Chapter Nineteen - The Sorry He Never Expected
Sorry for the slow updates guys! Just been a little busy lately. Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to @Streetplayaa_ for writing some funny ass comments!
- bluelion2
Zabuza turned back around and started walking towards us.
He sent a death glare to all of the thugs that screamed "don't try anything" and they backed away some.
When he reached us he fell down.
"Who's gonna pay us now? " one of the cronies complained.
"Guess we'll just have to take our share from the village. " one of the others added.
I took one of the few rocks I had and threw it at his face knocking him backwards.
"You will do no such thing. I did not go through all of this just so you can fuck it up. " I said and glared at him.
He hid behind his friend and I smiled.
I like these rocks, I thought looking down at the ground.
I think I'll take some of them back home with me...
I looked up to see a bunch of villagers had come down from the village to the bridge.
They saw all the thugs and ran towards them chasing them away.
I saw Naruto and Kakashi help out with the chasing away stuff with some of their clones.
Good job, naruto.
Then I saw Zabuza strain his way to haku and a bittersweet smile popped up on my face.
I turned away to give him his privacy and picked up some more rocks.
I jumped a little when I felt something cold on my shoulder. I looked up at the sky to see snowflakes falling down.
I can feel the cold, now...
I saw naruto also look up at the sky with a smile.
"He said it was always snowing where he came from. Haku's homeland, I mean. " naruto said.
I looked over at haku and Zabuza and died a little inside when I saw that Zabuza's eyes were closed and he wasn't moving.
I was sad because well, he DIED but also because I would never be able to ask him how he knew me. I'll never know about that piece of my life before.
Oh goodness, I'm getting all melodramatic.
Just breathe, Ketei.
I saw Kakashi also look up at the sky just like me and naruto did.
"Who knows, Zabuza? Maybe you will join him up there, who's to say? " Kakashi said.
Well, since everyone else is saying pretty words to the sky...
"I'm sorry. You two taught me that not everyone has to be my enemy. That death means more than worthless disaster. That just because I've done bad things, it doesn't necessarily mean I'm a bad person. That even the worst of bad guys, don't deserve... Loneliness. Thank you, my sensi's. " I said to the sky and bowed.
Naruto looked at me like I had grown a chicken head on my neck.
"Ketei.... " he said.
I turned to him and smiled.
"I feel different, naruto. I feel less dead and more alive, no, more human. Guess the old saying is true. A funeral will make you feel alive if death is your best friend. " I said.
"Who are you and what have you done with Ketei? " naruto said, freaking out around me.
I smacked him across the face.
"Stop freaking out stupid! You look like a crazy fucked up idiot! " I shouted in his face.
He cried tears of joy.
"Ketei! " he said and hugged me tightly.
I hugged back.
"You're so stupid, stupid. " I said and he smiled.
Then I heard sakura scream.
"He's alive! " she screamed and I turned around to see her shaking saskue crazily.
He's alive?
Me and the others ran over to saskue and sakura.
"Hmp. Ugh. Get off me, sakura! " saskue said between grunts and she let go.
Naruto just sort of waved to saskue but I walked over to saskue and kicked him.
He hissed.
"You mind telling me what that was for? " saskue said holding his side.
"You. Are. Not. Allowed. To. Die. Got it? " I said.
He smirked.
"Yep but was the kicking necessary? " he said, getting up slowly.
"Of course it was. You don't listen unless someone smacks the shit out of you. " I said.
He frowned.
"And you can't say a thing, can you? " I said and pulled out strands of his hair.
Then I looked him in the eyes.
"Did you mean it?" I asked seriously.
"Mean what? "
"About naruto. What you said to him. I want to know if you meant it. " I said.
"I meant every word, Ketei. I seriously thought I was going to die. " he said quietly under his breath.
"We seriously thought you were dead. And then... "
I grimanced then whispered in his ear.
"The tailed beast. It's awake. Because of you, naruto broke the seal. " I whispered.
Saskue grabbed my shoulder to steady himself.
"I don't really like you that much but, if you have that kind of meaning to naruto, then I'll deal with you for the time being. " I said.
"Ketei... "
"Also, I need some information about someone from you. " I said and backed away.
"Who is it? " he asked curiously.
"Itachi. I need to know more about him. I also would like to know why you want to kill him. " I said and started to walk back to naruto.
"Ketei, wait! " saskue shouted but I kept walking.
In truth, I wanted to know more about Itachi. But I was also scared about what I might find out.
After, Haku, Zabuza....I'm just not ready yet.. When we get back to the village I'll ask him again.
"Hey, Ketei, come help me out over here! " Kakashi shouted.
I ran over to him and saw he was struggling to hold both Haku and Zabuza on both of his shoulders.
"Kakashi, what are you doing? " I asked, a little confused.
"We're burying them up there. " Kakashi said pointing to a cliff up ahead.
"Here. " he said and handed Haku to me.
"Oh goodness. " I said, trying my hardest to not drop him.
Then we started walking.
"Umm, Kakashi? Why did you ask me to come help out? I have less upper body strength than sakura. " I said.
"Because I need to ask you something. " Kakashi said.
I huffed.
"Well, ask away. " I said.
"Why did you call Haku and Zabuza your sensi's?"
I smirked.
"Jealous, are we? " I said.
"No. " he said.
"Well then. It's because they've taught me something. You on the other hand, have taught me nothing. " I said.
He choked.
"Nothing? "
"Nope. Everything that's come out of your mouth I've heard somewhere else. You give the same lessons as all the other sensi's I've stalked. " I said.
"What about -"
"I'm not talking about skill, fighting, or even teamwork. You missed something very important. " I said.
"What did I miss? "
"I'm tempted to just not tell you and watch you suffer." I said, and stuck my tongue out.
"Tell me, Ketei. " he said.
"Choices. Everyone responds to teaching differently. Sometimes people go for a more hands on approach. Sometimes they prefer to do things by the book. You make those three do everything Kakashi's way. I'd say put them in a situation where they have to work together and use their own choices and skills to survive. " I said.
He mouth hung open.
"I know I'm a genius Kakashi but put your jaw back on your face or it'll fall off. " I said, putting haku down at the cliff.
"Ketei, have you ever thought about your plans for the future? " Kakashi asked.
I flinched.
"Well, I never thought I had any future. I thought I'd just wander around for an eternity. I didn't think I'd start coming back to life. Now, it's just starting to hit me that I will grow up and I can be seen. So, plans for the future.... That's pushing it right now. " I said.
Kakashi put Zabuza down.
"I think you'd make an excellent teacher. " Kakashi said.
"I think you'd make an excellent teacher... "
I've heard this before.
"Ketei? Ketei, are you there? " Kakashi said, waving a hand in front of my face.
I snapped back to reality.
"Uhh, yeah. Get your hand outta my face. " I said slapping him.
He held his swollen cheek.
"You know, for a girl who's can barely lift a light person, you slap really hard. " Kakashi said.
I smirked.
"Years of practice. " I said.
Then I saw everyone else come up to the cliff.
I looked to naruto.
I'll protect you, naruto. I promise.
I know only bits and pieces of my past but I'm going to discover more, I know.
But I don't care about whatever crazy stuff that happened before I met you.
No memory can change the fact you're my best friend.
So, I will fight beside you. I'll protect you even though I know you don't like to be protected. Because until you can get stronger and wiser, I'll be your shield.
I ran over to him and stopped a little aways from him.
"Stupid, don't leave me. " I said quietly.
"What did you say, Ketei? I couldn't hear you." naruto said.
I smirked then hugged him.
"I won't let you leave me. I'll follow you anywhere, idiot. " I said into his ear.
He hugged back.
"You'll be my right hand woman when I become hokage, you know." naruto said.
"I know. If you choose anyone else I'll skin them alive. " I said, pulling away.
"Umm, I think that's a little extreme... "
I smacked his shoulder.
"Ok, I won't skin them alive. Because it'll be me and not anyone else. " I said and he smiled.
I looked up at cliff and saw Kakashi stick Zabuza's sword into the ground as a grave marker.
Me and the others gathered around the makeshift graves.
I saw pinky start to cry a little.
"Bye, bye Milkshake and Pretty Boy. "I said.
"Will it always be this way, sensi? " Naruto said to Kakashi.
"What? " Kakashi said.
"Fighting for no reason. Pointless dying. " Naruto said.
"It's the shinobi way. " Kakashi said.
Quoting haku, are we?
"Well, I don't like it. From now on, I'm fighting my way. I'll follow the path of Naruto Uzumaki!" Naruto shouted.
I smiled.
You're so stupid naruto but... Aren't all the bravest heroes dumber than a bag of horse shit?
You gotta be stupid to be heroic. There's no way an intelligent person would go through all the stuff that a hero go's through.
But still, it's nice to have stupid heroes instead of smart villains.
Then I felt something tear.
I looked down at my side to see the wound I gotten had tore open and was bleeding down my leg.
I fell down and saw the world start to go a little hazy.
"Umm... Naruto? Why is the ground moving so fast? " I said.
Naruto rushed over to me and took off his jacket and wrapped it around me to stop the bleeding.
It didn't help that much.
"Hey, Naruto? I think I need a hospital. Like, soon. " I said.
He smirked.
"Well, duh. " he said.
"Oh no. My loss of red stuff is making me lose my ability to make amazing comebacks. I'm done for." I said with a laugh.
I hissed in pain.
Shouldn't have laughed...
"Bye, bye Naruto..." I said, closing my eyes, suddenly feeling sleepy.
I felt a tear fall on my cheek.
"Don't close your eyes!" naruto shouted.
But it was too late.
I was already gone.
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