Chapter 1
1sabella -Isabella(Bella) @xXShadows_BaneXx -Max
Class 1-A was introducing them selves one by one soon it was Bakugo's turn to introduce himself. "It doesn't matter whether or not I introduce myself." He growled. "Your all a bunch of low-grade loser's getting ready to be some lame hero's side kick. I on the other hand am here to be one of the greatest heroes I know for a fact I'll be better than All Might." He stated a little to pridefully. Tsuyu just rolled her eyes. After class Bakugo yelled at some student who tried talking to him.
"I suggest you nerds leave me alone before I blast you out of existence." Bakugo threatened. A few minuets later Isabella started annoying the explosive blonde. "WHAT DID I SAY NERD!?" He yelled. The brunette made it look as if she was thinking. "I heard what you said and I have carefully thought out my options." She said continuing to annoy him. Soon another student from Class 1-A joined in. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP" Bakugo continued to yell. The student, Max just smiled sweetly. "I know, that's why I'm doing it. Can I die now?"
By this time all the yelling attracted All Might who stood there with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" Bakugo asked. "Never." "Do you guys need help?" All Might questioned the two teens. "Yes, Yes we do." Isabella and Max said simultaneously. Out of nowhere Max pulled out knives and started tossing them and catching them with ease. "Young Max! Stop! That's dangerous!!" All Might said as Bakugo just stood back, confused. "That's the point." Was Max's monotone response.
Suddenly the two blondes had realized Isabella was running around and doing somersaults with some sort of object in her hand. "What do you have!?" All Might asked. "A KNIFE!!" Bella yelled happily. "NO!!" All Might yelled going to chase after the girl, but soon turned back to Max, who had accidentally dropped the knife and cut his hand. "Young Max are you okay!?" All Might asked as Bakugo chased Bella in the background. "Huh? Oh.. would you look at that." Max looked downs at the cut that blood was now forming around. "I'm fine, it's only one knife, besides I've become numb from emotional pain anyways so I didn't feel that. Heck, I didn't even know it was there until you mentioned it." All Might looked at Max disappointingly. "Young Max..." All Might was cut off as Max coughed violently sending up some blood. "Oh my God, Recovery Girl!! Come quick!"
Recovery Girl waddled over took one look at the teen and shook her head. "This is the fifteenth time this week Max!" Max smiled. "Sorry not sorry." Bella then skipped up to Max and stared at him. "Your knives are actually sharp enough to cut you?" "Young Isabella..." "Can I borrow one!?" She said bouncing up and down. "Sure, here you go." Max smiled and tossed her one of his sharpest knives. "Young Max stop!!" All Might attempted to stop him. "NEVER!!" Max then threw the knives into the air. "Ooh pretty." Bella awed as the knife glistened. "Young Max, Young Bella... please stop." All Might pleaded. One of the knives then fell almost hitting Max. Apparently that triggered an idea. "Bella!! Wanna go throw knives at people!?" Bella peeked up at hearing this. "No! Don't Young Isabella." "uh..." "Don't you dare!" All Might attempted to persuade the girl. "I think that's a bad idea..." All Might seemed relieved. "Lets do it Max!!" Isabella then skipped over to Max.
"I thought you two wanted to be heroes... and this is not how heroes behave." All Might said angrily. "Who said I ever really wanted to be a hero?" Isabella smiled evilly. "After all; there can not be heroes with out a villain." She then let out a low growl. Something in Max then snapped. I NEVER wanted this. So don't go assuming everyone wanted this lifestyle." He yelled. The pro opened his mouth to speak but the boy quickly cut him off. "Don't even Toshinori." All Might looked stunned. "How did you--" "Goodbye 'All Might'." Max's attitude then changed as he faced the still-growling brunette. "Let's go!" Max then summoned a big time of freshly-polished throwing knives. "Bye bye 'Symbol of Peace'." Isabella snarled at the confused, slightly angry hero. She then skipped out the door whilst following Max.
Okay... I had SO MUCH FUN writing this!! Part two will be up soon. And thank you once again to @xXShadows_BaneXx for allowing me to write this! hope you all liked it!
Love Ya'll. Anyways BYEEEEEEEEE!!!
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