Chapter 9
WTF! Since when did this story have so many reads?! When I saw the number I almost had a heart attack. I swear it put me in shock. And then I felt guilty since I never update.... oops.
Lucy P.O.V
I woke up to a bright light shining down. I quickly raised my hand to cover my eyes from the light. Wait... hands?! I sat up quickly and and looked down to see that I indeed had hands and the rest of me was in fact human. I sighed in relief and ran my fingers through my hair only for them to be stopped by something furry.
I jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror that was stationed in the corner. When I was able to see my reflection I saw two fluffy cat ears and a long tail trailing behind me.
"Luce! You're awake!" I heard a familiar yell from the door way of the infirmary. I turned around quickly and felt my cheeks become hot.
"are you ok Luce? Your face turned red" Natsu asked worriedly.
I nodded my head quickly and looked away. All of a sudden I was lifted off the ground and pulled into someones arms.
"i was so worried" he said softly and I felt my heart start to beat quicker. He carried me back to the bed and set me down.
"you should get some more rest" he said smiling gently. I nodded and rolled over closing my eyes.
Natsu P.O.V
I walked out of the infirmary closing the door quietly and turning around to see and frowning happy. I sighed and walked over to him. I picked him up and hugged him. I set him down and watched him walk off into the main part of the guild.
Happy P.O.V
I somehow knew this is how it was going to turn out, but a little part of me had hoped it would be different. I walked over to the bar and sat down ordering a fish. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head to see a blushing Carla.
"s-so I was wondering... do you maybe... want to go get some tea with me?" she said slightly nervous making her look very cute.
"sure" I said smiling. Carla blushed even more and muttered a 'whatever'. I chuckled and stood up taking her hand.
"come on lets go" I said leading us out of the guild and forgetting about my fish.
Pantherlily P.O.V
do I still have a chance? I mean I can sort of turn into a human... ok not really. I sat at the usual table with Gajeel and Levy who seemed to be flirting. I sighed realizing I never had a chance to be with Lucy.
Mira P.O.V
things have seemed to change drastically. I guess I cant help but have known it would be this way. Just as I was about to start cleaning the bar the doors to the guild burst open revealing...
I'm so evil >:) lol ok so I was wondering if there were any other ships I could write about? I mean for other stories. I have a lot of plots for a few new stories I'm thinking of but I don't know what ships to use for each so some help would be appreciated :3
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