Chapter Four - Evil Bunnies
Then the new sensi took us up to the roof and started asking what our likes, dislikes and all that were.
"What about you sensi?" sakura said.
Oooh. The bitch asks a somewhat intresting question.
"My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes...I don't feel like telling you that. My plans for the future...haven't really thought about it. My hobbies... I have lots of hobbies."
"All we really learned was his name..." sakura said.
"Kakashi, huh? I like your name! It starts with a k like mine! K's are awesome!" I yelled.
Kakashi pointed to naruto and said, "you. "
Then naruto spoke.
"Believe it! My name's Naruto Uzumaki! I love ramen in a cup! I hate the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen to heat up! My hobbies are eating different types of ramen and comparing them! And my dream for the future is to become hokage so that everyone in the village finally starts to rescept me! "
Kakashi looked at little surprised at the end of his introduction then shook his head and pointed to pinky.
"My name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are... My hobbies are.... My dreams for the future... And I hate naruto!"
"Okay now pinky, we all know that you wanna be duck butts baby mama and all but you didn't have to disgrace my boy stupid!" I said and earned a smile from naruto.
I winked at him and started punching pinky in the face. Once again, it does not matter if my punches went right through, it's the thought that counts.
Then saskue began his intro.
"My name is Saskue Uchica. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything... What I have is not a dream for I will make it a reality. My dream is to restore my clan and kill a certain someone."
"Sounds interesting. Who you gonna kill duck-but? I hope it isn't stupid. See, you can't kill stupid! Then I would be stuck with him forever!" I said and shuddered.
"Good, you're all unique and have your own ideas. We will have our first mission tomorrow."
"Wait! You forgot me! My name's Ketei! I like making fun of people, trying to eat ramen, and the wonders of ichi ichi paradise! I hate duck-but, pinky, cold ramen, the words "can't" and "no", and mean jerks! My hobbies are making naruto laugh, doing flips threw objects, making amazing death threats, and trying to punch people! My plans for the future are... "
I noticed everyone, including naruto, had walked away.
"My plan for the future is to one day have everyone see me." I said quietly.
I sighed.
It's a hopeless plan.
I jumped off the roof and landed on the ground. I wonder why I can go threw everything except for the earth?
I started walking around the village, looking for some drama.
Then, at a fruit stand, I found it.
"Why don't you ever tell me about your work!" some lady screamed at this dude.
He winced and put his hands on his ears.
I know dude, if I wasn't a ghost, that would've probably given me a headache.
Then the lady started screaming about how he's been cheating, and about her hair not being pretty enough, and that he only wants her for her body... Blah blah blah.
This lady can think of every pms speech in the book.
What she needs to do, is take some time alone in her room, listen to some girl power music, and leave a note at the front door saying to leave chocolates and tissues. Then cry a motherfucking river, build a bridge, and get over it.
I should so be a relationship adviser.
After getting tired of Mrs. Pms's wailing I did some more nosing around.
I decided to check out my "unofficial" new sensi's place.
After about 20 minutes of searching, I found it.
I walked right threw his door and looked around for him. I found him sitting on his couch, watching TV.
I wonder what he likes to watch.
I looked at the television screen and immediately covered my eyes with my hands.
Oh holy mother of tacos.
I am scarred for forever.
I can't even bring myself to describe what I just saw. All I will say is that I'm glad he's my "unofficial" teacher.
I hid behind his couch and took deep ghost breaths.
After a while of sitting behind his couch waiting for him to stop watching that... Abomination, for fear that if I stood up I might see it again, he finally turned the TV off and went outside.
I stood up and yawned, then rushed outside threw the wall to see what he was doing.
He was training.
I saw him throw kunai and shuriken and practicing some punches.
Then something werid happened.
He tugged down on the mask that covered half his face and showed his other eye, which was a really creepy red with black tomes spiraling around in the center.
He turned around and looked at me.
He's looking at me?
I looked behind me.
Nothing's behind me, only me here.
"Who are you?" he said.
"Uhh, I already told you an hour ago." I said.
He looked confused.
"You were doing introductions with duck but, pinky, and stupid. " I explained.
"Why didn't I see you then? Are you using a justu to make you invisible?" he asked.
"Nope, I'm just dead."
He stepped back a bit, startled.
"Dead? "
"Yeah, D-E-A-D. Dead. Why must I spell it out?"
He laughed a little.
"You laughed! Hah, I thought only naruto would ever laugh at me!"
"Naruto can see you?"
"Yeah, we've been friends since he was like six. He's the only person who's been able to see me, up until now."
"I wonder why? "
"Me too, but I've learned don't ask questions that no one can answer."
"Good philosophy."
"It's not philosophy, it's common sense." I retorted.
"So why were you there when they were introducing themselves?"
"It was interesting, I guess. And I am the unofficial member of team 7, you know."
"The unofficial member? Says who?"
"Says me. I became a member when naruto became a member."
"You're really good friends aren't you?" he said.
"I guess so, he's the only person I haven't wanted to rip their throats out 98 percent of the time."
"What about me? "
"What about you?"
"Can I be your friend? If your gonna be my student I would like us to be friends."
I grinned like a kid on christmas.
"You can be my friend. But don't tell anyone else, I have a longgg waiting list."
He chuckled and smiled.
"So what's up with the red eye that helps you see ghosts?"
"It's the sharigan?"
"It's the share my burrito?"
He facepalmed.
"No, it's the sharingan..."
Then he went into all this explaining of what the sharigan is which I tuned out most of because I saw a bunny.
A brown bunny.
I don't like bunnies. I have a strange fear of them.
They just look like the incarnation of pure evil to me.
I shuddered.
Stupid bunny. Go run off with the rest of your evil, wants to rule the world, family.
Then it ran away.
Thank goodness!
Then I tuned back in...
"And that is what the sharigan is."
"Does it defend people from evil bunnies?"
"It can - wait a second, evil bunnies?"
"Don't ask cause I won't tell. "
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