Chapter Twenty-Four - The Red Head
Hope you guys like this chapter!
Thanks for all the votes, comments, and reads! Every time I see one of you read this story and liked it, it makes me so happy.
Bye for now! :) - bluelion2
After my little rant in the bookstore, I went around town looking for trouble.
I found it at one of the many shops here.
There was three werid people trying to get a place to stay, it seemed, at this inn. But whoever owned it wouldn't let them in and it looked like a fight was about to break out.
I nudged my way past the crowd until I could see exactly what was going on.
The three people looked around my age, there was a blonde girl, a red head, and a dude who had face paint all over him.
"I won't let you stay here! " the owner of the inn I'm guessing, said.
"This is enough. Let's go somewhere else. " the red head said.
"But, Gaara -" the blonde said.
"We are obviously not welcomed here. Let's find someone else. " he said.
Well, that's not right.
Why can't they stay?
I mean the one the girl called gaara does look like he hasn't seen the crack of dawn in hundred years and borrowed a fair share of his mother's eyeliner and the one with the facepaint looks like a mutated cat and the blonde girl is looking pretty crazy herself with that hair...but it's still not right.
"Hey! " I shouted over the murmurs of the crowd.
All eyes turned to me.
I gulped.
Way to put the spotlight on yourself, Ketei...
I shook off the neverous feeling in my stomach and stepped towards the three weirdos and the owner of the inn.
"Why can't they stay? " I asked.
The innkeeper gave me an are you serious look.
"You don't know who they are? " he said.
I looked over at them.
"Nope. But the question I asked is why can't they stay." I said.
The man pointed towards the red head.
"He's a murderer! " the man shouted.
I was suddenly hit with a small memory.
"A murderer!"
"She's evil! "
"A monster! "
When I came back to reality, I realised those were the exact same words the crowd behind me was shouting at the boy named Gaara.
I clenched my fists.
"Would you harm this man! " I said to Gaara.
With a face completely devoid of emotion he said, "Maybe. "
The crowd gasped.
"That proves it right there! "
"A true monster. "
"I'd do the same thing if I was in innkeepers shoes. "
I walked up to the red head and the eyes of the boy and girl beside him widened.
"No, don't! " the blonde shouted.
Sorry, too busy not giving a fuck...
I slapped the red head as hard as I could.
The sound of it echoed throughout the marketplace, instantly shushing the crowd.
"Don't be what people think you are. " I said.
The boy just looked at me with stunned eyes.
"How... " he said.
I grabbed his hand.
"My name is Ketei. You haven't killed me yet. Now, would you do the same with that man over there? " I said.
"I can kill you right here. " he said darkly.
"Then go ahead. Nothing is stopping you. " I said.
"You must have a death wish. " the boy behind gaara said.
I looked gaara in the eyes.
"You're no monster. Monsters don't hesitate. " I said.
He pulled his hand away from mine.
I looked back at the innkeeper.
"I promise he won't harm anyone here. " I said proudly.
"How can you be so sure? " the man said.
"I'm not. " I said quietly.
"But, you should give someone a chance or you'll never know what could happen. " I said.
Then the man stepped to the side and opened the door.
"They can stay. " he said, giving up the fight.
I grinned.
Soon, the crowd had all gone away probably because there wasn't any drama going on anymore.
I looked at the three people I had fought for.
"Thank you. " the blonde girl said.
"No problemo. Bye. " I said and began to walk away.
"Stop. " I heard a cold voice say.
I turned around.
"Whatdaya want? I don't have time for a meet and greet so spit it out. " I said.
Gaara walked over to me slowly and I saw sand begin to gather around him.
"I want to fight you one day. " he said.
I coughed.
"Umm, wait a second. Fight? " I said.
"Yes. Fight. " the boy said.
"Hate to break it to you kid but I'm nothing special. I can't do special ninja magic or even fight that well. " I said.
"You bypassed my sand. How? " he said.
What in the hell is the kid talking about?
"I don't know what you're talking about. " I said.
"No one can get past my sand. I've never been hit before. The sand stops anyone before they can. Except you. " he said.
"Well, I really don't know so... sorry?" I said.
His eyes glared at me.
I just stared at him.
I need to make up a theme song for this.
I shall name it Epic Staring Battle!
Saskue can sing lead.
I almost burst out laughing at that thought.
"Is it even possible to have dark circles that bad? " I thought aloud, noticing Gaara's black rimmed eyes.
"Yes. " he said, all emotionless like a zombie... oh yeah, me.
"Do you get any sleep? " I said.
"I don't sleep." he said.
Well, this is just getting awkward so...
"Hasta la vista, pimps! " I said quickly and raced out of there as fast as I could.
That was some intense staring back there.
He was all like "I'm going to stare into your soul! " and stuff.
Though I feel kinda sorry for him.
That memory I had...
The pain of being called a monster...
It hurts like a bitch.
I looked up to see the sun starting to set and ran towards naruto's place.
Why did I step up back there?
Attention? Probably.
Trouble? Most likely.
Self obligation? Ding ding. We have our winner!
I've noticed something.
The more I see of my past, the more I feel.
Feel sadness. Feel pain. Feel happiness.
More than I felt than before.
Maybe I'm just learning how to live again.
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