8 - Food Fight!!!
No ones' POV
We see Team MOLN and Team RWBY, minus Ruby, in the cafeteria, at the same table. Ever since they learned of Y/n being reincarnated, they were curious, and wanted to ask Y/n some questions.
Yang: So Y/n, did you have bikes back in your world?
Y/n: Yeah. We have bikes around. Cars too.
After Y/n answers, Yang catches a grape in her mouth sent to her by Nora.
Yang: Nice!
Weiss: What about Grimm, or Huntsman Academies? Did you world have those?
Y/n: Had none of those whatsoever. In fact, I would say the equivalent to Huntsman Academies for my world would be college. It's basically just the Huntsman Academies, but zero combat classes.
Weiss: Interesting.
Rex: Is your technology like ours?
Y/n: A few parts are more advanced, a few are the same, and others aren't the same at all. That one that isn't the same is the communications system.
Nia: Really? Then how did you communicate?
Y/n: Well-
Before Y/n can answer Nia's question, Ruby slams a giant binder onto the table.
Ruby: Sister! Friends! Aegis!
Y/n: Thanks.
Ruby: Weiss.
Y/n: *Video Below*
Weiss: Seriously?
Y/n: Seriously.
Ruby: Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.
Yang: This oughta be good.
Y/n: Yeah, better be.
Y/n: I mean, she referenced something from Abraham Lincoln or Giorno Giovanna. No matter how you put it, it's a good reference.
Ruby: A dream that one day, our teams would come together, and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!
Nia: Hmm. Interesting.
Weiss: *to Ruby* Did you steal my binder?
Ruby: *Image Below* I am not a crook.
Y/n: Okay, Ruby. Get to the point. What are you trying to get across.
Ruby: Well, since you've never had a break like this in our world, I was thinking we kick this semester of with a bang!
Yang: I always kick my semesters off with a "Yang!" Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?
RWB: *Facepalm*
Team MOLN: *groaning in anger*
TrapMaster20: *Video Below at 0:04 (Off-screen, and not heard by the characters)*
Suddenly, an apple is tossed at Yang, which shocks her.
Nora: Boooooooooooo!
Ruby: Look guys, its been a good two weeks, and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year, our second semester is going to be great! But classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule as series of wonderful events for us today.
Weiss: I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store.
Y/n: I'm in. Beats doing nothing.
Lora: I don't know. We should probably sit this one out.
Blake: Yeah. I might join you, Lora.
Weiss: Sit out or not, I think however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team.
Y/n: True. *stands up* I think it would be nice to-
Suddenly, Y/n gets a pie in the face, and as it slowly falls off him, he looks towards Nora, who tries to pass the blame onto Ren.
Y/n: *Image Below* Oh you're dead, Valkyrie.
Y/n then grabs his tray and tosses it right to Nora's head, having her get angry with Y/n.
After a few minutes of the Food Fight's beginning. We now see Nora on a stack of tables, with Ren, Jaune, and Pyrrha acting as guards.
Nora: *laughs* I'm queen of the castle~!🎶 I'm queen of the castle~!🎶
Y/n slams his foot on the table, and poses like Phoenix Wright.
Y/n: We will triumph over them all! For justice shall be swift! Justice shall be painful! And most all most... Justice... WILL... BE DELICIOUS!!!!
Team RWBY and the Rest of Team MOLN: Yeah!!!!!!!
Nora: Off with their heads!
Nora then jumps down, and Team JNPR sends tons of watermelons at Y/n's way.
Y/n: Lora, you're up! Ruby, command your team!
Ruby: Right! Yang, follow Lora with Turkey!
Yang then grabs two Turkeys and uses them like her gauntlets, as she and Lora start breaking the incoming watermelon. Nia and Black then jump over the two, and use two baguettes and weapons, and cut through the watermelons.
Yang: Take this!
Yang then launches the turkeys at Pyrrha, who dodges them, causing them to hit Jaune, and grabbing a baguette and fighting off Blake and Nia.
Y/n: Let's go Ruby!
Ruby: Right!
Y/n and Ruby then grab some lunch trays and start surfing on them like skateboards. They block any attacks heading their way.
Ren and Nora try to attack the two, but Weiss comes up from behind Ruby and pours Ketchup onto the floor, and Rex grabs some Flour and tosses it into Ren's eyes, causing him to stumble and fall.
Nora then grabs a bar, and attaches it to a watermelon, making it like her hammer. She goes for an attack for Weiss and Rex, but Y/n and Ruby take the hit, knocking them back.
Rex: Y/n! Ruby!
Weiss: Rex!
Rex turns around to see Weiss tossing him a swordfish, and the two push Nora back a bit. However, Nora comes back, and knocks both Weiss and Rex into a pillar.
Y/n: No!
Y/n and Ruby both grab their companions as they fall to the ground.
Y/n: Rex...
Ruby: Weiss. Weiss. Don't leave me! Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Yang and Lora then jump up to avenge their comrades, but Ren comes up and grabs two leeks, and retaliates, but they make quick work of him. Nora then jumps towards Yang and Lora, trying to hit the two, but as they go for a hit, Nora hits Yang, knocking both her and Lora out of the building.
Nia: Take this!
Blake grabs a long sausage link and tries to keep the others at bay, while Nia goes for attacks at Nora, knocking her into some soda machines. Nora grabs some of the soda that fell out and tosses them towards Nia and Blake, who easily dodge them. However, Pyrrha uses her semblance to easily out-speed Nia and Blake, knocking them both out of the fight.
Y/n slowly looks up and looks to Ruby, who does the same.
Y/n: Ruby...
Ruby: I know.
Y/n: Then finish this.
Ruby then nods her head and uses her semblance's force to knock team JNPR towards the wall, breaks it, and the soda, and other varying foods are launched towards them, it ends up being a cracked wall of soda and food, with Team JNPR being a part of it.
Y/n: We win!
Ruby: Yeah we did!
Ruby then runs up and high fives Y/n, and gets a laugh out of him.
Y/n: You know, I've seen my fair share of food fights back in my world, but I've never seen or been in one as crazy as this!
Ruby: So...? Did we kick your second semester in this world with a bang?
Y/n: No. We kicked this second semester of with an explosion!
Ruby: Yes!
Suddenly, the doors open, with an angry Glynda walking in to fix the entire mess that was made.
Glynda: *Image Below* Children, please. Do not play with your food.
As the teams awkwardly laugh at this, Yang comes falling down, and Lora falls right on top of her.
Yang: I'm fine!
As the teams laugh at what has happened, Ozpin comes in an talks with Glynda.
Ozpin: Let it go.
Glynda: *sighs* They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.
Ozpin: And they will be. But right now, they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all... it isn't a role they'll have forever.
To Be Continued...
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