Chapter 12
Amicus P.O.V
I woke up and yawned, stretching my arms out. I sat up ans sleepily surveyed my room. Touching the floor and wincing at its coldness, I shuffled over to my closet. I pulled on a pair of black shorts and a red tank top. smiling at my full length mirror I did a little pose, placing my hand on my hip and shifting my weight to my left leg. I giggled and reached for the brush I had resting on a table by the mirror and ran it through my blond hair, struggling with some tangles, then placed it back down when I was finished. I grabbed the red ribbon Caligo had gotten for me a few weeks prior for my birthday and wrapped my hair up into a high ponytail. Smiling at my appearance I leaned forward and applied some mascara, I had also gotten from the side table, and batted my green eyes.
"Amicus!" Come on!"
"Oh! Coming!" I shouted and quickly slipped on some black combat boots. I opened my door to see Caligo standing there, leaning against the wall across from my door. I waved to him then shut the door behind me.
"You seem to be in a good mood." Caligo said plainly then started walking down the hallway, letting out a small yawn. I followed him and held my hands behind my back.
"I guess I just got a good nights sleep." I excitedly said. We continued down the hallway towards the main foyer till Caligo suddenly stopped.
"Say Amicus, Do you think you could run a little errand for me?" He asked and looking down at me.
"Of course! What can I do for you?" I asked enthusiastically. Caligo smiled and continued forward and I followed.
"I just need you to pick something up."
Natsu's P.O.V
"Why are we helping her" I asked frustrated. I watched Wendy crouch over the women who had previously put Lucy in a key.
"Because we aren't heartless." Erza said and stood with her arms crossed, a scowl on her face. She obviously wasn't too keen on helping the woman either.
"Maybe she'll tell us something when she wakes up." Gray suggested calmly.
"She better." I growled out. This is seriously not the position I wanted to be in right now.
Third Person
The woman stirred and Wendy backed away a little. She opened her eyes slightly and blinked slowly. "Are you alright?" Wendy asked with concern. The woman nodded and looked at the other mages.
"I would like to apologize." She mumbled while looking down.
"What the hell do you mean you're sorry?!" Natsu shouted and lurched forward threateningly towards her, which earned him a punch in the head from Erza.
"What might your name be?" Erza asked facing the woman who still lay on the ground.
"Cress." she said and slowly stood up.
"Please be careful." Wendy said and helped Cress steady herself on her own two feet, "You're still not fully healed."
"Healed or not we need some answers." Gray said angrily.
"And we need Lucy." Natsu added.
"Of course." Cress said and took a deep breath. "My name is Cress, as you know, and I am a very close friend of Layla, Lucy's mother. Layla has warned me of future dangers to come, so I took it upon myself to act on my own and protect Lucy."
"Future dangers? What kind of dangers?" Wendy asked slightly frightened.
"Wheres Lucy?!" Natsu shouted and got punched by Erza once again.
Cress sighed and looked down furrowing her eye brows. "I... No longer have her..."
??? P.O.V
"So the girl that defeated our dear sister Felino is in this key?" Rana asked.
"Yes" I said frustrated as Rana poked the key with a stick.
"I don't understand Volpe, How could a girl that gets trapped so easily in a key possibly go up against our sisters cat magic?" Rana said and dropped the stick next to the stump the key was placed on.
"I don't understand either." I said and pulled on both of my fox ears.
"Imagine if we had been there." Rana said and pumped her fists. "This girl wouldn't have stood a chance with the three forest witch sisters working together!"
"Yes, but that is in the past." I said and pet Rana's head lightly.
"So what are we gonna do with her?" Rana asked excitedly and hopped around the stump.
"Since Felino placed one last curse on the girl before she died, we are going to extract the magic from her and use it to reincarnate our dear sister!" I said and and dramatically flung my arms open.
"oooooooooooo!" Rana clapped her hands loudly and started twirling around. "We will get to see our dear sister again!" She cheered and I smiled. This plan was absolutely flawless.
Third Person
"You don't have her..." Natsu trailed off and his head slowly fell, his eyes wide.
"I... I'm so sorry..." Cress spoke softly and put her head between both of her hands. "I was simply trying to get to a safe place, But all of a sudden two witches approached me and took her." Cress said and began to cry. " I have failed..." She whispered.
Erza studied the scene and took a deep breathe. "Alright, what we need to do is-"
In a split second Natsu was gone from the clearing leaving a dust cloud where he had once stood.
"That idiot!" Erza yelled and took off after him, Wendy, Carla, and Gray following closely behind. Farther up ahead Natsu was tearing through the forest path sending half of it flying behind him, That is until he ran face first into another body; The impact causing him and the other person to tumble forward.
"What the actual hell." a familiar voice said underneath Natsu.
"Sting?" Natsu said in bewilderment. "What are you doing here?"
"Sting! Are you alright?" Rogue said while walking over calmly.
"Yeah I'm just great, theres nothing like getting hit full force by a flaming moron to really get my muscles going." Sting said sarcastically.
Erza and the others arrived to see Natsu on the ground with Sting standing over him. Erza immediately requipped a sword and stood in a threatening stance. Sting put both hands up and sighed.
"It's honestly not what it looks like." He said and stepped back from Natsu.
Erza put her sword away but still kept her guard up. Natsu stood up and brushed himself off then turned to Sting.
"Alright answer my question." Natsu said with a serious tone. Sting glanced at Rogue then faced back to Natsu.
"Yukino was kidnapped."
"Why are you so heavy!" Amicus groaned out as she slowly moved forward, carrying an unconscious mage on her shoulders and using her right arm to hold up the white haired girl. With her free hand she dragged two unconscious exceeds behind her by their tails. She approached the manor and used her foot to kick open the gate. She made her way to the front door and once again used her foot to open it. "Thank god!" She yelled out as she dropped the girl. She hunched over breathing heavily. "Caligo! Where are you! I brought the girl!" She yelled out and Caligo entered the main foyer.
"Thank you Amicus." Caligo said as he walked up to her. He held his hand out for her and she smiled taking it. Caligo studied the mage laying on the ground behind Amicus. Using his magic and he lifted the celestial mage up in a dark cloud of magic and began to walk towards the room that held Caelum with Amicus being lead behind by their connected hands and the exceeds still being dragged behind her.
"So why did we need her?" Amicus asked curiously, But Caligo ignored her question and opened the small door. Once in the room, Caligo let go of Amicus's hand much to her disappointment and approached Caelum. He lifted his right hand and placed it in the center of the hand print. The hand print slowly became outlined in a soft blue light and the crystals above the door glowed with the same blue light. the door then began to open shaking the room slightly. Amicus's eyes widened at the sight that was displayed behind the large white doors. Twelve large, thrown-like silver chairs decorated in small crystal stars sat against the walls of the room, split into six chairs on either side of the room; each held an unconscious mage except for one. A Thirteenth thrown sat against the back wall, but this one was gold and decorated in larger crystal stars; It was also empty. In the center of the room stood a pedestal which held a dimly glowing, light blue, oval gem. On the floor thirteen light blue paths lead away from the pedestal to the end of each thrown; only 11 of the paths were glowing.
Caligo placed the girl down into the last empty silver thrown and a light blue light traveled down the path to the pedestal causing the gem to glow a little brighter. Amicus looked around the room with wide eyes. Caligo turned to her and smiled. "We are so close." he said and gestured for her to come to him. She dropped the tails of both the exceeds and walked forwards to him. He took her hand again and then stepped behind her. He rested his chin on her shoulder and sighed calmly. "Isn't it beautiful?"
"Yes..." Amicus whispered and closed her eyes.
"All we need is the Heartfilia and I will take you away to a world of happiness my dear." Caligo said and placed a kiss on Amicus's temple. Caligo stepped back from Amicus and started making his way towards the doors. "Please keep both of the exceeds in your room for the time being." He said and disappeared from her sight. Amicus looked down at the exceeds then back up to the pedestal. She took a deep breath and picked up both exceeds cradling them in her arms. She left Caelum closing the door behind her, then left the room that held the bright white doors. She made her way across the main foyer to the hallway which her bedroom was in and slightly squeezed the sleeping exceeds in her arms, feeling a strange sensation of uncertainty fill her.
She shook her head slightly as she walked trying to get rid of the weird feelings. she trusted Caligo, he saved her and promised her a world of light, there was nothing to be concerned about. She continued forward holding the exceeds tightly.
I'm so proud of this chapter.
I think I deserve a cookie.
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