"Hi, my name is Zoë, I'll be your server today. Can I get you two started with any drinks?" Sapnap and Karl are on their date at Donnies, a diner Karl goes to often.
"We'll both have sweat tea. Thank you!" Karl says in a cheerful voice.
"Alrighty! I'll have that out for you guys in just a moment!" Zoë says matching Karl's energy. As she gets ready to walk away, Karl stops her.
"Are you new? I come here often and I haven't seen you."
"Yeah, it's actually a crazy story how I got here. I'm actually from Florida. " She nervously laughs.
"Really? I'm from Florida too." Sapnap says "What's your story? If you don't mind telling of course."
"Well my friends and I were going on a trip for spring break when all of a sudden in Georgia they kicked one of the girl out and left her at a gas station. I wouldn't stop screaming about how they shouldn't of done that and eventually they kicked me and my girlfriend out somewhere around here. Luckily my girlfriend had family near by for us to stay. Now I'm working here and she's working at Barnes and Noble."
Sapnap and Karl look at each other shocked.
"This girl... that got kicked out in Georgia... is her name.... Sienna...?" Karl asks.
"Yeah.... how'd you know..?" Zoë replies a bit weirded out.
"She's our friend!" Karl answers.
"She was my friend first!" Sapnap interjects..
"Yeah. He actually picked her up on his way here!"
"Dude that's crazy!! Where is she?"
"She's living with us right now! I'll give you my number and my address if you and your girlfriend wanna see her." Karl says.
"How do I know you're not serial killers?"
"Do we looks like serial killers?"
"That's a good point." Zoë says. "I'll for sure come over. Let me got get your teas." When she turns around she run into one of the other waitresses holding a tray of waters and it spills all over the two of them. "Oh my God Cleo! I'm so sorry!!"
"Oh nor!" Cleo says in an Australian accent, and runs away to the bathroom.
"She does that everytime water touches her! It's kind of annoying, like I love playing mermaids and all, but at work? Kind of weird... makes me think she might actually be a mermaid." Zoë says. She then shrugs and goes the the kitchen.
Sapnap and Karl just go back to their own conversation.
"Remember when Dream was talking about Manly Man?" Sapnap starts.
"Yeah, he's so Manly."
"Well there's this new streamer called Ashthemanlierman and apparently, they're more manly.
"More manly than Manly Man!?" Karl was shocked.
"That's what I heard..."
"We have to get the two of them together on stream."
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