Chapter Eight - Bit Of A Sadist....
Wait a second.
I looked around.
There's no ghost Kakashi....
Wait, another second.
That means our sensi's not dead.
I really wanted to have a ghost friend...
I snapped myself out of my thoughts and relized what was happening.
There's ninjas.
Bad ninjas.
Oh no. Naruto.
I looked to see saskue fighting the ninja and sakura protecting tazuna.
But naruto was just standing there.
"Stupid! "
I ran to him and started shaking him.
"S-T-U-P-I-D! " I shouted.
But he just stood there, frozen.
"Those shitheads are going to disembowel you if you don't snap out of it! "
I saw some of the ninja going for sakura and smiled.
I'm a true sadist at times, I admit.
I turned back to naruto and saw some ninja coming straight towards him.
"Naruto! There, I said your name! Did that shock you enough!"
The ninja were getting closer.
"Stupid, don't be stupid! Wake up! "
I hugged him tightly.
"Naruto, I... I... "
Then, Kakashi appeared and fought the ninja away but not before naruto could get cut.
"You idiot! " I screamed and punched him in the gut.
That woke him up.
Once, he had somewhat regained his footing and breath.... He focused on his hand that had been cut.
"Naruto, sorry I didn't help you right away, I didn't mean for you to get hurt, I didn't know you'd freeze up like that. " Kakashi said to naruto.
"Stupid, does it hurt? " I asked but he didn't answer me.
He just stared at his hand.
"Good job, saskue, sakura. " Kakashi said.
"What about stupid?" I wondered aloud.
"Doesn't he deserve any credit? Even if he did freeze up, he didn't run! "
"Stupid, look at me! " I shouted.
But he didn't look up.
"Stupid, say something! " I said.
Silent as school in the summertime.
Why is he doing this?
I feel... Like a ghost.
No, Ketei. Now is not the time to get sad. He's just a little shocked over his hand right now, he'll talk to me later, right?
"You're not hurt are you? Scaredy cat. " saskue taunted.
"Shut the fuck up, duck ass! " I shouted, really not in the mood to hear him talk shit.
But of course, he can't hear me.
"Saskue! " naruto shouted.
Wait, he's responsive.
"You're alive, stupid! " I said jumping up and down.
He still didn't give me a sign that he was hearing me.
Wait, is he ignoring me?
That little bunny lover is ignoring me.
Kakashi went over to naruto.
"Naruto, stand still. These ninja have poison in their claws. I need to take it out quickly. " he said.
"Poison! " I shouted.
This is too much for my non existent heart to bear.
Possession, a memory, ninjas, and poison all in one day.
And it isn't even nighttime yet!
Focusing off of naruto for a sec, Kakashi tied up our defeated foes to a tree.
Man, we can't kill them!
Nobody kills hostages anymore?
Maybe, there's a dead girl out there who wants ghost friends because currently her only alive best friend with blonde hair is ignoring her and she's getting bored and cranky.
Well, she's always bored and cranky, just a little more than normal right now.
The point is I'm bored and I wanna see some action, something!
"They're chunin from the hidden village of the mist. Their speciality is to relentlessly attack. They keep fighting no matter what the sacrifice. " Kakashi said.
"Well, does that mean we can kill em? You said no matter what the sacrifice." I said.
"How did you know about our ambush? " one of the, and might I add badly dressed, ninjas tied to the tree said.
Wait, Kakashi don't tell them!
You never tell the villian how you did it! They can use that against you!
"A puddle in the middle of day. And it hasn't rained in a while. " Kakashi said.
"It was sorta obvious. " I said in a sing song voice while twirling around.
This is getting boring....
I turned back to naruto and let Kakashi live out his interrogation fantasy.
"Naruto, why aren't you talking to me? Can you hear me? Can you see me? "
I saw him flinch.
Oh, he can hear me alright.
This, this is just so frustrating!
I grabbed my hair and began pulling it.
"Stupid stupid! If you don't listen to me right now and mouth something, I will possess somebody and make them tell everyone in the whole village what you did on drunk ramen night! "
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.
"You wouldn't. " he mouthed.
"I don't think I'm incapable of doing so." I said.
"But -but it was accident, I thought it was orange juice!" he whispered.
"It didn't smell like orange juice and you know it. "
"Don't worry. I won't do it now. But next time you ignore me like that, I'll also add in the time you thought it was a good idea to set fireworks off in the public bathhouse. Remember everyone forgetting their towels and running out into the streets like lunatics..... Good times. "
"To you. I got seventeen lectures and my ramen rights taken away from me for a week! And I was never even proven guilty!" he whispered.
"Fireworks are our trademark. Everyone knows that. " I said.
I tuned back in to Kakashi's speech and sighed.
"Lying is not acceptable and I think we should stop this mission. My students aren't prepared for this rank of a mission yet. " Kakashi said.
Wait, what happened?
I really do need to stop this tuning out. I miss out on some good stuff.
"We are genin, this is too advanced for us. We should go back to the village. I think we should treat naruto's cut as soon as possible also and get the poison out. Back in the village, we can get him a doctor. " sakura said.
"I'm all for protecting naruto but why can't we do it? I don't wanna go all the way back. And besides, he'd bleed out before we even got there. " I said.
Ha, dying from a stabbed hand, that's funny!
Wait, it's not?
I should be more considerate of my best friend?
I should. I know, it's just....
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!
Its just too funny for me!
"Naruto's hand could become a problem... " I heard Kakashi say.
I looked at it.
"Looks like its already a problem, Kakashi. There's blood everywhere. That's a sign there's something wrong. " I said monotonous.
I heard naruto grunt and saw him turn away.
What are about to do naruto?
My stupidy senses are tingling.
Something's about to happen.
"Why am I so different? Why am I always just so.... " naruto trailed off.
"Stupid? " I said.
Everyone went silent.
"I worked so hard to get here. I just kept pushing myself until it hurt, training for hours on end, anything to get stronger, to reach my dream. I will never back down again and let someone rescue me. I will never run away. I will never let saskue beat me. And I will never ignore my best friend ever again! Upon this wound, I pledge! Believe it!" naruto said and stabbed his hand.
"Really, had to put the "believe it! " in there? And the hand stabbing, a bit much you think?" I said, but still a little warmed by the fact that his promise included me.
"Bridge builder, I'll complete this mission and protect you with this kunai knife! I'll be just fine! " he said.
"Wow. Stupid. " I said and clapped.
"I think you might be a little smarter than I thought. " I said and he grinned ear to ear.
"Naruto, Uh that was really cool and all how you took the poison out, but if you lose anymore blood, you're going to die. " Kakashi said.
"What! " naruto screamed and began dancing around, freaking out.
"Stupid, freaking out will not help blood loss either. I'm not dealing with a ghost you right now so shut up and sit still. " I said.
"Sorry. " he whispered and let Kakashi wrap up his hand.
"You know, sometimes I respect the hell out of you and other times, I wonder who dropped you on the head as a baby. " I said.
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