Chapter Five - Kick Back, Hold Tight, And Get Out Your Popcorn Folks!
----next day----
The next day I had walked over to where naruto was. He was sitting beneath a tree with pinky and duck-but, waiting for their first mission.
Hehehe. Kakashi already told me exactly what he's gonna do today.
He asked me to encourage naruto to work together with the others and strengthen teamwork as he says. I told that it would be hard for me to do this cause I don't want him to work together with those two.
Ooh, look that rhymed. Well, sort of. Not really.
"Ello stupid!" I said.
Naruto looked up and smiled.
I sat down beside him and he faced me a bit more so that the two others couldn't see him mouth words to me.
"Hey, Ketei!" he mouthed enthusiasticly with another smile.
I grinned.
"So, what's your plan?" I said.
"My plan?"
"Yes, a plan stupid. It's kinda important in these situations."
"I don't have one? "
I smacked him on the head.
"Think of one. Hopefully that got your slow brain to wanna work faster. "
"I don't need a plan Ketei! I can do this on pure instinct." he mouthed smugly.
"Yeah, right. Surree." I said sarcastically.
"I can!"
"Yep, you're so gonna fail today."
"Don't say that! " naruto accidentally shouted.
I put a hand over his mouth.
The other two looked at naruto weirdly then just turned around.
I slapped him.
"That was a close one, asshole! What would've happened if they had asked questions, you could've been found out! If they knew you can see me and possibly other ghosts, then they'd lock you away! I couldn't stand seeing you get hurt! "
He looked at me sadly with guilt.
"Sorry Ketei-chan." he mouthed.
I hugged him.
"Don't ever do that again. You scared me." I said.
I broke away.
"You're just so stupid, naruto." I laughed out.
He smiled.
"You called me naruto."
"Don't get used to it. "
Then we saw Kakashi walking towards us in the distance.
Ooh, this is gonna be good.
None of them are good at teamwork.
If I was still alive, I would've brought popcorn.
"Good morning everyone, are we all ready for our first day? " Kakashi asked.
"You're late! " naruto and sakura yelled.
I grabbed my ears, damn they're loud.
"Shut the fuck up will you! I like my ears! " I shouted.
"Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way. "
"And the long way made you two hours late?" I said.
Naruto seemed to think the same as he smirked.
"Let's get started. The alarm go's off at noon. The assignment is very clear, all you have to do is take these two bells from me. If you can't get them by noon, then you will be tied to a stump and watch as I eat my lunch in front of you." Kakashi said.
"Wait a minute there's three of us and only two bells. How come? " sakura said.
"Think pinky! Use your big forehead to your advantage for once!" I said.
"The person that fails in this mission that is tied to the stump, will also be sent back to the academy." Kakashi said.
"Ok naruto, I am so not following you back there! You can do this!" I said.
"You can use any weapons you want but, let me tell you, if you're not prepared to kill me then you won't be able to take the bells. "
"But weapons are dangerous, sensi!" sakura said.
"You're just so, Uggh... We need dangerous weapons to get him!" I said.
"And you couldn't dodge that eraser, how could you defend yourself from me!" naruto said.
"Class clowns are the weakest, you can safely ignore them. Lowest scores means losers. "
Okay, now I thought we were good, Kakashi. I'm a class clown, and I am so not a loser.
"When I say start, you can begin. Start. "
"Kick his but naruto! Smack him! Get him! Hit him! Ain't nobody calling you a loser on my watch! " I said.
As you could probably tell, I was more than a little mad.
Naruto ran full speed ahead towards Kakashi, ready to destroy him, with me egging him on.
He quickly dodged naruto and grabbed him slamming him down.
I stopped cheering naruto on.
"Naruto, why'd you do that? " I said sarcastically.
"Well you came at me with the full intention to destroy me, so... How can I say this? I'm actually starting to like you guys. "
"Uhh, thanks I guess?" I said.
"That wasn't right! Come on, you and me right now fair and square!" naruto shouted at him.
"It was fair naruto, you just suck. But don't worry you suck in an awesome way. " I said.
I looked around and saw duck but and pinky had already started hiding.
I am not saying good job to them even if they deserve it. Just no.
I am completely biased, I know.
Then Kakashi did something called "thousand years of death."
Really all it was, was Kakashi sending naruto in the air propelled by his fingers.
Though it did look painful...
Naruto landed in a small lake and still tried to fight back in the water by throwing weapons at Kakashi but our strange sensi easily caught them.
"Naruto, get the fuck up! Remember what I said about not going back there with you!" I said.
Naruto got up and started to attack Kakashi again using clones, but that just ending in naruto beating himself up, thinking that Kakashi had turned into him.
It seems stupidity cannot be cured.
Hmm. Oh well.
Then I saw naruto reach for a bell.
Okay, now I know Kakashi would not just leave a bell right here for no reason other than...
"Naruto!" I screamed.
But I was to late.
Naruto was now dangling around from a rope by one foot.
I facepalmed.
"You idiot! People don't just leave important objects lying around for no reason!"
I tried to pull the rope apart but one very annoying thing about being me.
Ropes go through me.
"Naruto, I can't help you!" I said.
"It's okay Ketei-chan." he whispered.
"No it's not! I'm your best friend! I should be able to help you but I can't do anything but sit around and complain all the time. I'm worthless."
"No, you're not. You're never worthless to me. You're my best friend and my only friend." he whispered.
I think right about now is when I saw naruto in a whole different light. Scratch that. A whole different sun.
He may be painfully stupid, cringe worthy annoying, and too proud for his own good but.... He has a good heart.
More than good. Amazing.
"You're amazing stupid." I said and he grinned ear to ear.
"You too." he whispered.
Then I heard pinky bitch scream.
Huh. I wonder what happened to her.
"Do you think something bad happened to sakura-chan?" naruto said.
"Yeah. I think she finally realized how bad of a person she is and gave us a scream before killing herself." I said.
"Ketei! That wasn't nice at all!" he whisper shouted.
"It wasn't meant to be. I don't like her." I said.
"Well you don't have to be jealous..." he mouthed.
"Jealous?" I said.
"I'm not jealous of that bitch. You clearly have me confused with someone else."
"You're jealous because she's alive and you're not. People can actually see her." naruto whispered.
I felt like he had stabbed me in the back.
"Bye stupid. Have fun with alive chick and emo boy." I said while walking away.
As I walked away I thought, when did my life become such a freaking soap opera?
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