Chapter Nine - Your Milkshake Does Not Bring All The Boys To The Yard
"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily death is but a dream.... " I sang sitting on the edge of the boat.
Because I'm a ghost, I literally weigh nothing so it won't tip over. Also, because I'm a ghost, I can go through the boat.
"Shit. " I said forgetting to concentrate on not falling through and slipping into the water.
I hate when stuff like this happens.
Now, I have to get back in the boat...
I stood and pushed myself back through the boat, and concentrated on sitting on the side, without falling.
Naruto just kinda stared at me the whole time.
It always creeped him out when this happens.
"What are you looking at, stupid? " I asked, arms crossed.
All of us were bunched together on this boat so he couldn't whisper.
He quickly mouthed, "Nothing... " and looked around.
Well, I did tune in a bit more and found out that Mr. Tazuna here is one important dude. That him and his bridge building skills could save his village.
Not completely boring I suppose....
I really can't believe I'm still here.
Usually, the moment I step out of the village there's like some type of barrier holding me back.
Now, I just feel free.
I could go off and leave naruto and the others but.... Man, I've gotten kinda attached.
Even, and I hate to say it, sakura has grown on me. Pink hair and all.
I'm not speaking out loud because I don't want naruto to speak to me and do anything stupid.
I'm too much of a bad influence, might as well not risk it.
It's getting boring though...
A small conversation wouldn't hurt...
"So, stupid what do you think about the village, you know, what you can see from here? " I asked.
"It's huge! " he accidentally shouted.
I slapped him.
"We need to work on those keep-your-mouth-mute-when-your-talking-to-ketei skills. " I said shaking my head.
"No noise please! " the boat driver whisper shouted.
"Okay! " I screamed at the top of my - not there - lungs.
I started jumping up and down, yelling some well.... Let's just call them words...
"Is this quiet enough for you!!! " I shouted.
Naruto giggled and everyone but me frowned at him.
"Point one, dead girl! " I yelled into saskue's ear.
Naruto snickered.
"Point two!" I shouted.
This isn't boring.
Sakura then glared nuclear warheads into naruto's face and he put on a stoic expression.
Cotton candy ruined my fun.
I stuck my tongue out at her.
She always incites boredom.
"Tazuna? Before we get to the village, I would like to ask you a question. The men who are after you, who are they? If you don't tell us, I'm going to have to leave you at the dock and leave with my students. "
"I have no choice but to confess, well, I want you to know the truth, actually... "
"Make up your mind! " I shouted.
I zoned out right around here.
Probably should've listened, but I think we all understand by now one thing, and that is I never learn.
Soon enough, the boat stopped at the dock and the boat driver dropped us all off.
They all waved goodbye to him and I flipped him off.
He was annoying.
Always shush this and shush that!
I can't stand the word no.
Or be quiet.
I'm not good at listening to either.
Then we began walking through the forest towards town.
And I began randomly singing.
"Dead is the new alive! Life's only living rival! So take me now or take me never! " I belted out.
Naruto stuck his fingers in his ears.
"It's that bad?" I said blushing.
"No, Ketei-chan. It's really good. I just need to concentrate. I made a promise back there. I have to protect the bridge builder. "
"Got it. Responsible stupid. I hope this is only temporary... " I said.
"I want to be more responsible, Ketei. If I'm ever going to become hokage, I need to. Don't worry, I'll never stop pranking though. " he said with a grin.
"Good. I was scared I might've lost you there for a second. " I said wiping my forehead.
"A threat! " naruto shouted and threw a kunai at some bushes scaring a small deer.
"Naruto, it's just a deer... " I sweatdropped.
Then I saw a white little bunny hiding one of the other bushes.
"Ahh!!! Stupid, get it! Get it! Right there! " I said pointing at the bush.
He quickly threw a kunai at the bush, making the evil little bunny pass out from shock.
"Yes! Success! You saved us stupid! " I shouted hugging him.
"Ketei-chan, it was just a bunny.... " he whispered.
"Duh. That was the point. " I said.
"Do you think I hurt it?" he whispered.
"I think you scared the shit out of it. Like literally, I think it crapped itself. " I said.
Then out of nowhere, a sword came straight towards my face.
"Bunny. " I said.
It went straight through me and landed very near tazuna.
"Ketei! " naruto shouted.
We all backed away and the others gave naruto a werid look. Especially Kakashi.
"Who the hell threw a sword at me! " I shouted.
"Ketei-chan, I don't think they were aiming for you. " naruto said quietly under his breath.
"Then stupid, why'd you scream out for me? You knew it wouldn't hurt me. " I said.
"I forgot for a second. " he whispered.
Then this dude landed beside the sword looking like he had flown here.
I took in the full image and couldn't help it.
"Bwahaaaaa!!!" I kept laughing and laughing.
"Oh, my gosh, those pants and that, you, oh goodness, this is, I can't even! " I choked out.
The dude just glared at us and I could feel some tension between us and him.
"Ha, you guys are scared of him? I can't take this dude seriously!" I laughed out.
"Ketei, can you stop laughing? This is serious. " naruto mouthed.
"This is many things, but serious is not one of them. " I said.
"Well, well. If it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the village hidden in the mist. " Kakashi said.
"Does anyone else feel like they're in an 80's cheesy action movie? Cause I do. " I said taking my seat on a tree branch.
The dude, I'm going to call him milkshake...smirked.
"Woo Hoo! Go team! " I shouted, really wanting to see a fight.
Naruto started to run towards Mr. Milkshake taking my shouts like gospel.
"Naruto, don't get killed! " I shouted hanging upside down.
"You're in the way, naruto. Get back. " Kakashi said.
"Hmp. " I said.
I mean I don't want naruto to get hurt but I also want to see naruto fight and fail. I'm just weighing my options here.
I'll decide on naruto not getting hurt this time.
"Obey the pervert, stupid. For he is also our wise teacher who likes to endanger your life from time to time. " I said.
"Why! " naruto whined.
"He's way out of your league. " Kakashi said.
"Is he really in anybody's league? " I asked playing with a piece of my hair.
Also, just like in something cheesy action movie, they spend way too much time talking when it could be used for ass kicking.
"Shut up and fight already! " I shouted.
"Wait a second, you're Kakashi of the sharigan eye, right? It's too bad you'll have to hand over the old man. " Zabuza said.
Insert fake gasp here.
Zabuza knows about the share my burrito! And he wants to steal our grumpy drunk!
The horror!
Fight then!
"Now quick, the mounji formation! Protect the bridge builder and stay out the fight! I taught you teamwork now it's time to use it! " Kakashi shouted.
"Yay! Finally, action! " I shouted.
I stood up and did a high kick.
"Go, losers! Boo, frankencow! " I cheered.
I saw Kakashi take off his trademark half-of-the-face-protector thing.
"Yay! It's time for the share my burrito! " I shouted.
"Looks like I'll get to see the sharigan in action. What an honor. " Zabuza said.
"You said it wrong! " I yelled.
I do wonder what the sharigan does though, I wasn't listening to Kakashi last time he explained it to me....
"Sharigan, Sharigan. Everyone keeps saying that. Would someone please tell me what it is? " naruto said.
He read my thoughts!
Thankfully, the world has good ole emo duck butts to answer age old questions just like this one.
Cue saskue.
"Sharigan is a rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual jutsu, can instantly see and predict any move their opponent will make, whether genjutsu, taijutsu, or ninjutsu and reflect the attack back. However, there's much more to the sharigan than that. " duck but finished.
"Like being able to see Ketei! " I shouted.
"You got it right boy. However, the sharigan can also analyze the opponents attack and copy it down to the smallest detail. " Zabuza said.
"Uh huh, Uh huh... I thought we were gonna have a fight now. " I said getting agitated.
Then some misty fog stuff appeared everywhere.
"A fog machine? " I asked confused.
Naruto looked up at me and facepalmed.
"Not a fog machine? " I asked.
Naruto pointed towards Mr. Milkshake.
"Oh, he's just using his powers of cheese. Dim the lights, cue the drama, da da duhhhh!!! " I said.
Then naruto did it.
The extremely rare, WTF? Face.
Due to the recent amount of attention this book has received I promise, I'll try to update more often. Thanks for all the votes and comments so far! Every time I see a comment I get inspired to write more so thank you! The song to the side "Trouble" I think should be Ketei's anthem. So, what do you guys think? How do you think Ketei will handle the events coming up and what about her secret past?
Also since I forgot it in the last chapters, Disclaimer : I do not own naruto. If I did I most certainly would not be writing fanfiction about it and I think my bank account would have much more money rather than dust.
Thanks for reading!
Love you all! - bluelion2 a user
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