a pretty penny." The Leader chuckled. "Our client assured us."
"That one Mitachurl was the biggest bitch to deal with though." Another stated glaring at a cage that held a single female Mitachurl.
She was not in good shape, cuts and bruises adorned her skin, she was panting heavily and she had various weapons jammed into her skin such as swords, daggers and knives while she was tied down.
Out of any Churls she had put up the hardest fight and caused the most problems, but eventually she was captured too.
"Fuckin animal, broke my ribs." One Poacher groaned holding his abdomen.
"Ah, don't be such a baby, we got her didn't we?" Their boss asked picking up a stone and throwing it at the Mitachurl woman.
She let out an angry growl as it struck her on the head.
"At least it won't be as bad as what'll happen to them." Another assured. "Apparently our guy wants a Mitachurl skin rug."
All of them laughed at the thought of these creature's fates.
Unfortunately for them, their laughter soon turned into screams of horror when one of them suddenly gained a large slash across his chest.
This resulted in blood spraying from said slash and the Poacher fell over dead.
A tense moment of silence passed as the Poachers watched their friend's body fall to the ground.
"H-huh?" The boss asked suddenly standing up now on high alert.
Most of the other Poachers were all too shocked and terrified to move for a bit.
However, that fear soon mixed with confusion as they noticed multiple white feathers gently fall to the ground around them.
"What is this?" The boss asked only for him and everyone to turn to the sky when they heard what sounded like a wing flap.
Upon looking up they saw you descending slowly with your angelic wings spread out letting the white feathers fall with each flap.
All the Poachers and even the caged Churls grew even more confused by your sudden appearance.
"Hey!" The boss yelled up at you as you turned to glare at him.
"Did you do this!?" He asked and you gave him no response.
"Are you one of those Favonius Knights!?" He asked angrily.
Once again you stayed silent and held your glare.
"I swear if you did, we're killing you and selling that fancy armor you got!" He threatened pulling out a sword. "I don't know what you are, but no one kills a member of our crew!"
The rest of the Poachers at this point all had gotten over their initial shock and took out weapons of their own ready to fight you.
All you did was simply strike a pose indicating you were ready to fight.
With that you flew down and stomped out the fire.
Before any of them could react, 5 Poachers were suddenly thrown into the air with slashes all across their body.
They were dead before they even hit the ground.
The boss flinched when you suddenly appeared in from of him, your lance and shield gone.
He attempted to stab at you with his sword, but you didn't waste a single second delivering a hard punch that knocked him into the air.
That wasn't your full strength, so it wouldn't kill him, you wanted him alive for now.
Before he got too far away, you flew up after him and grabbed his ankle to stop him from going too far.
You then simply dropped him, letting his body hit the ground.
If you threw him to the ground it would have killed him, but as of now he was simply in a mass amount of pain, not from the drop, but from your punch alone.
He squirmed and writhed in agony on the ground screaming in pain.
The other poachers were all horrified hearing their boss' pained screams.
It sounded like he was experiencing the worst agony of his life.
As he continued to scream and squirm in pain you landed beside him and glared at the rest of the Poachers who now seemed too afraid to even try and fight you.
"I find people like all of you disgusting." You stated with disdain in your voice as you manifested your lance.
In truth you had no problem with people hunting animals, so long as they didn't overdo it.
However in this case, what disgusted you the most was the fact that these Hilichurl creatures were obviously sentient.
The small houses in this area were clearly built by them which showed that they could think, but here these people were...treating them like animals.
"Truly, all of you are unforgivable filth." You stated raising your lance to the sky.
A pink orb of energy begins to form on the tip and the remaining Poachers all backed up in fear and some even attempted to run.
Unfortunately for them, they wouldn't get far as the orb suddenly shot out multiple pink beams of light in all directions.
Each beam either struck near a Poacher knocking them to the ground or hit them directly, killing them.
For the remaining ones, you snapped your fingers and glowing blades made of yellow energy manifested around you.
You then pointed your lance forward and suddenly all the blades launched forward towards them.
Their boss watched in horror as all his men were impaled.
Bodies dropped to the ground until eventually there were none left alive, leaving only you, the boss and the caged Churls.
Stop Music:
You turned and glared down at the Poacher leader who looked up in fear at you.
He couldn't believe it, all his work and his underlings, all gone because of one person within only the span of a few minutes.
"P-please...d-don't kill me..." He begged attempting to drag himself away from you only for the pain to shoot through his body stopping him.
"Don't worry, I won't." You assured before flaring your wings out and flying off somewhere.
The Poacher leader couldn't belive his luck.
He lived, he was spared from whatever the hell that was.
He let out a sigh of relief and attempted to get up, however all his fear immediately returned when you landed before him once again, this time with the female Hilichurl in your arms.
"But she will." You stated as the female Hilichurl glared down at him, her eyes burning with fury.
"Can you stand?" You asked her and she nodded.
You gently put her down and picked up a sword a poacher dropped.
"You attacked her people, with the intent to sell them off, be skinned and that is unforgivable." You stated handing her the blade. "So I feel it's only right if she killed you."
The Hiligirl growled and accepted the sword and slowly began stumbling her way to the Poacher leader who tried in vain to get away.
While she hadn't fully recovered from the injuries you had given her she was in far better shape than he was.
The Poacher pleaded and begged pathetically for her to let him live, but his pathetic pleas fell on deaf ears.
Suddenly, she lunged at him and you turned away to go free the Hilichurls and Mitachurls that had been caged.
The man's screaming could be heard in the background.
You decided to start with the female Mitachurl that clearly had been through the worst.
As you approached her cage the Mitagirl immediately seemed on edge.
It was understandable, after what you just did, you don't blame her for being cautious.
Even if it was to help them all out, the power you just demonstrated would scare anyone.
You were about to make it worse too, by ripping the doors of her cage completely off it's hinges.
She flinched at your actions and let out a low growl as you slowly approached her and kneeled down.
As the poacher boss screamed in the background you reached your hand out to pet her.
This was to show her you had no intention of hurting her.
However, as expected she used what little strength she had to deliver a hard bite to your hand.
Anyone else would have kissed their hand goodbye, but the bite did not even phase you.
You just calmly used your other hand to pat her instead.
She seemed surprised for a brief moment which gave you the opportunity to pull your hand out of her mouth.
You then gently began caressing her large bushy mane of hair.
This seemed to help a bit as the Mitagirl seemed to enjoy the sensation.
She briefly closed her eyes and let you pet her, only to snap out of it and attempt to bite your hand.
You pulled back this time and sighed.
To help with this situation, you decided it would be best to remove your mask.
That is what you did, you removed your metallic mask revealing your face and safe to say the Mitagirl was very surprised.
Your face (Ignore the piercings):
She blushed a deep red at the sight of your handsome face as you gave her a kind smile.
"I promise I won't hurt you." You assured once more placing a gentle hand on her head.
This time, since she could look into your eyes, she could see you were genuine and had no intent to cause harm.
"Allow me to help you out of those binds." You stated manifesting your lance.
You then quickly sliced the ropes that bound her freeing her.
The Mitagirl then immediately attempted to stand up, only for an extreme pain to shoot through her entire body.
She let out a roar of agony and in response you placed a hand on one of her much larger ones to give some comfort.
"Don't push yourself're still very much hurt." You stated before standing up.
You looked at the weapons that were jammed into her skin and felt bad for the female.
She had clearly endured a lot to protect the others.
You couldn't even offer her medical assistance, you had no healing magic at all, you were meant to fight, not heal.
You also had no medical knowledge, no idea what herbs or plants to use to help with healing and even if you did, this world probably had plants and herbs you never heard of so either way you'd have no idea of their affects.
This was the downside of being a Warrior in your opinion, when all you know how to do is fight, you can't help in ways that really matter.
You hated this, being unable to help someone who clearly needs it, it was something you rarely felt, but when you did, it hit you hard.
You clutched your head in frustration, but stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
Looking up behind you, you saw the Hiligirl looking down at you with a concerned look.
You notcied that she was now covered almost head to toe in blood clearly form the Poacher boss who you assumed she was done killing.
She pointed at the other cages telling you to go free the others.
You nodded and left to do just that.
You walked over to the cages holding the various Churls and proceeded to tear the doors off.
They were terrified at first, but eventually they calmed down, like the Mitagirl.
Eventually they all managed to get her out of the cage.
Immediately, all the Hilichurls and Mitachurls began tending to her wounds.
This brought you relief, you may not have been able to help her but at least her people would.
All the Hilichurls seemed fine and that meant your job here was done.
However, before you could leave for Mondstadt, you suddenly felt someone grip your wrist.
Turning back you saw it was the Hiligirl who lead you here the blood having been wiped off her, she was giving you a curious look as if asking:
"Are you leaving?"
"Things are under control here, I have no reason to stay." You said and that seemed to make her sad.
She began rubbing her face against your hand, her own way of asking you to stay for a bit.
"Forgive me, but I'd rather get to Mondstadt sooner rather than later." You stated bringing her in for a hug. "But I promise I'll visit you okay?"
The Hiligirl returned the hug nuzzling into your shoulder and giving a nod.
Eventually you were forced to separate, much to yours and her's disappointment.
You had to admit, receiving a hug was nice, it had been quite a while since you were hugged.
Both of you stepped back from each other and you placed your mask back upon your face.
"Farewell..." You said with a small wave which she returned.
The with a flap of your wings you took off and flew into the distance.
When you were out of sight, the Hiligirl noticed that a single white feather had fallen off your wings and she immediately reached up and caught it.
The Hiligirl stared at the white-as-snow feather for a few seconds before smiling with her face turning a bright pink.
She clutched the feather close to her chest and let out a sigh before walking back to her camp.
Okay, for some clarification.
Hilichurls will be different here, like how some humans are more good than others some Hilichurls will be good and some will be bad.
So don't go thinking you'll be sparing every Hilichurl or Mitachurl you see.
You will kill the ones who deserve it.
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