Chapter Seventeen - Zabuza Is A Pimp And I'm A Matchmaker
Author's Note
Two chapters in one day!
And this one's a long one.
Just a present for you guys because well, I just felt like it.
- bluelion2
I sat up quickly.
My heart was beating.
It's beating in my chest fast.
I was freaked out about three things right now.
One, my heart is beating.
Two, I have no idea where naruto is.
Three, my memories.
I had a mom.
Who loved me.
A guy who also loved me... Very one sided though...
I stabbed my best friend.
I looked down at my hands.
I'm a traitor...
Wait, a second!
I stood from my spot on the rooftop.
That Ketei isn't me!
I'm different now!
I would never stab my best friend!
I jumped off the roof and landed harshly on the ground.
Wait a second, I'm in pain.
I can feel pain.
That becoming alive thing doesn't waste any time does it?
I looked around me.
I wonder where everyone is...
I went inside the house and was relieved to see naruto sleeping in the guest room peacefully.
Where are the others...
I walked outside then slapped himself on the face remembering what grumpy drunk had said last night...
" I would like it very much if you all would protect me and my workers at the bridge tomorrow." Tazuna said.
"Alright. We will. " Kakashi said.
They're gonna be at the bridge today protecting tazuna from anyone that might try to stop his work on the bridge.
I need to go check on them.
I started running towards the bridge then relized I have no idea where the bridge is.
But I did.
I knew where it was but I had never been here before, at least to my knowledge.
Soon, I had made it an by the looks of it, Saskue, Sakura, Kakashi, and Tazuna had just made it too.
"What happened! " tazuna shouted.
I looked at the bridge and relized what had just gone down.
Crumpled bodies were everywhere.
But I could sense none of them were dead, they were just asleep.
Very asleep.
Like orange juice, sleeping pills, and sniffed gas all together asleep.
"So, they threw a slumber party while you were gone, tazuna? Wonder which ones you gonna fire. " I said.
"Ketei, I don't think they threw a slumber party... " sakura said quietly.
Then I saw some misty fog start to appear.
I started laughing hysterically.
"I knew it! I knew he wasn't dead! " I shouted.
Kakashi looked at me seriously.
"What are you talking about Ketei? " he asked.
"Mr. Milkshake didn't exceed his expiration date yet. He's alive and still making cheesy fog for us. I bet you 21 bucks that the body collecter was in on it. " I said.
Kakashi sighed heavily and turned back around.
Then Zabuza walked out of the mist slowly.
"The badassness seems forced if you ask me." I said, looking at Zabuza.
"So, we meet again Kakashi. " Zabuza said.
I laughed.
"Really forced. " I muttered under my breath.
Zabuza noticed me and stopped walking.
"Ketei.... " he said quietly.
"Yeah? " I questioned.
"You're alive... " he said.
Well, not really, but I'm not going into that right now...
Then she, he, still haven't figured out the gender yet...stepped out of the shadows beside milkshake.
"I guess so... And it seems you have your little traitor with you... " Kakashi said darkly.
Suddenly the thought of Yoari popped up into my mind.
No, Ketei. Don't think about her right now.
Stab. Stab. Stab.
I said, not right now!
"I don't even know why that phony is showing his face. " saskue said.
"Hey! I just -" I said, then cut myself off when I realized saskue wasn't talking about me.
Awkward moment...
"Well, lets get started, shall we?" Zabuza said then he turned to me.
"I'm sorry, Ketei. I don't want to hurt you just so you know, I actually want to help you in any way I can. You can come over here any time. " Zabuza said.
"I'm sorry milkshake. Just can't do that. I've got some good friends over here. Also, I don't know how you know me. " I said.
" You lost your memory. Good. " he said.
He made a bunch of water clones that surrounded my team.
"Is just hope you can forget this too. " he said.
"I'll leave this to you, saskue. " Kakashi said.
You underestimate Zabuza.
You did get your ass kicked last time.
And you let him get away when you finally returned the favor.
I'd say this is the time to overestimate him.
"This one's still trembling. " Zabuza said, pointing to saskue.
Saskue laughed.
"I'm trembling... With excitement." saskue said.
"Be careful duck but. This pimp already has one he-she under his belt. He might take that as a job offer. " I said.
Kakashi gave me the "stop talking Ketei " look.
I stuck my tongue out.
Can't hold me back, bitch.
I'm gangsta, you not.
He just shook his head.
Saskue leapt out at the water clones slicing and dicing like he was about to make fruit salad. He quickly had destroyed all of them, suprizing me.
It seems I'm not the only one that's been underestimating people today.
"Hmm. The brats improved. It's looks like you have a rival, Haku." Zabuza said.
"It seems so... " haku said and I think he's a he, was in la la land.
He looked at saskue and blushed.
"Umm... Duck but? He's checking you out. Just letting you know. " I said.
Zabuza grinned at that comment.
"Uh-huh. Happy that your hoe likes your future bitch. I see how it is. " I said and wiggled my eyebrows.
Everyone's faces went a deep shade of red.
"I wouldn't take my pupils that lightly, Zabuza. That will only bring out saskue's attitude. And he's the best fighter in my village. " Kakashi said.
Our best fighter?
We need better training courses if we're sinking to lows like this.
Chase all the students with bunnies and fire. They'll all be hardened war heroes in less than a week.
"Sakura is our sharpest mind. " he said.
And the person who annoys me the most besides myself...
"Naruto is our number one hyperactive knuckle headed ninja. " Kakashi continued.
And my best friend!
Wish he could've be here when Kakashi said that, though...
"And Ketei is our resident smart ass who loves to complicate things but we love her anyways. " he finished.
"Thanks a lot, Kakashi. Really, it warms my heart to know how you feel about me." I said sarcastically.
Zabuza smirked and then said, "Haku. "
That was all it took and haku was flying towards saskue.
They were fighting so fast my eyes could hardly keep up.
Zoom there.
Zoom here.
Crazy ninja shit everywhere.
Haku kept going faster and faster and saskue kept matching his speed just in time.
Then saskue managed to lick - oops wait I meant kick - haku down to the ground harshly.
Saskue smirked and starting looking all high and mighty.
"Duck but, shouldn't you keep hitting him? Not pose for the cameras and wait for him to bitchslap you into tomorrow? " I said.
Saskue nodded thoughtfully at me then ran towards haku full speed.
The idiot finally decided to take my advice.
I'm not proud but I'm not not proud if you know what I mean?
Then suddenly, haku had saskue in his clutches and was holding his hands behind his back.
"I highly suggest you give up this fight. " haku said.
"And why would I do that? " saskue said.
"For two reasons. One, I'm blocking one of your hands so you can't perform a jutsu. Two, I still have one hand free. " haku said and started to make hand signs.
Saskue's eyes widened.
"That won't stop duck but, pretty boy! He likes it rough! " I shouted.
Haku stopped doing the hand signs and gave me the "shut up Ketei " look.
"You can deny it all you want but I can see the sparks of romance here. And besides saskue, don't you prefer Mr. Pretty boy over there to naruto? " I said.
Saskue glared at me.
"Now, is not the time Ketei. " he muttered.
"It's always the time to me! " I shouted and jumped onto sakura's back.
"You're my chair now. " I said darkly into sakura's ear.
She just sighed.
"A thousand flying water needles of death! " haku shouted.
"Saskue! " sakura shouted and jumped up making me fall off her back.
I landed with a hard thud on the ground.
I stood up and slapped sakura.
"That hurt! " I shouted.
She didn't say anything and just pointed towards saskue.
"What-" I said and cut myself off.
A bunch of ice crystals were stuck in saskue.
"Demonic mirroring ice crystals. " haku said and then saskue was trapped in what looked like the funhouse mirrors at the fair.
Saskue started fighting to break free from it without any success.
Sakura looked like she was about to have a panic attack.
"Umm pinky? Calm down some, I'm sure duck but will be just fine. Maybe paralyzed but alive. " I said.
She glared at me.
"Shut up Ketei! " she seethed.
I put my hands up.
"Shezze. " I said.
"I'll save him. " Kakashi said and made his way to saskue.
Suddenly, Zabuza popped up in front of Kakashi with his eyes closed like he was one of those floating meditating monks.
"Let them fight it out. If you try to interfere you'll have to go through me first." Zabuza said and grinned sadistically.
"Mortal combat! " I screamed.
Sakura then starting screaming and threw a kunai at haku's mirror trap like a crazy woman.
That's what happens when you get between a fangirl and her guy, haku.
But before it could hit it, haku caught it in his hand.
Sakura gasped.
Then a shuriken came out of nowhere and slammed haku in the face.
What the fuck?
"Haku! " Zabuza shouted.
Suddenly a huge puff of white smoke popped up and naruto appeared.
"Stupid! " I shouted.
He looked at me and grinned.
"Naruto Uzumaki is here! Believe it!" he shouted.
"That's right people! His stupidness has arrived! " I yelled and ran beside him.
Kakashi just facepalmed.
I hugged him.
"Thanks buddy. I strangely didn't want any of these idiots to die. " I whispered in his ear.
I broke the hug and he fist bumped me.
"Now, that I'm here everything will be alright! Shadow clone, Ahhhhh! " naruto shouted as three shuriken came straight towards us.
I stood in front of him, ready to take them until they were stopped by three metal needles.
Why is pretty boy helping?
"What are you doing! " Zabuza yelled.
Haku bowed deeply.
Zabuza, I would like to fight this boy in my own way. " haku said.
"Alright! I'll take you on! " naruto shouted.
"And me too! If you're fighting stupid, you're fighting me! " I added.
"Like always. You're much too soft. " Zabuza said to haku.
I was going to say something mean right about here but naruto put his hand over mouth.
Fucking mind reader.
"Forgive me. " haku said quietly to Zabuza.
"Kiss the girl! You know you wanna kiss the girl! " I sung the moment naruto took him hand off my mouth.
Both of them blushed deeply.
Didn't I say something about maybe being a matchmaker one day? And really, aren't matchmakers people who make shipping other people their job?
I'd be the best in the business.
"Fine, haku. " milkshake said.
I clapped my hands together.
"If only we didn't have to save people's lives and protect a village... I would've been their future baby sitter! " I sobbed out.
Naruto patted me on the back.
"The feels, stupid! The feels! " I cried.
"Thank you.... " pretty boy said and turned back to us.
"Hurry up and fight us already! " naruto shouted.
"Wait, stupid! I was enjoying that beautiful moment! " I said dramatically holding onto his shoulder.
If you haven't figured it out already, I'm a yaoi fangirl...
A shuriken then came flying from the mirror trap straight towards haku.
Haku easily dodged it though and turned to face saskue.
"I haven't forgotten about you. Not for one second. "
"A real ninja knows when he is defeated. Fine then. Our battle will continue. " haku said and went back into the mirror trap.
"Umm, did he just make us his sloppy seconds! " I shouted.
"I think he did! " naruto yelled.
"Where do you think you're going! " we said at the same time.
"Don't worry naruto,ketei. We shall fight afterwards. " haku said.
"He did not just put me after saskue! " naruto shouted.
"He did. He shall pay. " I said, cracking my knuckles.
I noticed Zabuza and Kakashi start fighting somewhere else and sakura was protecting tazuna as best as she could.
Then I looked into the mirrors and noticed something very strange.
Saskue's eyes looked different now.
I've seen them before!
Somewhere in my memories, I've seen these eyes.
Wait a second, Kakashi!
And Itachi!
The same eyes...
Saskue has the share my burrito now!
Saskue kicked haku back making him skid backwards.
"Foolish. " haku said and sent a bunch of needles straight towards me and naruto.
"No! " sakura and naruto shouted as saskue dove in front of naruto and me.
I heard saskue gasp and I screamed.
He had protected naruto in time but not me.
I could feel the needles stuck in me.
It hurts...
I fell down to the ground.
There are times when I wish I could be completely a ghost again and this is one of them.
"Saskue, you beat him-" naruto said and then cut himself off when he saw me and saskue.
"You should see the look on your face. You look like a total loser. " saskue said and coughed.
I couldn't move.
I can't protect him.
I can't help.
I'm useless...
"W-Why did you save me? " naruto said, surprised that saskue would ever do anything like that.
Saskue just smirked.
Naruto looked from me to saskue and started to cry.
"I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for you to save me! " naruto screamed.
He can't believe saskue would put his life on the line to save him.
I felt like laughing.
I'd do the same.
Naruto is my best friend.
The only person I could talk to for so long. He looked past the dead thing and accepted me for who I am. He taught me how to live even if I wasn't literally living.
He made me alive again when I had felt lonely and dead for so long.
Wouldn't you put your life on the line for someone like that?
I would.
"I hated you naruto. " saskue said and started to cough up blood.
"Hated? " naruto said.
"But... I don't anymore. " saskue said.
Then saskue started to fall over but naruto caught him before he could hit the ground.
Saskue grabbed naruto's hand.
He looked over at me and smiled.
I don't think I've ever seen him smile.
Why smile at me, though?
Smile at naruto, this is you and stupid's moment. Don't ruin it you idiot!
Don't smile at me.
He looked back at naruto.
"My brother is still out there... " saskue said, trying to talk without talking.
Wait his brother?
Itchy the idiot?
"I promised myself I would stay alive until I could kill him. " saskue said.
Kill him?
"You're not going to die so stop talking like that. " naruto said, trying to keep himself from breaking down.
"Naruto, don't let your dream die. And... Ketei, I'm sorry. " saskue said.
Naruto nodded and held him closer.
Then saskue stopped moving.
I-Is he dead?
I forced myself to try to stand up.
I was just starting to like him as a person, haku! Then you went and destroyed it!
"I hated you too saskue and yet... " naruto trailed off with a blank look in his eyes.
Haku started to walk slowly over to us.
"He was a true ninja.... Oh, is this your first time seeing death? This is what it means to be a shinobi. " haku said quietly.
"Shut up. " naruto said and growled.
What is this?
I looked up at naruto.
There's something different about him but still the same...
Haku's eyes widened.
I finally stood up and looked haku in the eyes.
"Killing is not what it means. Dying is not what it means. To be a shinobi is to be a hero!" I shouted, trying to keep my balance.
I tried walking towards naruto but then I fell over again.
I feel helpless... I hate it.
"You'll pay for this. " naruto said calmly in a way that sent chills down my spine.
Suddenly a thick layer of mist started to surround me, saskue, and naruto.
Then a red glaze of chakra swirled around us like a hurricane. I could feel naruto's anger.
But there's something else...
There's something else here that's not human.
I don't know how but... I can sense it.
Suddenly I saw my world start to go black.
"Hello, Mistress. " I heard a voice say.
I reached my hands out.
I can't see.
"Who are you? " I asked menacingly.
"I have many names. You might've heard the stories of the nine tails... "
I gasped.
"You're inside naruto! He's the child they trapped you in! " I shouted, remembering the village rumors.
"Yes and you are of the shoshori clan. I can tell. I killed all of them, I thought..." he said.
I couldn't breathe.
"Killed.... All.... Clan.... " I said.
"All thanks to you. I give you my deepest rescept." he said.
I can't breathe.
My heart is beating too fast.
My fault....
No, it's not true!
It's just a lie he's using to get in my head.
"Get out! " I screamed.
Then I could see again.
I saw naruto, no not naruto, the beast just inches away from haku.
It's taking over him.
"What are you doing! Get it over with! I killed your friend. Does that mean you don't care anymore?" haku spat out.
Naruto growled deeply and punched him in the face knocking haku to the ground.
Haku got back up and wiped the blood off his mouth.
"Now, that won't do. " haku said quietly.
I stood up slowly and words rushed through my head.
I killed my clan....
No, it's just a lie!
Just a lie!
All lies.
I walked over to naruto and listened to Haku's words.
He told us a story of how his father had murdered his mother and then had tried to kill him. He had felt lonely for so long and then Zabuza found him and gave him purpose.
It reminds me of me and naruto in a way, I thought.
I had been lonely for so long until he came into my life and gave me a reason to be here.
He made me so happy.
"So, just kill me naruto. " haku finished.
Wait a second, we're killing people?
I thought we were just brutally maiming and injuring. They might have killed saskue but wouldn't that put us on their level?
I almost wanted to laugh at myself.
A few days ago I wouldn't have thought anything like that.
Of course, a few days ago seems like years ago when I think about all that's happened.
"Alright then. This is for saskue who also had a dream! " naruto yelled and charged towards haku.
"No, naruto! " I shouted.
Why am I acting like this?
Why do I value others?
Is this because of my stupid memories!
They're changing me!
They're making me like... The old Ketei.
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