5 - Forever Fall
No one's POV
We now see teams JNPR, RWBY, MOLN, and CRDL walking through a forest, full of red leaves.
Glynda: Yes students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But we are not here to sight-see. Professor Peaches asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so. Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap.
Y/n then raises his hand.
Glynda: Yes, Mythra?
Y/n: What's the catch? Nothing's ever that easy.
Glynda: Simple. The catch is that this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!!!
As Jaune walks through the forest, a bit lost, he notices Cardin and the other members of his team.
Russel: Hey, Cardin. I've got a question.
Cardin: Let me guess what the question is. "Why did you collect two jars of tree sap when you only need one?"
Dove: I have been wondering that for while.
Cardin: Well, you three, come with me and you'll find out.
Team CRDL then moves over to another area, which is above the area where everyone else is. Jaune is behind another tree as to not get caught.
Sky: Cardin, what are we doing up here?
Cardin: One word to describe it. Revenge.
Cardin then points to Y/n, whose currently collecting some tree sap.
Russel: Dude, what do you have with Mythra.
Cardin: *tch* The bastard thinks he can outsmart me, but I'm about to show him exactly who he's messing with.
Dove: Don't you mean-
Cardin: Doesn't matter right now! Anyways, last night, I managed to round up and entire box of rapier wasps. And now, we're gonna put 'em to work.
Russel: How?
Cardin: Well, according to one of the essays I wrote last week, these nasty things looove sweets. I'm thinking it's time we teach the bastard a thing or two.
Jaune gasps, but it doesn't go unnoticed by Cardin. Cardin then walks over and grabs him.
Cardin: Well, look what the cat dragged in!
Jaune: Cardin, whatever you're thinking, it's not going to-
Cardin then gets to Jaune's ear and whispers something to Jaune.
Cardin: I know it won't end well if Y/n finds out I did it. So that's why YOU'RE gonna do it.
Jaune: What?
Cardin: Hit him with the sap! Either that, or I'll send an anonymous tip to Goodwitch, and you'll be on the first airship out of Beacon.
Jaune then looks at the jar of sap, and then back at Y/n. He prepares himself to throw it, but then he hears Y/n's voice in his head.
Y/n's Voice: To help you realize that you may have faked your way in, but I faked an entire life to get into Beacon.
As Jaune remembers that, he steels himself, ready for what might happen.
Jaune: No.
Cardin: What did you say?
Jaune: I said... NO!!!
Jaune then throws the glass at Cardin, which breaks on impact.
Cardin: *Image Below* Oh-ho-ho, you've done it now.
Jaune: *nervous giggle*
Y/n's POV
As I'm minding my own business, I hear something that sounded like Jaune screaming. I quickly turn around, but see nothing.
Pyrrha: Y/n...?
Ruby: You alright, Mythra?
Y/n: Yeah... I'm fine... Thought I hear something...
I then hear a slurping sound, and I look down and notice the jar I had filled is now empty.
Y/n: Wait... How did...? Huh?!
I then look around and see Nora with red juice all over her lips.
Nora: *awkward giggle*
Y/n: NORA!!!!!
As I'm about to go punch Nora for what she did, I hear a roar.
Y/n: Did anyone else hear that?
Ruby: I did.
Before I can figure out what's going on, three members of team CRDL run past us.
Russel: Ursa! Ursa!
I then trip Russel and look at him.
Y/n: Where is it?
Russel: *points in front of me* Back the way we came! It's got Cardin, and Jaune's over there to!
Y/n and Pyrrha: Jaune!!!!
Ruby: Yang! You and Blake go get Professor Goodwitch.
Pyrrha: *to Ren and Nora* You two, go with them! There could be more!!
Y/n: *to Rex and Nia* Rex, Nia! Keep an eye out around this area for any Grimm!! We don't know where they'll come from!!!
Me, Lora, Ruby, Weiss, and Pyrrha then make it over and see Cardin right in front of the Grimm, on his knees.
Pyrrha: Oh no.
Lora: Mythra, could you use that power you used back in the entrance exam?
Y/n: If I do, I could injure Jaune and Cardin!!!
As the Grimm goes for a swipe, Jaune quickly goes in and blocks it.
Y/n: You got this, Jaune.
I then notice Lora and Weiss getting ready to fight.
Y/n: Hold on a second! Let Jaune handle this!
Jaune then pushes the Ursa off of him, and swipes it with his sword. The Ursa goes for an attack, but Jaune quickly avoids it. It goes for another one, which Jaune jumps over, and Jaune gets hit by the other one. Jaune then rushes towards it, but gets hit again.
Y/n: Come on.... Come on...
Jaune and the Ursa then rush towards each other, and as it happens, I notice Pyrrha lifting her left hand towards Jaune, and suddenly, Jaune's shield goes up.
Y/n: Huh?
The Ursa's attacked is then blocked, and Jaune cuts the Grimm's head off.
Y/n: Umm....
Ruby: Uh, what?
Lora: So um....
Weiss: How did you...
Pyrrha: Well, Ruby and Lora have their speed, *to Weiss* you have your glyphs, Mythra has her light projectiles. My semblance is polarity.
Y/n: Polarity...?
Weiss: It means that Pyrrha has control over magnetism.
Y/n: Badass.
I then walk over to Jaune and pat him on the back.
Y/n: Good out there, Jaune!
Jaune: Thanks!
Y/n: Now I do have one question.
Jaune: If it's why I'm with Cardin, he was planning to throw some sap in your back, and unleash some hornets on you.
Y/n: *Image Below* Oh... You don't say...?
Cardin: H-Hey... hold on a second!!! I didn't do anything that would go against our deal!!!
Y/n: Really...? Jaune, I could talk with Glynda and get him kicked out...
Jaune: No. Let me handle this.
Jaune then helps Cardin up, but before Cardin can say anything, Jaune pulls him close.
Jaune: *threating tone* If you ever mess with my team, my friends, or anyone in this school again... I'll let Y/n do whatever this deal you made with him. Got it?
As Cardin looks scared for his life, Jaune says nothing else and walks away. I then start to walk my way back and give Cardin a death stare.
Y/n: Better watch out...
To Be Continued...
A/n: The reason I updated so quickly today is because I just finished playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country. Got to be honest, one cutscene left me with SO many questions!!!! Anyways, with that game done, I should be able to get a better idea of how Mythra's abilities work, and allow new ideas later on. With that said, see you all in the next chapter!!!!
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