10 - The Storm
A/n: If you're reading this at the time this chapter came out, I would like to inform you that after looking back, I've officially decided to nerf Rex's Semblance so much, as I've now realized it's incredibly broken.
No one's POV
We see Weiss patiently sitting at her seat with a holographic clock displayed in front of her desk in Professor Port's classroom, and during this Y/n is actually sleeping in class. As Weiss waits out the last remaining minute, Jaune slides up to her.
Jaune: So, Weiss, y'know, uh, I-I was thinking after this, maybe we could go grab a bite to eat? *Turns to the teacher for a second, then turns back around* And, uh um, I-I've got two tickets to that new Spruce Willis movie, if you wanna make the trip to . I hear it's awesome. Aaaand maybe after that, we could study together? I mean, you're smart and I'm, uh... Y'know.
Finally, the clock in front of Weiss gives a shrill beep as it changes from 3:59 to 4:00, and she dismisses it with a wave of her hand. The professor is temporarily unaware of the alarm.
Port: And then I—
Lora: Uh, Professor Port?
Port: Yes?
Lora: Class just ended.
Port: Ah. Well, I timed that one wrong, I guess. Well, the stunning conclusion to this story will have to wait. Until next time!
Weiss then packs up her stuff and begins to leave.
Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear me?
Weiss: No, no, no, yes.
Jaune: *sigh*
The rest of Team RWBY walks behind Jaune, and Yang pats Jaune's head.
Yang: One day.
Nia then walks over to where Y/n is and hits him over the head, waking him up.
Y/n: Ow! What the hell!
Nia: Class is over. And we're doing our plan tonight, remember?
Y/n: Right.
We now see team MOLN getting ready, with Rex and Lora wearing their normal gear, while Y/n and Nia are in a more casual attire.
Y/n: Nia, are you positive that tonight we'll be able to find the White Fang?
Nia: Definitely. From what I've been looking through the past few days, they all meet up and recruit new members at the same spot every time. Meaning that if I get in, they won't suspect a bloody thing, since they've never seen me fight them before.
Y/n: Rex. Lora. You two ready for this?
Rex and Lora both nod their heads yes.
Y/n: Then let's do this.
Y/n: Leroy Jenkins.
The four then start to walk out, and as they pass team RWBY's dorm, they hear voices.
Yang: Hey, we've got a plan! That's... moderately serious.
Ruby: Right! Everyone remember their roles?
Weiss: You and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing as I'm in the family, it shouldn't be a problem.
Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they're planning.
Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information out of him shouldn't be too hard...
Y/n then stops the team.
Y/n: *whispers* Do you think we should...?
Lora: *whispers* We do have the same plan in mind, in a sense.
Y/n: *whispers* True...
Y/n then gets confirmation from the other members, both Rex and Nia saying yes. Y/n the walks up and knocks on the door, earning panic tones from the other side of the door.
Ruby: Wait, did someone hear us?!
Weiss: How am I supposed to know?!
Yang: Oh cra- I mean, crud.
Ruby: You got close to the swear jar, sis.
Weiss: Why do you have a swear jar in the first place?
Yang: That's not important!
The door then opens to show Team RWBY in a different outfit than usual.
Blake: Hey. What are you guys doing here?
Y/n: Just passing by. And also heard your entire plan.
RWBY: *gulps*
Y/n: Three words after this sentence. We want in.
Weiss: Wait, what?
Nia: We were actually heading up to the White Fang base, so it kinda works out.
Yang: Oh. Well, I wouldn't mind.
Team RWBY then puts it to a vote, and after a few minutes they all agree.
Ruby: Quick, get in!
Team MOLN quickly gets in, and Blake shuts the door.
Y/n: So, who will we be going with?
Ruby: Rex and Lora, you come with me and Weiss. Nia, you'll go with Blake, since you're a Faunus as well.
Nia: Fair enough.
Ruby: And Y/n, you'll go with Yang.
Y/n: Fine by me.
Ruby: Alright, and then we'll meet up tonight near where you and are Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this!
Y/n and ???: Yeah!
Y/n then stops and everyone turns to see Sun hanging by a ledge, which makes everyone jump back a bit.
Blake: Sun!!!
Nia: Whoa! Where'd you come from?
Yang: Yeah, how'd you even get up there?
Sun: Ah, it's easy; I do it all the time.
Weiss: You do what?!
Sun: I climb trees all the time!
Sun then flips into the dorm room, but not after getting a scowl from Weiss.
Sun: So, are we finally getting back at that Torchwick guy?
Blake: Our teams will be investigating the situation.... Together.
Y/n: Sorry man, but it ain't happening. I don't want my other friends involved with this unless it's absolutely necessary.
Sun: Psh! That's dumb! You should always involve all your friends! That's why I brought Neptune!
Y/n: I'm sorry what?
Sun then points outside, and Y/n goes over to see Neptune.
Neptune: 'Sup?
Y/n: How the hell did you even-?!
Neptune: I have my ways. *nervously* Seriously, though, can I come in? We're like, really high up right now.
Y/n then helps Neptune in, and Ruby thinks of where to add Sun and Neptune.
Ruby: Alright. I'll go with Weiss, Rex, and Lora; Sun, you can go with Blake and Nia. And Neptune, you can go with Yang and Y/n because I have no where else to put you. Everyone good?
Weiss: Actually, Ruby, why don't you go with Yang and Y/n? After all, Yang is your sister.
Y/n: Ain't happenin'. I don't know where me and Yang are going, but I'm guessing if it's somewhere shady, and it won't be good for Ruby.
Yang: I won't deny that statement.
Y/n: Besides, who'd go with you and the others then?
Weiss: Well... I guess Neptune could come with us.
Ruby: Hahaha, nah!
Ruby then grabs the back of Weiss's outfit and starts dragging her out the door.
Weiss: But! But!
Y/n: Butts are for sitting, Weiss!
Yang: Come on you two, let's move!
We see a more ruined area of Vale, when a motorcycle sound is heard in the distance. We then see two motorcycles, one with Yang on it, and the other with Y/n.
Yang: Come on, my friend's right in here!
Y/n: A bar...?
Y/n: Made the right move with not having Ruby come here...
Neptune: Cool...
Neptune then shakes his head, somehow fixing his appearance, which shocks Y/n.
Neptune: And where exactly is... here?
Yang then starts walking up, and two guys with outfits that Y/n saw on his first day in this world start running away.
Y/n: Oh my god, don't tell me...
The three then get closer to the doors, and Yang forces the doors open, allowing Yang to walk through a smoke cloud.
Yang: Guess who's back!
Suddenly, many of the thugs point their guns at Yang, with an angry look on their face.
Y/n: Ah shit. Just as I feared... She's not welcomed here...
Neptune: Yeah, so could you define "friend" for me?
Y/n: Yeah, these guys seem to hate you more than anything.
???: Stop, stop! Nobody shoot.
A voice then comes through, and Y/n notices a man with black hair in a different suit from the others.
Y/n: This guys must be the boss of this place.
Boss: Blondie, you're here! ...Why?
Yang: You still owe me a drink, Junior.
Yang then grabs Junior by the arm, and drags him to the bar.
Y/n: Okay...
Neptune: Whoa-ho-ho-ho, what a woman...
Y/n: *scoffs* Pervert!
We now see Y/n and Yang interrogating Junior.
Junior: I don't know!
Yang: How can you not know?
Junior: I haven't talked to him! I haven't even seen him since the night you first came in here. He paid up front, I lent him my men, and none of them ever. Came. Back.
Y/n: So that means they might have been locked up. Have you gotten a call from your men since that night?
Y/n: I don't know if this world gives their prisoners that one phone call, like home, but it's better to figure that our before anything else.
Junior: Nope. No call or anything.
Y/n: Okay... Did Roman ever tell you what he was planning to do with your men the night he paid you?
Junior: Not really. All he said was that was doing a big thing that night, and needed my men to help him. Never told me exactly what it was, though. *to Yang* By the way, who is this chick?
Yang: *whispers to Y/n* Do you mind if I tell him?
Y/n: *whispers to Yang* As long as he promises not to capture me and use me for his own selfish desires.
Yang: I'll tell you, as long as you don't turn him into one of your goons, or try and sell 'em for profit.
Junior: I won- wait he?
Yang: It's better not to ask. This is the Aegis.
Junior: O-Oh!! Well... I wasn't expecting this.
Y/n: It's fine. And what you've told us. Is that everything you know?
Junior: Yup. Torchwick hired my boys, and I guess he wasn't happy with them, which is *to his men* SOMETHING I CAN RELATE TO!!!
Yang: *sigh* Grab Neptune, and let's move Y/n.
Y/n: Got it.
As Yang and Y/n walk out of the bar, Y/n sees Neptune trying to flirt with two girls, so he grabs Neptune by his shirt collar and drags him out.
Y/n: Well, we got all the info we could.
Yang: Let's just hope that the others had better luck.
Suddenly, a message appears on Yang's scroll, which she picks up and sees a message from Blake. She plays it, as a message goes through.
Blake: *Scroll-call* Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back-
Sun: *Scroll-call, in the background* HEEEELLLLP!
Nia: *Scroll-call, in the background* Torchwick got himself a GIANT robot! A HUGE one! He's controlling it from it from the inside, so get to us ASAP!!!
Yang: Where are you guys?
As if one cue, Blake, Sun, and Nia run right past them, with the Giant Robot that was mentioned.
Y/n: Okay, that was convenient.
Yang: Let's move!
Y/n and Yang then drive around, and begin following the mech. As the chase begins, they get onto the highway, and Y/n starts dodging cars that start getting close to him.
Y/n: We need to somehow slow that thing down!
Neptune: I got it!
Neptune reaches for his gun, but Roman crashes into a multitude of cars with the robot, sending them right towards the three.
Y/n: Oh crap!
Yang: Hold on!
Neptune: Wuh-oh...
Yang and Y/n swerve, leaning their bikes to the side in avoidance of flying debris while Neptune flails in a panic. Once the two readjust, Neptune unslings his weapon, aims as sparks start flying, and fires several bolts of blue electricity at the robot. Neptune flips his gun and it grows a shaft and an energy blade at the end, then jumps from Yang's bike as the spear's head splits in three and drives it into the top of the robot.
Y/n: Nice shot! Now hold on!
Neptune: *sarcastically* What do you think I'm doing?!
Suddenly, Neptune falls off, hitting Sun, whose on a car nearby.
Rex: Y/n! Me, Lora, and Weiss are in position!
As Rex says that, Lora, is seen using her semblance, holding both Weiss and Rex in her hands, due to the fast speed. They land in the middle of the road, and as Lora falls to the ground, incredibly exhausted, Weiss gets up, ready to face the robot.
Rex: Weiss, now!
Weiss smiles, spins, and plunges her blade into the ground, summoning a circle of ice across the pavement which makes the robot slip and crash, actually flying over the three and falling off the ramp.
Nia: *panting* Y/n, go on ahead. Rex will get Lora out of here, and I need to regain my energy.
Y/n: Got it!
Y/n then jumps down, along with Weiss, Yang, and Blake, as they jump down towards Ruby.
The robot then stands back up, and the others get ready to fight. As the robot starts moving the robot slowly towards them, RWBY nods their heads, and Ruby says one thing.
Ruby: Y/n, get back!
Y/n is a bit confused on why, but does so.
Ruby: Now, Freezer Burn!
Ruby and Blake jump back out of the way as Weiss performs her same ice-circle trick, but backs out of Yang's way when she jumps into the air and hits the epicenter with her gauntlets, which creates a wave of mist that surrounds Roman. The robot then activates laser sensors, but it still can barely see the afterimage of Blake and narrowly misses the dashing Yang. One of the robot's guns manages to fire at the area between Blake and Yang, but out from the blast comes Ruby, who slashes the metal with her blade, causing it to falter.
Ruby: Checkmate!
Blake and Weiss go in to attack, with them going for the feet until Weiss jumps up and stabs a sensor before leaping off of a white glyph. The robot then lifts it's foot to crush Blake, but Weiss summons another glyph under her teammate to launch her backwards before the crushing blow can land. Missiles are then launches, but Weiss and Blake flip backwards as the explosions merely hit where they were.
Y/n: Holy crap... How long have they had these moves?!
Weiss jumps up a bit too high, allowing the robot to fire a double energy blast at her. Weiss's weapon absorbs the damage, but is thrown back, so she casts a beam of light from her weapon to the ground under Blake, forming a yellow clockwork circle that's absorbed into the Faunus girl and lets her slice through each launched missile with ease in a flurry of super-fast slashes.
Ruby: Ladybug!
Ruby then shoots herself forward and cuts at the robot's legs, then turns around as Blake aims herself at the giant's feet as well. They both dash forward and attack at the same time, circling each other around the Paladin with each strike until they both launch themselves into the air and come down together on the shoulder, cutting off the left arm entirely. Yang doesn't waste a second, jumping onto the Paladin's back and punching the top with fiery shotgun blasts. The robot then tries to grab Yang, but can't, so instead, it runs backwards through some columns, and pins her into one of them. Just as Yang begins falling, the remaining arm gets a clean punch on her, as she flies through said column
Y/n: Yang!
Y/n then tries to attack, but Ruby stops him.
Ruby: I know you're worried, Y/n, but you don't know my sis as well as I do! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back!
Y/n: Oh~!!
Yang slowly gets back on her feet, hair burning a brilliant white as she clenches her fists. The robot then throws a punch, but Yang catches it in her own hand and, with her eyes turning red, smashes her knuckles into the second arm, obliterating it under her force. The robot then kicks Yang to the side, knocking her into Y/n.
Ruby: Y/n, Yang, you two alright?!
Yang: I'm fine!
Y/n: Same here. But I think it's time I helped out. Remember what I used against that Deathstalker? I can use that to take down the robot!
Weiss: How are you going to do that?! The time you did it was in the clear skies, and we're under city highways!
Y/n: If you guys can keep him in place, I can land a shot. But it has to be right under there.
Y/n points to the area, where all the highways create a very convenient hole.
Y/n: Do it anywhere else, and we risk dying.
Ruby: Then let's do this! Yang, Blake, Bumblebee!
Yang and Blake then nod their heads, and as Yang jumps back, Blake throws her weapon at Yang, which she catches, and with the momentum Yang created, Blake starts sending Yang towards the robot. The robot gets out of the way, backing it up right to where it needs to be.
Y/n: Alright! Ruby, you better have some team move that can slow it can!
Ruby: We do! Weiss, it's time for Ice Flower!
Ruby and Weiss point their weapons at the robot, and Weiss creates a series of glyphs in front of the scythe's sniper barrel, and a single shot through the circles creates a dazzling spiral of energy that creates large icicles upon impact with the Paladin. Ruby continues to shoot as Weiss freezes the fire, and as the ice completely envelops the robot's body, right where it needs ot be.
Y/n: Perfect! Now it's my time to shine!
Y/n then jump up, and as his gems start to glow, he points towards the robot, vaporizing it to ashes, leaving Roman with a ton of minor injuries all across his body.
Roman: Damn you Aegis... I JUST got this thing cleaned...
Y/n then rushes to attack Roman, but right as he's about to attack, a girl comes in with an umbrella and blocks the attack. Y/n jumps backwards to show a girl with two different hair colors and eyes.
Roman: Ladies, Aegis, Ice Queen...
Weiss: Hey!
Roman: Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...
The girl, now known as Neo, curtsies them with a bow, but Yang charges forth with her fists raised to strike them, and as she does, they shatter to glass, shocking Y/n, as they see them escaping on a bullhead.
Y/n: Son of a bitch!
Ruby: You're putting money in my swear jar!
Y/n: Seriously?
Yang: Ruby's very serious about that. But still... Seems he got a new henchman...
Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... FALL APART!
As Ruby giggles, Blake walks away, Y/n facepalms himself, and Yang looks at Weiss annoyed.
Yang: No. Just... No.
Weiss: What- But, you do it!
Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes.
Weiss: Was this not it?
Yang: No, it just wasn't very good.
Y/n: Yeah, and neither are yours, Yang!
Yang: Oh, you really want to got there, Y/n?!
Y/n: Yes I do and will go there if need be! Though Weiss, you could some work on your jokes.
Weiss: Hey, I'm doing the best I can right now!
Ruby: Wait... Where are Sun and Neptune?
We see Sun and Neptune sitting at a noodle place called, "A Simple Wok Noodle House," with their weapons leaning right beside them.
Neptune: They're probably fine, right?
Sun: Probably.
To Be Continued...
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